NAPOLCOM Administrative Procedure
NAPOLCOM Administrative Procedure
NAPOLCOM Administrative Procedure
Pursuant to Republic Act No. 6975 otherwise known as the “DepaHment of the
InteNor an(Local Go eznment Act of 1990”az amended by Republic Act No. 8551 otherwise
known as the “P l111pp1ne National Police Reform and Reozgan1z'ot1on Act of 1998’ the
provisions of NAPOLCOM Memorandum Circular No. fili! -!›t?2 (NMC 213! o-t'fl2 I are hereby
prescribed and promulgated.
Section 1. Tlt1e. — These Rules shall be known and cited as the Revised Rules of
Procedure Before the Administrative Disciplinary Authorities and the Internal Affairs
Service of the Philippine National Police.
Section 2. Scope and Appllcatlox. — These Rules shall aPply to all administrative cases
filed against uniformed members of the I°hilippine National Police (PNP) before the different
administrative Disciplinary Authorities and the Internal Affairs Service (IAS).
Section 3. Coast ction. — These Rules shall be liberally construed to attain just and
expeditious disposition of administrative complaints and cases against PNP members, ensure
public accountability and utmost discipline in the police service.
Section 1. DeExltlon of’1"ezms. — As used in these Rules, the following terms shall be
understood to mean as follows:
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b) Appellate bodies — shall refer to the Regional Appellate Board (RAB) and National
Appellate Board (NAB) of the Ciommission; the Secretary of the Interior and I.ocal
Government (SILG); and the Civil Service Commission (CSC);
g) Coz pIainant — one who initiates a complaint against a uniformed member of the
PNP, either as complaining witness or as a concerned government agency or
h) Der.ision — the written disposition of the case by any Disciplinary Authority, IAS
or Appellate Body stating clearly the facts and the law upon which it is based;
1. Chief of Police
a. Chief, Provincial Public Safety Company
b. Chief, District Public Safety Battalion
c. Chief, T'o1ice Station of J'vlanila Police District and O_iiezon Ciity Police District
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2. Provincial Director
a. Director, City Police Office of i4ighly Urbanized or Chartered Cities
b. Chief, Regional Public Safety Battalion
c. Chief, Regional Administrative Support F)nit
d. Chief, Regional Operational Support Unit
3. Regional Director
a. Director, Police Distrlct Office, National Capital Region Police Office
b. Director, National Administrativa Support Unit
c. Director, National Operational Support Unit
k) Jiñ M of Decision — there is finality of decision when upon the lapse of ten (10)
days from receipt or notice of such decision, no motion for reconsideration or
appeal has been filed in accordance with these Rules;
rn) Formal Charge — a complaint initiated before any of the Disciplinary Authorities
or IAS after finding the existence or“ probable cause;
n) lyric Slic›pying — the filing of several complaints arising from one and the same
cause of action involving the same parties asking for the same relief with the
different administrative Disciplinary Authorities, the Internal Affairs Service and
the Office of the Ombudsman;
o) fuzis fiction — the authority vested by law to hear and decide a case;
q) Aeiv7y Discovered F.viclence - rhat evidence which could not have been
discovered and produced during tb.e hearing of the case despite due diligence, and
if presented, would probably alter the decision;
r) Pending C.use — refers to a case when the respondent has been formally charged
before any Disciplinary Auth‹›rity ox IAS or the Office of the Ombudsman; or an
appeal is pending Frith any of the /xppellate Bodies;
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t› Probable C“aus’e — is the existence of such facts and circumstances as would e.ocite
the belief, in a reasonable mine), acting on the facts within the knowledge of the
investigator, t.hat the respondent 1s probably guilty of a specific administrative
offense or ofténses;
u) Recidieist - a person who has been previously penalized for a grave administrative
offense and is again charged of another or the same grave administrative ofI'ense;
hb)Subpoero Ducs'.s FecurZ? — a process directing a person to appear and bring with
him books, documents or things under his control in an investigation or hearing;
ccc Subsume rat Evidence — such relevant evidence as a reasonable mind might accept
as adequate to support a conclusion.;
a) )’he Office of the Ombudsman (OMB) shall have primary jurisdiction over
administrative cases filed either before the NAPOLCOM or PNP against officers
and members of the I°NP for acts or omissions arising from the following criminal
off’ filed or pending before the OMB:
2. Violation of Republic Act No. 3019 (did-mall and C.our pt Practices Act);
4. Plunder under Republic Act iNo. 7080 (M Act Defining curl Peziaffzing the
drive fP7iinHer);
5. Violation of RePublic Act No. 9184 (Nfirer enr Procuremenr fio/ñrm Act),-
7. Bribery under Section 2, Charter 2’wo and i\/1alversation under Chapter Four
of title VII, Book II of the Ited.sed Penal Code, as amended; and
b) The NAPOLCOM shall have primary jurisdiction over grave administrative cases
defined and penalized under these Rules.
