1 Review - Wearable Biochemical Sensors

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J. Mater. Chem. B, 2020, DOI: 10.1039/C9TB02474C.
Volume 6
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21 January 2018
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Pages 341-528
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Journal of Materials Chemistry B Accepted Manuscript

Wearable Biochemical Sensors for Human Health Monitoring:
Sensing Materials and Manufacturing Technologies
Received 00th XX 2019, Guanglei Li and Dan Wen
Published on 20 January 2020. Downloaded by Universite Paris Descartes on 1/23/2020 10:29:30 AM.

Accepted 00th XX 2019

Wearable biochemical sensors are of great interest nowadays with for their powerful potential in personalized medicine and
DOI: 10.1039/x0xx00000x
continuous monitoring of the human health. Thus, a great deal of effort have been put into the development of such sensors
to enable the real-time and non-invasive quantification of various chemical constituents in the human body from sweat,
saliva, tears, etc. Thanks to the advances of materials science and mechanical engineering, wearable biochemical sensors
have been developed to probe various biomarkers and subsequently considered as wearable electronic devices for practical
application. In this review, we present a broad overview on the recent advances of electrochemical wearable sensors
towards various organic components and ions closely linked to human health. With an emphasis on materials and
manufacturing technologies of the sensing electrodes, the research status is summarized and the challenges and
opportunities in this growing field are prospected.

monitoring and long-term information collection [4-8]. Wearable

1. lntroduction biophysical sensors can be contacted with the skin to real-time
measure the biophysical parameters of the human body such as
Wearable devices are a kind of portable electronic equipment
blood pressure, heart rate, and skin temperature, which are of
that integrate sensors to the human body in the forms of
great values in medical applications. Wearable biochemical
clothing, ornaments, tattoos and internal implants, realizing in
sensors deal with trace samples and parallel processing of
vivo sensing, data storage, and mobile calculation. With the
different samples with a sensing chip through the lab-on-a-chip
increasing innovation of wearable sensing technologies, as well
technologies. Biomarkers in sweat, saliva, blood, urine, tears as
as the development of microelectronics and wireless
well as respiratory gases can be precisely measured by wearable
communication technologies, the majority of consumer
biochemical sensors [9-14], thus monitoring the metabolism and
electronics companies in the world have launched their own
health condition of the human body. In addition, some
wearable products such as Apple Watch [1], Microsoft Band [2],
wearable biochemical sensors can detect harmful substances
and Huawei Watch . The big data signals collected by wearable
(such as phosphide and sulphide) and various environmental
devices, which are processed and analysed synchronously, will
conditions [15-20], enhancing the safety and quality of the normal
be used in precision medical service to improve the level of
health care management and the accuracy of nursing diagnostic.
Among these three kinds of wearable sensors, the motion
Since an aging population, the environment pollution, the food
state sensors and the biophysical sensors are launched into
safety and the disease outbreaks, the market scale of the
the market for a long time and widely used by consumers.
wearable devices will be further largely expanded for their easy
However, wearable biochemical sensors are still not completely
operation and in-situ monitoring of the human health.
commercialized because the components in the body fluids are
The key component of a wearable device is wearable sensors.
very complex and thus the biochemical parameters are
These wearable sensors with different functions provide
relatively more difficult to detect than the biophysical
important tools for solving sensor measurement problems in
counterparts [21]. In recent years, a great deal of efforts has been
the fields of health, medical, sports, industrial and military.
devoted to this kind of wearable sensors since more and more
According to different measurement parameters, wearable
people recognize the importance of health which is affected by
sensors can be classified into motion state sensors, biophysical
various biomarkers [22]. Therefore, this review will focus on the
sensors, and biochemical sensors. Motion state sensors mainly
wearable biochemical sensors for detecting chemical
measure the dynamic physical parameters of human body such
components in the human body or from the environment.
as gait, tremor, dyskinesia, and sleep quality to realize real-time
The integration of different sensors and the diversification of
the detection biomarkers are the future development trends of
State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing, Center for Nano Energy the wearable biochemical sensors, which demands continuous
Materials, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern breakthroughs in sensing methods to support. Among different
Polytechnical University and Shaanxi Joint Laboratory of Graphene (NPU), Xi’an,
kinds of sensing methods, the electrochemical means shows
710072, P. R. China
Email: [email protected]
remarkable advantages such as its simple structure, high

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sensitivity, fast response, and relatively low consumption of significantly improving the physical health and life View quality of
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power [23]. It is well known that the sensing electrodes play patients. DOI: 10.1039/C9TB02474C
dominated roles in wearable biochemical sensors based on the Wearable glucose sensors can be classified into enzymatic
electrochemical method [24]. However, two critical issues and non-enzymatic ones, according to the recognition
concerning the functional materials and the manufacturing elements. Due to the high catalytic efficiency and high

