Physical Education

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The passage discusses the effects of exercise on the circulatory and muscular systems as well as benefits of yoga poses like Vakrasana.

Exercise increases heart rate, stroke volume and cardiac output to deliver more oxygen and nutrients to muscles. It also strengthens and grows the heart muscle.

Vakrasana increases spine flexibility, stretches muscles, reduces belly fat, and massages abdominal organs.

CBSE Board Paper Solution-2020

Class : XII
Subject : Physical Education
Set : 4
Code No : 75
Time Allowed : 3 Hours
Maximum Marks : 80

General Instruction:
1) The question paper consists of 34 questions
2) All questions are compulsory.
3) Question 1-20 carry 1 mark and are multiple choice questions.
4) Question 21-30 carry 3 marks each and should not exceed 80 -100
words each.
5) Question 31-34 carry 5 marks and should not exceed 150-200 words


1. The total number of matches in a knock out

tournament of 34 teams
(a) 31
(b) 32
(c) 33
(d) 35
Answer. (c) 33
2. The primary goal of Intramural competition is
(a) To provide opportunity for mass participation of
(b) To participate in inter-school competition
(c) To provide intra-school competition
(d) All of the above
Answer. (d) All of the above

3. The food component present in sugar is

(a) fats
(b) protein
(c) vitamin
(d) carbohydrate
Answer. (d) carbohydrate

4. The main source of Vitamin C is

(a) Guava
(b) Egg
(e) Milk
(d) Banana
Answer. (a) Guava
5. Which asana is helpful in maintaining normal
blood pressure?
(a) Shavasana
(b) Padmasana
(c) Shalabhasana
(d) Vakrasana
Answer. (a) Shavasana
6. Gomukhasana, Chakravana and Matsyasana are
helpful in curing which disease?
(a) Diabetes
(b) Backpain
(c) Asthama
(d) Obesity
Answer. (b) Backpain

7. When child is not able to adjust within society

or having no friends, is suffering from
(a) ADHD
(b) ASD
(c) ODD
(d) OCD
Answer. (d) OCD
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a/an
(a) Argumentative disorder
(b) Anxiety disorder
(c) Receiving and responding disorder
(d) All of these
Answer. (d) All of these

8. Cognitive disability may cause difficulty in which

of the following activity
(a) Reading
(b) Writing
(e) Mathematics
(d) All of the above
Answer. (d) All of the above

9. Menarche is defined as the

(a) Ending of menstrual period in women
(b) Beginning of menstrual period in women
(c) Time of pregnancy
(d) Beginning of pregnancy
Answer. (b) Beginning of menstrual period in women

10. Scoliosis is a postural deformity related with

(a) foot
(b) leg
(c) vertebral column
(d) hand
Answer. (c) vertebral column

11. Sit and reach test is conducted for

(a) Flexibility
(b) Motor fitness
(c) Endurance
(d) Speed
Answer. (a) Flexibility

12. Barrow Fitness Test does not include :

(a) Medicine Ball Put
(b) Zig-zag Run
(c) 600 metres Run
(d) Standing Broad Jump
Answer. (c) 600 metres Run
Rock Port one mile test is conducted to measure
(a) Cardiovascular fitness
(b) Senior citizen's fitness
(c) Vital capacity
(d) Muscular strength
Answer. (a) Cardiovascular fitness
13 Movement possible in Ball And Socket joint are.
(a) Rotation
(b) Flexion
(c) Extension
(d) All of the above
Answer. (a) Rotation
The Law of acceleration is also known as
(a) Law of inertia
(b) Law of action and reaction
(c) Law of momentum
(d) Boyle’s law
Answer. (c) Law of momentum

14. Match List 1 and list 2, select the correct

Sr. No List 1 List 2
1. Abrasion Joint Injury
2. Green Stick Soft Tissue Injury
3. Shoulder Cause of Sports
Dislocation Injury
4. Lack of Fitness Bone Injury

(a) 2, 4, 1, 3
(b) 3, 2, 4, 1
(c ) 4, 3, 1, 2
(d) 1, 3, 2, 4
Answer. (a) 2, 4, 1, 3

15. Bio-mechanics help in which of the following?

(a) In improving technique
(b) In improving designs of sports equipment
(c) In improving performance
(d) All of these
Answer. (d) All of these

