Practical - Research Chapter 1
Practical - Research Chapter 1
Practical - Research Chapter 1
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for Senior High School
May B. Competente
Rose G. Borja
Lendel Enova
Chapter 1
course of actions that are available. There are times in everyone’s lives where
decisions have to be made. It is one of the most important aspects in life and
work because of its strong link to success and effectiveness. Choosing a strand
is one of the most life-altering decisions that an individual can make, and
choosing the right strand is a stressful process for upcoming Senior High School
involving several issues for decision making. Making a decision implies that there
are alternatives choices to be considered, and in such a case we want not only to
identify as many of these alternatives as possible but to choose the one that best
fits with our goals, objectives, desired, values, and so on.For every student
choosing the best strand can be a difficult decision as well as thinking about their
future career. Some students know exactly which course to pursue while others
do not know. Career can be defined by the total pattern of one’s activities held
career is very important for every individual as this help to determine their future.
the journey, it is believed that students determine their career choices based on
several factors.There are several factors that may affect the decision of students
and parents, where it can be a good source of insight for private higher education
institutions to offer quality services that will suit to the needs, expectations and
demands of the community, with the curricular offerings of private colleges and
There are different factors that affect their chosen Strand in Senior High.
Respect for family is one of the most influential factors that affects the Senior
choosing a course for their children to continue the legacy of their family courses
or profession.
can affect the chosen course they want, some of the respondents will depend on
the economic status to get their professin . It may affect also themselves
because not everyone tend to choose what Strand they afford becaus there are
lots of option or choice of what they really want . But because of life status , It
Self- interest is getting what they really want, they will decide on their own
profession where the fassion brought them, this will affect their chosen STRAND
because some students are depending to what their parents want them to take.
Students grew up with parents, some are superior with their gaurdians but mostly
peer Group is also considered on of the factors. Students are most likely
dependable of what society they have or the group they belong. It can be affect
their perception just to obey the rules and choose their group. Sometimes, they
1.1 Age
2.1 Personality
2.4 Interest
This study will focus on the Factors that affects Students in strand
preference. The study will be limited to determining the Factors and knowledge
that results from practice and experience which sought with quality education.
Sampling method.
The researcher believes that the result of the study will be significant
to the following:
The researcher believes that the result of the study will be significant
to the following:
As the prospective Senior High School Learners in the future, the result of this
study will benefit and inspire them to formulate and act upon on their chosen
- The Community shall also Benefit from this study in a sense that they are vital
to thedevelopment of the School. And as such, They Would eagerly give support
- As the Role Model of the K-12 curriculum. This study will benefit, greatlyhelp
and inspire them to be more innovative and carry out the programs of
- This Study will assist them to serve as a step for picking their selected
- They will also be more likely to provide wise counsel to their children
- This will be a benefit and will contribute to the researchers. As theycan find out
Acevedo, R., & Downs, A. (2019, February 28). How our trash impacts the
environment. Earth Day.
McGrath Matt (2019 July 3). US Top of the Grbage Pile in Global Waste Crisis.
British Broadcasting Corporation News.
science -environment-48838699
Azuelo, M. C., Barbado, L., & Reyes, L. M. (2016). Assessment of solid waste
management strategies in Camarines Norte, Philippines.Asia Pacific
Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 4(4).
(This should be in a separate page. Follow the pattern – hanging indent and right
Theoretical framework
Chapter 2
theories, and concepts written by various individuals and groups. Relevant ideas
Related Literature
Various literature that are related to the present study were reviewed to
provide broader and deeper insight. The researcher presents the summary of the
The following related literatures are excerpts from various materials that
behavioral issues and the problems that greatly contribute to the issues on waste
disposal of students.
laws, orders, and articles written about this particularly in the school setting were
Related Studies
Several studies in the past years delved into problems on waste disposal
and management. These studies considered key concepts and variables related
to the main variables of this study. Based on these studies, the researcher can
further elaborate details and provide depth and clarity to the main points of this
study. This portion presents the studies conducted by both foreign and local
researchers that will provide relevant insights on the topic being studied.
Studies from research of foreign authors will be discussed that will serve
The following studies will provide additional insights to the research that
will be undertaken.
(Write the similarities and differences with the cited studies to your present
Theoretical Framework
Conceptual Framework
This part of the study illustrates how the study will be realized. As shown
Definition of Terms
feelings, values, and dispositions to think and act in certain ways (inner attitude).
Chapter 3
Method of Research
use descriptive method. Using purposive sampling, this research will deal with
of the respondents and the degree of existence of the behavioral issues on waste
disposal of students will be determined. (mention here the SOP that utilized
correlational method)
selecting the participants. There are …(describe the sample and the sampling
Research Instrument
The researcher will utilize a survey questionnaire as the principal tool used
in gathering the information needed in this study. The questionnaire for the
students was divided into four parts. The first part determined the (describe)
The second part provided for the (describe) The third part determined the
The main source of data needed for this research study is the survey
questionnaire. To ensure its validity, (describe what you did such as having
For the last part you will place your Data Collection Instrument marked as
appendix A
Background of the Study _
Statement of the Problem _
Hypotheses _
Scope and Limitation of the Study _
Significance of the Study _
Notes __
Related Literature __
Foreign __
Local __
Related Studies __
Foreign __
Local __
Synthesis of the State-of- the-Art __
Theoretical Framework __
Conceptual Framework __
Definition of Terms __
Notes __
Methods of Research __
Population, Sample Size and Sampling __
Description of Respondents __
Research Instrument __
Data Gathering Procedures __
Statistical Treatment of Data __
Notes __
A Letter to ________ Conduct Pilot Test __
B Survey Questionnaire __
A. Books
B. Unpublished Theses/Dissertation
C. Published Research
D. Internet Sources
E. Journals/Newspaper
FORMAT ng research:
Margin: Size: 12
1.5 “ 1”
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