Journal of Materials Chemistry B Accepted Manuscript

technologies of sensing electrodes still need to be addressed to specificity of the enzyme, the enzymatic sensors would have the
realize the high performance of wearable biochemical sensors advantages of high sensitivity and excellent selectivity.
[25]. Wearable glucose sensors based on the enzymatic electrodes
Conventional sensing electrodes of wearable biochemical have been extensively investigated all over the world, whether
sensors are based on the precious metals film-electrodes (such they are focused by researchers or commercialized by
as gold or platinum). In recent years, more and more new companies. Glucose oxidase (GOD) is generally modified on
materials such as metal nanoparticles, carbon materials and enzyme immobilization matrix with good electrical conductivity
Published on 20 January 2020. Downloaded by Universite Paris Descartes on 1/23/2020 10:29:30 AM.

polymers are used as the electrode materials in wearable to reduce the distortion of electrical signals. The enzymatic
biochemical sensors since the rapid development of materials electrode sensor put forward by Updick firstly in 1967 was
science and technologies, promoting the performances of based on platinum film electrode modified by glucose oxidase
sensors [26-31]. At the same time, the introduction of different [86]. The oxygen was used as the electronic mediator between

micro-manufacturing technologies provides strong technical the oxidase and the electrode, realizing the glucose sensing by
support for the structure design and parameter optimization of detecting the reduction of the oxygen. Then Clark improved the
the sensing electrodes of sensors [25]. Unlike several excellent sensing electrode, which could realize the quantitative
reviews which describe wearable biosensors from different measurement of glucose by detecting the concentration of
perspectives [32-35], the prime objective of this review is about produced hydrogen peroxide, avoiding the interference of
the research status of the electrode materials and oxygen in the air. The first wearable glucose sensors based on
manufacturing technologies of different kinds of wearable Clark electrode was proposed by Cygnus Inc. in 2001 [87, 88]. Pt/C
biochemical sensors. Examples of biochemical wearable composite ink integrated with GOD was used to fabricate the
systems of organic components and inorganic ions are sensing electrode of the wrist-watch device for detecting the
discussed. Following this a range of manufacturing techniques glucose content in interstitial fluid. The proposed sensor
of the biochemical sensing are presented along with integration featured a good sensitivity and selectivity to glucose detection,
issues. A concluding part prospects future opportunities and opening up the possibility of real-time monitoring of the human
challenges in these wearable biochemical sensing platforms. health.
Afterwards, considerable effort has been devoted to develop
wearable sensors that can monitor glucose concentration for
2. Wearable Biochemical Sensors for Organic human body in real time. Wang’s group has done deeply
Compounds Detection research on wearable sensors [26, 89, 90], especially on the
enzymatic glucose sensors. As shown in Fig. 1, carbon graphite
Organic components in body fluids are important reactants and
ink, glucose oxidase and Prussian blue were used to compose
products of metabolism. It is very necessary to measure the
the enzyme electrode of the wearable sensor [73]. The glucose
content of these organic components, which reflects the
was oxidized and converted to glucolactone as well as hydrogen
metabolic level of the human body [36-41]. Wearable biochemical
peroxide by the glucose oxidase under the condition of oxygen.
sensors for detecting glucose [42-48], lactate [49-51], uric acid (UA)
[52-63] and alcohol [64-69] have been studied by the majority of And then the glucose in tears was quantitative determined via
the produced hydrogen peroxide, which was proportional to
researchers since they are commonly existing in various body
the target biomarker. The proposed sensor featured a
fluids. Additionally, wearable biochemical sensors for dopamine
favourable response to the glucose in tear, carrying out the
(DA) [70-72] and ascorbic acid (AA) [73, 74] have gradually become
possibility of the non-invasive and real-time glucose detection.
the focus of research in recent years for their great impacts on
The carbon graphite ink is often used as the sensing
human health. In this section, wearable biochemical sensors for
electrodes of wearable glucose sensors as well as the
detecting organic compounds based on different electrode
immobilization matrix of enzymes due to its porous structure
materials will be described in detail.
after annealing (Fig. 2A). In addition, some three-dimensional
2.1 Wearable Glucose Sensors
electrodes fabricated with porous materials such as graphene,
Abnormal glucose metabolism is an important reason of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and conductive polymer are chosen
diabetes, pancreatitis, hyperglycaemia and many other to construct the enzymatic sensors. Three-dimensional
complications [75-82]. More than 3 million people around the electrodes with porous structure, good conductivity and large
world die from diseases caused by abnormal glucose specific surface area are more suitable candidates as good
metabolism every year [83-85]. However, most people do not immobilization matrix of enzymes (Fig. 2B-F). For example, Kim
know whether the levels of glucose are normal in daily life, et al. proposed a wearable patch for the sweat-based diabetes
leading to the delay in the detection and treatment of such monitoring and feedback therapy (as shown in Fig. 3A). The
diseases. Therefore, it is very essential to realize the real-time gold-doped CVD graphene with electrochemically active
monitoring of the glucose content in the human body for materials was employed to establish a wearable sensor with

