People vs. Vistido

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Republic of the Philippines



G.R. No. L-31582 October 26, 1977

THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,

RAYMUNDO VISTIDO y SABAYLE, defendant-appellant.

Ramon A. Gonzales & Associates for appellant.

Solicitor General Estelito P. Mendoza, Assistant Solicitor General Dominador L. Quiroz and Solicitor
Octavio R. Ramirez for appellee.

CONCEPCION JR., J.: têñ.£îhqwâ£

In Criminal Case No. CCC-263-P.C. of the Circuit Criminal Court of Rizal, Pasig, Rizal, the accused
Raymundo Vistido y Sabayle was charged together with Pepito Montañ;o and one John Doe (both at
large) with the crime of murder, allegedly committed as follows: ñé+.£ªwph!1

That on or about the 1st day of November, 1969, in Pasay City, Philippines, and
within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused, conspiring
and confederating together and mutually helping one another, armed with a dagger,
with deliberate intent to kill, taking advantage of their superior strength and by mean
of treachery and evident premeditation, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and
feloniously attack, assault and hit with a dagger Restituto Belbes y Marcelino on the
lower part of the abdomen, thereby inflicting upon the latter vital wound which caused
his instantaneous death. 1

Upon arraignment, the accused Raymundo Vistido pleaded not guilty. 2 Thereafter, trial proceeded, and in
due time, the court rendered its decision finding the accused Raymundo Vistido guilty of the crime of
murder, the dispositive portion of which reads as follows:ñé+.£ªwph!1

WHEREFORE, finding the accused, Raymundo Vistido y Sabalye, GUILTY beyond

reasonable doubt, of the commission of the crime of murder, pursuant to Article 248
of the Revised Penal Code, as charge in the information, the Court hereby sentences
him to suffer the penalty of DEATH; to indemnify the heirs of the offended in the
amount of TWELVE THOUSAND (P12,000.00) PESOS; and to pay the costs. 3

The case is now before Us for mandatory review.

The evidence for the prosecution reveals that on November 1, 1969, between 3:00 and 4:00 o'clock
in the morning, the deceased Restituto Belbes and his cousin, Reynaldo Pagtakhan after coming
home from their work at the cemetery went to eat at the Marzan Restaurant on Taft Avenue, Pasay
City. 4 After taking soup, 5 they took a taxi in going home. 6 While they were alighting from the taxi on M.
Francisco St., Pasay City, Reynaldo Pagtakhan saw three men drinking wine ("nag-iinuman"), who turned
out to be the accused Raymundo Vistido, Pepito Montañ;o, and one John Doe. 7

Thereupon, Pepito Montañ;o told the deceased: 'Hoy Resting. pauwiin mo na iyong kasama," to which the
latter answered: "Huwag pinsan ko ito." 8 Whereupon, the deceased approached the three, and
immediately thereafter, a commotion, ensued. While Reynaldo Pagtakhan was trying to pacify them,
Pepito Montañ;o suddenly stabbed the deceased, hitting him below the abdomen, and in the process also
hit the right hand of Reynaldo Pagtakhan. The deceased fell to the ground. When he stood up, the

Raymundo Vistido boxed him once. 9 Then Pepito Montañ;o faced Reynaldo Pagtakhan and tried to
stab him. The latter ran away but the former with his knife and his other companion, chased him. 10 Upon
reaching their house, he called for his mother. "Inay, Inay, tulungan ninyo ako, dalhin ninyo ako sa
hospital, dahil sa may sugat ako. Immediately, his mother called a taxi and brought him to the Philippine
General Hospital.11 Meantime, his cousin, the deceased Restituto Belbes, who has fled from the scene of
the crime, arrived in their house. 12 He was likewise, taken to the Philippine General Hospital but was
dead on arrival. 13 Reynaldo Pagtaksan's wound was treated at the same hospital, and after the treatment
he and his mother went home. 14

