Conveyance Deed: Stamps Issued To Challan No. - For Rs. - /-Dated

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Stamps issued to Challan No. ____ for Rs.

________/- Dated: ____________




BEARING NO. _______, BLOCK _____, MEASURING ________ SQUARE

Rs. /-

(Rupees only).
THIS INDENTURE OF CONVEYANCE is made at Karachi on this _____ day of
____________, Two Thousand Seventeen (2017)


MR. ____________________ S/O ______________________, holding CNIC No.

________________, Muslim, adult, presently residing at _________________________
___________________ and permanent resident of ______________________________
______________________________, hereinafter referred to as “VENDOR” (which
expression wherever the context so admits and permits shall mean and include his legal
representatives, executors, administrators and assigns-in-interest) of the ONE PART.

______________________ ______________________ ______________________

Signature of Vendor Signature of Vendee No. 1 Signature of Vendee No. 2



(1) MR. _____________________ S/O ______________________ (70% Share

Holder), holding CNIC No. ____________________, Muslim, adult, resident of
(2) MR. ______________________ S/O _______________________ (30% Share
Holder), holding CNIC No. ________________, Muslim, adult, resident of
hereinafter referred to as the ‘VENDEES’ (which expression wherever context so admit
or required be deemed to include their respective heirs, legal representatives,
administrators, executors and assigns) of the OTHER PART.

WHEREAS the Vendor above named is at the date of these presents, seized of
and is otherwise well and sufficiently entitled to all that piece and parcel of
Open Commercial Plot No. ________ Block ‘_____’, measuring ________ Square
Yards (including ___________ Square Yards of the Alignment Land) and bearing
Survey No. __________, Sheet Strachen Quarters situated in __________________
Co-operative Housing Society Limited, Karachi, more fully described in the schedule
given at the foot of these presents, hereinafter referred to as the SAID PROPERTY.

______________________ ______________________ ______________________

Signature of Vendor Signature of Vendee No. 1 Signature of Vendee No. 2

WHEREAS originally the _____________________ Co-operative Housing society

Limited, Karachi had allotted Plot No. ___________, measuring __________ square
yards situated in Strachon Quarter, Karachi to __________________________________,
by pursuance of Resolution No. ________ dated _____________.

AND WHEREAS by Indenture of Lease Registered at No. __________, at Pages No.

_______ to _________, in Volume No. ___________ of Book No. I Addl. before Sub-
Registrar Karachi, Dated: _______________, the __________________ Co-operative
Housing Society Limited, therein referred to as the Lessee, did thereby for the
consideration therein mentioned, Sub-lease and demise unto ______________________
__________________, therein referred to as the Sub-Lessee, all that Plot, bearing No.
________, Block ‘______’, measuring __________ square or thereabouts, Survey No.
________, _________________ Co-operative Housing Society, Karachi for the period of
99 years and on the terms and conditions therein contained.

AND WHEREAS vide letter dated _____________ the _________________________

Co-operative Housing Society Limited had endorsed on backside of Allotment of
additional area of ______________ square yards called as alignment land and
subsequently the area of the Plot bearing No. _______, Block ‘_____’, measuring
__________ square yards, Survey No. ________, ___________________ Co-operative
Housing Society, Karachi were increased to ____________________ square yards.

______________________ ______________________ ______________________

Signature of Vendor Signature of Vendee No. 1 Signature of Vendee No. 2

AND WHEREAS the said owner _________________________________, constructed

the said Plot as per Approved Building Plan issued by the competent authorities and after

the completion of construction work Karachi Development Authority, issued Completion

Plan / Occupancy Certificate vide Letter No. ________________, Dated: ____________.

AND WHEREAS the said Sub-Lessee _______________________________________,

sold and transferred the said property to (1) ___________________________________,

(2) _____________________________, (3) ___________________________________

(4) ____________________________ and (5) ________________________________,

Serial No. 4 & 5 through their father and natural guardian ________________________,

through Sale Deed Registered at No. _________, at Pages No. ________ to __________,

in Volume No. __________ of Book No. I Addl. before District Registrar, Karachi,

Dated: _________________ and thereafter the said property transferred in their names in

the records of ____________________ Co-operative Housing Society Limited Karachi,

vide Resolution No. ___________ of the Managing Committee, Dated: _____________.

