180° and Force: C A Net

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1) There are two charges +1 microcoulombs

and +5 microcoulombs. The ratio of the (c) Net force on B Fnet = FA2 + FC2
forces acting on them will be +15 esu
(a) 1 : 5 (b) 1 : 1
(c) 5 : 1 (d) 1 : 25 3 cm
(b) The same force will act on both bodies
although their directions will be different. – 20 esu
+12 esu 4 cm
2 2
Fnet = FA + FC
2) A charge q 1 exerts some force on a second FA

charge q 2 . If third charge q 3 is brought 15  12 12  20

FA = = 20 dyne , FC = = 15 dyne
near, the force of q 1 exerted on q 2
(3 ) 2
(4 )2
(a) Decreases
 Fnet = FA2 + FC2 = (20 )2 + (15 )2 = 25 dyne
(b) Increases
(c) Remains unchanged
(d) Increases if q 3 is of the same sign as q 1 5) A charge Q is divided into two parts of q
and decreases if q 3 is of opposite sign and Q − q . If the coulomb repulsion between
q1q 2 them when they are separated is to be
(c) The force will still remain
4  0 r 2 maximum, the ratio of Q should be
(a) 2 (b) 1 / 2
3) Two small spheres each having the charge
+Q are suspended by insulating threads of
(c) 4 (d) 1 / 4
length L from a hook. This arrangement is (a) Let separation between two parts be r 
(Q − q)
taken in space where there is no F = k .q
gravitational effect, then the angle between
For F to be maximum dF = 0  Q = 2
the two suspensions and the tension in each dq q 1
will be
1 Q2 1 Q2 6) Two copper balls, each weighing 10g are
(a) 180 o , (b) 90 o ,
4 0 (2 L) 2 4 0 L2 kept in air 10 cm apart. If one electron from
1 Q2 1 Q2
every 10 6 atoms is transferred from one
(c) 180 o , (d) 180 o , ball to the other, the coulomb force between
4 0 2 L2 4 0 L2
them is (atomic weight of copper is 63.5)
(a) The position of the balls in the satellite will (a) 2 .0  10 10 N (b) 2 .0  10 4 N
become as shown below
(c) 2 . 0  10 8 N (d) 2 . 0  10 6 N
L L (c) Number of atoms in given mass
+Q +Q
=  6 .02  10 23
63 .5 e–

Thus angle  = 180° and Force =


Q2 = 9.48  1022+

4 0 (2 L)2
10 cm
4) ABC is a right angled triangle in which
AB = 3 cm and BC = 4 cm . And  ABC = /2.
Transfer of electron between balls
The three charges +15, + 12 and −20 e.s.u.
9.48  10 22
are placed respectively on A , B and C . The =
10 6
force acting on B is
= 9.48  1016
1C = 3  10 stat coulomb =
ab coulomb
10 Hence magnitude of charge gained by each
(a) 125 dynes (b) 35 dynes ball.
(c) 25 dynes (d) Zero Q = 9.48  1016  1.6  10–19 = 0.015 C
Force of attraction between the balls
(0.015 )
F = 9  10 9  = 2  10 8 N .
(0.1) 2
 Q   3Q 
7) Three charges each of magnitude q are   
F' = k .   2
2 4  3
placed at the corners of an equilateral Now force = F
r 8
triangle, the electrostatic force on the
charge placed at the center is (each side of
triangle is L) 10) Figure shows the electric lines of force
1 q2 emerging from a charged body. If the
(a) Zero (b)
4 0 L2 electric field at A and B are E A and E B
13q 2 1 q2 respectively and if the displacement
(c) (d) between A and B is r then
4 0 L2 12 0 L2

(a) In the following figure since

| FA | =| FB | =| FC | and they are equally inclined with
each other, so their resultant will q be zero. A B