c) The PNP shall have primary jurisdiction over administrative cases against officers
and members of the PNP for acts and omissions constituting breach of internal
discipline or minor offenses defined under R.A. 6975 as amended by R.A. No.
8551, violation of the Civil Se ce l,aw and its Implementing Rules and
l'age 6 of‘ 37
Regulations or Ph*P policies such as, but not limited to those relating to
efficiency in the performance of official duties and responsibilities.
d) Subject to the preceding paragraph ‹and concurrence of juristliction, the IAS shall
take cognizance and investigate cases enumerated in Section 2, Rule 6.
e) Complaints for offenses which carry a liigher or lower imposable penalty shall be
referred to the approrriate Disciplinary Authority or IAS: Provlded, that any
Disciplinary Authority or the IAS who shall take cognizance of any complaint
beyond its juriscliction and renders a decision thereon, the same shall be void and
shah not be a bar to the filing of a similar complainl: against the PNP member
before the proper Disciplinary /xuthority or lAS: Provided liirther that any
Disciplinary Authority, IAS Officer, I nvestigator or Summary Hearing Oíficer
who violates this provision shall be proceeded against administratively for seríous
he arify N Steyr/òrinance ofJury.
a) That the complainant has not fileci or commenced any complaint involving the
same cause of action in any other Disciplinary Authority, IAS or Office of the
c) "flat if there is any such complain* which is either pending or may have been
terminated, the complainant must state the status thereof; and
d) That if the complainant should thereafter learn that a similar action or proceeding
has been filed or is pending before cry other police Disciplinary Authority, IAS or
Office of the Ombudsman, the complainant must report such fact within five (5)
days from knowledge.
Section 5. AppIlcation oltJle Principle aPRes fudicoto Z Bar hy Prior fuclgment. — For a
prior judgment in an administrative case to constitute a bar to a subsequent administrative
action, the following requisites must concur .
Section to. mhm Rr.spondenl ?s o Presidential A opolnlr.o.. After the formal charge is
filed, a resPondenr who is a presidential appointee can only be subjected to summary
proceeding after a clemance for such F pose is obtained from Ltte Office of the President.
The reporr of investigation together with the complete original records of the case shall be
submirred to time Office of the President through tJne Commission.
Section 1. here sfi ñ be filed. A complaint for breach of internal discipline shall
be brought before the folloUng disciplinar authorities:
c) Reyfionnl Directors c›z EqNvzalent Supe sore where the imposable penalty is
dismissal from the service; admonition or reprimand; restrictive custody;
withholding of privileges; suspe.Psion or forfeiture of salary; demotion; or any
combination of the foregoing: JroN#eJ, that in all cases, the total period shall not
exceed sixty (60) days; and
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d) ?e/" o/’ the PIs!P where the imposable penalty is dismissal from the servicc;
demotion; suspension or forfeiture of salary, or any combination thereof for a
period not exceeding one hundred eighty (180) days. The Chief of the PNP has the
authority to place police personnel under restrictive custody during the tendency
of a grave administrative or criminal case against him.
Section 1. Summary Dlsizilssal I.base. — Summary dismissal case is one where the
maximum pena1ty• imposable is dismissal from the service and the offense falls under any of
the following cases:
b) When the respondent is a recidivist or has been repeatedly charged and there are
reasonao1e grounds to believe that he is guilty of the cnarge;
d) W)qen any member or officer he.s been absent without official leave for a
continuous period of thirty (30) calendar days or more; Provided, that where
dropping from the rolls is resorted to as a mode of separation from the service, the
police officer can no longer be charged for Serious Neglect of Duty arising from
abscnce without leave (AWOL) and nice versa.
