Design and Fabrication of Plantain (BANANA) Fiber Extracting Mechanism
Design and Fabrication of Plantain (BANANA) Fiber Extracting Mechanism
Design and Fabrication of Plantain (BANANA) Fiber Extracting Mechanism
ISSN: 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2017): 7.296
Abstract: Objective of the present paper is to design and fabrication of banana fiber extraction equipment to develop high quality
banana fiber from banana pseudo stems. Banana fiber offers good mechanical properties. This plant fiber has long been a better source
for high quality textiles industries in many parts of the world, especially in Japan and Nepal. Manually extraction of the banana fiber
requires proper procedure and its time consuming. Labor expense is also high. Now day’s machines exist for extracting banana fiber
with mass production. The number of machines is currently available nowadays, but quality obtained is not up to the optimum level.
This can be overcome by fabricating the designing of an extracting mechanism of banana fiber from plant’s pseudo-stem, designing a
rotor assembly which consisting of two disks on which six blunt blades are mounted, and a shaft design to drive this rotor assembly and
the pulley and powering system for the machine. This paper specifies the new model of machine and its working operation.
1. Introduction textile and constructive industry. The banana plant fibers are
the agricultural residue of the parent cultivation. Therefore
Banana fiber extracting industry is a large and growing extraction of these fibers through proper equipment helps to
industry. Banana fiber is eco-friendly like jute fiber. The attain specific research areas and applications.
technology of plantain fiber extraction has been developed in
south-India where in a good number of plantain fiber 2. Literature Review
extraction units have been running successfully. Some firms
are exporting plantain fiber products because of the greater Banana has long been considered a food, fruit and fodder
demand. Banana growing states of North East region as crop. In addition to this, now a day, it is also gaining
adopted the technique from south and started production of importance as a source of fibers. India is the largest producer
plantain fiber. The natural fiber is renewable, non-abrasive, of banana in the world with an estimated annual output of
bio-degradable entity. 13.5 million tons, of which 80% is generated from six states,
namely, Tamilnadu, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala Andhra
Pradesh and Gujarat. Annually about 1.5 million tons of dry
banana fibers can be produced from the outer sheath of
pseudo stem. Being a rich source of natural fibers, the
pseudo stem can be profitably utilized for numerous
applications and preparation of various products. In order to
know the previous reported details of banana fiber
production and utilization and blending possibilities, a
literature review was carried out. Following are the some of
the findings related to banana plantain fiber:
Banana plant fiber as a substitute for Jute, Banana Plant
Figure 1.1: Pseudo Stems fiber is strong, soft, and coarse and technique developed
for processing the fiber on standard jute machinery is
The banana fiber was also blended with Mesta (cellulosic
fiber). The banana 82 fiber spin ability and weaving
performance were invested, so that it can be used as a good
substitute for jute in making of sacks and packaging
Jute Technological Research Laboratories, (JTR Lab)
Calcutta73, carried out an experiment work, (1974) on
Figure 1.2: Banana Plant rope making with banana plant fiber. It was concluded that
banana fiber can replace certain percentage of Mesta, a
It offers good calorific value and exhibit excellent cellulosic fiber in the composition of agricultural ropes.
mechanical properties and is inexpensive. This good
environmental friendly feature makes the material very
popular in engineering applications such as automotive,
Volume 7 Issue 10, October 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20191808 DOI: 10.21275/ART20191808 520
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2017): 7.296
3. Problem Definition
Banana fibers are made of cellulose (43.6%), hemicelluloses The rotor consists of copper or aluminum bars connected
(14%), lignin (11%) and other substances (such as pectin, together at the ends with rings. As magnetic flux cuts across
wax, and 31.4%). This extracted part from the specific plant the rotor bars, a voltage is induced in them, much as a
finds its use in various technical and agricultural voltage is induced in the secondary winding of a transformer.
applications. Hence the fiber extraction can be considered as Because the rotor bars are part of a closed circuit (including
important activity for any research oriented ventures. the end rings), a current circulates in them.
4. Design of Components
In this design procedure and Parts like square stand, rotor
blade, shaft, ball bearing, v-belt, sheet metal, and induction
motor are discussed:
5. Fabrication
Figure 5.2: Surface Finishing
Table 5.2: Fabrication Requirements
Sl. No. Components Material Quantity
1. Frame M.S 4
2. Rotor AL 1
3. AC-motor - 1
4. Spur gear C.I 6
5. Bracket M.S 6
5.1 Frame