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enhanced electrochemical activity and biochemical selectivity, electrodes which are similarly fabricated to the Viewenzymatic
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while maintaining the intrinsic softness of graphene. In recent glucose sensors [13, 21, 73]. DOI: 10.1039/C9TB02474C
years, researchers have also made use of fibrous materials as In addition, other kinds of organic biomarkers, which are
the immobilization matrix of enzymes to prepare wearable scarce in the body, play important roles in the regulation of
glucose sensors (Fig. 3B and C), which features a better metabolism. For example, dopamine is an important

Journal of Materials Chemistry B Accepted Manuscript

biocompatibility on the basis of good performances. information transmitter of central nervous system in mammals
The good selectivity of enzymatic electrodes has made it an and human beings [70]. It is widely distributed in many tissues
important research direction in the field of wearable glucose and plays an important role in increasing cardiac output,
sensors. However, this kind of sensors suffered an unsatisfied elevating arterial blood pressure and expanding cerebral
long-time stability due to the variability of the enzyme activity vessels. Trace detection of dopamine and its metabolites in
under different environment conditions such as temperatures, brain tissues or body fluids is of great significance for the study
pH and ionic strength. The enzyme will even lose activity in of the physiological functions of these transmitters, as well as
Published on 20 January 2020. Downloaded by Universite Paris Descartes on 1/23/2020 10:29:30 AM.

extreme conditions, leading to the abnormal work of the the diagnosis and drug treatment of diseases related to
sensors. Therefore, wearable glucose sensors based on non- abnormal transmitter metabolism [71, 72]. On the other hand,
enzymatic electrodes have currently attracted a lot of attention. vitamin is a class of organic compounds which is necessary to
Wearable glucose sensors based on non-enzymatic sustain the health of the body [73]. In these cases, there is a need
electrodes mostly utilize sensing materials that have good for continuous monitoring of these biomarkers to assess human
electro-catalytic characteristics to glucose. A lot of metal health and wellbeing since adverse effect will be happened to
materials such as gold, platinum, palladium, and metallic oxides the human health in the lack of these compounds.
such as nickel oxide, copper oxide, can directly catalyse glucose The sensing electrodes of such sensors can provide obvious
[81, 82, 92, 93]. In order to increase the sensitivity of sensors, they output signals without enzymes since these organic substances
are often made into the form of nanostructures with excellent such as dopamine and vitamins have good electrochemical
electrocatalytic activity. Some groups use metal nanowires or activity and are easy to be directly catalysed. For instance, a
nanosheets to construct the sensing electrodes, achieving wearable dopamine sensor based on an organic
superior performances than the film electrodes (Fig. 4A and B) electrochemical transistor, which is composed of PVA-co-PE
[92, 93]. In addition, carbon nanomaterials can also have good nanofibers and polypyrrole nanofiber network [72], was
catalytic characteristics on specific substances after modified proposed by Lu et al. (Fig. 5A). The developed sensor had long-
with different functional groups [55]. For instance, a novel term stability with a detection region from 1 nM to 1 μM, a rapid
sensing electrode with Cu3(btc)2 nanotubes and flexible amino- response time to a set of DA concentrations, a remarkable
functionalized graphene paper (Fig. 4C) was developed by Wang selectivity in the presence of sodium chloride, UA, AA or glucose,
et al. This sensing electrode was applied in a non-enzymatic and a superior reproducibility. The three-dimensional porous
electrochemical platform to detect glucose in perspiration. The structure of fibrous material and good electrical conductivity of
proposed wearable sensors have a remarkable sensitivity due the polymer provide the electrode a high sensitivity as well as
to the large specific surface area brought by the porous good biocompatibility, which were suitable for the preparation
structure of the graphene. of wearable biochemical sensors. In addition, carbon materials
Different from the enzymatic counterparts, non-enzymatic are also used to fabricate the sensing electrode of these kinds
glucose sensors generally use a selective permeable membrane of wearable biochemical sensors. Wang et al. had prepared a
or optimize the pore size of materials to improve the selectivity. wearable vitamins sensor based on carbon ink sensing
One of the outstanding advantages of the non-enzymatic electrodes (see Fig. 5B). On the surface of the carbon electrode,
glucose sensors is their superior long-term working stability the oxidation peaks of different kinds of vitamins (B2, C and B6)
since the electrode sensing materials will hardly lose their occurred at different potentials, realizing the detecting of
electrochemical activities under different environment multiple vitamins. Wooi et al. achieved quantitative detection
conditions or in a long time. of AA through sensing electrodes prepared by CNTs (Fig. 5C).
2.2 Wearable Sensors for the other Organic Compounds Since the excellent intrinsic electrochemical activity of these
Detection biomarkers, non-metallic materials, such as graphene, carbon
Beyond glucose, some other organic compounds in the body nanotubes and conductive polymers, can be directly used as
fluids are closely related to human health as well. For instance, sensing electrodes in this kind of wearable biochemical sensors.
UA is the final product of purine metabolism. Excessive UA will These wearable biochemical sensors not only feature a high
be retained in the body if the excretory system of UA is sensitivity due to characteristics of the nanostructured
degraded, which will lead to the change of normal pH of body materials, but also further decrease the cost of materials rather
fluids and affect the normal function of human cells. Disease than those sensors based on metal electrode materials.
such as the gout will happen if UA content in the body is
neglected for a long term. Lactate and alcohol are also
3. Wearable Biochemical Sensors for Ions
important metabolites in body fluids to reveal human’s health.
Thus, wearable biochemical sensors for detecting such organic Detection
compounds are often based on corresponding enzymatic