Section 2. here lilecl. — The complaint may be filed before the following
disciplinary authoritie.s:
kULE 6
Section 1. Authority to Conduct Mocu Proprio lurch gafic›n — The IAS shall conduct
som pzopFo investigation on the following cases:
d) incidents where a suspect in the custody of the police was seriously injured;
e) incidents where the established rules of engagement have been violated.
Section 4. Appea/s for IAS fieso7ufion Dismissing an Arlmi is matt e Compl nt. —
Resolutions of the Provincial IAS dismissing an administrative complaint shall be forwarded
to the Regional IAS for review while decisions of the Regional IAS dismissing the
administrative case may be appealed to the Inspector General. Decisions of the Inspector
General affirming the resolutions of Regional IAS dismissin8 an administrative complaint
shall be appealed to the National Appellate Board.
Section 2. Qupmm. — The presence of the chairperson and an}' one of its members
shall constitute a quorum. If the chairperson or any member is related to the complaining
Gtnesses or respondent within the fourth civil degree by affinity or consanguinity, he/she
shall be disqualified from participating in the deliberation of the appeal. In case of
disqualification of the chairperson, a RAB chairperson from another NAPOLCOM regional
office or another senior official of the CommiSsion shall be designated by the Vice-
Chairperson and Executive Officer to sit as chairperson of the Board in the disposition of that
particular case
Section 3. Maf are Appea/oble. — The following are appealable to the RAB:
a) Decisions o* city/municipal Mayors and the Chiefs of Police in the exercise of their
disciplinary powers under Section 41(a) of RA 6975 as amended;
b) Deci.sions of the PLEB or th° PNP Regional Director in the exercise of their
disciplinary powers under Scction 41(a) of’ RA 6975 as amended where the penalty imposed
is demotion or dismissal from the service;
d) Decisions of the PNP Regional Directrir in the exercise of its summary dismissal
power under Section 42 of RA 6975 as arnencied where the penalty imposed is demotion or
dlsmLsal from ieservice;
Section 2. time ore A fipeaJdhIe. — The following are appealable to the NAB:
a) Decisions of the Chief of the Ph'P where the penalty imposed is demotion or
dismissal from the service;
b) Decisions of the Inspector General af€rming the Resolution of the regional IAS or
the Prosecution Division of the National IAS dismissing the complaint for lack ofi probable
R' 'EE 9
a. Decisions of the Secretary of the Interior and I.ocal Government in the exercise of
his appellate jurisdiction except Decisions ofi the NAB affirming rhe resolution of
the National IAS dismissing the complaint for lack of probable cause;
Section 2. I'’urict1ons, Pow'ers and DH fs. — The PLiiB has the power to hear and
decide citizen's complaints formally filed with, or referred to it against any uniformed
member of the I‘NP.
c) Three (3) other members, who can be removed only for cause, chosen by the
city/municipal peace and order council from among the respected members of the
commrmity known for they probity and integrity, one (1) of whom must be a woman and
another, a member of the Bar, or in the absence thereof, a college graduate, or, the principal
of the central elementary school in the locality.
The Chairperson of rhe PLEB shall be eJ.ected from among ir.s members.
Applying the provisions of Article 152, Chapter IV, )'itle lll, Book lI of the Revised
Penal Code, the mcmbers of the PLEB are considered pcrsons in authority.
Section 5. Tr.zzri of'Once.. - The term of office of the members of the PLLB shall be
for a period of three (3) years from assumption of office unless sooner removed for cause.
Such member shall hold office until his/her successor shall have been chosen and qualified.
The tenure of office of a PLEB member who has been designated as such by virtue of
Pa8• 2 of 37
his election to the 5â o znfan Panlungsofl3oyon or his membership with the I ga zy Alga
Baraagay ends ur n the expiration of his term of office as Nw aii,g Pan/uo,gs‹r ay an
member or as Bararigay Chairman/Punong Barangay. lf reelected, and subsequently re-
designated to the PLEB, he must take a new oath of off5ce.
Section 6. Budg€'t ANofJfJazi. — The annual budget of the city or municipality shall
include art item and the corresponding appropriation for the maintenance and operation of
their local Pl.EB(s).
