21s2m4b3 - SCD5200 Remote Terminal Viewer (RTV) Diagnostics Utility

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Product Specifications

PSS 21S-2M4 B3
I/A Series® Station Computing Device (SCD)
SCD5200 Remote Terminal Viewer (RTV) Diagnostics Utility

BACKGROUND and separate power supply operate from station

The SCD5200 Station Computing Device inherits the batteries from 24 to 129 V dc nominal. Refer to PSS
pedigree and function of the I/A Series® Remote 21H-8G4 B4 for more information.
Terminal Unit RTU50. The SCD5200 utilizes the The SCD5200 architecture allows a full spectrum of
RTU50’s field proven software and uses the latest configurations such as:
generation processes and fabrication techniques to
 small single-device stations
achieve more compact hardware with higher
 redundant power supply
 redundant processor
The SCD5200 combines the features and benefits of  redundant input output systems with redundant
RTU50 Series components with higher levels of (duplicated and path diverse) communications
integration and state-of-the-art configuration and networks.
diagnostic packages. CPU, OptoNet, Power, and
For more information, refer to PSS 21H-8G1 B3.
dual Ethernet (COPE - refer to PSS 21H-8G3 B4) are
integrated into a compact main processor board.
Repackaging allows up to ten input/output modules
(refer to PSS 21H-8G2 B4) in a single file. The COPE
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INTRODUCTION  Connects via serial or TCP/IP communications

Remote Terminal Viewer (RTV) is a diagnostic utility  Single connection accesses all OptoNet nodes
for the SCD5200 Station Computing Device (SCD).
 Pull-down menus and tree-type functional display
RTV presents a real-time view of the operation of the
provides user-friendly navigation
SCD5200 through a windowed graphical user
interface (GUI). RTV communications interfaces  Displays configuration summary and detail
include serial for local access and dial-up modem or  Downloads/uploads firmware, configuration,
TCP/IP over local and wide area networks. Device calculations, and other files
configurations, including firmware and calculations,
 Remote configuration selection and restart
can be uploaded, downloaded, and displayed.
 Displays input/output point detail (status and
Many of the diagnostic windows feature dynamic
updating of input, output, and calculation data. Other analog values) and module health points
windows show dynamic communications  Displays communication configuration and detail
information, display raw communication packets, and
 Allows trapping and display of transmitted and
provide communications diagnostics. The RTV also
received messages of many protocols
provides diagnostic functions for RTU50 users.
 Enables and displays diagnostics for
FEATURES communications protocols

 Operates on Windows® 7 Professional (32 bit  Allows diagnosis and debug of calculations
and 64 bit) SP1 and Windows 2008 Server (64  Supports bulk transfers for the upload,
bit) Operating Systems. download, and reset of multiple RTUs
Refer to Remote Terminal Viewer Software
Release Notes (SY-1101192-RN, Rev L) for  Supports connection via DNP on I/A Series
updates on product compatibility. SCADA Master Station serial and TCP/IP
communications channels

Figure 1. RTV to SCD5200 Communications Options

 Provides the following Diagnostic Security • Password-based authentication for RTV