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Besides the organic compounds, ions such as inorganic salt ion sensors electrodes (Fig. 6C and D) to detect the potassium,
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and hydrogen ion play important roles in the body fluids. sodium and chloride ion in real time. DOI: Since the membrane
Inorganic salt ions in body fluids, such as K+, Na+, Ca2+, Cl-, NH4+ electrode can directly interact with the measured ions to
and so on, have functions of regulating cell membrane generate electrochemical signals, the only need for the sensing
permeability, controlling water content, maintaining normal electrode materials is to meet the requirements of electrical

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osmotic pressure, transporting elements, participating in nerve conductivity and large specific surface area in order to obtain
activities, and muscle contraction [37, 94-104]. Hydrogen ions are high sensitivity. Some porous conductive materials are more
important for maintaining the pH balance of the human body favourable for the preparation of such wearable biochemical
[105-111]. Therefore, the real-time detection of various ions in sensors.
body fluids can also achieve the aim of monitoring human Unlike the ions sensor based on the ISE, another type of ion
health. In this section, the development status of sensing sensor is based on the principle of the field effect transistor
electrode materials for several inorganic salt ion and pH sensors (FET). Sensitive materials are often modified on one channel of
Published on 20 January 2020. Downloaded by Universite Paris Descartes on 1/23/2020 10:29:30 AM.

