The Hunger Games: "Let The Tic - Tac - Toe Begin!"

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 Hunger  Games  

“Let  the  Tic-­‐Tac-­‐Toe  
The  Hunger  Games  
Introduction:    This  activity  is  an  independent,  differentiated  
project  for  students  to  complete  while  reading  The  Hunger  
Games.    Before  beginning  The  Hunger  Games  class  novel,  give  
each  student  a  Tic-­‐Tac-­‐Toe  board.    Discuss  each  of  the  options  
listed  on  the  board.    Explain  to  students  that  they  will  be  
reading  The  Hunger  Games  as  a  class  novel.    The  Tic-­‐Tac-­‐Toe  
exercises  will  be  due  when  students  have  finished  reading  the  
Background  of  the  Novel:  The  Hunger  Games  is  a  popular  
young  adult  novel  by  Suzanne  Collins.    Since  its  debut  in  2008,  
students  have  been  entranced  with  the  story  of  16-­‐year-­‐old  
Katniss  who  lives  in  the  12th  District  of  Panem.    Every  year,  one  
boy  and  one  girl  (ages  12-­‐18)  from  each  district  are  selected  by  
lottery  to  fight  in  The  Hunger  Games.    The  chance  to  represent  
one’s  district  may  sound  glorious,  but  it  is  not—only  one  
person  from  all  of  the  districts  is  supposed  to  survive.  
Materials  Needed:    
• Class  set  of  The  Hunger  Games  by  Suzanne  Collins  
• Tic-­‐Tac-­‐Toe  board  (1  per  student)  
• Drawing  paper  or  mini-­‐poster  boards  
• 3X5  index  cards  

© Tonya Davis, 2012   2  

The  Hunger  Games    
Select  three  boxes  to  complete  a  Tic-­‐Tac-­‐Toe.    You  may  choose  three  across,  
down,  or  vertically.  
Create  “Let  the  Games   You  are  a  newspaper   You  just  discovered  that  
Begin”  Commemorative   reporter  whose  job  it  is  to   Katniss  had  been  keeping  
Cards(similar  to    baseball   interview  Prim  after   a  diary  beginning  with  the  
cards)  for  5  characters   Katniss  volunteered  to   day  she  “volunteered”  
who  star  in  the  games.     take  Prim’s  place.    Write   through  the  end  of  the  
(your  choice  of   10  interview  questions   novel.    Create  a  mini-­‐diary  
characters).    The  cards   and  10  responses  using   with  at  least  5  of  Katniss’s  
should  include  a  drawing   Prim’s  perspective.   entries.    Be  certain  to  
of  the  featured  character  ,     show  what  Katniss  is  
a  description  of  the   feeling.  
character,  and  the  
character’s  district.  (3X5    
index  cards  work  well.)  
Team  Peta  or  Team  Gale?   You  are  a  well-­‐known   When  we  meet  Katniss,  
Create  a  Venn  Diagram   artist  who  has  just  been   she  is  16-­‐years-­‐old.    Write  
that  compares  and   hired  to  create  a  new   a  1-­‐2  page  story  about  a  
contrasts  Peta  and  Gale.     cover  for  the  book.    The   different  time  in  her  life.    
Then  make  a  decision.     cover  is  in  celebration  of   The  story  can  be  from  her  
Who  is  best  suited  for   the  novel  selling  over  one   youth  or  after  The  Hunger  
Katniss?    Why?    Write  a   million  copies.      Use   Games.  
detailed  paragraph   drawing  paper  or  poster  
explaining  your  decision.   board  to  create  the  
  beautiful  new  cover.    Be  
  sure  to  include  the  title  
  and  the  author’s  name.  
When  we  read,  it  is   Although  Katniss  and   Write  a  review  of  the  
important  to  make   Prim  love  each  other  very   book.    How  would  you  
connections.    We  may   much,  they  are  quite   rate  the  book?  For  what  
make  personal   different.    How  are  they   age  group  is  this  novel  
connections  (text  to  self),   different?    Explain.    Are   appropriate?    Are  the  
connections  to  other  text   you  more  like  Katniss  or   characters  believable?    
(text  to  text)  ,or   Prim?    How  do  you  know?   Why  or  why  not?  Would  
connections  to  the  world   you  recommend  it  to  
in  which  we  live  (text  to   others?      
world).    Describe  in  detail  
3  connections  you  made.      

© Tonya Davis, 2012  

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