Ensemble Regression Models Applied To Dropout in Higher Education

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2019 8th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS)

Ensemble Regression Models Applied to Dropout

in Higher Education
Paulo M. da Silva† , Marília N. C. A. Lima∗ , Wedson L. Soares∗ , Iago R. R. Silva∗ ,
Roberta A. de A. Fagundes∗ , Fernando F. de Souza†
∗ Department of Computer Engineering, University of Pernambuco, Brazil
† Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract—Context: School dropout is a significant challenge In Brazil, according to data from the Census of Higher
for the Brazilian education system. Several factors need to Education, dropout rates in higher education show worry-
be corrected, and others eliminated so that students can to
ing rates. Data show that 49% of students entering higher
have access to higher education and guarantee the comple-
tion of their courses. Motivation: finding the best model to education in 2010 dropped out of courses within five years.
predict a specific problem is not a simple task. It’s because In private institutions, the dropout reached 53%, and in
the phenomena involved are not known, or are sophisti- public institutions, it reached 47%. They also reached 38%
cated modeling. Thus, combining models often produces better in the state and 43% in the federals [1].
accuracy than individual models. Different models use this
In this context, it’s essential to identify in advance the
combination approach and have been applied in the context of
Data Mining (MD), for prediction and classification. Objective: factors associated with dropout. For this, we may use Edu-
we propose in this study three different models to predict cational Data Mining (EDM) techniques. These techniques
school dropout. These are based on Ensemble Regression. are capable of obtaining information and organizing such
We apply the models in the context of the Brazilian Higher information into useful knowledge. EDM requires adap-
Education Institutions. Besides, it may help in the identification tations of existing methods and the development of new
of the factors associated with dropout. For this, we used two
techniques for the attribute selection: Stepwise and Pearson technologies. The nature of the data analyzed in EDM is
correlation. That techniques determine the factors related to more diverse. That’s in comparison to the data used in
dropout. Methodology: we used the data from the Census and classical Data Mining (DM) approaches. This diversity in the
Flow Indicators Higher Education. The methodology is based data represents a potential for implementation of critical
on CRISP-DM to understand, prepare, and model the data. We resources to aid in the improvement of Education [2].
used predictive bagging methods to make a model to predict
One of the main areas of development is the Machine
dropout. Results: the ensemble regression models proposed
obtained better performance compared model literature. The Learning (ML) area. ML is often confused with EDM itself.
ensemble model based on bagging of linear regression had a That’s because both share concepts and are commonly used
smaller prediction error. Besides, the models proposed in this together. It’s common to see these correlated areas in the
study will help the educational administrators and policymakers development of models that help the discovery of new
working within the educational sector in the development of
patterns in data sets. ML provides many of its concepts
new policies that are relevant to student retention. But, the
global implications of this research to practice is its ability to and techniques to the area of EDM.
help in early identifying factories associated with students at Among the ML techniques used in EDM for knowledge
risk of dropout of High Education. discovery in data sets, we highlight the regression models.
Keywords—Ensemble Models, Bagging, Data Mining, Predic- These analyze the relationships between data variables. The
tion, Machine Learning,
regression algorithms estimate the value of a numerical
dependent variable (Y) that makes use of one or more
independent variables (X) [3], [4]. The function can use one
It’s common to relate the school dropout to the loss or many variables to explain the prediction of the output
of students who start but do not complete their courses. variable. This procedure requires that a loss function be
Dropout is a complex phenomenon associated with non- minimized over the joint distribution of all values(Y, X) [5].
fulfillment of expectations. It’s a reflection of many causes The ensemble approach is used to increase the accuracy
that need to be understood. These causes are associated in of predictive models. With the generation of combined
the socio-economic, political, and cultural context, in the models, it’s expected that when some of these models get
educational system and educational institutions. Dropout poor performance. The system may reduce the error by
is an exclusion process determined by factors and internal using many models [6], [7].
and external variables to educational institutions. It’s a phe- The ensemble regression models proposed reduce the
nomenon perceived both in public educational institutions error and or variance of the individual models. It is done
and in private institutions. by combining several of these models to create a combined

