Truth or Dare With The Cullens

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Truth or Dare with the Cullens :)

***DISCLAIMER*** I don't own the Twilight Saga or any of the characters mentioned! This story
is ooc!

The story takes place after Bella becomes a vampire, and will be written mostly in her POV. The
games will include:








Chapter 1- Wanna play a game?
I lay there on the huge bed in Edward's... Our room, squirming occasionally. To be honest I'd
completely forgotten that Edward was there.

"Bella, will you please stay still!?" Edward asked again. I pouted at him, "I'm boooooored!" I
replied, in full pout mode. As soon as the words were out of my moth, Alice came bounding in
holding Jasper by the hand. "Did somebody say they were bored?" She demanded. "Wow Alice,
aren't you getting clever these days?" I remarked as Edward and Jasper snorted with laughter.
"Oh haha, Bella. Wanna play truth or..." "NO! I DON'T WANT HER TO!" Edward butted in before
Alice could finish. I jumped on top of Edward pressing his face in to the fluffy carpet so
everything he tried to say was muffled. "What were you saying, Alice?" I asked, trying to keep
Edward pinned down to the floor. Jasper saw me struggling, and sat on Edward who gave a yell.
"I said before I was so rudely interrupted, do you wanna play truth or dare?" Alice said, glaring
at Edward who was now trying to throw Jasper off him. "Oi! I want him back in the same
condition he came in!" Alice snarled at Edward, sliding in to a crouch. I squatted down next to
Edward and planted a kiss on his lips, he immediately stopped trying to attack jasper, who
jumped up and hid behind Alice. "Yeah" I said "sounds good!" I then became a bit preoccupied,
kissing every part of Edward I could get to before it became indecent. "Ahem" Alice cleared her
throat, and we separated. "ROSE, EM, LIVING ROOM NOW!" Alice yelled, and then flounced
from the room, Jasper following. "I love you" I said to Edward, who kissed the tip of my nose "as
I do you" he said, as he scooped me up and took me to the living room.

Chapter 2- The game begins

Edward plonked me down on the floor in between him and Jasper, who was busy trying to get
some with Alice. "Jazz... No.... YES! Stop it... Tonight, I promise!" Alice giggled as Rose and
Emmett walked in holding hands. "Is this a teenage party, or can anyone join in?" Carlisle asked.
"Well... I suppose so." Alice huffed. "It's ok" Carlisle chuckled "Me and Esme are going hunting
anyway, we'll be back tomorrow. Please leave the house as it is" I noticed as he said this his
eyes flickered to Emmett and Edward, who were currently engaging in a thumb war. "You know
the rules, if an accident happens, no fires!" Esme warned as Edward ripped Emmett's thumb off.
"Yeah yeah, can we get on now?!" Alice asked, obviously getting impatient. Carlisle chuckled
and held Esme's hand as they ran out of the back door. We all sat in a circle, and Emmett was
shooting glares and growls at Edward, who was using his missing thumb to immitate something
we did a few weeks ago... If I could have, I would've blushed. "Edward, stop it!" I growled at
him, and he threw back Emmett's thumb. "Me first!" Alice shouted, trying to reclaim everyone's
attention, "Emmett, truth or dare?" She was grinning at him evily now. "Don't you know me at
all Lil' sis'? Dare!" *Emmett gave a loud guffaw and Alice thought about her dare. "I dare you

