Nursing Care Plan: Chronic Pancreatitis
Nursing Care Plan: Chronic Pancreatitis
Nursing Care Plan: Chronic Pancreatitis
Health Teaching
Health teaching Promotes active rather
Provide for individualized than passive, role and
physical therapy or exercise enhances sense of
program that can be continued control.
by the client after discharge.
2. Dependent
2. Dependent Anticholinergic
Administer anticholinergic medications reduce
medication as prescribed gastric and pancreatic
and indicated. secretion
Morphine, fentanyl,
Administer morphine, and hydromorphone
fentanyl or hydromorphone act by depressing the
frequently, as prescribed, to central nervous
achieve level of pain system and thereby
acceptable to patient based increasing the
on patient’s level of pain patient’s threshold.
and discomfort.
3. Collaborative
3. Collaborative
Surgical exploration
Prepare for surgical may be required in
intervention if indicated. presence of
intractable pain and
involving the biliary
tract, such as
pancreatic abscess or
Cues Nursing Diagnosis Rationale Goal/ Outcome Criteria Nursing Interventions Rationale
2. Dependent 2. Dependent
Administer medications as
Vitamins: A,D,E,K; Replacement required because fat
metabolism is altered, reducing
absorption and storage of fat-
soluble vitamins.
3. Collaborative 3. Collaborative
Provide medium-chain MCTs are elements of enteral
triglycerides (MCTs) feedings (NG or J-tube) that
(MCT, Portagen) provide supplemental calories
and nutrients that do not require
pancreatic enzymes for digestion
and absorption.
Indicator of insulin needs because
Monitor serum glucose. hyperglycemia is frequently
present, although not usually in
levels high enough to produce
Cues Nursing Diagnosis Rationale Goal/ Outcome Criteria Nursing Interventions Rationale
3. Subjective Ineffective breathing Acute pancreatitis Goal: 4. Independent 1. Independent
Verbalization of pattern related to can cause chemical Improve patient’s
difficulty of splinting from severe changes in your body respiratory function Assessment Assessment
breathing pain as evidenced by that affect your lung Assess respiratory status Acute pancreatitis produces
adventitious sound function, causing the Outcome Criteria: (rate, pattern, breath retroperitoneal edema, elevation
level of oxygen in Demonstrate normal sounds), pulse oximetry, of the diaphragm, pleural
4. Objective your blood to fall to respiratory rate and and ABG. effusion, and inadequate lung
Temp-38˚c dangerously low pattern and full lung ventilation. Intra-abdominal
RR-20 levels. expansion. infection and labored breathing
Show normal breath increase the body’s metabolic
sound and absence of demands, which further decreases
adventitious sounds pulmonary reserve and leads to
Exhibit no signs or respiratory failure.
symptoms of . Maintain in semi-fowler’s Decreases pressure on the
respiratory infection or position. diaphragm and allows greater
impairment. lung expansion.
5. Dependent 2. Dependent
Reduce the excessive
metabolism of the body:
Administer antibiotics as Pancreatitis produces a severe
prescribed. peritoneal and retroperitoneal
Place patient in an air reaction that causes fever,
conditioned room or tachycardia and accelerated
well-ventilated room respirations. Placing the patient in
Administer nasal oxygen an air conditioned room and
as required for hypoxia supporting the patient with
Use hypothermia if oxygen therapy decreases the
necessary workload of the respiratory
system and tissue utilization of
oxygen. Reduction of fever and
pulse rate decreases the metabolic
demands of the body.
6. Collaborative 3. Collaborative
Collaborate with the It helps promotes patient’s to be
respiratory therapist free from discomfort.
when necessary