16. The force of friction depends upon

(a) Nature of surface of contact
(b) Material of objects in contact
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
Answer. (c) Both (a) and (b)

17. Emotionally unstable, anxiety sadness are

attributes of which personality dimension?
(a) Extroversion
(b) Neuroticism
(c) Agreeableness
(d) Openness
Answer. (b) Neuroticism
Aggressive behaviour of a sportsperson is
influenced by
(a) Emotional identification with the team
(b) Tactical ability
(c) Goal orientation
(d) All of the above
Answer. (d) All of the above

18. The body structure of mesomorphic people is

(a) Fatty
(b) Large muscles and bones
(c) Solid
(d) Obese
Answer. (b) Large muscles and bones

19. Fartlek training was developed in

(a) Sweden
(b) The USA
(c) India
(d) The U.K.
Answer. (a) Sweden

20. If a muscle contracts and changes its length to

produce force, the contraction type is :
(a) Isotonic
(b) Isometric
(c) Isokinetic
(d) None of these
Answer. (a) Isotonic

21. A Explain the procedure of Harvard step test in
detail. 3
List down the test items of Rikli and Jones fitness
test and explain the procedure of anyone. 3

Harvard step test
Harvard step test is a cardiovascular fitness test also
called aerobic fitness test. It was developed by Brouha
and others in 1943. It is used to measure cardiovascular
fitness by checking the recovery rate.
Equipment's required - A gym bench or box of 20 inches
high for men and 16 inches for women, a stopwatch and
cadence tape.
Procedure - The athlete stands in front of the box. On the
command 'go' the athlete steps up and down on the box
at a rate of 30 steps per minutes. The heartbeat is
counted for 30 seconds period.
a. Minimum equipment is required for conducting this
b. It requires minimal cost.
c. It is simple to set up and conduct.
a. The height of the box remains the same for tall
individual and short individuals.
b. It will be easy for tall individuals and difficult for short

The Rikli and Jones Senior Fitness Test is a series of
simple tests that assess the functional fitness of elderly
people. The tests designed by Rikli and Jones for senior
citizen fitness are
a. Chair Stand Test for lower body strength.
b. Back Scratch Test for upper body flexibility.
c. Eight Foot Up and Go Test for coordination and
d. Arm Curl Test for upper body strength and
e. Chair Sit and Reach Test for lower body flexibility.
f. Six’ Minute Walk Test for aerobic fitness and
Back Scratch Test for senior citizens
The usefulness of the Back Scratch Test for senior
citizens is to assess the upper body ‘ flexibility,
particularly, the shoulders. The shoulder stretch is a
simple flexibility test to determine if the hands can be
brought together behind the back particularly the
shoulders. This test is part of the fitness programme as
an alternative to the back saver sit and reach test.

22. League tournament is a better way to judge the

best team of the tournament. Comment. 3

There are following advantage of league tournament:
a. In such type of tournament, the sports officials do
not face any difficulty while selecting or determining
the appropriate players or team.
b. The only strong or deserving team gets a victory in
the tournament.
c. Every team gets a full opportunity to show its
efficiency or performance.
d. Sports and games can be made more popular
through league tournament owing to a maximum
number of matches.
e. A team need not wait to win another team for playing
a match.
f. The spectators also get a good opportunity to watch
the game for many days.
g. Appropriate opportunities are available to the players
to improve their performance

23. 'Asanas can be used as a preventive measure.-

Comment. 3
The word 'Yoga' is derived from the Sanskrit root Yuj
which means 'join' or 'unite'. This may be as the union of
body, mind and soul, and is used in the literature both as
an end as well I as means.
Asanas as a preventive measure: The term asana means
sitting in a particular posture, which is comfortable and
which could be maintained steadily for a long time. Asana
gives stability and comfort, both at the physical and
mental level.
a. By performing regular asana, the bones, cartilages,
and ligaments become strong.
b. By performing asana regularly, blood circulation
becomes proper and blood pressure normalizes and
c. By regular practice of asana, our body becomes less
prone to diseases
d. By performing asana regularly, the respiratory
organs become efficient.
e. The size of the lungs and chest also enhances
f. The waste products such as lactic sulphate, urea,
uric acid etc. are excreted quickly and properly which
in turning fatigued.

