Your Answer:: 1. Tell Me Your Name Please?s

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1. Tell me your name please?

My name is Matt Cardle.

Your answer: My name is Le Thu.

2. What would you like me to call you?

Please call me Matt.

Your answer: Please call me Thu.

3. How did you get your name?

My mother named me Matt.

Your answer: My father named me Thu.

4. Is your name important to you?

Yes, my name is imporant to me. Names can make a strong first impression on

Your answer: Yes, my name is imporant to me. Each name has a special meaning
so that people can identify and remember me by it.

5. How old are you?

I’m 27 years old. I was born on september ninth, 1989.

Your answer: I’m 20 years old. I was born on March twenty seventh, 2000.

6. Where do you come from?

I was born in Da Nang city, Viet Nam.

Your answer: I was born in Dong Nai province, Viet Nam.

7. How long have you lived in Ho Chi Minh city?
I’ve lived there since 1999.

Your answer: I’ve lived there for 2 years.

8. Tell me about a typical day in your life?

I have a hectic lifestyle. During the week, I usually get up at 6:30 a.m , I’m an
early bird. I go jogging for about 30 minutes and then have breakfast. I leave home
at about 8 o’clock a.m and get to work by 9. I take my lunch break about 1:00. And
for lunch, I usually heat up a frozen meal or order takeout. I leave work around
7.00 p.m and get home by 8:00. Most night I go to bed at about 11:30 p.m. Then I
start it all over again the next day.

Your answer: I have a hectic lifestyle. During the week, I usually get up at 6 a.m,
I’m an early bird. I go jogging about 30 minutes and then have breakfast. I go to
school at about 7:00. I take my lunch break at about 2:00 and for lunch, I usually
eat out. After having dinner about 1:00, I do my homework. Most night I go to bed
at about 11:30 p.m. Then I start it all over again the next day.

9. What would you usually do on your weedends?

During the weekends, I stay at home and relax. After a busy week, I do household
chores such as laundry, ironing and vacuuming.

Your answer: During the weekends, I stay at home and relax. After a busy week, I
do household chores such as laundry, ironng and vacuuming. I also read books,
listen to music or watch thrill or romance movies.

10. What are your goals for the future?

I have a few goals. I would like to save enough money to buy an apartment. If
possible, I’d like to continue my education in an English – speaking country. In the

next three months, I hope to have completed my degree, and be working as an
accountant. Of all the goals I set within myself, I want to travel around the world

Your answer: I have a few goals. I would like to save enough money to buy an
apartment. In the next two years, I hope to have completed my degree, and be
working as an office worker. If possible, I want to have deep experience and skills
to promote to manager. Of all the goals I set within myself, I want to travel around
the world with my loved people most.

11. Can you tell me a little bit about your family?

I have a large family. I have three brothers and two sisters. One of my brothers still
live at home with my parents. And all the orther siblings have all married and
moved on to their own homes.

Your answer: I have a large family. I have two brothers and two sisters. One of my
brothers still live at home with my parents. And all the other siblings have all
married and moved on to their own homes.

12. Where do your parents come from?

My mother is from a city called Bien Hoa and my father is originally from Da
Nang city.

Your answer: My mother is from a province called Dong Nai and my father is
originally from Ninh Binh province.

13. Do you live with your parents?

I used to live with my parents two years ago but now I live on my own.

Your answer: I used to live with my parents two years ago but now I live on my

14. Are you married?
I got engaged three months ago. I’m getting married next month.

Your answer: No, I am not. Because I still have a few goals to achieve for myself.

15. Do you have any children?

No, I don’t. We are planning to start a family as soon as we buy our own house.

Your answer: No, I don’t. I’m still single.

16. Tell me about your grandparents ?

My grandmother is about eighty years old. Fortunately, still very healthy and
young-hearted. Unfortunately, I didn’t have privilege of meeting my grandfather.

Your answer: My grandmother is about eighty five years old. Fortunately, still very
healthy and young-hearted. Unfortunately, I didn’t have privilege of meeting my

17. Do your grandparents live with you ?

Yes, my maternal grandmother does. She has been living with us for ten years. She
is such a blessing in my family.

Your answer: Yes, my maternal grandmother does. She has been living with us for
five years. She is such a blessing in my family.