In the meantime, the accused Raymundo Vistido was picked up, as a suspect in the killing of the
deceased, on M. Francisco St., Pasay City, by Pat. Loreto Aguna, who brought him to the police
precinct. 15 At this time, Reynaldo Pagtakhan who was fetched by the police from their house, arrived at
the police precinct. 16 He saw the accused Raymundo Vistido and Identified him to the investigator, Sgt.
Francisco Tirona, as one of the perpetrators of the crime. 17

"The accused Raymundo Vistido denied any participation in the commission of the crime. According to
him, on the night of October 31, 1969, he was at home. Around 9:00 o'clock in the evening, his wife asked
him to buy milk at a nearby store but was not able to do so because the store was already closed. In front
of the store, he saw Conrado Catadrilla, Antonio Ramos, Pepito Montañ;o, and Esteban Pugna. The
group offered him one-half glass of tanduay rhum. After drinking it, he felt tipsy and requested them to
take him home. Conrado Catadrilla and Antonio Ramos accompanied the accused to his house, arriving
thereat at about 10:00 o'clock in the evening, and immediately, he went to sleep. 18

Around 4:00 o'clock in the morning of November 1, 1969, a Metrocom Unit came to his house and asked
him to go with them as they would show to him some papers which he would sign. As he could not do
anything, he went with them to the Pasay City Police Department. Immediately upon his arrival, he was
maltreated by the police and repeatedly asked him: 'Who were your companions in the killing?" to which
query he repeatedly answered: "I do not know because I was sleeping at home. 19

The trial court rejected his alibi, and finding that there was conspiracy in the commission of the crime,
convicted the accused of the crime of murder and imposed upon him the penalty of death. In this appeal,
the accused as appellant does not question the correctness of the trial court's conclusion as to his alibi.
However, he assails the court a quo in holding that there was conspiracy in the commission of the
offense. 20 The Solicitor General maintains that there was conspiracy because the following proven facts
show a concerted action among the accused, to wit: (1) Upon alighting from the taxi at M. Francisco
Street, appellant Rayrnundo Vistido, accused Pepito Montañ;o, and John Doe, who were together
drinking wine called the deceased; (2) The three accused, including the appellant, attacked the deceased
as soon as he approached them, one of them, Pepito Montañ;o (at large) stabbed the deceased while
appellant immediately boxed the deceased after he was thus stabbed; and (3) When Raymundo
Pagtakhan, a companion of the deceased, tried to pacify them, the three accused turned on him and
attacked him. 21

We disagree. There is no question that 'a person may be convicted for the criminal act of another where,
between them, there has been conspiracy or unity of purpose and intention in the commission of the
crime charged." 22 It is, likewise settled that "to establish conspiracy, it is not necessary to prove previous
agreement to commit a crime, if there is proof that the malefactors have acted in consort and in
pursuance of the same objective. 23 Nevertheless, "the evidence to prove the same must be positive and
convincing. As a facile device by which an accused may be ensnared and kept within the penal fold,
conspiracy requires conclusive proof if we are to maintain in full strength the substance of the time
honored principle in criminal law requiring proof beyond reasonable doubt before conviction. 24

In the case at bar, the evidence for the prosecution does not comply with this basic requirement. To begin
with, there is no evidence that appellant and his co-accused had any enmity or grudge against the
deceased. On the contrary, the cousin of the deceased, Reynaldo Pagtakhan, testified that prior to the
stabbing incident, they did not have any quarrel with them. 25 In the absence of strong motives on their
part to kill the deceased, it can not safely be concluded that they conspired to commit the crime involved
herein. 26

Neither could it be assumed that when the appellant and his co-accused were together drinking wine, at
the time and place of the incident, they were there purposely to wait for and to kill the deceased. For, they
could not have surmised beforehand that between 3:00 and 4:00 o'clock in the morning of November 1,
1969, the deceased and his cousin after coming home from their work at the cemetery would go to the
Marzan Restaurant, and thereafter, would take a taxi for home, and then, alight at M. Francisco Street.
The meeting between the appellant's group and the deceased appears to be purely accidental which
negates the existence of conspiracy between the appellant and his co-accused.