24. Discuss in detail any one type of disorder. 3

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is a neurological
disorder that causes difficulties with processing
information from the five senses: vision, auditory, touch,
olfaction and taste, as well as from the sense of
movement (vestibular system) and/or the positional
sense (proprioception). Sensory Processing Disorder is a
condition in which the brain has trouble receiving and
responding to information that comes in through the

25. Suggest physical exercises for childhood and

adulthood. 3
Exercise guidelines at different stages of growth and
Early childhood (3 to 8 years)
a. Emphasis on participation not on competition.
b. Activities are related to fine motor skills.
c. Minimum one-hour regular medium exercise.
d. Recreative & enjoyable methods of physical
Later childhood (8 to 12 years)
a. Exercise to develop body control, strength and
b. Organised or team games to develop social-
c. Teach basic rules of sports i.e. fair, play, simple
d. Introduction to the concept of sports training.
Adolescence (13 to 19 years)
a. 60 min to several hrs every day.
b. Muscle-strengthening exercise at least 3 times a
c. Bone-strengthening exercise and resistance exercise
weight training.
d. Running swimming etc. for stamina building.
Adulthood (above 19 years)
a. Moderate-intensity physical activity every day.
b. Running, swimming, etc. for stamina building.
c. Muscles strong training exercise at least 2 times a
d. Bone-strengthening exercise and resistance exercise.

26. What do you understand by food myths? 3

What are the pitfalls of dieting? 3
Food myths mean a legendary story about food with or
without a determinable basis of fact or a natural
explanation. What to eat, when to eat, and how often to
eat are such questions which usually confuse.
Some food myths are as follows:
a. Egg increases cholesterol levels
b. Potatoes make you fat
c. Fat-free products will help you in losing weight
d. The peel of fruits & vegetables contains no nutrients
e. Having milk immediately after eating fish
f. Starve yourself if you want to lose weight
g. Exercise makes you eat more
There are no advantages to dieting. Science has proved
that dieting causes many physical and mental problems.
It causes a lot of problems and your physique can even
become worse than before.
Some of the pitfalls of dieting are:
a. The most common side effect of dieting is that you
start to lose your hair.
b. There are many other reasons for depression in life.
Dieting is one among them. Stress worsens the
mental as well as the physical health of a person.
c. If you continue dieting for a long time it can damage
your internal organs and body systems. Its working
efficiency decreases than normal. Your blood
circulation becomes passive.
27. Discuss the preventive measure of sports
injuries. 3
Exercise is good for the body and with the proper
precautions, sports injuries can often be prevented. The
quality protective equipment - padding, helmets, shoes,
mouth guards - have helped to improve safety in sports.
But, can still be susceptible to injury. Always contact your
healthcare provider before starting any type of physical
activities especially vigorous types of exercises or sports.
Causes of sports injuries may include:
a. improper or poor training practices
b. wearing improper sporting gear
c. being in the poor health condition
d. improper warm-up or stretching practises before a
sporting event or exercise
Common sports injuries include:
a. Muscle injuries
b. Sprains and strains
c. Dislocations
d. Fractures
e. Joint (knee, shoulder, ankle) injuries
f. Achilles tendon injuries

28. With suitable examples explain the application

of Newton's law in sports. 3
Physics is the study of matter and its motion through
time and space, as well as its interaction with energy and
the forces created by this interaction.
There are many different types of forces in action in
football. Newton developed the Three Laws of Motion and
all are applicable in football.
a. The law of inertia tells us that the football will remain
at rest unless someone or something moves it by a
specific force. Once the ball leaves the quarterback's
hands, the first law tells us that if there are no other
forces on the ball, the ball would continue to travel in
the same direction and with the same speed until
other forces affect its flight.
b. The second law of motion states that force on an
object is equal to the mass of the object multiplied
by its acceleration. If we apply this law to a football,
it tells us that the amount that the ball accelerates
depends on the force applied by the quarterback and
the mass of the ball.
c. The third law of motion states that for every force
applied there is an equal and opposite reaction force.
An illustration of this might be when a player is
trying to catch a football from a very high kick. This
slows down the ball so the player can catch the
football and bring it to rest.

29. Discuss in detail any three techniques of

motivation. 3
Define balanced Diet Explain any four Micro
Nutrients. 3
Various techniques of motivation are applied on
sportspersons which can enable them to achieve the top
positions in the field of sports and games. Three
techniques of motivation are:
a. As we know that achieving performance goals is a
sign of competence that affects motivation positively.
b. If an athlete perceives that any particular kind of
experiences are available to him in a given sport and
he feels that these will be pleasant, enjoyable or
satisfying, then he will choose to participate in that
game or sport and not any other.
c. A teacher or coach who has participated in the sport
himself is a great asset in motivating the athletes.