will be presented. the FET, which are fabricated with semiconductor materials.
3.1 Wearable Inorganic Salt Ions Sensors The resistance of the channel will change when the measured
Potassium ion participates in cell metabolism and provides ions contact with sensitive materials. Then the concentration of
suitable conditions for the normal activities of certain enzymes. the ions can be evaluated by measuring the variation of the
The most prominent role of potassium ions is to maintain the output electrical signals of the FET. Based on this working
normal excitability, self-discipline, and conductivity of principle, Bao et al. prepared a wearable ion selective sensor on
cardiomyocytes. Sodium can enhance the excitability of nerve silicon materials. The mixture of sliver nanoparticles,
muscle. The body will show the symptoms such as appetite polyurethane, N, N-dimethylformamide and tetrahydrofuran
decreasing, nausea or blood pressure decreasing when the was used to fabricate the sensing electrode. The prepared
body lacks sodium. Potassium and sodium also play very wearable sensor could not only detect the concentration of
important roles in regulating acid-base balance, maintaining potassium and calcium ions in saliva, but also detect ammonia
osmotic pressure and water balance. Chloride ion and ammonia ions, realizing the effective integration of multiple sensors (Fig.
ion also play decisive roles on the physiological regulation of the 7A and B) [98]. Some flexible sensing materials, such as
human body. In addition, calcium and zinc ion and the other molybdenum disulphide (MoS2), are attractive semiconductor
inorganic salt ions are also essential elements in human body. analogues that can be directly fabricated to the FET. For
Therefore, the development of strategies for monitoring the example, Wu et al. made use of the MoS2 to design the sensing
content of these ions in the body fluid is essential. electrode of the ion sensor due to its outstanding electrical and
According to the different structure of electrodes, the mechanical properties (Fig. 7C and D). In addition, the natural
inorganic salt ions sensors can be classified into two types. One band gap in MoS2 (1.2 eV) results in a strong modulation on
kind of ions sensors is based on ion selection electrode (ISE), current produced by molecule adsorption, fundamentally
which is composed of an ion selective membrane and an ion improving its sensitivity. The flexible integrated MoS2 ion sensor
exchange membrane. The membrane potential related to the realized simultaneous and trace detection of Na+, Cd2+, Hg2+ and
concentration of ions on the phase interface of the ISE will be Pb2+with excellent selectivity.
obtained when the ISE contact with the solution containing ions The ion sensor based on FET owns very good selectivity since
to be measured. As the sensing unit of the electrode, ISE have the sensing electrode material can only react with ions to be
responses to specific ions, making this kind of sensor has the measured. In addition, the FET sensor has the advantage of high
characteristics of good selectivity. At the same time, the sensitivity due to the amplification effect of the FET, which is
relationship between the membrane potential and the content suitable for trace detection of metal element ions in the body
of measured ions conforms to the Nernst formula, providing the fluid. However, compared with the ion sensors based on
sensor a short equilibrium time. Materials with porous structure membrane electrodes, the structure of the ion sensor based on
are often used to increase the specific surface area of the FET is more complex, as well as the manufacturing process.
electrode in order to enhance the sensitivity. This approach was 3.2 Wearable pH Sensors
employed by Hanein et al. to develop a wearable sensor based Measurement of the hydrogen ion can provide an important
on CNTs sensing electrode for detecting Na+ in human sweat (Fig. assessment to determine individual health conditions.
6A). CNTs with highly porous structure was filled with the ion Hydrogen ion sensor is also called pH sensor because it
selective membrane, forming an attachment that was stronger determines the pH value of body fluids. Since many materials
than that achieved with flat Au, Pt film electrode [95]. Gao et al. (such as carbon materials, metals and their oxides, biological
prepared similar wearable ion sensors to detect the potassium enzymes, etc.) are capable of chemical reactions with hydrogen
and sodium in sweat (Fig. 6B). Poly (3, 4- ions, the materials of sensing electrodes that can be used in pH
ethylenedioxythiophene) was deposited onto the sensing sensors are more abundant, making pH sensors attract more
electrode by galvanostatic electrochemical polymerization to attention.
fabricate the ion-electron transducer since its high conductivity Carbon ink mixed with metal ink is often used to prepare the
and stability in the redox reaction [101]. In addition, carbon ink sensing electrode of the pH sensor in order to overcome
and graphene have also been used to prepared similar ion challenges such as the drift of the sensors and the delamination

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of the electrode layers under the mechanical strains. As shown substances that can react with biomarkers as View theArticle
in Fig. 8A, electrodes ink was formulated with carbon ink and electrodes. Hall et al. described a wearable
DOI:glove-based sensor
silver ink. The proposed sensor could detect pH in sweat with a which consists of carbon electrodes modified with a mixture of
good long-time stability [25]. A lot of metals (gold, silver, multi-walled CNTs and 4-(3-butyl-1-imidazolio)-1-
palladium, etc.) and metal oxides (lead oxide, indium oxide, butanesulfonate. The glove-based sensor could directly oxidize

Journal of Materials Chemistry B Accepted Manuscript

etc.) can also be used to fabricate bio-FETs as the sensing fentanyl in both liquid and powder forms with a detection limit
electrode of wearable pH sensors (Fig. 8B and C). The pH of 10 μM via the method of square-wave voltammetry (Fig. 9B)
sensors fabricated with these metal materials are more [18]. Zhao et al. proposed a fully integrated portable nano-

sensitive [108-110]. What is more, since wearable biochemical sensing system based on graphene to detect cytokine
sensors such as glucose and lactate sensor are also sensitive to biomarkers in saliva, the entire size of the proposed sensor was
pH, the pH sensor can be combined with these wearable smaller than a smart-phone and could be handheld (Fig. 9C) [114].
biochemical sensors for more accurate detection of human The three-dimensional structures were formed from either the
Published on 20 January 2020. Downloaded by Universite Paris Descartes on 1/23/2020 10:29:30 AM.

