Robotics Lab

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Robotics Lab

Lab Report # 6
Submitted to: Engr. Shehbaz Khan
Submitted by: Abdul Moiz Qarni
Section: A
Registration # 17PWMCT0564
Due Date: 27th January 2021

University of Engineering & Technology


Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 3
Objective ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Solution ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 6
References ...................................................................................................................................... 7

Rigid Motions and Homogeneous
In robotics, the orientation of a robotic system can be represented in mathematical terms using
rotation matrices. Rotation matrices transform the coordinate axes (e.g. x, y, and z)
representing the orientation of a 3D object in one frame to the coordinate axes of another
frame. These matrices can help us determine how the end effector of a robot changes its
orientation due to changes in a robotic arm’s angle [1]
These matrix manipulation can very well be doing by hand using basic mathematics but gets
impractical in practice, therefore we can use premade toolboxes such as “Robotics, Vision and
Control” toolbox, which is an add-on in Matlab, developed by Peter Corke. [2]

The main objective of this lab is to with the given information about rotational transformation
matrices, find out:

 The Rotation Matrix? Also after finding it verify the Euler angles using the inverse
 Write down the Matlab command for the Rotation Matrix as well as Euler Angle

First of all let’s consider the information given where we are given a ZYZ Euler angle
transformation in which rotation is carried around Z axis with an angle of π/2, around Y axis,
with an angle of π/4 and then again around Z axis with an angle of π/2.
This information is to be used in attempt to solve the problems.

 Part 1:

Figure 1 Rotational Matrix

Figure 2 Inverse Euler to Prove

 Part 2:
Part 2 deals with Matlab part of the program, so let’s take it to Matlab.
R = eul2r(pi/2,pi/4,pi/2);
B = rotx(0);
trplot(R, 'frame','R')
tranimate(R, 'frame','R')
hold on
trplot(B, 'color','black','length',0.5,'frame','Base')
Y = tr2eul(R)

This code snippet will displays us the transform with respect to the base frame as shown in the
figure below.

Figure 3 Matrix transform

This lab aids in understanding one of the very important principles of robotics which is Euler
principles. In this lab one focuses and practices this aspect of robotics, and its sub topics such as
inverse Euler methodology and Euler angles.


[1] [Online]. Available:


[2] [Online]. Available:

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