18. How would you describe your father’s character?

My father is so thoughtful and open-minded. As a matter of fact, he has many good
qualities and has always been a great model to me.

Your answer: My father is so caring and humorrous. He is a gentleman. As a

matter of fact, he has many good qualities and has always been a great model to

19. Who are you closer to, your mother or your father?
This is a difficult question. I adore both of them, maybe I’m more compatible with
my mother. We are very close.

Your answer: This is a difficult question. I adore both of them, maybe I’m more
compatible with my mother. We are very close.

20. What is your mother like?

It’s really difficult to describe her. One thing I can say is that she has a heart of
gold. She is extreamely kind-hearted and a devoted family member.

Your answer: It’s really difficult to describe her. One thing I can say is that she has
a heart of gold. She is extreamely kind-hearted and a devoted family member. She
is quite simple that people feel so comfortable to be with.

21. Which one do you resemble more, your mother or your father?
I look more like my father. Mainly in my eyes and other facial features. My hair is
darker and curlier but in character, I take more after my mother, I suppose.

Your answer: I look more like my father. Mainly in my mouth and other facial
features. But in character, I take more after my mother, I suppose.

22. Do you argue with your mother or father?

Not really. My parents are very understanding and I have a great regard for them.

Your answer: Not really. We understand and sympathize enough with each other to
avoid the unecessary arguements.

23. Do you get along with your sisters?

My sisters and I get along very well. We are very much alike.

Your answer: My sisters and I get along very well. They take care of me and stand
by me whenever I’m in trouble.

24. Are you going to bring up your children any different than the way
your parents brought you?
Yes and no. My parents raised me well and gave me a good education. If I could
do the same for my children, I would be very happy. Maybe I would more flexible.
I believe my parents were unreasonable strict at times, so I will try to keep a
balance between discipline and flexibility.

Your answer: Yes and no. My parents raised me well and gave me a good
education. If I could do the same for my children, I would be very happy. Maybe I
would spend more time with them. My father had to work far from home, he went
home only once a month.

25. Do you spend a lot time with your siblings?

Yes, I do. I come from a very close-knit family. We depend on one another and
spend a lot of time together.

Your answer: Yes, I do. I come from a very close-knit family. We depend on one
another and spend a lot of time together.

26. What is the most important quality in your brother?

The most important quality in my brother is his sense of humor. He is really fun to
be around and has great talent to make people laugh.

Your answer: The most imporant quality in my brother is his responsibility. He has
always been thoughtful and taked care of my family.

27. In what ways are you similar to your brother?

We are very similar in character. For example, we are both out going.
We are very similar in personality and have lots of things in common. For instance,
we enjoy the same sport and music.

Your answer: We are very similar in personality and have lots of things in
common. For instance, we both enjoy reading books and listening to music.

28. In what ways are you different from your brother?

We are totally different in character. For example, I’m outgoing whereas he is
tends to be reserved.

Your answer: We are totally different in character. For example, he is extrovert

whereas I’m introvert.

29. What does your brother looklike?

He is about my height, sort of thin. He has a full head of hair and wears his hair up.
He has very youthful appearance for someone who is over thirty.

Your answer: He is tall. He has assert eyes and brown skin. He exudes Asian

30. How do you help your family members with housework?

I usually help my wife with the housework and the children with their shool
assignments. I also do the cooking, iron and so on.

Your answer: I usually help them with housework such as do the cooking, iron and
so on.

31. Who does the shopping in your family?

My mother does the most of shopping. My father and I do some shopping from
time to time.

Your answer: My mother does the most of shopping. My father and I do some
shopping from time to time.

32. What do you like best about living in a extended family?

Well, the thing I like best about living in a large family is gatherings. You never
feel lonely at all because there is always lots of interaction.

Your answer: Well, the thing I like best about living in a large family is that you
never feel lonely at all because there is always lots of interaction. You enjoy full
love and care from the other members. It’s easy to help and share the problems
with one another or devide household chores.

33. How often do you see your family?

Pretty frequently, three or four times a week.

Your answer: Sometimes, once a week.

34. How often do you have a family get-together?

Fairly regularly, typically on weekend or during holidays.

Your answer: Fairly regularly, typically on weekend or during holidays.