Chapter 3- Emmett’s baby

“Come on Alice, we all wanna know!” I said, teasing my favourite sister. “Ok ok!!! Emmett, I
dare you to… Have a wild one night stand with Bella!” Alice was laughing at her dare, but she
was the only person laughing. I took me a second to process what she had just said, but when I
had, I was just speechless! Alice, my best friend! How could she!? Before I could even think
about anything to say back to her, Edward was emitting loud growls that were echoing off of
the walls. It all happened in a flash, all I saw was Edward lunge at Alice, and then he was on top
of her, trying to rip her to pieces. I heard Alice squeal, and Jasper grabbed Edward and threw
him away from Alice. I backed off into a corner, and curled up into a ball. I was scared. I didn’t
want to see Edward. MY Edward trying to attack my best friend. Suddenly, the growls cut off
and all I could hear was a strange strangled squealing sound. I felt tears of venom running
down my face, lightly burning the skin the tears touched. I heard Edward approach me slowly.
Deliberately. “Bella, love? Bella, it’s ok. Shush love, it’s ok” He whispered quietly into my ear as
he stroked my hair soothingly and kissed every part of my face that wasn’t obscured by hair. Oh,
right. It was me making those noises. I sat up and looked in to Edward’s eyes, he looked
worried. I moved round and leant my head gently on his shoulder, and he stroked me cheek
slowly, trying to comfort me. “Bella love, I’m sorry if I scared you, and I’m sorry Alice.” He
looked at Alice sincerely and carried on stroking me. “No blood, no foul” Alice said, smiling
wryly, “Emmett, I dare you to call Carlisle and tell him that you thing you are pregnant!” At this
we all laughed, even Rosalie, although I could swear that I saw a flash of resentment cross her
face. “Fine” Emmett huffed as he crossed the room and dialed Carlisle’s number on his cell. It
rang twice, before he answered “Hello?” said Carlisle while Emmett put it on speaker. “Carlisle, I
need your help… It’s urgent” We were all trying to contain our laughter, while Emmett was
doing a brilliant job of pretending. “Emmett, what is it? What’s wrong, who’s hurt?” Carlisle
asked, sounding seriously anxious now. Emmett took a deep but unnecessary breath before
answering “I think… Well… I think I’m pregnant” At that point none of us could contain it any
longer, and we all started howling with laughter. Carlisle however didn’t seem too amused.
“Emmett Cullen, never, I repeat NEVER do that again! I thought someone was seriously hurt!
You’re such a child, GROW UP! “When his rant was over, Carlisle let out an exasperated sigh
before hanging up. For a while after that, we were all rolling around the floor laughing. After
about ten minutes, everyone had calmed down enough to think seriously. “So who’s next?”
Emmett mused. “Bella, truth or dare?” Aw crap, what now?
Chapter 4- Bella’s memory
I looked at Emmett, wondering what might be in store for me, and answered “Truth,” it seemed
the most sensible thing to do. “Hmm, Bella, have you ever thought about doing it with anyone
else than Edward?” he questioned. Aww crap I thought again. Well, there was only one thing
for it “Yes, mainly Jasper and Alec” God, I felt awful, I looked at Edward, expecting to see hurt
on his face, but oddly, he looked amused. “Well” he said “it could have been worse, but Bella,
Alec? Seriously! He’s a midget!” I joined in laughing with everyone else, but deep inside, I was
glad that I had it out of my system, ever since I had the daydream about Jasper, I’ve been
feeling awful about it.


I was sitting halfway up a tree, clutching my sketch pad trying to draw a rose, but it wasn’t
happening. I scowled, and threw my book down to the ground, and heard someone exclaim out
of shock rather than pain. “Ow!” said the voice. I automatically jumped down from the tree and
crouched. It was Jasper. I straightened up immediately. Sorry about that, you gave me a fright,
sorry about the book too… I bent down to get me book, feeling embarrassed, but before I could
pick it up, Jasper had it in his hand and was looking at my failed drawing. “Hey, this is good” he
said, smiling and pointing at the rose. I snorted “thanks, but I don’t think so” I looked at Jasper,
but it was like I’d never seen him before. I gasped, and tried to disguise it as a cough. I couldn’t
stop myself, this vision of me and him just popped in to my head. I saw me and him naked in a
far away bed. No! I thought to myself. I have Edward, he has Alice. “Um… I have to hunt” I
blurted out, trying to get away. “Cool” he said “I’ll come too, I could use a top up” He chuckled
wryly. “NO!” I shouted abruptly “I mean… I have to…” God, I feel like suck an idiot! “It’s ok, I
understand” he said. “W-hat?” I asked “Edward’s away, and you want some alone time. It’s
fine, honestly” Hi smiled at me, and turned on his heel, to see Alice no doubt. Wow, he’s fine,
some random part of my mind said. SHUT UP! I told myself. Damn, maybe I was developing
schizophrenia or something. I sat down at the foot of the tree that I had been up just a minute
ago to try and make sense of this shit I was in. As the days progressed, I found myself having
more and more of these fantasies, and it was starting to creep me out…