______________________ ______________________ ______________________

Signature of Vendor Signature of Vendee No. 1 Signature of Vendee No. 2

AND WHEREAS the said owners (1) _______________________________________,

(2) __________________________, (3) ______________________________, (4)
_____________________________ and (5) _________________________________,
sold and transferred the said property to _________________________, through
Conveyance Deed Registered at No. ____________, at Pages No. ____ to _____, in
Volume No. ___________ of Book No. I Addl. before Sub-Registrar ______________,
Karachi, Dated: ________________ and thereafter the said property transferred in his
name in the records of ______________________ Co-operative Housing Society Limited
Karachi, vide Resolution No. __________ of the Managing Committee, Dated:

AND WHEREAS the said owner _________________________________, sold and

transferred the said property to ____________________________________________
(Vendor herein) through Exchange Deed Registered at No. ___________, at Pages No.
_______ to ________, in Volume No. ___________ of Book No. I Addl. before
Sub-Registrar __________________, Karachi, Dated: ________________ (retain by
______________________________) and Exchange Deed Duplicate Registered at No.
_____________, at Pages No. _______ to _________, in Volume No. ____________ of
Book No. I Addl. before Sub-Registrar ___________________, Karachi, Dated:
________________ (retain by ____________________________________________)
and thereafter the said property transferred in his name in the records of ______________
Co-operative Housing Society Limited Karachi, vide Managing Committee’s
Resolution No. _______, Dated: ________________.

______________________ ______________________ ______________________

Signature of Vendor Signature of Vendee No. 1 Signature of Vendee No. 2

AND WHERES on the request of said owner __________________ Co-operative

Housing Society Limited Karachi, converted the status of said Plot from Residential to
Commercial vide Letter No. __________________________, Dated: ______________.

AND THEREAFTER the said Plot mutated in the name of _______________________

________________________, in the records of EXTRACT (FORM VII) Page No. ___,
P.R No. ______, duly signed by Mukhtiarkar __________, District Karachi East,
Dated: ________________.

AND WHEREAS on the request of said Vendor, Local Government, Union Council
No. 6, issued No Objection Certificate for Commercialization of said Plot, vide Ref.
No. __________________, Dated: _______________ and thereafter Master Plan
Department, issued N.O.C. for Conversion of land use from Residential to
Commercial, vide Letter No. ____________________, Dated: _______________.

AND WHEREAS on the request of said Vendor, ____________________ Co-operative

Housing Society Limited Karachi, granted Permission for Demolition of said Plot,
vide Letter Ref. No. ____________________________, Dated: ________________ and
thereafter Sindh Building Control Authority, issued Demolition Permission vide
Letter No. ________________________________________, Dated: ______________
and subsequently the said Vendor demolished old construction of the said Plot.

______________________ ______________________ ______________________

Signature of Vendor Signature of Vendee No. 1 Signature of Vendee No. 2

AND WHEREAS the ____________________ Co-operative Housing Society Limited,

Karachi had issued No objection certificate for the sale and transfer of the SAID
PROPERTY in favour of the Vendee vide their Letter No. _____________________
dated _____________.

AND WHEREAS the VENDOR agreed to sell, transfer, assign and convey to the
VENDEES all that ALL THAT LEASEHOLD Open Commercial Plot No. ______
Block ‘_____’, measuring ___________ Square Yards (including ______ Square
Yards of the Alignment Land) and bearing Survey No. _______, Sheet Strachen
Quarters situated in __________________ Co-operative Housing Society Limited,
Karachi alongwith all shares, rights, title, interest, benefits, utilities, easements,
privileges, deposits, appurtenances attached or enjoyed therewith which is more fully
described in the Schedule hereunder written and hereinafter referred to as the “SAID
PROPERTY”, with valid, subsisting and marketable title, free from all encumbrances,
charges, taxes, dues, duties, burdens, mortgages, lispendis, ground rent, NUF, premium,
disputes, litigation, liens, etc of any nature whatsoever with vacant peaceful physical
possession and the VENDEES have agreed to purchase the said Property for the price of
Rs._____________/- (Rupees ________________________________________ only),
and on the terms and conditions herein contained.

______________________ ______________________ ______________________

Signature of Vendor Signature of Vendee No. 1 Signature of Vendee No. 2

NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH that in pursuance of the Agreement of Sale,

the VENDEES had already paid to the VENDOR a sum of Rs.____________/- (Rupees

________________________________ only) as part performance for the sale and

transfer of the said Property. The details are as follows:-

(i) Rs.______________/- (Rupees ___________________________________ only)

through Pay Order No. _________________, Dated: _____________, drawn on
____________________, ____________________________ Branch, Karachi.