Besides, the appellant was unarmed; only his two companions (Pepito Montañ;o and one John Doe)
were armed with daggers. 27 If he (appellant) had really conspired with his co-accused to kill the
deceased, he could have provided himself with a weapon. But he did not. Again, this fact belies the
prosecution's theory that the appellant had entered into a conspiracy with his co-accused to kill the
deceased. 28

Moreover, although the appellant and his co-accused acted with some degree of simultaneity in attacking
the deceased, nevertheless, the same is insufficient to prove conspiracy. The rule is well-settled that
"simultaneousness does not of itself demonstrate the concurrence of Will nor the unity of action and
purpose which are the basis of the responsibility of two or more individuals. 29 To establish common
responsibility it is not sufficient that the attack be joint and simultaneous; it is necessary that the
assailants be animated by one and the same purpose. 30 In the case at bar, the appellant Raymundo
Vistido and the accused Pepito Montañ;o, did not act pursuant to the same objective. Thus, the purpose
of the latter was to kill as shown by the fact that he inflicted a mortal wound below the abdomen of the
which caused his death. On the other hand, the act of the appellant in giving the deceased one fist blow
after the latter was stabbed by the accused Pepito Montañ;o — an act which is certainly unnecessary and
not indispensable for the consummation of the criminal assault — does not indicate a purpose to kill the
deceased, but merely to "show off" or "press his sympathy or feeling of camaraderie with the accused
Pepito Montañ;o. Thus, in People vs. Portugueza, 31 this Court held that: ñé+.£ªwph!1

Although the appellants are relatives and had acted with some degree of simultaneity
in attacking their victim, nevertheless, this fact alone does not prove conspiracy.
(People vs. Caayao, 48 Off. Gaz. 637). On the contrary, from the nature and gravity
of the wounds inflicted on the deceased, it can be said that the appellant and the
other defendant did not act pursuant to the same objective. Florentino Gapole's
purpose was to kill the deceased, as shown by the fact that he inflicted a mortal
wound which almost severed the left arm. The injury inflicted by the appellant, merely
scratching the subcutaneous tissues, does not indicate a purpose to kill the victim. It
is not enough that appellant had participated in the assault made by his codefendant
in order to consider him a co-principal in the crime charged. He must have also made
the criminal resolution of his co-accused his own. ....
and, in People vs. Vicente, 32 this Court likewise held: ñé+.£ªwph!1

In regard to appellant Ernesto Escopizo, there seems; to be no dispute that he

stabbed Soriano several times with a small knife only after the latter had fallen to the
ground seriously wounded, if not already dead. There is no showing that this
accused had knowledge of the criminal intent of Jose Vicente against the deceased.
In all likelihood, Escorpizo's act in stabbing the fallen Soriano with a small knife was
not in furtherance of Vicente's aim, which is to kill, but merely to 'show off' or express
his sympathy or feeling of camaraderie with Vicente. ....

By and large, the evidence for the prosecution failed to show the existence of conspiracy which,
according to the settled rule, must be shown to exist as clearly and convincingly as the crime itself.
In the absence of conspiracy, the liability of the defendants is separate and individual each is liable
for his own acts, the damage caused thereby, and the consequences thereof. 33 While the evidence
shows that the appellant boxed the deceased, it is, however, silent as to the extent of the injuries, in
which case, the appellant should be held liable only for slight physical injuries. 34

ACCORDINGLY, the judgment of the trial court is modified and another one entered holding the appellant
Raymundo Vistido y Sabayle guilty of the crime of slight physical injuries. He is thereby sentenced to
suffer fifteen (15) days of arresto menor. 35 Considering the period of preventive imprisonment that he has
undergone, he is hereby ordered released immediately from custody. With costs against the appellant.