Balanced Diet is a complete food, a diet contains
adequate amounts of all the necessary nutrients required
for proper growth and maintenance of the body.
The energic food in our diet consists of various types of
essential chemicals for our body termed as nutrients: –
e.g. Protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins & minerals.
Micronutrients mainly comprise vitamins and minerals
which are required in minute quantities. However, both
macronutrients, as well as micronutrients, are essential.
Micronutrients are chlorine, iron, manganese, zinc,
boron, sodium, copper, molybdenum and nickel.
a. Iodine produces the hormones for the thyroid gland.
It is also significant for proper growth and
b. Iron is essential in the production of haemoglobin.
Its deficiency causes anaemia.
c. Chromium is essential in the production of
haemoglobin. Its deficiency may cause diabetes.

30. Define flexibility and its types. 3

Flexibility is the range of movement of the joint of a
sports person. Flexibility is of two types, i.e., active
flexibility and passive flexibility.
a. Active flexibility:- The ability of an individual to do
the joint motion for a longer range without any
external help. Active flexibility is always greater than
passive flexibility. Ex. doing any stretching exercise
without external help. It is two kinds, i.e., static
flexibility, and dynamic flexibility. Static Flexibility is
usually required by a sports person when he remains
in static position e.g. Diving, sitting, lying, etc.
Dynamic Flexibility is needed for walking and running
its increase by static stretching.
b. Passive Flexibility:- the ability to do the joint
movement with a greater range with the external
help of a partner. This flexibility is largely
determined by joint structure, stretchability of the
muscle and ligament. Passive flexibility helps in the
development of active flexibility.

31. What is circuit training? Draw a diagram of
circuit training with 12 stations and explain its
importance in sports. 5
Draw a knock out fixture for 25 teams with all
steps involved. 5
Circuit training is a form of body conditioning or
resistance training using high-intensity aerobics. It
targets strength building and muscular endurance. An
exercise circuit’ is one completion of all prescribed
exercise in the programme. When a circuit is complete,
one begins the first exercise again for the new circuit. A
specific circuit, however, can consist of several exercises
involving the same muscle groups.
Circuit training is an excellent way to improve mobility,
strength and stamina. The circuit training comprises 6 to
10 strength exercises that are completed one exercise
after another.
Benefits of circuit training include:
a. Improvements in cardiovascular fitness
b. Improvements in muscular endurance
c. Increased social interaction during a workout
d. Increased adherence to exercise
e. Improvements in muscular strength
f. Reduced risk of diseases, better sleep, etc.

Number of teams = 25
Number of byes = 32 – 25 = 7 Byes
32. How physical activities are helpful for children
with a special need? Explain strategies to make
physical activities assessable for them. 5