“Bella…?” I heard a voice that snapped me out of my reverie. Oh shit, I was here now, not back
then… “Hi?” someone was shaking me “sorry, zoned out, I guess… Please stop shaking me”
Edward sighed with relief, and let me go. After that, I tried to carry on the with the game, but
those images kept haunting me… “Rose, truth or dare?”
Chapter 5- Fourth base fun
I looked at Rosalie as she weighed up her options. “Aww fuck it, dare me sister!” I thought,
trying to be as devious as possible. Hmm… Think Bella, think! “I dare you to… Go to Jacob’s
house, and ask him if he has a bra you can borrow… Oh yeah, you have to go naked!” Everyone
roared at this, and I felt quite proud of myself. “How naked?” she asked “fourth base” I replied
as Emmett added “Rose, everyone’s seen it before” Rose slapped him as we all ran round to the
garage, and crammed in to her bmw. The drive to LaPush was very quick, she drove more like a
maniac than Edward did, and that was saying something. As she was driving, every so often,
she would whip off a piece of clothing until she was sitting in the driver’s seat naked. Emmett
wolf whistled as I for one felt very awkward. She parked a short distance away, and we stayed
in the car as she got out. She knocked on the door, but it wasn’t Jake that answered… “SHIT!” I
heard Rose scream, as we saw Billy Black sitting in the doorway looking stunned at Rosalie’s
naked body. We all froze for a split second, then me, Alice, Jasper and Edward were laughing in
the back as Emmett ran to stand in front of Rose, who was rooted to the spot. “Er, Billy, do you
know where Jacob is?” Emmett asked, trying to shield Rose as much as possible. We were still in
the back of Rose’s car laughing. “Before I say anything, I’d like to know what the hell is going
on… Why the hell is there a naked vampire standing in front of me…?” Billy asked, looking not
angry, but in awe… Typical man I thought to myself. “Please Billy, just tell us, it’s a really long
story” Emmett pleaded.

Rosalie’s POV

I stood there, stark naked in front of Billy Black. BILLY FREAKIN BLACK! It was bad enough that I
was supposed to be doing this so that mongrel Jacob, but that pales completely in comparison
to doing it to his father!

Bella’s POV

I got out of the car, and walked over to Billy, Emmett and Rose. “Please just tell us where he is
Billy, Rose has something she needs to ask him.” At that moment, Jake appeared behind Billy
and said “it’s ok, Dad, I can deal with this”. Looking slightly disgruntled to say the least, Billy
rolled back in to the house muttering something that sounded distinctly like “freaking weirdos” I
stood there for a second thinking about how much I had hurt Jake over making this decision.
“Jacob, have you got a bra that I can borrow? I seem to have misplaced mine” Rose chimed,
finally moving from behind Emmett. “Sorry, leech, I seem to have misplaced my spare, and I’m
wearing my proper one, now GET OFF MY LAND!” With that, Rose and Emmett ran back to the
car, and only I remained… Before Jake had time to say anything, I said “Bye Jake” and joined
them. When we were back at the house, Rose ran to get dressed, and came back downstairs
moaning about what had happened, after awhile she turned in our direction. “Edward, truth or
dare?” as she said this, I saw the pained expression in his face as he answered. “Truth” he said
Chapter 6- A run of truth
I sat on the floor looking at Rose, feeling kinda guilty about the dare I had given her… How was I
to know that it would go that wrong!? I sighed and put my face in my hands. I felt Edward rub
his hands up and down my back, trying to cheer me up. “Edward, if you couldn’t have Bella,
because she was taken, would you either become gay, or date another girl?” Rose asked
giggling as she did so. “Hmm, I would say neither, because I wouldn’t want to be with a single
other person that Bella, whether they be male or female.” Wow, diplomatic. “Jasper” He asked
“truth or dare?” I looked at jasper “Truth” he answered. Edward was plotting something, I could
tell… “Regarding Bella’s answer to a previous question, have you ever fantasized about being
sexually active with her?” aw crap, I thought to myself… this isn’t good. Jasper raised his head
“No, I haven’t” he said. Was he lying, or am I just being cocky? Edward didn’t press the matter,
so he must be telling the truth. I cocked my head to one side, and looked at him, having my
embarrassing vision again. He must have seen me staring, because he became flustered and
said “Alice, truth or dare” to which she answered truth… This is getting boring. She answered
her question, before turning on Emmett.