Section 7. Quorum. — The presence of rhree (3) members of the PLEB shall constitute
a quorum: Provided, ñ oiverer, that a vote of at least three (3) members shall be required in
rendering a deer.sion.
If for any reason, the chairperson is absent or is disqualified from participating in the
hearing, the members, there being a quorum, shall eIect from among themselves a temporary
chairperson to perform the duties of a chairperson.
When a PM.EB member, after sufficient notice, fails or refuses to attend the hearings
and/or deliberations of the Board without any valid and justifiable reason and it could not
proceed for lack of quorum, the Chairperson or the designated presitiing officer may rec{uest
the San ‹u•z/ao@ ''•zrzfiff2 .sO fiayan or th€• *18a ^d 8• **arnngay or the City/Municipal
Peace and Order Council, as the case may be, to designate a temporary representative to
enable the body to constitute a quorum: Provicled, that such temporary representative shall
act as such only for the specific case.
Section 1. Venue. — The administrati e complaints or cases against any PN'P member
shall be filed before the disciplinary authority or IAS having territorial jurisdiction where
the ofi'ense was committed.
Section 2. T 1"ez o1" leave. - the Disciplinary Authority or IAS or their authorized
officer may, upon motion of either party, order a change of venue for administrative cases
penning before their respective offices on the following grounds:
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a) ¥Vhen any of the parties is exerting efforts to harass, intimidate, coerce or unduly
influence the other party, his witnesses or imrriediate members of’ the family to Gthdraw the
complaint or retract their statements; or
b) When there is an imminent and direct threat to the life and limb of any of' the
Parties so as to frustrate the successful investigation o1 the aclministrative case; or
c) When any of the parties is harmed the cause of which or the motive is closely
related to the pending case; or
d) An anonymous comPlainr may be thee basis of a formal complaint provided that the
material allegations contaiiied therein may be •zalidated by the Disciplinary Authority or IAS
or their authorized officer.
Section 2. Enuresis o/’a Nozriy7aiur. — The comPlaint shall contain the following:
Section 3. I tial EV If‹SLiOnof Hie Comp1e1riv — Upon receipt of the complaint, the
Disciplinary Authority or IAS or their authorized officer shall immediately record it in a
logbook and conduct the initial evaluation to determine if it has jurisdiction and thereby
docket the same for pre-charge investigation or for formal charge in cases before the PLEB;
or refer it to the appropriate disciplinary authority; or treat it as a grievance/request for
assistance and refer it to the concerned office.
The evaluation report recommending for the dismissal of the complaint or referral to
the appropriate Disciplinary Authority or grievance committee shall be approved by the
Disciplinary Authority or IAS or their authorized officer.
The resr ndent may then submit his comment/counter-affidavit within five (5) days
from receipt of the complaint, provided however, that failure of the respondent to submit his
comment/counter-affidavit shall be construed as a waiver thereof.
Section 3. Pre-Charge In zestigotion fieyorr. — Within five (5) days from the
termination of the pre-charge investigation, the investigating officer shall submit to the
Disciplinary Authority or IAS the Pre-Charge Investigation Report for approval together
with the complete case records to include the formal charge.
In the absence of probable cause, the complaint shall be dismissed by the Disciplinary
Authority or IAS or its authorized officer.
Section 4. lYlotion for Re-InvestigoLi‹rn. — The complainant may file a motion for re-
investigation to the Disciplinary Authority within three (3) days from receipt of the
resolution of the investigating officer / unit dropping or closing the complaint for lack of
probable cause on the ground that palpable mistake was committed in the appreciation of the
complaint, counter-affidavit and other supporting evidence. Only one motion for re-
irn•estigation shall be allowed which shall be resolved within fifteen ( 15) days from receipt
Section S. Docket Afries. — In all instances, during the pre-charge investigation and
until its termination, appropriate docket entries must be made by the responsible person of
the unit.
Section 1. local N/iwge. — After a finding of probable cause, the investigating office
shall formally charge, under oath, the PNP m.ember complained of. The formal charge shall
contain (1) a specification of the charge/s; (2) a brief statement of material or relevant facts;
and (3) the presence, if any, of aggravating circumstance/s. It shall be accompanied by
certified true copies of the documentary evidence, if any, including the sworn staterrients or
judicial affidavit.s of witnesses.