Physical activity is as important for special needs children
as it is for any child. Participating in sports can help boost
Various strategies involved are:
a. Fun activities for children with Autism: Craft activity
is fun for everyone, the opportunity to explore,
colour, shape and sensory experiences can stimulate
attention and faster calmness.
b. Adaptive Physical Activity for Students with Cerebral
Palsy: When putting adaptions into place, the
planning, equipment and environment for physical
education classes should be such that ensure
enjoyment and success for a child.
c. Help Reduce Hyperactivity in children with ADHD: To
help a child learn to manage or reduce hyperactivity
includes strategies to help lower physical activity
levels and to calm thoughts.
d. Selecting and Adapting toys and Games as per their
Interest: An Adapted toy, can provide children with
disability the same play opportunities, simplify the
rules of the game and setting up the play
e. Consider different Approaches to Mobility: Making
outdoor programs accessible for the disabled. Once
you gain some regularity in getting children out in
green environments you will start seeing the results
in their level of self-esteem focus and participation in
social settings.
f. Different Methods of Instructions: Teacher must
accommodate many levels of functioning and learn
within each group of students.
g. Universal Design for Learning: The universal design
approach provides a framework for creating
instructional goals, methods, materials and
assessment that work for everyone.
h. Arranging Positive learning Environment: Children
who have additional needs often require the
environment to be adopted to maximise their
participation in the planned manner.
33. Give your outlook on the participation of Indian
women in sports. 5
Answer. For women’s participation in sports, we have a
look at the ancient period. Regarding participation in the
first modern Olympic (1896 Athens), there was no
participation of women.
a. Women participated the first time in the 1900
Olympics. (22 women participated in)
b. In 1904 six women participated.
c. And after 100 years in 2000 Sydney Olympics 4069
women had participated.
d. In 2008 Beijing Olympics 4637 women participated.
Participation in India
a. In 2000 Karnam Malleshwari was the first woman
who won a bronze medal in Sydney Olympic from
b. In 1984 performance of P.T. Usha was very good in
c. In 2012 London Olympics Saina Nehwal and M.C.
Mericom got the bronze medal.
d. In 2016, Rio Olympics, Sakshi Malik won the bronze
medal, P.V. Sandhu won silver medal whereas Deepa
Karmakar opened new dimensions in gymnastics.
Over the past several decades the participation of
women in sports in the sports field has increased
tremendously. The ideology suggests that women are
participating in every sphere of life and proving
themselves globally.
34. Which asanas will you suggest for back pain?
Explain the procedure, benefits and
contraindications of any two asanas
recommended for back pain. 5
What is the effect of exercise on the
cardiorespiratory system and muscular
system? 5
Back pain is the pain felt in the backbone. Episodes of
back pain may be acute, sub-acute, or chronic depending
on the duration. The pain may be characterized as a dull
ache, shooting or a burning sensation. The pain may
originate from the muscles, nerves, bones, joints. It is
generally caused by strained muscles, ruptured disk,
sciatica, arthritis, osteoporosis, abnormal curvature of
the spine, cancer of the spine, etc. Asanas recommended
for back pain :
(a) Tadasana: In this asana, body imitates like a palm
tree known as Tada in Sanskrit.
Procedure :
(i) Stand erect, legs together, hands by the side of
the thighs.
(ii) Stretch the arms upward, over the head and
parallel to each other, with palms facing each
(iii) Slowly raise the heels and stand on the toes. Stay
for a few seconds in this final position.
Benefits :
(i) It strengthens thighs, knees, ankles.
(ii) It helps in improving the height of growing
(iii) It helps to remove laziness.
Contra-indications: Those who have complaints of reeling
sensation or light-headedness should not practice this.
(b) Vakrasana :
Procedure :
(i) Sit down stretching your legs forward on the
ground. Keep your hands beside your thighs or
(ii) Bend your right leg straight and stretched, keep
the left foot beside the right knee raised upward.
(iii) Inhale and raise the arms shoulder high, keeping
the elbows straight.
(iv) Exhaling, twist to the left, place the right arm by
the outer side of the left knee and hold the left
ankle with the right hand.
(v) Look backwards towards the left side, hold on this
final position.
Benefits :
(i) Increases elasticity of the spine.
(ii) Stretches the muscles.
(iii) Reduces belly fat.
(iv) Loosens the hip joint.
(v) Massages the abdominal organs.
Contra-indications :
(i) Avoid asana if suffering from severe back pain.
(ii) This asana is also not recommended for people
suffering from ulcer and hernia.

The effects of exercise on the circulatory system.
a. During exercise, the heart rate increases rapidly.
b. This provides the muscles with the necessary oxygen
and nutrients to provide the muscles with energy.
c. During exercise stroke volume increases because
more blood is sent back to the heart due to the
muscles squeezing blood in the veins. As the muscle
fibres stretch, they contract more strongly, pumping
out more blood.
d. During exercise, cardiac output is increased.
e. The heart muscle will grow and strengthen.
f. The heart muscle will become more efficient in heart
rate and stroke volume.
The effects of exercise on the muscular system.
a. Muscle size increases mainly due to muscle ability to
adapt to stress.
b. Muscle coordination increases when doing exercises
which require skill and technique e.g.: dribbling the
c. Blood supply to muscles increases due to long-term
exercise by that improving delivery of various
nutrients, minerals and vitamins to muscles and
making them more effective and faster at
regenerating after injury or workout.
d. Blood flow can increase by up to 25 times because
muscle requires more energy and oxygen.
e. Muscle fatigue is the decline inability of a muscle to
generate force. It can be a result of intense exercise,
but abnormal fatigue may be caused by barriers to
or interference with the different stages of muscle

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