features when Diagnostic Security is configured connection to the RTU to prevent
in RTU: unauthorized access
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• Three privilege levels to access RTU On startup, the “New Connection” form displays the
default serial option and any saved serial or TCP/IP
• Log of 500 most recent user actions with
communications configurations. Serial options
time stamp and activity details in CSV
include PC serial port, baud rate and dial-up modem
interface. TCP/IP option allows setting of IP address.
FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Connection can be re-established even where the
RTV is a diagnostic utility designed to allow technical remote device fails to restart correctly due to
staff and system engineers to configure, diagnose, download or configuration errors.
and maintain SCD5200 Station Computing Devices All run-time operations of the SCD5200, such as
and associated plant. communication and I/O data collection, continue
Installation options include: independent of the connection of RTV via TCP/IP or
 Personal Computer (PC) connected by a serial
communication cable or to a dial-up modem
User Authentication
 On-site PC connected by local area network
When connecting to an SCD5200 that is configured
 Remote Windows PC connected by local and
to enable diagnostic security, the user is prompted to
wide area networks.
enter his or her User ID and Password. Correct entry
Connection Options of these credentials enables RTV access to the
secured SCD5200. Each authorized user is afforded
The RTV may connect to the COM1 serial port on the
role-based access in one of the secured access
SCD5200 main processor module or via TCP/IP on
local and wide area networks.
 Browse: The “View-Only” mode. The user can
view all diagnostic details but cannot activate
control outputs, upload files, change the file
settings, or reset the SCD5200.
 Maintenance: The user can view all data, operate
control commands, manipulate files, and reset
the SCD5200. This is the same level of
functionality as is afforded to any RTV user when
connected to an SCD5200 that does not have
diagnostic security enabled.
 Superuser: The Superuser manages other users
and can access the diagnostic security log where
all diagnostic user actions (log in, log out, control
operations, file operations, restarts, and so on)
are recorded.
Unauthorized users are denied all diagnostic access
to the SCD5200.
The diagnostic security feature is available in RTV
Figure 2. New Connection
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revision SY-1101192_F or later when used with database points on that card. Where cards require
SCD5200 firmware revision SY-1101205_A or later. It several levels to display points, status, or allow
is configured using the RTU Security Configurator: display and selection of diagnostics, labelled tabs are
SY-1101206_A. provided.
Detail for each point can be displayed in a secondary
Main Screen window by double-clicking the point or clicking the
Menu selections allow upper level functions including button associated with the point. Output points can
connect, disconnect, display or set remote device be operated.
time and date, force a reset of the remote device,
and select on-line help. Communications Protocol Detail
A status line shows the connection status, the Communications protocol attributes, captured
system time and date, and the node number and transmitted and received data frames and point
CPU activity for the current OptoNet node. values are displayed. Diagnostic functions can be
A tree diagram in the left hand panel displays the operated from buttons on the protocol displays.
configuration of connected OptoNet nodes. The
node to be displayed can be selected from the tree. Calculation Detail
The status of calculations and their variables are
The right-hand panel is used to display windows for
displayed. Variables can be selected to a watch list to
selected configuration items. The levels of the tree
assist debugging.
can be expanded or compressed to assist
navigation. For State And Logic Language (SALL), variables can
be forced and calculations can be stopped/started
The highest level of the tree displays a summary of
and single stepped. For IEC 61131-3 calculations,
the active firmware, configuration, and calculation file
on-line analysis is provided by ISaGRAF®
names, the name and size of the active calculations
and system diagnostics including memory allocation,
flash file status, connected diagnostic sessions, and
Virtual Screen
system health. Detail can be displayed by clicking a
button associated with the point. To assist processor, firmware, and configuration
debug, this screen shows system errors and
OptoNet Detail warnings. At startup, processor type and speed,
initial memory allocation, and selected firmware is
The status of OptoNet nodes together with
diagnostic detail for the selected node is shown.

File System
Input Output Detail
In addition to displaying the contents (file name, size,
Selection of an item in the tree triggers the display of
and creation date) of the flash file system, this
the associated database points and diagnostics.
window allows the user to select and activate the
Diagnostic information includes the card ID, card
firmware, configuration, and calculation files. Flash file
type, card function, installed slot, health points,
system format and file delete, upload, and download
command processing, flags, scanning status,
functions are accessed by buttons on this window.
configuration status, and the available and configured
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Window Manipulation
The main and right-hand panel windows can be
brought into focus, sized, minimized, maximized, and
closed through the familiar window operations.

Bulk Transfer
Bulk Transfer, provided in RTV, can be used to
upload, and download multiple files from multiple
RTUs connected on the OptoNet or TCP/IP Network.
In addition, multiple RTU’s on the OptoNet and
TCP/IP can be reset in this window.

Figure 3. File System Screen

Figure 4. Bulk Transfer Screen

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Help Java Runtime Environment V1.5 is supplied with the

Help is available through a content index available RTV diagnostic and configurator utilities.
from the Help menu on the main form. RTV is compatible with the SCD5200 and RTU50
In addition, context sensitive help is available for each using firmware SY-1101205 or SY-1101155_D or
level of the tree and display windows by pressing F1 later with compatible bootstrap firmware.
key. Some communications protocols and input output
modules available in the RTU50 are not supported by
System Requirements RTV. Refer to version release notes for the modules
RTV application operates on Windows 7 Professional supported by that version.
(32 bit and 64 bit) SP1 and Windows 2008 Server RTV SY-1101192 supports the hardware modules in
(64 bit) Operating Systems. Table 1 and the software modules in Table 2.
Table 1. SCD5200 RTU Hardware Modules Supported by RTV

