An Experimental Study On Mechanical Characteristics of Treated Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Beams
An Experimental Study On Mechanical Characteristics of Treated Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Beams
An Experimental Study On Mechanical Characteristics of Treated Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Beams
Volume 5 Issue 4, May-June 2021 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
In recent years, steel prices have soared. For developing compared with steel; bamboo is widely expected to be
countries, steel is difficult to obtain because of expensive possible even in countries and regions that have no
prices, and for the construction industry, usage of steel is advanced manufacturing technology and construction
currently limited heavily. The production of steel has high techniques.
consumption of fossil fuels. Meanwhile, for developing
countries, it is important to make the development of
buildings construction; low cost, no requirement of 2. MATERIALS AND MIX PROPORTION
sophisticated technologies and reliable construction Materials: Raw materials are required such as Cement,
methods. Environmental destruction such as pollution of air Sand, Coarse aggregate, Bamboo, Water, Epoxy resin.
and water has been occurring in some regions by rapid
A. Cement: The cement used for the present investigation
development and production of materials like iron, steel,
was ordinary Portland cement of 43 grade.
glass, cement and aluminium that use limited mineral
resources. On the other hand, plants and fibers are annually Table 2.1: Properties of Cement
reproducible clean resources. S. no. Properties Observed
Bamboo is a unique group of gigantic grasses the culm of 1 Standard Consistency Test 32%
which originates in underground rhizomes. It grows 2 Fineness Test 6%
naturally in many parts around the world country but some 3 Specific Gravity 3.14
species are artificially planted. Bamboo forests are found 4 Initial setting time 29 min
across tropic and sub-tropic zones between latitudes of 5 Final setting time 600 min
about 40° south, i.e. areas with mean annual temperatures of B. Fine Aggregate
from 20°C to 30°C. Sand is from Zone-II as per IS: 383-1970.
Bamboo suitable for water pipes grows at altitudes from 20 Table 2.2: Properties of Fine Aggregate
to 3,000meters. Among the many possibilities for such S. no. Test for Fine Aggregate Observed Values
substitutions, bamboo, which is one of the fastest growing
1 Fineness Modulus 4.566
plants, has got a great economic potential. Bamboo has been
2 Specific Gravity 2.515
used in constructions of bridges and houses for thousands of
3 Water absorption (%) 2.4%
years in Asia. Bamboo takes less energy to harvest and
transport. Therefore, bamboo has low manufacturing costs
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
C. Coarse Aggregate Table 3.1: Density test result
Crushed aggregate and rubber aggregate both are 20mm Volume of
Specimen Oven dry Mass density
graded aggregate as per IS: 383-1970. specimen
No. mass (gm) (gm/cm3)
Table 2.3: Properties of Coarse Aggregate
1 1.60 2.70 0.593
S. no. Test of Coarse Aggregate Result (%)
2 1.60 2.80 0.571
1 Fineness Module 3.359 3 1.50 2.60 0.577
2 Specific Gravity 2.688 4 1.85 2.60 0.712
5 2.25 3.50 0.643
D. Water
Water is an important ingredient of concrete as it actually B. Water Absorption Test
participates in the chemical reaction with cement. Ordinary Bamboo is a hygroscopic material, tending to absorb
portable water available in the laboratory is used. moisture from air and surroundings. The water absorption
capacity of bamboo splints is more than 50% by weight;
E. Tests on Bamboo
hence it absorbs and reduces a part of water added in the
Table 2.4: Properties of Bamboo
concrete mix for hydration reactions.