(ii) Rs.______________/- (Rupees ___________________________________ only)

through Pay Order No. _________________, Dated: _____________, drawn on
____________________, ____________________________ Branch, Karachi.

(iii) Rs.______________/- (Rupees ___________________________________ only)

through Pay Order No. _________________, Dated: _____________, drawn on
____________________, ____________________________ Branch, Karachi.

(iv) Rs.______________/- (Rupees ___________________________________ only)

through Pay Order No. _________________, Dated: _____________, drawn on
____________________, ____________________________ Branch, Karachi.

(v) Rs.______________/- (Rupees ___________________________________ only)

through Pay Order No. _________________, Dated: _____________, drawn on
____________________, ____________________________ Branch, Karachi.

(vi) Rs.______________/- (Rupees ___________________________________ only)

through Pay Order No. _________________, Dated: _____________, drawn on
____________________, ____________________________ Branch, Karachi.

(vii) Rs.______________/- (Rupees ___________________________________ only)

through Pay Order No. _________________, Dated: _____________, drawn on
____________________, ____________________________ Branch, Karachi.

(viii) Rs.______________/- (Rupees ___________________________________ only)

through Pay Order No. _________________, Dated: _____________, drawn on
____________________, ____________________________ Branch, Karachi.

(ix) Rs.______________/- (Rupees ___________________________________ only)

through Pay Order No. _________________, Dated: _____________, drawn on
____________________, ____________________________ Branch, Karachi.

(x) Rs.______________/- (Rupees ___________________________________ only)

through Pay Order No. _________________, Dated: _____________, drawn on
____________________, ____________________________ Branch, Karachi.

(xi) Rs.______________/- (Rupees ___________________________________ only)

through Pay Order No. _________________, Dated: _____________, drawn on
____________________, ____________________________ Branch, Karachi.

______________________ ______________________ ______________________

Signature of Vendor Signature of Vendee No. 1 Signature of Vendee No. 2

(xxxvi) Rs.______________/- (Rupees ___________________________________ only)

through Pay Order No. _________________, Dated: _____________, drawn on
____________________, ____________________________ Branch, Karachi.

(xxxvii) Rs.______________/- (Rupees ___________________________________

only) through Pay Order No. _________________, Dated: _____________, drawn
on ____________________, ____________________________ Branch, Karachi.

Being the full and final sale consideration for sale and transfer of the said Property, the
receipt whereof the VENDOR do hereby admit and acknowledge and have also issued a
separate receipt for the same. The VENDOR do hereby assign, convey, sell, assure and
transfer unto the VENDEE ALL THAT LEASEHOLD Open Commercial Plot No.
________ Block ‘_____’, measuring ________ Square Yards (including
___________ Square Yards of the Alignment Land) and bearing Survey No.
__________, Sheet Strachen Quarters situated in __________________ Co-
operative Housing Society Limited, Karachi including all benefits, rights, shares,
privileges, easements, appurtenant enjoyed or attached thereto, which is more fully
described in the Schedule hereunder written.

TOGETHER WITH paths, passages, ways, means, water courses, sewers, drains, lights,
liberties, utilities, deposits, advances, easements, privileges and appurtenant to and
enjoyed therewith including all the estates, shares, rights, advances, title and interests of
the VENDOR, into and upon the said Property, and every part and portion thereof, which
is more fully described in the Schedule hereunder written.

TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Property unto and to the use of the VENDEES for
the residue of the term contained in the herein before recited Lease Deed and the renewal
of the terms as contained therein.

AND the VENDOR do hereby covenant with the VENDEES that the VENDOR has a
valid, subsisting and marketable title to the said Property, which is free from all
encumbrances, charges, taxes, dues, duties, burdens, disputes, mortgages, ground rent,
premium, lispends, litigation, liens etc. of any nature whatsoever, and the herein before
recited Lease Deed is valid, effective and subsisting and the same has not been revoked,
forfeited or surrendered and the VENDOR has paid all the charges reserved and observed
and performed all the conditions and covenants contained in the said Lease Deed.