Part Number Subsystem

AC Transducer Modules
SY-0399142 3 Phase AC Transducer Module 5 Amp Module Assembly
SY-0399140 3 Phase AC Transducer Module 1 Amp Module Assembly
Multiple I/O Modules
SY-0399095 SCD5200 Multi Input Output Module 129 V8 Mini Pilot Relay
SY-0399094 SCD5200 Multi Input Output Module 48 V8 Mini Pilot Relay
SY-0399088 SCD5200 Multi Input Output Module 24 V8 Mini Pilot Relay
SY-0399097 SCD5200 Multi Input Output Module 129 V6 Paired Pilot Relay
SY-0399096 SCD5200 Multi Input Output Module 48 V6 Paired Pilot Relay
SY-0399089 SCD5200 Multi Input Output Module 24 V6 Paired Pilot Relay
Analog Input Module
SY-0399085 SCD5200 20 Channel Analog Input Module (Isolated)
Analog/Digital Input Module
SY-0399160 SCD5200 4 Analog/32 Digital Input Module (24 V to 129 V)
Digital Output Modules
SY-0399086 SCD5200 12 Pilot Relay Digital Output Module
SY-0399087 SCD5200 12 Magnetically Latched Relay Digital Output Module
SY-0399136 SCD5200 8 Digital Output 10 Amp Module
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Table 1. SCD5200 RTU Hardware Modules Supported by RTV (Continued)

Part Number Subsystem

Analog Output Module

SY-0399084 SCD5200 4 Channel Analog Output Module
Processor Modules
SY-0399143 SCD5200 CPU OptoNet Power Supply Ethernet (COPE) Module
SY-0399144 SCD5200 CPU OptoNet Ethernet (COE) Module
SY-0399151 SCD5200 CPU OptoNet Ethernet (COE) Module with 64 MB SDRAM
SY-0399152 SCD5200 CPU OptoNet Power Supply Ethernet (COPE) Module with
8 Channel Serial Module
SY-0399132 SCD5200 8CH Serial Module RS-485/RS-232
Dual Communications Modules
SY-0399122 DCB DNP Glass Optical supporting DNP3 Master/Slave
SY-0399127 DCB IEC 60870-5-103 Glass Optical supporting IEC 60870-5-103
SY-0399163 DCB DNP V.11 supporting DNP3 Master/Slave
SY-0399192 SCD5200 Communications Module V.28 Conitel C2020/C2025
Master/Slave, C300/C3000 Slave
SY-0399194 SCD5200 Communications Module V.28 DNP3 Master/Slave
SY-0399196 SCD5200 Communications Module V.28 IEC 60870-5-101 Slave
SY-0399198 SCD5200 Communications Module V.28 WISP+ Master/Slave
SY-0399122 SCD5200 Comms Module Glass Optical DNP3
SY-0399127 SCD5200 Comms Module Glass Optical IEC103
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Table 2. SCD5200 Communication Protocols

Subsystem RTV Support

C2025 Conitel Master Yes

C2025 Conitel Slave Yes
C300 Conitel Slave Yes
DNP3 Master Yes
DNP3 Slave Yes
FoxCom Master Yes
Harris 5000/5500/6000 Slave No
IEC 60870-5-101 Master Yes
IEC 60870-5-101 Slave Yes
IEC 60870-5-103 Master Yes
IEC 60870-5-104 Slave Yes
IEC 61850 Client / GOOSE Subscriber Yes
IEC 61850 Server / GOOSE Publisher Yes
LN57-3 No
Modbus Master Yes
Modbus Slave Yes
OptoNet Yes
WISP + Master Yes
WISP + Slave Yes
Intrinsic Database Functions Yes
SALL Calculations Yes
IEC 61131-3 (ISaGRAF) Yes
Analog Logger Yes
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Table 2. SCD5200 Communication Protocols (Continued)

Subsystem RTV Support

Control Interlock Yes

Serial Event Logger Yes
IRIG-B Serial Time Code Generator No
System Monitor (SysMon) Yes
Security Yes


Remote Terminal Viewer (RTV) is a component of the SCD5200 Firmware and Utilities.

Part Number Description

SY-1101190 SCD5200 Firmware and Utilities

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