Monsanto Experiment 10 Chemicals in Food and Drugs

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CHEM 132.


Name: Monsanto, Rhey Christian O.__ Date Submitted: 07 – 02 – 21________

Lab Schedule: F 10:00 AM – 01:00 PM Date Performed: ______________________

Exercise No. 10
Chemicals in Foods and Drugs
1. To describe the chemical components present in food and drugs by reading the labels of the containers
2. To research the function and biological effects of those chemical compounds.


Food/Drug Chemicals Listed Formula and/or Structure Function Dangers

K2HPO4 Dipotassium phosphate is Headaches, constipation,

used as an emulsifier, hyperphosphatemia, and
stabilizer, and texturiser dizziness can all be
Dipotassium phosphate because of its properties. symptoms of too much
dipotassium phosphate in
the body.

SiO2 Silicon dioxide is a food This might include

ingredient that prevents allergic response
Silicon dioxide clumping by acting as an symptoms as well as
anti-caking agent. stomach issues.
C₆H₁₂O₆ It is a kind of sugar that is Sugar consumption in
Glucose acquired from foods and excess can lead to
may be utilized as a obesity, heart disease, and
sweetener as well as a diabetes.
source of energy for the

Coconut oil C33H62O6 Coconut oil is a saturated Too much coconut oil can
fatty acid that may be lead to digestive
utilized to increase fat problems including
burning and provide a fast diarrhea and constipation.
source of energy, or it can
be converted into ketones.
C20H27FN2 Caseinate is a thickening Stomach ache, chest pain,
and emulsifying chemical allergic reactions, and the
used to increase fat development of colonic
retention in foods and cancers are all possible
water, suppress syneresis, side effects.
Caseinate and improve food texture
and flavor.
C6H6Na3O9P Antioxidant Sodium Because Sodium Ascorbyl
Ascorbyl Phosphate Phosphate is a very active
neutralizes skin- substance, it may cause skin
damaging free radicals, irritation.
Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate stimulates collagen
synthesis, evens skin
tone, and has antibacterial

C3H8O3 Glycerin is a humectant, a Allergic reactions, such as

sort of moisturizing agent stinging, burning, redness,
that draws water from or irritation, are possible.
Glycerin deeper layers of the skin
and the air into the outer
layer of the skin.
Antimicrobial properties
of glycerin are also
C6H6N2O Niacinamide plays an May experience allergic
important role in keeping reaction.
the skin healthy that can
be used to treat skin
Niacinamide conditions like acne and
rosacea, a facial skin
disorder characterized by

C20H22O3 Sun protection products Long-term usage may

contain butyl induce photosensitivity
Butyl Methoxydiben- methoxydibenzoylmethan and skin irritation, as well
zoylmethane e, which is utilized in the as possibly disrupting
composition. hormone balances.
TiO2 In cosmetics, titanium It's probable that it's a
Titanium dioxide dioxide is used to help carcinogen, which means
conceal imperfections and it can cause cancer.
brighten the skin.
Titanium dioxide enables
for the employment of
thinner make-up coats to
get the same effect.

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