Food Ordering Android Application: International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 05 Issue: 04 | Apr-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Food Ordering Android Application

Kajal Gupta1, Abhishek Kadam2, Neha Keni3, Prof. Meghali Kalyankar4
1,2,3 Students, Department of Computer Engineering, G. V. Acharya Institute of Engineering and Technology
Mumbai University, Mumbai, 400098, Maharashtra, India
4 Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, G. V. Acharya Institute of Engineering and Technology

Mumbai University, Mumbai, 400098, Maharashtra, India

Abstract - The purpose of online food and Tiffin ordering 2. LITERATURE SURVEY
applications is to automate the existing physical structure
by the help of automated apparatus and full-fledged There are currently 4 applications are in trend which are
computer software, satisfying their requirements, so that Food panda, Zomato, Swiggy, Faasos. By anaylzing the
their appreciated data/information can be deposited for a survey we come to decision that Swiggy and Faasos
longer stage with easy retrieving and guidance of the requires 30% of follow up regarding that order is placed
identical. The rampant evolution of wireless knowledge and or not? And order is dispatched or not? And in case of
mobile devices in this era is producing a great impression on Foodpanda and Zomato requires less follow up. At present
our lives. This investigation work goals to automate the food there are four types of system are available in which
ordering process in near neighborhood and also improve the manual food ordering system and waiter paging system
dining understanding of customers. In this report we are outdated whereas touch screen and touch pad
deliberate about the design and execution of automated projection ordering app. By observing chart we come to
food ordering system with real time customer feedback for know that Food panda and Faasos are providing many
vendors. This system, implements wireless data entrance to features such as reward points, ewallet, discounts,
server. The android application on user’s mobile will have coupons, easy return policy, quality food. Whereas Zomato
all the menu specifics. The order details from customer’s and Swiggy provides less features.
mobile are wirelessly rationalized in central database and
consequently send to kitchen and cashier correspondingly. Different types of system:

Key Words: Automate, Apparatus, Full-fledged, Cashier. 1. Manual food ordering system: Manual Food Ordering
System uses waiter to take orders from customers.
2. Waiter paging system: The Waiter Paging System
The “Food Ordering Android Application” has been allows customers to call for a waiter. The pager unit
residential to countermand the problems customary in the notifies the waiter via a vibrator or buzzer that a
practicing handbook system. A location-based service request has been received and displays the request.
(LBS) is a mobile application that is dependent on the
location of a mobile device, like mobile phone[1]. This 3. Touch-Pad Projection System: The Touch Pad-
software is supported to eradicate and in some cases Projection System also allows customers to send food
diminish the adversity faced by this breathing system. orders directly to the kitchen. Each table has its own
Moreover this system is designed for exacting need of the image projector, projecting the menu on the table
company to carry out operations in a smooth and effective allowing customers to make an order by touching the
manner. The Food Ordering Android Application is the table surface instead of a monitor screen [3].
Android Application for customized Tiffin and food
ordering. User will be capable to get delivery on his Sr. Applications Popularit No. of System Draw
present location by GPS description. Delivery tracking, No \ y Follo Types back
food production process suggestion, share enduring food, . Features w Up
plunder and many more description are there in Food 1. FoodPanda 25% 25% Manual 25%
Ordering Android Application. The application is
2. Zomato 25% 15% Waiter 15%
condensed as much as potential to avoid errors while
incoming the data. It also provides error message while
incoming unsound data. No formal facts is needed for the 3. Swiggy 20% 30% Touch 30%
user to use this system. Thus by this all it provides it is Screen
intelligible. Food Ordering Android Application, as 4. Faasos 25% 30% Touch Pad 30%
described above, can lead to mistake free, protected, Projection
reliable and fast administration system. It can help the
user to deliberate on their other performance rather to Table -1: literature survey
deliberate on the record maintenance.

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2590
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 04 | Apr-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