2643-6264/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 120

DOI 10.1109/BRACIS.2019.00030
model that achieves better performance. The approach used the decision tree technique reached the best prediction rate.
was the CRISP-DM methodology (Cross Industry Standard This technique obtained a 94% accuracy rate in dropout
Process for Data Mining) [8] applied in the context of prediction. The variables that affect evasion are several
EDM. Besides, we apply the models developed to predicting semesters, the average of the course, and the accumulated
problems of student retention. We tried to estimate the performance. The results of this research serve to propose
variables associated with dropout through the proposed discussions with the SE faculty to improve and implement
ensemble regression models. it in a productive environment.
The result of this work was empirical research. We com-
In the work [12], the authors propose to identify school
pared the accuracy performance and efficiency of regression
dropout patterns from several data series. The work used
ensemble models. The proposed combined models predict
data from socioeconomic, academic, disciplinary and in-
student dropout with high accuracy and performance effi-
stitutional types. The authors use data mining techniques,
ciency based on factor analysis. These factors, we consid-
such as decision tree-based classification. The proposed
ered the demographic, academic, and socio-economic in-
method uses data from students entering the university
formation. When combined, this information will be based
from 2004 to 2011 to discover the socioeconomic and school
on the proposition of the predictive models for the dropout
dropout profiles. A prediction rate of 80% was obtained. The
of a student.
results show that the most significant data were: university
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents
enrollment rate, being single and living with the mother,
related works. Section 3 presents the theoretical framework.
low academic performance, teaching staff, and initial train-
Section 4 presents the proposed model. Section 5 presents
ing. The identification of these factors contributes to the
the results of the experiments. Final considerations and
adoption of strategies by the university. It can minimize
future work are in section 6.
the academic and financial damage caused by the evasion.
In [13] examine the probability of prediction of student
At work [9], the authors aim to forecast the dropout. performance in the first semester of the Computer Science
They predict undergraduate courses face-to-face. It is done course at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB). The
to visualize perspectives that allow an intense action of paper uses the entry notes in the institution as a basis.
intervention, mitigating the process of dropout. The authors With the use of classifiers, authors achieved hit rates of up
used machine learning techniques and supervised classifi- to 75%. They argue that identifying student performance in
cation task. The proposed method uses students’ personal, the first-period subjects is useful in combating the dropout
academic, social and economic information to construct produced by failure in the new disciplines.
the forecast models. Besides, combining several data mining
models to optimize the outcome of the process. This study In [5] the author evaluates an approach based on
had a predicted evasion rate of 74%. They are contributing boosting-based ensemble approach, forward stage-wise ad-
to the evaluation of models that allow identifying the main ditive modelling (FSAM), o improve some widely used
attributes that help in predicting the factors associated with base regressors prediction ability. They used 10 regression
dropout. algorithms in four different types to make predictions on
The work [10] addresses evasion in undergraduate 10 diverse data from different scientific areas. Then they
courses at a private higher education institution. The paper compared the experimental results in terms of correlation
aims to identify and evaluate the variables that interfere coefficient, mean absolute error, and root mean squared
with dropout. With this, it is possible to act proactively error metrics. Furthermore, they made use of scatter plots
and preventive in this context. The study used multivari- to demonstrate the effect of ensemble modelling on the
ate logistic regression analysis techniques. The proposed prediction accuracy of evaluated algorithms.
method makes a delineation of the profile of the student
In the work of [6] the ensemble method was used to
with dropout propensity to construct a statistical model
construct combined regression models. The methodology
that can predict. As a result, the prediction of dropout
of bagging and boosting ensembles with 10 sub-learners
obtained a rate of 62%. The most significant variables were
in each one. They made comparisons between the per-
the avoidance of social, economic, academic performance
formances of bagging and boosting ensembles in 25 sub-
and professional choice factors.
learners on standard, as results the reference data sets and
In [11] the authors propose the prevention of school
the proposed set of ensemble gave better accuracy.
dropout from the description of an educational data analy-
sis. The proposed case study focuses on the detection of the Given the presented scenario, we propose the application
abandon of students of the course of Systems Engineering of combined regression models in the context of EDM to
(SE). Academic data form expanded and enriched through identify the factors related to dropout. For this, we used
a feature engineering process. To identify the predictors two databases of Brazilian Higher Education: the Census
of the form avoidance used the classifiers Decision Tree, and Flow Indicators of the classroom courses of the public
Logistic Regression and Naive Bayes. The results say that and private universities of the year 2013. [1].