S. no. Test of Bamboo Result (%)
1 Specific gravity 0.575 to 0.655 Table 3.2: Water absorption test result
Water absorbed Water absorbed
2 Average weight 0.625kg/m Type
after 15 days after 30 days
3 Modulus of rupture 610 to 1600kg/cm2 A-1 24.80 25.65
4 Modulus of Elasticity 1.8 x105kg/cm2 A-2 56.70 57.80
A-3 85.40 90.25
F. Epoxy resin B-1 08.25 10.05
Table 2.5: Properties of Bamboo
B-2 11.25 14.05
S. no. Test of Epoxy Resin Result (%) B-3 24.55 29.70
1 Aspect Pale yellow liquid
C. Moisture Content Test
2 Mix density 1.05Kg/litre Bamboo is a hygroscopic material which means moisture
3 Mix Ratio by weight 77:23 content changes with change in relative humidity and
4 Pot life 50 Minutes at 25 °C temperature of surroundings. Free and bound water exists in
5 Compressive Strength 70 Mpa at 7 days bamboo, however the amount of free water is small as
compared to bound water hence bamboo starts to shrink as
6 Tensile Strength 18 Mpa at 7 days soon it losses moisture. Type-1: Zero internodes present ,
7 Shear Bond Strength 18 Mpa at 7 days Type-2: One internodes present, Type-3: Two internodes
8 Flexural Strength 55 Mpa at 7 days present
9 Shrinkage Passes Table 3.3: Initial moisture content test results
G. Polyester Resin Thick Initial
S. dry Moisture
Polyester resins have high thermal and heat stability, low Nodes ness weight
no. weigth content %
shrinkage and good mechanical strength when combined (cm) (gm)
with glass fiber to create composite structures. Polyester
resins are the most economical resin systems used in 1 0 0.6 20.00 17.35 13.25%
engineering applications, but with limited use in high 2 0 0.7 20.00 17.30 13.50%
performance composites 3 0 0.6 16.20 14.15 12.65%
4 0 0.6 16.90 15.00 11.24%
H. Mix proportion 5 1 0.5 50.00 41.95 16.10%
TABLE 2.6: Mix proportion
D. Compression Test
The compression test was carried out on hollow bamboo
383kg 727kg 1173kg culms to determine the compressive strength of bamboo.
The compressive strength of bamboo is of utter importance
1 1.87 3
to calculate the maximum allowable stresses in bamboo,
3. RESULT when bamboo is being used as compressive reinforcement in
The Density test, Water absorption test, Moisture Content the upper fiber of a doubly reinforced concrete beam.
test, compression test and tensile test were tested for Table 3.4: Compression test results
Conventional concrete. Outer Ultimate
A. Density Test Sample Nodes diameter compressive
The density test was performed to find out the basic mass (mm) strength (Mpa)
per volume or density of bamboo. The density of bamboo can A-1 0 6 47 57.97
be used as an appropriate parameter for classification of A-2 0 8 43 84.58
bamboo because unlike other physical and mechanical A-3 0 10 44 74.20
properties of bamboo, it depends only on the green volume B-1 1 5 47 72.00
and the oven dry mass. B-2 1 8 43 90.72
B-3 1 9 44 88.52
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD42316 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2021 Page 502
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
E. Tensile Test
Tensile tests were conducted on specimens having nodes at the end. Nodes are weak and brittle in resistance to tensile force as
referred. This test was performed on specimens with nodes at gauge position and its main purpose was to determine modulus
of elasticity of the specified species Bamboo. It has been observed that mostly the failure occurred at mid height. The failure
occurred looks like the splitting of the fibres.
Table 3.5: Tensile test result
Load (kN) Elongation (mm) Strain Stress (N/mm2)
0 0 0 0
10 0.10 0.0008 47.300
12 0.20 0.0015 56.870
14 0.50 0.0038 66.351
16 0.50 0.0038 75.829
18 1.00 0.0075 85.308
20 2.00 0.0150 94.787
4. Beam Test
In Doubly Reinforced Beam the crack developed in flexure. Two cracks were generated in the beam. The cracks developed at a
very slow rate. The cracks formed triangular shaped. During the failure the Bamboo in the bottom was failed by a node failure.
The upper Bamboo also failed at node. The failure type node split failure. The beam failed at load of 12.5 kN Lack of gripping
between the Bamboo and the concrete was observed.
Table 4.1: Conventional beam deflections
S. no. Load (kN) Deflection (mm)
1 0 0
2 5 0.010
3 9 0.020
4 10 0.03
5 10 0.04
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD42316 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2021 Page 503
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
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