Chapter 7- Incense and alcohol

We waited for Alice to choose, but I had a sinking feeling in my gut that it would be me. “Bella,
truth or dare?” aw no, why’d she have to pick me? Oh well, I’ve got nothing to lose now. I took a
breath and answered “Dare”. To be honest, I started regretting my decision as soon as I saw
Alice’s evil smirk as she darted out of the room. Edward stiffened, so I guessed he wasn’t happy
about whatever Alice was planning. This really annoyed me in some aspects, he was way too
over protective sometimes but I also thought it was kind of cute. Alice re-entered the room
carrying a small pouch of something and a lighter, I knew where this was going... “Bella
Cullen...” my stomach still turned little somersaults when I heard my surname. It had been
almost three years, but I was still getting used to it. “I dare you to take a few sniffs of this and
say what you think,” she cackled slightly and shook out a small amount of a fine powder into
the palm of her hand... “Let me get this straight.” Edward said before I had chance to open my
mouth, “you want my wife... My only reason to stay alive to get high off of...” he sniffed
“Cocaine, if I’m not mistaken” He raised his eyebrows incredulously, as Alice motioned towards
him. As she did, a flicker of recognition of this gesture, and lept on top of Edward, keeping him
still. I sighed as I watched Alice make it into a tube, and stuff some of the cocaine into it. I raised
my eyebrows and asked “Alice... How the hell do you know so much about this?” “Oh, you just
pick these things up when you’ve been around for a while” she chuckled and handed the
concoction to me. I lit the end of it closed my eyes and inhaled some of the smoke. The second it
travelled into my body, it engulfed me. I felt myself dredging up my worst memories, but not
being able to take them seriously. My head was all over the place, I couldn’t make up my mind
whether it was a nice feeling or not. I coughed and tried to go back to sanity. I heard a voice call
my name and ask what was so funny. Huh, I didn’t know I’d been laughing. I ran out of the room
as fast as I could shrieking with laughter. After a few circuits of the house, Alice grabbed me by
the waist and threw me on to the sofa. “Bella, listen to me. Stay here and do not move.” She
said with a businesslike tone. She walked back over to rejoin everyone and I took some deep
breaths, and felt immediately better for being away from the smell. After about 10 minutes I
had came back to my senses enough for Alice to drag me back to the circle. I sat beside Edward
again, and without noticing it, I ended up slumped across his lap (not that he seemed to mind). I
whispered to Edward “ask Alice” he nodded and obliged. “Alice, truth or dare?” I winked at
Edward and directed my thoughts towards him with what I wanted him to ask. “Dare” Edward
looked at me, confirming silently what he was to ask and I nodded. “Bella wants you to down a
bottle of vodka in less than 90 seconds” I didn’t need Jasper’s gifts to read everyone’s feelings.
Me, Edward, Emmett and Rose were waiting with anticipation, looking forward to see Alice fulfil
her dare, whereas Jazz was sending me death glares and Alice was... Scared? This couldn’t be
right... “Is she going to do it?” I whispered to Edward. “Yes... I think so.” He answered. “What do
you think I am, a coward?” Alice asked incredulously “hell yeah I’m gonna do it” I felt sure she
was bluffing, there was something underneath the bravado that hinted at fear, or a bad
memory that had just made itself remembered...

Chapter 8-
Alice’s POV

I looked at the vodka bottle that Edward was pushing towards me. Why why why? I love truth
or dare, don’t get me wrong, but the one thing I don’t want to do! I tried to block out my
thoughts from Edward, the nosy ba****d, god, Esme would kill me if she heard that. Who
invented alcohol anyway? I shot a glare at Bella before snatching the bottle from Edward.

Bella’s POV

Why was Alice shooting me death glares? It wasn’t a big deal, all I said was she had to drink a
bottle of vodka! After all, she made me get high

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