The case shall be deemed formally filed and pending upon receipt and entry of the
same in the official docket of the Disciplinary Authority or IAS. The office tasked to
maintain the docket of administrative cases shall inform the Discipline, Law and Order
Division (DLOD), Directorate for Personnel and Records Management (DPRM) of the
pending cases as well as the PNP unit where the respondent is assigned.
Section 2. Assignment of IIeari“ng OHS ers. - Except in cases filed before the PLEB,
the disciplinary authority or the IAS shall within five (5) days from receipt and docketing of
the complaint, assign and transmit the same to a summary hearing officer.
a) 'rhat the charge is serious or grave and the evidence of guilt is strong; or
Section 2. Reducer for Pre encize Suspension hy the PLEAS. — In the following cases
the superior officer shall not deny a request for preventive suspension by the PLER:
tiny superior who fails to act on any request for preventive suspension without valid
grounds shall be held administratively liable for serh»iis seq/ec'r n/“‹fire.
Section 3. lWotion I'or Roc-onsideratlon or Ohr Order of Pre ntive S'uspens1on. - the
respondent/s may file a motion for reconsideration with the Discipl.inary Authority within
five (5) days from receipt of’ a copy of che order of preventive suspension anchored on the
ground that the order is not supported by any of the circumstances enumerated in Sections 1
and 2 of this ItiiJe.
SUi fMARY PROCEEDIh'G Añ 'D DlSl'OS1TloN or cAses
Section 1. Somzrions. — The designaterl summary hearing officer or the PLF.B shall
issue summons within three (J) days from receipt or docketing of the complaint, as the case
maybe, to be served upon the respondent directing him/her to submit his/her answer within
an inextendible period of seven (7) working days from receipt thereof.
Section 2. Air ver. — 'he answer shall be in writing, under oath ance. must contain
material facts, which may either be a specific denial or affirmation of the allegations in the
complaint as well as the presence of mitigating circumstance/s, if any. The respondent/s may
attach therewith documentary evidence in support of his det“ense, copy furnished the
"Phe answer shall be filed either personally or by registered mail, with proof of
appropriate service to the complainant. II’ tne answer is sent by registered mail, it is deemed
filed on the date of receipt stamped by the post ofhce on the envelope. Said envelope shall
be kept and made an integral part of the answer and records of the case.
The disciplUary authority shall not entertain request for clarification, bill of
particulars, motion to dismiss, and any other motion which are obviously designed to delay
the administrative proceedings. If any of these pleadings are filed by the respondent, the
same shall not toll the regIementary period for filing an Answer.
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.Section 3. é//ecr oI’F.u’IureZPseñ sql fG "'Ie iris vi r. — If the respondent fails or refiises
to file an answer wit hin the period provided!, lie/she shall be considered to have waived
his/her right to submit the same and the case shall be decided based on available records.
Section. 4. âc'r o/'.dé)2l2/f3’fNo by ñ es¿ onrfdnr. — V lien the re 1'ondenr in his answer
admits his cu*l'•biliry to the charge, the f I.fiE or t1a,e Summary Hearing Officer shall
deterrriine the penalty commensurate t(i the ofl“ense committed takiIig into accou nt the
presence of mitigating circuiiistance/s invo!:ed by the respondent and aggfaVating
circu'nstance's alleged lay rhe prosecution.
Section 5. Are-Hear?ng Con/eren‹e. — "‘v’.*ithin fifteen (15) days fr‹ini receipt of the
ansv•er, the .OLEH oi’ tire Strinniaq• Hearing Officer shall conduct that pre -hearing conference
for the purpos.•. of: a) defining and simplifying the issues of the case; b) entering into
adiiiissions anti/or stipulation of facts; c) marking of exllilaits after proper identihcation by
the parties/signatories; and d) threshing our other matters rele want to the case. The
proceedings in the pre-hearing conference s!ja!l be rccortled duly signed by the parties anal
.Summaq• Hearing C3fficer or l°L 21.
