Woorbook Unit 10 Etni Bu

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Intermediate 1 Unit 10

Unit 10

a. Circle the correct words to complete the following dialogues.

Customer: This looks like an interesting (1) gadget/ programmer/ hackathon.

What does it do?
Salesperson: It’s a smartphone cover and (2) app/ charger/ trend in one. When
you’re running out of battery, you press a button on the case, and it
recharges your (3) smartphone/ storage/ app_

Karen: Do you want to enter the company’s 48-hour digital (4) device/ hackathon
Jack: It sounds like fun, but I’m a designer, not (5) a trend/ laptop/ programmer.
Karen: I know. But we need someone to make our (6) storage/ digital camera/
app look really nice.

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Intermediate 1 Unit 10

b. The sentences below are in the future tense. What future meaning is each one trying to
express? Match the meanings to the sentences.

1. We’re going to sell a gadget that turns regular bikes into electric bikes. ___
2. This gadget will make chopping vegetables fun. ___
3. I’m going to take a class on creating apps. ___
4. The bus to the gadget fair will be leaving each morning at 7:00. ___
5. This fitness tracker will keep track of how many steps you take each day. ___
6. I’ll be using my tablet in the mornings, but you can use it in the afternoons. ___

a. Plans we have made and actions that are about to happen very soon.
b. A continuous or ongoing action that will be happening by a specific time in the future
c. Events we are sure will happen, or predict will happen, in the future

b. Read the sentences below and circle the correct future tense.

Future Future Going to

simple progressive future

1. Barry will be giving the gadget demonstrations

this week.

2. They are going to fix my laptop.

3. We will call you when your smartphone is ready.

4. Everyone will want to download this app!

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Intermediate 1 Unit 10

All About Apps

a. Do you remember the apps recommended in the computer lesson? Below are some
descriptions of different apps. Match the comments on the apps to the correct
descriptions. There are more comments than you need.

1. Paperless World – Are you sick of all those papers lying around the house? Move them
out of your life and into your computer, using this top-rated scanning app. Paperless
World lets you scan business cards, receipts, documents, and more, quickly and easily.
2. Direct Your Life – You take pictures and videos of people and events in your life. But
then what? Direct Your Life lets you weave those photos and videos together, into a
professional-looking video clip. No editing experience needed! ____
3. Pass It On Over– Looking for a quick way to send large files over e-mail? With Pass It
On Over, you write an e-mail, attach a file, and the recipient receives a link to the file,
which they can view or download. It’s not the only app like it, but it’s the fastest! ____
4. Best Route – When you’re in a new city or new part of town, Best Route will be your
best friend. This app will let you know the quickest way to get to where you want to
go. Whether by foot, car, or public transportation, Best Route will get you there in the
easiest (and quickest) way possible. ____

User Comments
a. This app saved my life when I was in Rome. It showed me how to get from place to
place most efficiently.
b. Finally, an app that lets you share large files with others easily and quickly!
c. I hate clutter, yet papers kept piling up and taking over my space. Then I found this app,
and it has literally changed my life. I recommend it for everyone trying to live a clutter-
free life!
d. All my friends are impressed by my movie making skills. After every event I make a
movie using videos and pictures that I took on my phone. Then I share it with friends.
But I have a secret. The real movie maker is this app!

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Intermediate 1 Unit 10

b. Complete the table with the correct linking words

also • although • afterwards • instead • in addition • next

Linking Words

Addition although , afterwards

Contrast also , in addition

Sequence instead , next

c. Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.

App Carpenter

Do you want your handheld device to do an annoying or tedious task, but you can’t
find an app that’ll do it? No problem. App Carpenter will create the app for you, and
customize it to fit your needs. We’ll take care of everything from programming to creating
a user-friendly design. We’ll create an attractive logo or icon, too. We’ll also make sure
your app works on all handheld devices. Finally, we’ll submit your app to an online store,
so it can be part of the huge app marketplace.

1. Which linking word in the text is used to express addition? _______________

Do you want your handheld device

No problem
2. Which linking word in the text is used to express contrast? _______________

3. Which linking word in the text is used to express sequence? ______________

We’ll create an attractive

b. Write an e-mail to the App Carpenter team asking for more information about their
product. Ask about the following:

• How much does the app cost?

• How long does it take to complete an app?
• How long has App Carpenter been in business?

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Intermediate 1 Unit 10

Student Hackathon
a. Do you remember the video about the student hackathon? Here is an interview with the
team that came in second place. Read the interview and answer the questions.

