1st Assessment Health 6 3rd Quarter

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Assessment in HEALTH 6

Name:__________________________________________ Score:___________

Grade & Section:________________ Parent’s Signature:_______________

I. Read the following test items. Select the answer from the given choices. Encircle the

1. Did you know that 840,000 people die from water-related diseases each year due to
diarrhea caused by?
A. Contaminated drinking water C. Sanitation
B. Poor hygiene D. all of the above
2. It is the hygienic process of promoting healthy keeping the environment free from dirt, infection
and diseases.
A. Poor hygiene C. unsafe water
B. Sanitation D. skin diseases.
3. What causes pneumonia and bronchitis?
A. Respiratory diseases C. Proper hand washing
B. Water drinking habit D. clean sanitary
4. Practicing proper hygiene can prevent?
A. Respiratory diseases C. Unsafe water
B. Insufficient hygiene D. Skin diseases
5. Diarrhea, typhoid fever, hepatitis A and worm infestation are examples of:
A. Unsafe water C. inadequate sanitation
B. Poor hygiene D. gastrointestinal diseases

II. Write Agree if the statement tells about the preventing poor environmental sanitation, and
Disagree if it does not.

_____________1. A poor environmental sanitation contributes to many common health problem.

_____________2. To prevent from getting sick, always maintain proper hygiene.

_____________3. Proper hygiene can prevent poor environmental sanitation.

_____________4. To prevent poor environmental sanitation always keep the environment clean.

_____________5. The water you drink does not make any sense at all.

III. Write YES if the statement is correct and NO if it is not.

__________1. Poor environmental sanitation causes different illnesses and even premature death.
__________2. Many people die each year due to diarrhea caused by contaminated water we drink,
poor hygiene and sanitation.

__________3. Acute respiratory infection are some of the major cause of over population.

___________4. Wash your hand before and after using toilets.

___________5. Practicing proper hygiene can prevent sickness.

IV. Complete each sentence with the correct word or group of words from the box

1. Poor ___________________________ causes different illnesses and even premature death.

2. Frequent _________________________ with soap and water can greatly lessen the incident rate
of your respiratory problems.

3. __________________________ usually develop in those who have poor sanitation because dirty
skin becomes an ideal breeding place for different microorganisms.

4. _________________________ is unsafe water, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene will

eventually lead to major intestinal infections.

5. Common heavy metals that are highly toxic to your developing brain and nervous system are lead
and mercury that causes _________________________.




V. In your own easy way as a responsible child how can you help maintain the
cleanliness of our environment and to avoid getting sick. Write a paragraph about
it(10 points).

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