Greek Creation Myth

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Greek Creation Myth

In the beginning there was an empty darkness. The only thing in this void was
Nyx, a bird with black wings. With the wind she laid a golden egg and for ages she
sat upon this egg. Finally life began to stir in the egg and out of it rose Eros, the
god of love. One half of the shell rose into the air and became the sky and the other
became the Earth. Eros named the sky Uranus and the Earth he named Gaia.

Uranus and Gaia had many children together and eventually they had
grandchildren. Their youngest son Zeus, had reached manhood and became the
leader. Soon the Earth lacked only two things: man and animals. Zeus summoned
his sons Prometheus (fore-thought) and Epimetheus (after-thought). He told them
to go to Earth and create men and animals and give them each a gift.

Prometheus set to work forming men in the image of the gods and Epimetheus
worked on the animals. As Epimetheus worked he gave each animal he created one
of the gifts. After Epimetheus had completed his work Prometheus finally finished
making men. However when he went to see what gift to give man Epimetheus
shamefacedly informed him that he had foolishly used all the gifts.

Distressed, Prometheus decided he had to give man fire, even though gods were
the only ones meant to have access to it. As the sun god rode out into the world the
next morning Prometheus took some of the fire and brought it back to man. He
taught his creation how to take care of it and then left them.

Next was the creation of woman. One of Zeus’ sons created a woman of great
beauty, Pandora. Each of the gods gave her a gift. Zeus' present was curiosity and a
box which he ordered her never to open. Pandora married Epimetheus .

Pandora's life with Epimetheus was happy except for her intense longing to open
the box. She was convinced that because the gods and goddesses had showered so
many glorious gifts upon her that this one would also be wonderful. One day when
Epimetheus was gone she opened the box.

Out of the box flew all of the horrors which plague the world today - pain,
sickness, envy, greed. Upon hearing Pandora's screams Epimetheus rushed home
and fastened the lid shut, but all of the evils had already escaped.

Later that night they heard a voice coming from the box saying,

"Let me out. I am hope."

Pandora and Epimetheus released her and she flew out into the world to give hope
to humankind.

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