III. T HEORETICAL B ACKGROUND the M regressors generated. The representation of Bagging
is described in Equation 1.
In this section, we present the concepts related to com-
bined models, which are the prediction model applied in 1 M
this study. f bag g i ng (x) = fˆ(x) (1)
M i =1
A. Combined Models where f b ag g i ng (x) is the prediction of the combined
In ML, set learning consists of methods and aware that model for the instant x; M is the number of regressors
integrates several basic models to generate the final output. of the model; f i (x) is the prediction given by the i − t h
It gained great popularity due to its excellent generalization regressor constructed under the i − t h bootstrap sample of
performance. The combined models generally result in training data.
One of the factors that motivate the use of this method is
better accuracy than the individuals composing them [14].
the simplicity of implementation. It has been proven to im-
A combined model is a technique resulting from the inte-
prove the predictive capacity for regression or classification
gration of two or more similar or different type algorithms.
algorithms [18].
It allows us to create a more robust system that incorporates
the result of all the [15] techniques. The idea is that this IV. P ROPOSED M ODEL APPLYING EDUCATION DATA
will make the result more robust, accurate and less prone We present in this section the proposition of three models
to bias. based on an ensemble of regressors applied to a set of edu-
This approach has been used in the literature for both re- cational data. For this, we used the CRISP-DM methodology
gression and classification problems. The combined models to proposition of these models, according to the following
are capable of increasing the generalization capacity and, phases.
so, overall system performance.
A. Business Understanding
B. Construction of a Combined Model We made a literature review, verifying in the literature
The construction of a combined model aims at a set of all the material already elaborated on dropout as well as
models F 0 , where F 0 = f i , i = 1, ..., M where M is the total its causes and factors related to educational scenarios, data
number of models generated. If the models are made using mining and regression models. The main factors associated
the same algorithm, the set is called homogeneous and is with circumvention were listed below. These factors are
the most widespread in the literature [16]. Different sets showed in the works [19], [20] and [21]. Among the several
are obtained when more than one learning algorithm is factors found in these studies are the lack of motivation,
used. It’s expected that these approaches constitute models personal and socioeconomic problems, dissatisfaction with
with diversity and thus the process of modeling of sets can the course/institution, learning problems associated with
be manipulated through training data, techniques or set of teaching methodologies and evaluation processes, restric-
parameters. tions on the labor market, lack of knowledge of the course
Data diversity allows the generation of many data sets and level of the previous study. Besides to the methods for
from the original data set to train different predictors. measuring the works [22] and [23]. We applied the proposed
The data sets must be different from one another so that models in data from the Higher Education Census along
there are several decisions from the results of the trained with data from the Higher Education Flow Indicators. The
predictors. target was the face-to-face courses of Brazilian public and
private universities. We aim to identify and predict their
C. Bootstrap Aggregation occurrence from the factors associated with evasion in these
Breiman developed the Bootstrap Aggregation method,
also called Bagging [17]. Bagging produces several different B. Data Understanding
training sets with data replacement. Then builds a model The educational indicators used by the study come from
for each of the sets using the same machine learning the Higher Education Census Database and the Higher Ed-
algorithm. The model predictions are combined through ucation Flow Indicators. Both are available by the National
their mean for regression problems or through voting for Institute of Educational Studies and Research (INEP) in
classification problems. the year 2013. To extract the data from these databases,
In the case of the regression equation, assume a set of the factors proposed in the literature were considered as
training data D t r ai n = (x 1 ; y 1 ), ..., (x n ; y n ). The instances are factors associated with dropout. For example, demographic,
extracted from a probability distribution P (x, y). Bagging academic, and socioeconomic attributes.
works by combining the prediction of a collection of re- One limitation is related to the data provided by the
gressors, which each of these regressors is constructed by Census. These deal with the absence of other information,
applying a fixed learning algorithm in a Bootstrap sample which could further complement the extracted attributes.
different from the original D t r ai n training data. The fore- For example aspects related to the student, infrastructure
cast for the set is the average of the individual forecasts of of the institutions, and teaching, among others.