35. Are you happy with you maried life?

Yes, very much so. I have an amazing partner and feel truly blessed with my
family life.

Your answer: Yes, very much so. My partner truly make me feel like home. We
have lots of happy moments.

36. Why do think you are compatiple with your wife?
We have everything in common. Overall, we are vey well matched-couple. We
enjoy the same things and have the same ideas and generally wew just made for
each other. Like most of married couple thoungh, we’ve had our ups and downs.

Your answer: We have many things in common with characteristic, hobbies and
opinions. Like most of married couple thoungh, we’ve had our ups and downs. But
overall, we are vey well matched-couple.

37. Would you like to live with your parents after you get married?
I prefered to stand on my own feet and be independent.

Your answer: I prefered to stand on my own feet and get my own house.

38. What would you like to change in your home?

If I could afford it, I would renovate my kitchen, change the cabinets and have the
floor retiled. It’s now in poor condition.
Your answer: If I could afford it, I would renovate my living room. I would buy a
new sofa, get the air conditioner and change the wall’s colour.

39. Would you like prefer living in a house or flat?

Living in a flat is more convinience and secure. On the other hand, the maintenace
costs of having a house are totally higher.
Your answer: Living in a house is more comfortable. We can design our own
homes including a garden or many floors.

40. What is the most feature that you consider when you choose a house or

Well, I believe my house should basically should meet the personel needs of the
owner. To me, its facilities are the most important of all. Its style and location are
also the things I take into consideration.

Your answer: Well, I believe my house should basically should meet the personel
needs of the owner. To me, its design is the most important of all. Its cost and
location are also the things I take into consideration.

41. Who is your best friend?

My best friend’s name is Tom. We’ve known each other for about ten years now.
To describe him, I would say he is so understanding and confident. He has a great
sense of humour and always very lively.
Your answer: My best friend’s name is Uyen. We’ve known each other for about 7
years now. To describe her, I would say she has a great sense of humour. She is
always very lively and confident. She has a beautiful voice and passion for music.

42. Why do you call this person your best friend?

I call Tom because of his unique qualities ‘ A friend in need is a friend in deed ‘.
He is supportive and always willing to help me out when a problem comes up. He
is such a caring person, I always treasure his friendship.
Your answer: I call Uyen because she is such a caring person. She know me more
than know. Her advice and encouragement are very important to me.

43. Do you have lots of friend?

Yes, I have quite lots of friends. I have friends from all walks of life. Of course,
some of them are only casual friends like my friends at work, but also have some
close friends.
Your answer: Yes, I have quite lots of friends. I have friends from all walks of life.
Of course, some of them are only casual friends like my friends at work, but also
have some close friends.

44. In your free time, would you prefer to be alone or to be with friends?
It depends, sometimes I prefer to be with my friends and sometimes I just want to
relax without anyone disturbing me.
Your answer: It depends, sometimes I prefer to be with my friends and sometimes I
just want to relax without anyone disturbing me.

45. What does friendship mean to you?
A mutual relatonship. Within a good friendship, we feel totally free. There is no
need to pretend to be anyone or anything else, because we know we are accepted
as we are.
Your answer: A mutual relatonship. It means there are belief, dependence and
respect in this relatonship that we feel totally free.

46. What is your favorite room in your house?

My favorite room would have to be our sitting room. Since it is north-facing, It is
brighter than all the other rooms.
Your answer: My favorite room would have to be our living room where saves the
happy moments of my family and I like it’s light blue wall.

47. Where do you live?

At present, I’m sharing an apartment with a couples of friends. It has three
bedrooms, one of the room is mine.
Your answer: At present, I’m sharing an apartment with a friend. It has two
bedrooms, one of the room is mine.

48. What do you like best about the place you are living?
I love the location of my apartment. Our flat is very well-located, we have easy
access to mosst major motorways and It also has a green space over look a large
Your answer: I love the location of my apartment. Our flat is very well-located, It
has a good security. Mainly, It is near my school and a supermarket.

49. How far is your home from your workplace?

We live in one of the surburds of the city. My workplace is about ten kilometers far
from my home. It usually take me about half an hour or so to get to work.
Your answer: We live in one of the surburds of the city. My school is about one
kilometers far from my home. It usually take me about 15 minutes or so to get to


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