______________________ ______________________ ______________________

Signature of Vendor Signature of Vendee No. 1 Signature of Vendee No. 2
( 10 )

AND the VENDOR has informed the VENDEES that the VENDOR has paid the
occupancy price, lease, moneys, charges, premium, assessments, taxes, ground rent, bills,
SSGC, KW&SB, Sindh Building Control Authority, Excise & Taxation Department,
Provincial/Federal Government and such other bodies and authorities upto the date of
handing over possession of the said Property to the VENDEES. If any amount has
remained to be paid of prior periods, the VENDOR shall immediately and
unconditionally pay the same to the VENDEES on demand or directly to the concerned
authorities, and the VENDOR shall always keep the VENDEES indemnified of all such
payments made by the VENDEES in good faith and shall reimburse the said amounts to

AND the VENDOR does hereby covenant that (a) no high tension power line or
gas/water/oil line is passing through or upon or under the said Property, (b) no notice has
been issued in respect of the said Property or any part thereof in relation to road widening
scheme, (c) no notice has been issued in respect of the said Property for acquisition or
requisition or cancellation for any purpose whatsoever (d) all occupancy charges, ground
rent, development charges, non utilization fees, charges, taxes, imposition, fees, dues and
mutation fees have been paid and (e) no litigation or dispute is pending in respect of and
concerning the said Property till the date of execution of the Conveyance Deed.

AND the VENDOR does hereby warrant that there is no mortgage, lien, encumbrance or
other charge on the said Property and the said Property is not the subject matter of any
form of litigation whatsoever. The VENDOR undertake to compensate the VENDEES at
the market price, in case any mortgage, lien, encumbrance or other charge or any other
defect in title comes to light in future.

AND the said Property described in the Schedule hereunder written shall be at all times
hereafter, held, possessed, occupied and enjoyed by the VENDEES as the true, rightful,
lawful and beneficial owners of the said Property without any hindrance or obstruction
from the VENDOR and all persons claiming through or under the VENDOR.

AND the VENDOR from time to time and at all times hereafter at the request of the
VENDEES shall execute and do and cause to be executed and done such further acts,
deeds, matters and things as may be required by the VENDEES for more perfectly
assuring, conveying and transferring the said Property unto and to the use of the
VENDEES and the VENDOR has no objection for transfer and mutation of the
VENDEES names in the relevant records.

______________________ ______________________ ______________________

Signature of Vendor Signature of Vendee No. 1 Signature of Vendee No. 2
( 11 )

AND the VENDOR does hereby agree to indemnify the VENDEES and keep the
VENDEES indemnified, safe, secured and harmless from all costs, charges, dues, duties,
taxes and expenses and all losses and detriments suffered by the VENDEES owing to any
defect in title of the VENDOR and any actions, suits, demands and claims preferred by
any persons/authorities against or in respect of the said Property hereby assigned,
conveyed and transferred unto the VENDEES.

AND the VENDOR does hereby agree to fully compensate and indemnify the VENDEES
and all persons claiming through or under the VENDEES at all times hereafter, in the
event of the said Property or any portion thereof or any right therein is lost or adversely
or prejudicially affected on account of breach of any terms and conditions of the
allotment or lease or rules and regulation of provincial or federal governments committed
by the VENDOR or VENDOR’s predecessors-in-interest or due to any claim or burden
over the said Property or due to any defect in title of the VENDOR or due to any
misrepresentation or concealment of facts by the VENDOR.

AND the vacant peaceful physical possession of the Said property has been handed over
to the VENDEES at Site. The VENDOR has also handed over to the VENDEES all the
original title documents in respect of the said property.


ALL THAT LEASEHOLD Open Commercial Plot No. ________ Block ‘_____’,
measuring ________ Square Yards (including ___________ Square Yards of the
Alignment Land) and bearing Survey No. __________, Sheet Strachen Quarters
situated in __________________ Co-operative Housing Society Limited, Karachi
within the jurisdiction of ________________ Police Station, in the Registration District,
Sub-District, Sub-Registrar __________________ and the City of Karachi and bounded
and butted as under: -

ON THE NORTH BY 100’-0 : ___________________

ON THE SOUTH BY 100’-0 : ___________________

ON THE EAST BY 110’-0 : ___________________

ON THE WEST BY 110’-0 : ___________________

______________________ ______________________ ______________________

Signature of Vendor Signature of Vendee No. 1 Signature of Vendee No. 2
( 12 )

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties hereto have hereunto set and subscribed their
respective hands on these presents, on the day, the month and the year first above

MR. ____________________________
S/O ____________________________
CNIC No. _______________________

(1) MR. ____________________________
S/O ____________________________
CNIC No. _______________________

(2) MR. ____________________________
S/O ____________________________
CNIC No. _______________________


1. _____________________ 2. _____________________
_______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________

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