C. Data Preparation the prediction given by the ith regressor the sample. Hence,
We made a combination of the two databases (Census based on function fˆ(x) proposed tree models, as follow:
and Flow Indicators). We checked for missing data in the • ProposedModel1: ensemble Bagging with linear regres-
school dropout variable. We excluded the instances for the sion (here called P M 1). The linear regression is defined
blank values for these variables. We filled by median values as, y i = α + β1 x i 1 + β2 x i 2 + ... + βk x i k + i = x i β + i
the missing data of the other variables for full data set. We With the it h of the n observations. Giving as estimator
also used the Stepwise method to select variables. Thus, b to β the fit model is:
Table I shows the relation of the number of instances before fˆ(x) = ŷ i = α + b 1 x i 1 + b 2 x i 2 + ... + b k x i k + i = x i b (2)
and after the pre-processing performed.
And the residual given by:
TABLE I: Dimensions of Dataset
e i = y i − ŷ i (3)
Before pre-processing After pre-processing
Nº Variables Nº Instances Nº Variables Nº Instances Where y i is the real value and ŷ i is the estimated
50 133528 14 22972
value. As estimates b are determined by minimizing
an objective function for all b.
We present in Table II the description of the 14 variables • ProposedModel2: ensemble Bagging with robust re-
selected by the Stepwise method. In these variables we use gression (here called P M 2). The robust regression is
correlation to get the highest correlations for the construc- defined based on the Equation 2 and 3 as,
tion of another scenario. These variables indicate the factors

related to demographic, academic and socioeconomic in- fˆ(x) = ρ(e i ) = ρ(y i − x i b) (4)
formation. When combined this information will be based i =1 i =1
on the proposition of the predictive models efficient. Thus, where the funtion ρ provides the contribution of each
we elaborated two scenarios for the study. In the first residue to the objective function.
scenario, we used the variables selected by Stepwise. In • ProposedModel3: o ensemble Bagging with ridge regres-
the second, we used the four variables with the highest sion (here called P M 3). the ridge regression is defined
correlation with the school dropout rate in higher education as,
institutions in Brazil. The variables of higher correlation are:
TAP (-0.6254), TCA (-0.2522), INC(0.1566) and QP (-0.1308). fˆ(x) = (Y − X β)T (Y − X β) + λβT β (5)

TABLE II: Description of variables. where, λ ≥ 0 is a tuning parameter for the penalty,
Variables Description
which is determined separately.
CAS The situation of the student in the course (active, locked, • LiteratureModel4: the techniques used in the work of
Unlinked from the course, Transferred to another course
of the same IES, Formed, deceased)
[24] for the construction of stacking had as a meta-
IABP Informs if the student receives some remuneration for the predictor the Ridge regression. The regressions for
stay in the institution of higher education composing the ensemble are linear regression, lasso
QI Number of new students
QP Number of students remaining in the course regression, bagging (using decision tree), boosting, ran-
TAP indicator of the student’s stay dom forest, vector regression support and k-nearest
TCA completion indicator of the student’s
INC Studies in night time neighbors (here called LM 4).
CCRA Color / Race of the student (white, black, brown, yellow,
indigenous, undeclared, not informed) E. Evaluation
IABT Informs if the student receives remuneration for activity
developed within the institution of higher education At this stage, we evaluate the developed models, to meet
ICE Informs if the student does non-compulsory extracurric- the defined objectives. Thus, we chose two errors for this
ular activity
ICEX Informs if the student participates in extracurricular ex-
evaluation: absolute mean error (MAE) and mean square
tension error (MSE). We show that in equations 6 and 7.
QCC Number of graduates in the course
IAE Informs if the student participates in some extracurricular 1 n  
 y i − yˆi 
activity (internship, extension, monitoring and research) M AE = (6)
QC Number of graduates n i =1
TDA (Y) Dropout rate
1 n  2
M SE = y i − yˆi (7)
D. Modeling n i =1
We used the bagging [17] method in the modeling phase Where n is the dataset size, y j is a real variable value,
to generate a bootstrap sample set of the original data. and y i is the estimated variable by the model.
This dataset will generate a set of models using a simple With the sample of 500 iterations, we calculate the stan-
learning algorithm by combining their means. It’s according dard deviation (SD) of the error. Besides, we performed sta-
to Equation 1 described in section 3. tistical tests, such as the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Wilcoxon
f bag g i ng (x) is the prediction of the ensemble for the tests. We also use boxplots and relative gain (RG) charts also
instant x, M is amount of model regressors and, fˆ(x) is to evaluate the performance of the models.