physiological indicators. For example, a wearable biochemical material itself or micro-manufacturing process. In general, it is
sensor based on the MXene material modified with oxidases for more economical to use the conductive porous materials rather
detecting glucose and lactate in sweat (Fig. 8D) was prepared by than through the complex manufacturing technologies.
Lei et al [105]. For this wearable sensor, enzymes were used as a
kind of sensing materials for detecting the value of pH, so as to
calibrate the glucose sensor and the lactate sensor. The only fly 5. Manufacturing Technologies
in the ointment is the detecting range of the pH was relatively The development of the wearable biochemical sensors has close
narrow due to the issue of the maintaining of the enzymatic relationship with the manufacturing technologies of the sensing
activity. The pH sensor will be an important part of wearable electrodes. Many approaches are proposed to fabricate the
biochemical sensor, since it can not only monitor human sensing electrodes of wearable biochemical sensors. Some
physiological indicators in real time, but also improve the simple and convenient methods such as textile technologies (Fig.
accuracy of wearable biochemical sensor. 10A) [72], inkjet printing (Fig. 10B) [109], 3D printing [97], are often
used to prepare sensing electrodes in laboratory conditions.
However, the large-scale production of sensing electrodes
4. Wearable Biochemical Sensors for other prepared by these methods is limited and the consistency
Harmful Agents Detection between each electrode is not high enough. Therefore, these
The majority of wearable biochemical sensors are used to manufacturing methods are only suitable for laboratory
detect the biomarkers which are generally existing in the body. research, hindering the widespread utilization of wearable
However, some chemicals do not normally present in healthy biochemical sensors. The development of micro-manufacturing
people, but appear in the body when people fall ill or suffer technologies has solved this problem. The screen printing and
health damage. For example, antigens are often distributed in micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) technologies are two
the body fluids or tissue cells of patients or injured people [112- mainly methods for preparing sensing electrodes of wearable
114]. In addition, some harmful chemicals in the environment biochemical sensors. These two conventional manufacturing
such as phosphates [115-118], toxic sulphides [119], cocaine and technologies are introduced to the field of wearable
nerve gas [18-20] may be exposed to people through air or food, biochemical sensor, promoting the development of sensor
causing harm to health. Wearable biochemical sensors that technology and application.
detect such substances can be used to monitor the recovery of Screen-printing technologies are one of the important
disease and the safety detection of the environment for human methods to fabricate the sensing electrodes with the use of
body. screen-printing plate. The image to be printed is
The sensing electrodes of the antigen sensors are usually photographically transferred to a very fine fabric (the screen) so
fabricated with three-dimensional conductive materials that the non-printing areas are blocked off and the fabric serves
modified with antibodies. The large specific surface area makes as a stencil. With the screen-printing technologies, different
the three-dimensional conductive materials an excellent biosensors can be integrated on the same sensing electrode to
immobilization matrix for antibodies, which are similar to achieve simultaneous detection of multiple quantities. For
enzyme immobilization strategy. For example, the mixture of example, Fig. 11A shows the screen-printed three-electrodes of
photoresist and conductive polymer modified with the antibody a wearable lactate sensor and an electrocardiogram sensor [21],
was used to construct the sensing electrode which can detect realizing multimodal monitoring of biochemical parameter as
specific antigens [113]. Lee et al. used gold to prepare a sensing well as biophysical parameter. The prepared wearable
electrode with three-dimensional structure. The proposed biochemical sensors manufactured with this method not only
wearable sensor can also be used to detect tumour cells in featured good consistency but also reduced production cost of
patients after attaching antibodies (Fig. 9A) [112]. the electrode since a batch of devices will be produced at the
Similarly, sensors that detect phosphates, sulphides, and same time.
other substances typically use materials such as the conductive MEMS technologies are mostly used in chip manufacturing
polymers, conductive carbon materials to combine with the based on the silicon wafer. In recent years, flexible sensing
electrodes of the wearable biochemical sensor fabricated by

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MEMS technologies have also been widely investigated due to more new approaches should be proposed to View enhance the
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the good properties of the flexible materials. As shown in Fig. antifouling performance of biomoleculesDOI: sensors for wearable
11B, the lithography and development technologies were used application in actual systems.
to fabricate the sensing electrode of the wearable antigen For a wearable biosensor which will be coupled onto the skin
sensor [113]. The photoresist mixed with conductive polymer was or the closes of human body, bending is a common mechanical

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washed off after developing, thus obtaining a porous structure, stress expected during daily wear. Therefore, the sensing
which could enhance the sensitivity of the sensor. In addition of electrodes of the wearable biosensors should be flexible and
preparing electrodes on the flexible substrate, MEMS stretchable in order to meet the demands for wearable
technologies can also make the sensing electrode with different applications. The challenge could be overcome by using
structure characteristics on the substrates by means of stretchable substrates or designing special structure of the
lithography, deep etching and oxygen ion etching technologies electrodes. For example, flexible materials such as textiles,
[111]. tattoos and polymers are often used as the flexible substrates
Published on 20 January 2020. Downloaded by Universite Paris Descartes on 1/23/2020 10:29:30 AM.

