Sales Guide: Enterprise Grade Deals
Sales Guide: Enterprise Grade Deals
Sales Guide: Enterprise Grade Deals
To Always Win
• Always has a different view of the world
• Understands the customer’s business
• Loves to debate
• Pushes the customer
• Builds strong customer advocates
• Generous in giving time to help others
• Gets along with everyone
• Follows own instincts
• Self-assured
• Independent
• Reliably responds
• Ensures that all problems are solved
• Detail oriented
Take Charge
Change Of Mindset
Knowledge is a must:
They say knowledge is power, and the challenger sale is no exception;
where most salespeople validate the opinions of their prospects, chal-
lengers question it, and aim to prove other better options.
As part of the challenger pro le, knowledge is a must, especially for the
speci c business and industry in question. To fully engage in discussions
with the ability to challenge the norm, you need to ensure knowledge
of more than just the basics, you need facts, stats, differing opinions,
in uencers, the lot!
Take charge
Control of the buyer journey is ultimately in the hands of the buyer,
almost always. You can’t force someone to part with their money, so in
the past, you’ve had to work your hardest to convince them parting
with their money will be worth it, and bring them return on their invest-
ment. The challenger sale model ips this on its head, giving the control
back to your sales team. You still can’t prize the money out of your
prospect’s hands, but if you’ve been a true challenger, you won’t need
to anyway.
Change of mind-set
Whilst we know the challenger sales method can bene t sale teams
and help them gain more high-quality customers, it’s not the easiest
thing to master. Taking on a challenger sales approach, especially
across a whole team will require a large shift in the way we look at sales.
A huge part of the relationship building approach, and something
many sales teams currently do, is aim to understand the prospect’s
current processes, slotting their solution in seamlessly to improve it. In
challenger sales, you’re not selling a product/solution, you’re selling
change. Challengers aim to change the lead’s current processes, using
their solution or product as the hinge point of that change. It doesn’t
just improve their results, it changes them (for the better of course).
This can be a dif cult concept to grasp, but with enough of that vital
knowledge, it starts to become clear how to build on those challenging
discussions and propose a change in the system, instead of an addition
to it. It’s OK to tell prospects they’re doing it wrong, and there’s a better
way- especially if you have the facts to back it up. We all have respect
for those who have a new idea, stand by it and prove it (even if we
don’t agree with them at the beginning). All great inventors, scientists
and philosophers across history had the courage to stand up and
promote a change instead of an addition; use their challenger mind-set
in your sales approach.
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