Interviewer: Congratulations on coming in second place. Can you tell us about your app?
Anna: Sure. Our app is called Find Out More. It helps you find out information about
products you see in the store. It gives you product reviews, and shows you
where you can buy the product for the lowest price.
Markos: All you do is take a product off the shelf and scan the barcode with the app.
Within seconds, you have the information you want.
Interviewer: This app sounds great for consumers.
Anna: It is. Recently, I was shopping for a fitness tracker. There were so many
different kinds in the store, I wasn’t sure which to get. I used my phone to
look up reviews online, but the process was slow and tedious. That’s how I
came up with the idea for the app.
Markos: In addition, you can scan the barcodes on food products to get nutritional
Interviewer: Let me know when your app is on the market. I’ll definitely download it!

b. Complete the table based on what you learned from the interview.

True False mentioned
in interview

1. The app won first place in the hackathon.

2. The app is good for consumers.

3. Markos had the idea for the app.

4. The app has a scanner.

5. The app can tell you how nutritious a food is.

6. The app is not expensive

7. The app is already on the market.

c. Write a short paragraph explaining why you would or wouldn’t use the Find Out More app.

d. Exchange paragraphs with a partner. Do you agree with each other?

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Intermediate 1 Unit 10

Choosing a Device
a. Do you remember the conversation from the computer lesson? Here’s a conversation
between a different sales clerk and customer. Read the conversation and answer the
questions that follow.

Customer: I’m going to start making my own fruit and vegetable juices. So I’m looking
for a juicer that’ll be easy to use, but will also work well. Do you have any
Sales Clerk: I recommend the DYV juicer. It works very well and is simple to use. It’s also
very quiet.
Customer: Is it easy to clean? If it’s hard to clean, I’m also not going to want to use it
Sales Clerk: Yes, the DYV is very easy to clean.
Customer: Great. I’ll take it.
Sales Clerk: Actually, all our juicers will be going on sale next Monday.
Customer: Ok, I’ll be back on Monday!

1. What kind of gadget are the sales clerk and customer discussing?

I’m going to start making my own fruit and vegetable juices

2. What is NOT mentioned as a feature of the DYV?

It works well.
It’s simple to use.
It’s easy to clean.
It’s inexpensive.
It’s quiet.

3. Why will the customer come back on Monday?

I recommend the DYV juicer. It works very well and is simple to use. It’s alsovery quiet

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Intermediate 1 Unit 10

Tech-Trend Gadget Expo

a. Do you remember the ad for the Tech-Trend Gadget Expo? Below is an interview with
the buyer of a gadget store, who is attending the expo. Read the interview and answer
the questions.

Reporter: What do you think of the Tech-Trend Gadget Expo?

Buyer: It’s THE place to be to keep up with the latest trends in the gadget world. It’s
also fun! There are so many cool and interesting gadgets.

Reporter: What have you seen so far?

Buyer: I’ve seen some great smart objects. There’s a suitcase that lets you know how
much it weighs. And if it gets lost, you can track it with your smartphone. I’ve
also seen new kinds of wearable technology. A jacket with sensors lets you
communicate with your smartphone. You tap or swipe on the sleeve of the
jacket to play music, use the GPS, or make and answer calls.

Reporter: What are you going to look at next?

Buyer: I’m going to see the 3-D printers. I can’t wait to see what kind of objects they’re
printing today.

1. What is smart about the suitcase the buyer mentions? Give two reasons.
a. _______________________________________________________________
It’s THE place to be to keep up with the latest trends in the gadget world

b. _______________________________________________________________
It’salso fun! There are so many cool and interesting gadgets.

2. The buyer mentions three types of wearable technology. What are they?
A jacket with sensors
a. _____________________
jacket to play music
b. _____________________
going to see the 3-D printers
c. _____________________

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Intermediate 1 Unit 10

Technology Podcast
a. Do you remember the podcast on The Internet of Things? Read the following article and
answer the questions.

The Internet of Things

Picture a world where everyday objects are “smart”-from your couch to your coffee
maker to your home. There are smart roads and smart streetlights, which work
together to create a smart city. This world of smart everything is what people refer to
as “the Internet of things,” or IoT.

Objects and devices are smart when they use software and electronics, such as
sensors, to communicate with the Internet, continuously sending and receiving

We’re already on our way to IoT, with many smart devices in existence and in the
works. From a T-shirt that acts as a fitness tracker, measuring your heart rate and blood
pressure, to smart parking spaces that let drivers know when a parking space is empty.
IoT, here we come!

1. What kind of inventions help make a city smart? Give examples from the article.
Picture a world where everyday objects are “smart”-from your couch to your coffee
2. The fitness tracker T-shirt is also an example of what?
This world of smart everything is what people refer toas
3. In what way can a home be smart? Think of your own example.
We’re already on our way to IoT, with many smart devices in existence

b. If you were going to invent a smart object, what would it be? Describe your smart
object, and explain what tasks it would do.

c. Share your smart object description with a partner.

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