Both screen-printing and MEMS technologies have the of wearable biosensors to enhance their stretchability [21, 30, 62].
advantage of mass-produced sensing electrodes for wearable Additionally, some sensing electrodes (carbon ink, hydrogels
biochemical sensors. It is worth to notice that screen-printing and conductive polymers, etc.) were designed into wrinkled or
technologies requires fewer equipment and simpler production serpentine structures to achieve the stretchability [92, 94, 112].
lines, making it more suitable for most laboratories; while With these strategies, the wearable biosensors remain robust
MEMS technologies make the control of the thickness of the sensing performances while the sensing electrodes are being
film on the sensing electrodes several nanometres feasible. stretched. In spite of these approaches, future efforts should
Generally speaking, these two technologies not only realize the also aim at developing the intrinsic stretchability of the sensing
mass production of sensing electrodes for wearable materials, further improving the stretchability of the wearable
biochemical sensors, but also make it easier to realize the biosensors.
structures design, electrodes integration, and parameter Thanks to the manufacturing technologies mentioned in this
optimization of the sensing electrodes. review, many researchers have developed wearable biosensors
which can detect different biomarkers such as glucose, lactate,
and various ions at the same time [73, 96, 97]. In addition, some
6. Conclusions: prospects and challenges sensing materials can detect biochemical parameters as well as
In this review, the sensing materials and manufacturing biophysical parameters (such as strain, electrocardiogram and
technologies of the sensing electrodes of wearable biochemical temperature) [21, 111, 120] to achieve multimodal monitoring.
sensors for detecting different biomarkers are described. The Therefore, the integration of different kinds of sensors on single
development and application of new materials have greatly chip will be the future development trend of wearable
improved the sensitivity, selectivity and stability of sensors. At biosensors.
the same time, the introduction of the different manufacturing Carbon ink and metal film are traditional electrode materials
technologies of sensing electrodes makes the preparation of to fabricate the wearable sensing platform. For sensors with low
sensing electrodes more simple, convenient and diversified, requirements on sensitivity, they are not only simple to
laying a technical foundation for the development of wearable fabricate, but also relatively reliable. With the growing
biochemical sensors. In spite of the extensive progress, there requirement for high performance sensing devices in human
remain numerous challenges to overcome for the successful health monitoring, new nanostructured materials (i.e.,
implementation of wearable biosensors. graphene, CNTs and porous metals) and conducting polymers
As we know, though various biosensors which could detect would be more suitable candidates to achieve high-sensitivity,
different biomarkers have been developed by researchers, only fast-response, and high-selectivity determination. This is
a few biosensors were transformed to wearable sensors. One of because they are not only excellent matrices for biorecognitions
the key issues is the non-specific adsorption of interfering in sensing devices, but also sometimes high-efficient
substances on the sensing electrode, leading to the electrode electrocatalysts of the interest targets. In addition, the porous
fouling. Many methods have been proposed to solve such materials with hollow structure are often used as the
problem. For instance, Nafion is often used on a glucose sensor immobilization matrix for enzymes, antibodies and other
as a semi-permeable membrane to prevent the interfering sensitive materials in enzymatic sensors and the other wearable
substances with negative charge [26, 30]. Ion selective biochemical sensors. In the future, the multifunctional
membranes can also enhance the antifouling performance of materials with three-dimensional porous structure, good
ions sensors [96, 101, 104]. In addition, some porous materials with electrical conductivity, and catalytic ability may attract more
particular size can also realize similar function [92]. Nevertheless, attention. This kind of materials will have a wide range of
these methods are not suitable for all the biosensors especially applications in the fields of enzymatic sensors as well as non-
the ones which detect the biomarkers with large molecular enzymatic sensors.
weight (such as proteins, RNA and DNA) since they are suffered The progress of manufacturing technologies promotes the
more severely from the co-existed non-specific bio- development of wearable sensing devices. The screen-printing
macromolecules. Meanwhile, some interfering substances with technologies and MEMS technologies are introduced into the
small molecular weight may also foul the electrodes. Therefore, sensing electrode production of wearable sensors since a good