F. Application We performed the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to verify if
The last step of the CRISP-DM methodology implies in the error vector of the 500 iterations follows a normal
the diffusion and application of the model constructed in distribution. The result shows that the data does not follow
the real data. After the execution of all the steps have been this type of distribution. Thus, we used the Wilcoxon
subsidies for the resolution of the proposed problem. Thus, test to perform the hypothesis test with 5% significance.
the strategies used in this paper will be described and The elaborate alternative hypothesis is that P M 1 performs
analyzed in the following results section. better than P M 2, P M 3, and LM 4.
We can prove statistically with a confidence level of 95%
V. R ESULTS that P M 1 presents smaller prediction errors about all the
In this section, we present the results obtained with the models used for the scenario of the variables selected with
experiments in Table III, Figure 1 and TableIV. We proposed Stepwise. The p − v al ue obtained was 2.47x10−7 . Using
three models and scenarios of the selected variables with the Correlation method, P M 1 got smaller errors than P M 3
the Stepwise Method and the Pearson Correlation based and LM 4 since the value of p-value was 2.47x10−7 . While
on the metrics MAE and MSE. Table III displays the mean for P M 1 ratio it was lower than P M 2, analyzing the MSE
values of the MAE and MSE of the standard deviation (SD) and MAE metrics the p-value values were 7.916x10−2 and
for the proposed models after the 500 iterations. It’s worth 7.916x10−2 , respectively.Thus, in relation model P M 1 with
noting that P M 1 obtained a lower average value for the two P M 2 there is no statistical evidence to accept the null
metrics in the scenario using the Stepwise Method. While in hypothesis.
the Pearson Correlation scenario P M 1 and P M 2 presented Table IV presents the RG (in module) of P M 1 about the
similar results. other models used in this work. We can verify that the gain
obtained was very significant. We demonstrate that P M 1
TABLE III: Results for Mean Error (SD). is more efficient than other models. We demonstrated that
Tech - performance prediction proposed models improvement can
Metrics PM1 PM2 PM3 LM 4
nique be achieved using bagging ensemble with the resultant
Step- 3.14x10−3 1.39x10−2 6.54x10−3 1.31x10−2
(2.75x10−4 ) (5.31x10−3 ) (2.33x10−3 ) (4.57x10−3 ) effect of increase in accuracy, reduced error rate as well
1.47x10−4 5.3x10−4 1.29x10−3 1.4x10−3 as increase in predictive efficiency. It can ratify the mean
(7.89x10−3 ) (3.46x10−2 ) (1.20x10−2 ) (2.69x102 )
9.29x10−3 8.054x10−3 4.43x10−3
values obtained in Table III.
(3.3x10−4) (2.6x10−4 ) (1.04x10−4 ) (1.13x10−3 )
1.21x10−1 7.38x10−2 7.25x10−2 9x10−4 TABLE IV: Result of RG
(1x10−3 ) (1.15x10−3 ) (5.6x10−4 ) (9.33x10−3 )
Tech -
Metrics P M 1 X LM 4 P M 2 X LM 4 P M 3 X LM 4
For the graphical representation and analysis of the two wise
MSE 96.441% 6.565885% 49.96957%
scenarios, Figure 1 shows the boxplots generated by the MAE 89.325% 61.46408% 6.516776%
500 iterations. We can see that the graphs in Figure 1 show Cor MSE 94.741% 94.73033% 46.8963%
MAE 83.431% 84.73009% 46.59059%
that there was no significant difference in the median of
errors between P M 1 and P M 2 for the selected variables
with correlation. It also identifies the presence of outliers Thus, we can see that P M 1 performed better in school
in P M 2 for the Stepwise scenario. Besides, P M 2 presents dropout prediction than LM 4 using both tested scenarios.
greater variability than the other models for this scenario. Besides, we propose the use of other ensemble regression
models using Bagging method that also obtained significant
results for the problem of evasion. However, we proved that
the proposed models based on ensemble regression based
on bagging method got results superior to the literature
model (Ensemble Stacking LM 4).

In this paper, we proposed three ensemble regression
(a) Stepwise MAE (b) Cor MAE
models based on bagging methods. The aim is for the
prediction of school dropout in Higher Education Institu-
tions in Brazil. We used the factors present in the Census
and Flow Indicators of Higher Education. This information
was demographic, academic, and socioeconomic. We used
the Stepwise method and Pearson correlation to select the
variables. The main contributions of this paper are:
(c) Stepwise MSE (d) Cor MSE
1) We showed that there is a correlation between the
Fig. 1: Boxplot about ensemble models. identified variables and that performance prediction

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