q q
C B (a) E A  E B (b) E A  E B
(c) EA = (d) EA =
r r2

8) Two point charges placed at a certain (a) In non-uniform electric field. Intensity is
distance r in air exert a force F on each more, where the lines are more denser.
other. Then the distance r' at which these
charges will exert the same force in a 11)Two parallel plates have equal and opposite
medium of dielectric constant k is given by charge. When the space between them is
(a) r (b) r/k evacuated, the electric field between the
(c) r / k (d) r k plates is 2  10 5 V / m . When the space is
filled with dielectric, the electric field
Q1Q2 Q1Q2 r
(c) F = F' or =  r' = becomes 1  10 5 V / m . The dielectric constant
4 0 r 2 4 0 r'2 K K
of the dielectric material
(a) 1/2 (b) 1
9) Two spherical conductors B and C having (c) 2 (d) 3
equal radii and carrying equal charges in
Ewithout dielectric 2  10 5
them repel each other with a force F when (c) K= = =2
Ewith dielectric 1  10 5
kept apart at some distance. A third
spherical conductor having same radius as
12)The distance between the two charges
that of B but uncharged is brought in 25 C and 36 C is 11cm At what point on
contact with B, then brought in contact with the line joining the two, the intensity will be
C and finally removed away from both. The zero
new force of repulsion between B and C is (a) At a distance of 5 cm from 25 C
(a) F / 4 (b) 3F / 4 (b) At a distance of 5 cm from 36 C

(c) F/8 (d) 3F / 8 (c) At a distance of 10 cm from 25 C

36 C
(d) Initially F = k .
(fig. A). Finally when a third (d) At a distance of 11 cm from
(a) Suppose electric field is zero at point N in
spherical conductor comes in contact alternately with
the figure then
B and C then removed, so charges on B and C are Q / 2
Q1 = 25C E2 N E1 Q2 = 36C
and 3Q / 4 respectively (fig. B)
Q Q Q/2 3Q/4 x1 x2
x = 11 cm
r r

(A) (B)
At N |E1| = |E2| (a) 80 m / s (b) 56 m / s

which gives x1 =
= 5 cm (c) 44 m / s (d) 40 m / s
Q2 36
+1 +1 QE 3  10 −3  80
Q1 25 (b) a= = = 12 m / sec 2
m 20  10 − 3
Hence v = u + at  v = 20 + 12  3 = 56 m/s.
13) An uncharged sphere of metal is placed in
between two charged plates as shown. The
lines of force look like 16) An electron of mass m e initially at rest
moves through a certain distance in a
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
uniform electric field in time t1 . A proton of
mass m p also initially at rest takes time t 2
– – – – – – – – – – – – – –
to move through an equal distance in this
A B uniform electric field. Neglecting the effect
of gravity, the ratio of t 2 / t1 is nearly equal
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + to
(a) 1 (b) (m p / m e )1 / 2
(c) (m e / m p )1 / 2 (d) 1836
– – – – – – – – – – – – – –
C D eE 2
(b) For electron s=  t1 , For proton

(a) A (b) B eE
s=  t22
(c) C (d) D
t22 m p t mp m 
(c) Electric lines of force never intersect the  =  2 = =  p 

t12 m e t1 me  me 
conductor. They are perpendicular and slightly curved
near the surface of conductor.
14)The intensity of the electric field required to
keep a water drop of radius 10 −5 cm just 17) Electric field intensity at a point in between
suspended in air when charged with one two parallel sheets with like charges of same
electron is approximately surface charge densities ( ) is
 
(a) 260 volt / cm (a) (b)
2 0 0
(b) 260 newton / coulomb
(c) Zero (d)
(c) 130 volt / cm 0

(d) 130 newton / coulomb (c) Electric field between sheets

(g = 10 newton / kg, e = 1 .6  10 −19 coulomb ) E= ( −  ) = 0
2 0  
+ +
(b) For balance mg = eE  E= + +
e + +

4 4 22 E0 + E=0 + E0

Also m =  r3d =   (10 − 7 )3  1000 kg +
3 3 7 +
+ +
+ +
4 / 3  22 / 7  (10 −7 )3  1000  10
 E= = 260
1 .6  10 −19
18) Two small spherical balls each carrying a
charge Q = 10 C (10 micro-coulomb) are
15) A mass m = 20 g has a charge q = 3.0 mC . It suspended by two insulating threads of
moves with a velocity of 20 m / s and enters a equal lengths 1m each, from a point fixed in
region of electric field of 80 N / C in the same the ceiling. It is found that in equilibrium
direction as the velocity of the mass. The threads are separated by an angle 60 o
velocity of the mass after 3 seconds in this between them, as shown in the figure. What
region is
is the tension in the threads (Given: 21) If the magnitude of intensity of electric field
1 at a distance x on axial line and at a
= 9  10 9 Nm / C 2 )
(4 0 ) distance y on equatorial line on a given
dipole are equal, then x : y is
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 1 : 2
(a) 18 N
60o (c) 1 : 2 (d) 3 2 : 1
(b) 1.8 N
2 p k.p
(c) 0.18 N (d) Eaxial = Eequatorial  k. = 3 
x3 y
(d) None of the above x 21 / 3 3
= = 2 :1
(b) In the following figure, in equilibrium Fe = T y 1
sin 30o, r = 1m
22)An electric dipole in a uniform electric field
30o 30
o experiences (When it is placed at an angle 
1m 1m with the field)
T cos 30o
(a) Force and torque both (b)Force but no torque
T 30o
(c) Torque but no force (d) No force and no
+10 C Fe
T sin 30o +10 C torque
(c) In uniform electric field dipole experience
only torque, but no force.
Q2 1
 9  10 9. =T  23) For a dipole q = 2  10 −6 C and d = 0.01 m .
r2 2