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Figure 1 (A) Scheme of the procedure used for on-body glucose sensing experiments. (B)
Monitoring of glucose levels during the entire day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Note: Tear
stimulation (arrows) and meal (M). Bottom, correlation between blood glucose measurements
with a glucometer (red) and the current response of the wearable tear sensor (black). Reprinted
with permission from ref. [73] (copyright 2019, Elsevier)
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Figure 2 (A) The SEM images of carbon graphite ink. Reprinted with permission from ref. [49]
(copyright 2019, Elsevier). (B) The SEM images of CNTs. Reprinted with permission from ref. [26]
(copyright 2017, Royal Society of Chemistry). (C) The SEM images of graphene. Reprinted with
permission from ref. [28] (copyright 2018, Elsevier). (D) The SEM images of nano-porous metal.
Reprinted with permission from ref. [61] (copyright 2019, Elsevier). (E) The SEM images of
polyaniline nanorods. Reprinted with permission from ref. [27] (copyright 2019, American
Chemical Society). (F) The SEM images of cellulose / β-CD / GOD nanofibers. Reprinted with
permission from ref. [31] (copyright 2019, Royal Society of Chemistry).
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Figure 3 (A) Wearable patch for sweat-based diabetes monitoring and feedback therapy. Reprinted
with permission from ref. [30] (copyright 2016, Springer Nature). (B) Enzymatic wearable glucose
sensor based on AuNWs & SEBS. Reprinted with permission from ref. [91] (copyright 2019,
American Chemical Society). (C) Enzymatic wearable glucose sensor based on CA/β-CD NFs.
Reprinted with permission from ref. [31] (copyright 2019, Royal Society of Chemistry)
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Figure 4 (A) Non-enzymatic wearable biochemical sensor based on nanoporous gold. Reprinted
with permission from ref. [92] (copyright 2019, American Chemical Society). (B) Non-enzymatic
wearable biochemical sensor based on gold nanosheet. Reprinted with permission from ref. [93]
(copyright 2018, American Chemical Society). (C) Non-enzymatic wearable biochemical sensor
based on graphene oxide paper modified with Cu3(btc)2. Reprinted with permission from ref. [55]
(copyright copyright 2018, Royal Society of Chemistry).
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Figure 5 (A) Wearable dopamine sensor based on PVA-co-PE nanofibers and polypyrrole nanofiber
network. Reprinted with permission from ref. [72] (copyright 2019, American Chemical Society).
(B) Wearable vitamins sensor based on carbon ink. Reprinted with permission from ref. [73]
(copyright 2019, Elsevier). (C) Wearable AA sensor based on CNTs. Reprinted with permission from
ref. [74] (copyright 2019, American Chemical Society).
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Figure 6 (A) Wearable sensor based on CNTs electrode for Na+ sensing in human sweat. Reprinted
with permission from ref. [95] (copyright 2017, American Chemical Society). (B) Integrated
wearable K+ and Na+ sensor. Reprinted with permission from ref. [101] (copyright 2016, Springer).
(C) Wearable K+ sensor. Reprinted with permission from ref. [96] (copyright 2017, Royal Society of
Chemistry). (D) Wearable sensor for Cl- sensing in human sweat. Reprinted with permission from
ref. [104] (copyright 2019, Elsevier).
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Figure 7 (A-B) The ion-selective FET based on silicon materials. Reprinted with permission from ref.
[98] (copyright 2019, Elsevier). (C-D) The ion sensor based on MoS2 sensing electrode. Reprinted
with permission from ref. [97] (copyright 2019, Elsevier).
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Figure 8 (A) Wearable pH sensor based on carbon ink electrode. Reprinted with permission from
ref. [25] (copyright 2018, American Chemical Society) (B) Wearable pH sensor with high sensitivity
based on a flexible charge-coupled device. Reprinted with permission from ref. [107] (copyright
2017, American Chemical Society). (C) Quasi-Two-Dimensional metal oxide semiconductors based
ultrasensitive potentiometric biosensors. Reprinted with permission from ref. [111] (copyright
2018, Springer Nature). (D) Wearable biochemical sensor based on the enzymatic electrode
modified with MXene material. Reprinted with permission from ref. [105] (copyright 2019, John
Wiley and Sons).
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Figure 9 (A) Wearable tumour cells sensor. Reprinted with permission from ref. [112] (copyright
2018, Elsevier). (B) The glove-based fentanyl sensor. Reprinted with permission from ref. [18]
(copyright 2019, Elsevier). (C) A graphene-based fully integrated portable nano-sensing system for
on-line detection of cytokine biomarkers in saliva. Reprinted with permission from ref. [114]
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Figure 10 (A) Wearable biochemical sensor fabricated by textile technologies. Reprinted with
permission from ref. [72] (copyright 2019, American Chemical Society. (B) Inkjet printing
technologies to fabricate the sensing electrodes. Reprinted with permission from ref. [109]
(copyright2016, John Wiley and Sons).
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Figure 11 (A) Screen-printing technologies. Reprinted with permission from ref. [21] (copyright
2016, Springer Nature). (B) Sensing electrodes manufactured with MEMS technologies. Reprinted
with permission from ref. [113] (copyright 2019, American Chemical Society).
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Recent achievements and challenges in materials and manufacturing technologies of sensing

electrodes in wearable biosensors have been highlighted.

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