3. EXISTING AND PROPOSED SYSTEM can log in and can update/change the menu and prices
accordingly. For every order placed through the
3.1 Existing System application, we have assumed that our portal gets a 20%
of royalty.
In an existing system for giving any orders, a user should
visit Hotels or Restaurants to know about food items and 3.2.1 Advantages of proposed system
then give orders and pay in advance or you need to select
menu and place an order on call. In this method time and 1. Tracking of orders.
manual work is required. Maintaining critical information 2. One step registration with android application.
in the files and manuals is full of risk and tedious process. 3. Instant notification of the order, when the order is
confirmed, dispatched and delivered.
Tracking of Delivery is not available in previous 4. Advance ordering.
applications and Booking of a particular table in advance 5. Customize food ordering.
is also not available. Customization of Order, Current 6. Various secured payment methods.
status of the order is not available. Some systems contain 7. Subscription-based registration of hotels, restaurant,
an outdated database that is Restaurant is closed, yet it and vendors.
shows on the application. 8. Ability to order food from nearby restaurants and
3.1.1 Drawbacks of Existing System 9. Provision of restaurant owners to register
themselves with their menus.
1) Do not take mass order. 10. With the GPS, easy searching of nearby restaurants
2) Does not indicate the famous dishes of a particular and hotels.
restaurant. 11. Tiffin services.
3) Nobody shows the current status of delivery. 12. Table booking.
4) Mismatch in delivery expected time. 13. Leftover food is given to NGO.
5) Location facility available in Swiggy only.
6) Outdated data. 3.2.2 Disadvantages of proposed system
3.2 Proposed system 1. Once an order has been dispatched, it cannot be
The application is an online food ordering system which 2. Availability of internet to use application.
consists of GPS option where the application user can
select the option to see the restaurants nearby his vicinity. 4. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION
It is mainly implemented using Global Positioning System
(GPS).Users with location-aware wireless devices can The system consists of four modules namely Customer
query about their surroundings at any place, anytime[2]. module, Server Module, Kitchen Module and Home
This android application enables the end users to register Delivery Module. The Customer, Server and Kitchen
on the application, select the food from menu card and module work in the restaurant environment within a
order food by an android app. The User will receive a home network with the help of wireless fidelity whereas
confirmation call, by selecting and ordering the food they the Home Delivery and Reservation module works
want to have. The results after selecting food from menu anywhere with proper Internet connectivity.
card will directly appear in web application part on the
system of a manager. By using this application the work of 4.1 Customer Module
waiter is reduced or we can say that work is nullified. The
benefit is that if there is a rush in a restaurant then there The customer module is an android based application that
will be chances that the waiters will be unavailable and provides a user friendly graphical user interface. With the
then the users can directly order the food by using android help of this module the customer can order the meal. This
application. The user is given Username and Password to module contains the details of the food to be ordered
Login. which includes price of the menu, ingredients and a visual
display of the food items Special dishes(e.g. the Chef’s
The User can see the list of Restaurants on the basis of the Choice)if any could be changed and modified easily at any
User Ratings given. The user can see the different cuisines time by the admin/manager and displayed. Any
offered at the restaurants and the related food menus personalization required by the customer in the food item
along with their prices. The User can place the order can easily be implemented under this module. The
accordingly and after the order is placed a confirmation customer module is run on a tablet and the application to
mail is sent to the user. Then the bill is generated which be run on it is made in Eclipse and Android Studio using
has the order price and according to the user location, the Java programming. The customer module is connected to
delivery charges are calculated. Another module will be the server module through wireless fidelity network.
consisting of a Manager application where the hotel staff

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2591
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 04 | Apr-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

4.2 Server Module 9. This is reached when a user successfully places an

order. The user is given the order confirmation
Server module is a web based module which is handled by number laterally with success message.
the admin (restaurant manager) for managing the
database and controlling the entire system. Here the entire REFERENCES
details of the item ordered by the customer, time of
ordering, bill amount, and bill status maintained. [1] Location Based Services using Android Mobile
Also the admin can anytime add and modify menus(e.g. Operating System by Amit Kushwaha, Vineet
Today’s Special), their prices and advertise specific food Kushwaha from Department of Electronics &
item including special discount and combo offer server Communication Engineering IIMT Engineering
Module is being implemented in XAMPP server where College, Meerut-250001, India. International Journal
database management is done in MySQL and of Advances in Engineering & Technology, Mar 2011.
programming is done using java server pages. IJAET ISSN: 2231-1963

4.3 Home Delivery and Reservation Module [2] Location Based Tracking Application Using Android
Mobile Operating System by Apoorva Vengurlekar,
Home delivery and reservation module is also an android Kiran Shukla, Dnyaneshwar J. Dhangar from Rajiv
based application through which the customer can order Gandhi Institute of Technology, Mumbai. International
the food from anywhere. Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume
5, Issue 3, March-2014 821 ISSN 2229-5518.
Through internet connectivity. The customers can also
book table in advance before coming for dinner or lunch [3] Automated Food Ordering System with Interactive
and can know whether a table is available or not this User Interface Approach by YoungChai Tan,
module will communicate with server module and the KienLoong Lee, ZhiChao Khor, KaeVin Goh,
database will be accordingly updated. This will be an KhimLengTan, BentFie Lew from Department of
android application which will be available on google play Engineering and Science University Tunku Abdul
store for free. Rahman (UTAR),
In this, we planned the automated food ordering system
for the restaurant. The system is compared to earlier food Kajal Ashokkumar Gupta
ordering traditional methods such as traditional pen and Currently pursuing BE in Computer.
paper methods etc. We have deliberated advantages of the
proposed system over those earlier methods. The
segregating factor for the proposed methodology is its
adjustable efficiency which comes from the technology it
Abhishek Nagesh Kadam
Currently pursuing BE in Computer.
1. It allow users to browse through different product
2. This is accomplished through an easy to use graphical
interface menu options.
3. It allow users to save items to the ordered list and Neha Ajay Keni
view detailed information about the order. Currently pursuing BE in Computer.
4. The users can add any number of items to the
ordered list from any of the available food categories
by simply clicking the Add to Order button for each
Meghali Ajay Kalyankar currently
item. Once an item is added to the ordered list, the
working as an Assistant Professor in
user is presented with detailed order to review or
G.V.Acharya Institute of Engineering
& Technology, Shelu, Mumbai
5. It allow the user to Proceed-To-Checkout.
University in Computer Engineering
6. It allow the user to track the delivery.
Department. Paper published by her
7. This is achieved when a user selects “Proceed to
international conference (2)
Checkout” button and fill up the Payment material
International Journal(5). She
received her post graduation (ME) in
8. It allow the user to see notification message after
computer science and engineering
placing an order.
from Amravati University

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2592

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