Castro, C.J., Fernando, Barredo, Makasiar, Muñ;oz Palma, Martin, Santos, Fernandez and
Guerrero, JJ., concur. 1äwphï1.ñët

Teehankee, J., concurs with the dissent of Justice Aquino.

Antonio, J., agrees that appellant is guilty as accomplice in homicide.

Separate Opinions

AQUINO, J., dissenting:

Appellant is guilty as an accomplice homicide with the mitigating circumstance of drunkenness

(People vs. Babiera, 52 Phil. 97; People vs. Cortes, 55 Phil. 143).

Separate Opinions
AQUINO, J., dissenting:

Appellant is guilty as an accomplice homicide with the mitigating circumstance of drunkenness

(People vs. Babiera, 52 Phil. 97; People vs. Cortes, 55 Phil. 143).

Footnotes ñé+.£ªwph!1

1 p. 1, Record. 618

2 pp. 4, 11, Record.

3 p. 92, Record.

4 pp. 2, 3, 4, 14, 15, 17, t.s.n., Nov. 6, 1969.

5 p. 16, t.s.n., Nov. 6, 1969.

6 p. 6 t.s.n., Nov. 6, 1969.

7 pp. 4, 5, 6, 7, t.s.n., Nov. 6, 1969.

8 Exhs. "A", p. 33, Record; 4, t.s.n., Nov. 6, 1969.

9 Exh. "A", Ibid.; pp. 4,7,11,18, t.s.n., Nov. 6, 1969.

10 ibid.; pp. 4, 7, 13, 19, t.s.n,, Nov. 6, 1969.

11 ibid.; p. 9, t.s.n., Nov. 6, 1969.

12 p. 8, t.s.n., Nov. 6, 1969.

13 pp. 9, 10, t.s.n., Nov. 6, 1969.

14 p. 10, t.s.n., Nov. 6, 1969.

15 p. 22 t.s.n., Nov. 6, 1969.

16 pp. 12, 23, t.s.n., Nov. 6, 1969.

17 pp. 12, 23, t.s.n., Nov. 6, 1969. Exh. "A", p. 33, Record.

18 pp. 36. t.s.n., Nov. 26, 1969.

19 pp. 8-9, t.s.n., Nov. 26,1969.

20 pp. 6-9, Appellant's Brief.

21 pp. 56, Appellee's Brief.

22 People vs. Ibanez, 44 Off. Gaz, 30.

23 People vs. Estrada, L-26103, Jan. 17,1968, 22 SCRA 11.

24 People vs. Tividad, L21469, June 30, 1967, 20 SCRA 549.

25 p. 18, t.s.n., Nov. 6, 1969.

26 See People vs. Tumalip, et at., L-28451, Oct. 28, 1974, SCRA 303, 317-318.

27 p. 13, t.s.n., Nov. 6, 1969.

28 People vs. Anin, L-39046, June 30, 1975, 64 SCRA 729, 735-736.

29 U.S. vs. Magcomot, 13 Phil. 385, 389. See also People vs. Portugueza, L-22604,
July 31, 1967, 30 SCRA 901; People vs. Tividad, L-21469, June 30, 1967, 20 SCRA

30 People vs. Anin, supra; People vs. Bartolay, L-30610, Oct. 22,1971, 42 SCRA 1.

31 supra.

32 L-26241, May 21, 1969, 28 SCRA 247.

33 U.S. vs. Solis, 4 Phil. 178; U.S. vs. Magcomot, supra; U.S. vs. Abiog, 37 Phil. 137;
People vs. Cajandab, 52 SCRA 161.

34 People vs. Dorico, L-31568, Nov. 29, 1973, 54 SCRA 172.

35 People vs. Bautista, L-27638, Nov. 28, 1969, 30 SCRA 558.

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