Computer Science: 1. Data Representation
Computer Science: 1. Data Representation
1. Data Representation
i. Data definition:
- Numeric, alphabetic and alphanumeric
ii. Number systems:
- Decimal, Binary, Octal & Hexadecimal
iii. Number system conversion
iv. Representation of numbers using (1’s) and (2’s) complements
v. Binary arithmetic:
- Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
vi. Fixed and floating point number representation
vii. Code:
- Coding scheme (Binary Coded Decimal, ASCII)
2. Boolean Algebra
i. Boolean constant, variable, logical operators, Boolean expressions, Boolean functions
ii. Laws and theorems of Boolean algebra
iii. Truth tables
iv. Simplification of Boolean functions, laws and Karnaugh maps
3. Problem Solving
i. Defining the problem
ii. Analysis of the problem, illustrated with examples
iii. Algorithms
iv. Flow charts:
- Flow charts symbols, examples of flow charts using daily life applications
v. Computer programming:
- Conversion of flow chart, algorithm into computer language instructions
vi. Running and debugging programs
vii. Implementation
viii. Documentation
4. Data Types Assignment (INPUT/OUTPUT) Statement
i. Character sets, reserved words, commands and statements
ii. Numeric and strings
iii. Constants and variables
iv. Operators: arithmetic, relational and logical
v. Hierarchy of operators, expressions
vi. Arithmetic, relational and logical
vii. Assignment statements
viii. Input, READ-DATA
5. Control Statements
i. Go to, ON – GO TO
ii. If – Then – Else, on Error – Go to…
iii. For … Next statement, While and Wend statement, Loops and nested loops
6. Arrays
i. One and two – dimensional arrays
ii. Reading, writing and manipulation of arrays
7. Sub-Program and File Handling
i. Functions:
- Built-in functions (ABS, INT, RND, SQR, LOG, EXP, SIN, COS, TAN, CINT, INT,
user defined functions
ii. Subroutines
iii. Reading and writing into files
8. Graphics
i. Sketching and drawing of graphics using utilities such as DRAW and COLOR
ii. Generating lines, rectangles, circles etc
Q.1 Write down the syntax and example of the following DOS commands.
Attempt one from each part: (2+2)
a. i. DIR ii. DATE iii. VER
b. i. XCOPY ii. FC iii. COMP
Q.2 Perform and write down the steps of following MS-Windows tasks (any
three): (2+2+2)
i. How would you change the speed of mouse pointer? (2)
ii. How would you view system properties of your computer? (2)
iii. How would you restore the file from recycle bin? (2)
iv. How would you arrange icons on desktop by name? (2)
v. How would you rename a folder? (2)
vi. How would you hide/unhide the taskbar? (2)
Q.4 Write a GWBASIC program to find the product of two numbers. (5)
Q.5 Write a GWBASIC program to print the table of any number. (5)
Q.6 Write a GWBASIC program that inputs a number and prints “even” if it is
even or “odd” if it is odd. (5)
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