(10  10 −6 ) 2 1
Calculate the maximum torque for this
 9  10 9 . 2
=T  T = 1.8 N dipole if E = 5  10 5 N / C
1 2
(a) 1  10 −3 Nm −1 (b) 10  10 −3 Nm −1
(c) 10  10 −3 Nm (d) 1  10 2 Nm 2
19)An electron and a proton are at a distance of
1 Å . The moment of this dipole will be (c)  max = pE = q (2l)E = 2  10 −6  0 .01  5  10 5
(C  m) = 10  10 −3 N - m
(a) 1 .6  10 19 (b) 1 .6  10 −29
(c) 3 . 2  10 19 (d) 3 . 2  10 29 24) A cylinder of radius R and length L is placed in a
(b) p = q  (2l) = 1.6  10 –19
 10 –10
= 1.6  10 –29 uniform electric field E parallel to the cylinder
C-m axis. The total flux for the surface of the
cylinder is given by
20) Electric charges q, q, − 2q are placed at the (a) 2R 2 E (b) R 2 / E
corners of an equilateral triangle ABC of (c) (R 2 − R) / E (d) Zero
side l . The magnitude of electric dipole
(d) Flux through surface A  A = E  R 2 and
moment of the system is
 B = − E  R 2
(a) ql (b) 2 ql

(c) 3 ql (d) 4 ql

A → E
l l

C 60°
B l → Flux through curved surface C
+q – 2q p
 
= E.ds = E ds cos 90 = 0 o

pnet = p + p + 2 pp cos 60  = 3 p = 3 ql
2 2
( p
 Total flux through cylinder =  A + B + C =
= ql)
25) Electric field at a point varies as r0 for (a)
Q +
0 +
(a) An electric dipole +
100 Q
(b) A point charge (b)
(c) A plane infinite sheet of charge
10 Q
(d) A line charge of infinite length (c)
( 0 )
(c) E =  / (20) 100 Q
+ 50cm
(d) +
( 0 )
26) An electric charge q is placed at the centre of a (b) Charge enclosed by cylindrical surface
cube of side  . The electric flux on one of its (length 100 cm) is Qenc = 100 Q. By applying Gauss's law
faces will be 1 1
= (Qenc . ) = (100 Q)
q q 0 0
(a) (b)
6 0 0a2
q q 30) If the electric flux entering and leaving an
(c) (d)
4  0 a 2 0 enclosed surface respectively is 1 and  2 the
(a) By Gauss's theorem. electric charge inside the surface will be
(a) (1 + 2 )0 (b) ( 2 − 1 ) 0
27) Total electric flux coming out of a unit positive (c) (1 +  2 ) /  0 (d) (2 − 1 ) / 0
charge put in air is 1
(b) net =  Qenc  Qenc = ( 2 − 1 ) 0
(a)  0 (b)  0−1 0

(c) (4 p  0 )−1 (d) 4 0

(b) Total flux coming out from unit charge
  1
= E.d s =  1 =  0−1

28) A charge q is placed at the centre of the open

end of cylindrical vessel. The flux of the electric
field through the surface of the vessel is
(a) Zero (b)
q 2q
(c) (d)
2 0 0
(c) To apply Gauss's theorem it is essential that
charge should be placed inside a closed surface. So
imagine another similar cylindrical vessel above it as
shown in figure (dotted).

29) Electric charge is uniformly distributed along a

long straight wire of radius 1mm. The charge
per cm length of the wire is Q coulomb. Another
cylindrical surface of radius 50 cm and length
1m symmetrically encloses the wire as shown
in the figure. The total electric flux passing
through the cylindrical surface is

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