Upon receipt of’ the liosition pitpers, affidavits and other pleadings filed, ihe PI.EU or
the SuriMnar,• Hearing Officer may consider time case submitted for resolution. "I'he failure of
any party to submit position paper shall oe com:.sideret1 as a -vaiver rlieretif’,
Section 7. N/ ficafnry IIo‹df‘Jf2ff. — \â iihiii five (S) days from receipt of the position
pay er of rhe 1 arties or’ after t ie expiration of’ the ¡reriod ro file the same, a 1'arty may mo •e or
the Sunnii‹iy* 1-tearing Of“ficer or the PLEB iiiay issue an order, lot the c‹)nduct of a one-time
clari.hcatcry’ hearin8 where the ¡Parties slia!1 be affordc-d the tipporttinity tti he Present and
stibinit written clarificatory questions t e the Summary 1-leari'ng Officer or the PLC*.E which
will determine whether or not :he questions are necessary and relevant to the fact in issue.
"P.iereafter, the Jiarties may stibniit iheir respect i •e proposed dralt decisioii tor the
consideration of the Suininary Hearin¿ t3fficer or rhe l^1 lii in arriving ‹it ils tinrliiigs and
conclusions. "fhe tailure of’ any party ro siibmit the sante sl'iall be Lleeriie‹1 a •æVe7 tliereolî
In rhe event that the respondent who has retired is found guilty and the rcnalty of
suspension is imposed, the corresponding amount relative to the period of‘ suspension shall
be deducted from that portion of his retirement benefits that are allowed by law.
Section 12. Elect of Death. — The administrative case against the respondent who
dies during the pendency thereof must be resolved as follows:
b) In situations where the death occurred after the respondent has pert'ected his/her
appeal betore the Appellate Body, the appeal behalf continue until its final
determination. In che event the deceased respondent-appellant wins the appeal,
material and /or pecuniary benefits arising from the case, if any, shall accrue to
the legal heirs of the deceased r<mpcindent-appellant subject to the Law on
fi'age t9 of 37
Section 13. Records of Proceedings. — The proceedings during the conduct of the
clarificatory hearing shall be taken in shorthand or stenotype, if there is a stenographer. The
stenographer shall immediately transcribe the transcript of stenographic notes taken, but in
no case beyond ten (10) days from the date of the clarificatory hearing.
Section 14. there See fces oI'Stetio opher Not Available. — In areas and cases, where
the services of a stenographer are not available, a substantial account of the proceedings duly
certified to as correct by the Disciplinary Authority or Summary Hearing Officer shall
In cases filed before the IAS, the provincial director, regional director and the
Inspector General shall resolve and forward its recommendation to the disciplinary
authority, within thirty (30) days from receipt of the report of investigation from the
Summary Hearing OJTicer.
Section 16. Period to deader Decision. — "f'he Disciplinary Authority shall decide the
ease within thirty (30) days from receipt of the Report of' lnvestigation, or IAS resolution.
With regard to the PLEB, each case shall be decided within sixty (60) days from the time the
case is filed before it.
Section 17. 'orrect oI‘Decis1on. — The decision shall contain the full name of the
parties, rank and assignment of the respondent, the offense charged, a brief statement of the
material and relevant facts, Lhe findings as established hy the evidence on record, the
conclusion, the applicable laws, rtiles and regulations, jurisprudence, and the disposition
Section 18. Respondent FounJ LIab1e• %z an Offense Sep ate and Distinct /.rom
which lie was targerf. — A respondent may be found culpable of an offense separate and
clistinct from that which he was charged: Provided that the acts constituting the offense of
which he was found culpable were alleged in the complaint and the respondent was given
the opportunity to answer.
Section 19. Firmly o/Decision. — The disciplinary action imposed upon a member of
the PNP shall be final and executory: Pzovidecl, that a disciplinary action imposed by the
PNP regional director or by the PLEB involving demotion or dismissal from the service may
be appealed to the RAB within ten (10) days from receipt of the copy of the notice of
decision: Prov:ided, AzrAer, that the disciplinary action imposed by the Chief of the PNP
involving demotion or dismissal may be appealed to the NAB within ten (10) days from
receipt thereof.
Section z0. lMOLiOn FOR Pf.C'nns1dmntion. — T'he party adversely affected by the
decision may file a motion for reconsideration with the Disciplinary Authority which
rendered the same within ten (10) days from receipt of a copy thereof based on any o1 the
following grounds:
A motion fior extension of time to file a motion for reconsideration shall not be
The filing of a timely motion for reconsideration shall stay the implementation of the
decision sought to be reconsidered. Only one (1) motion for reconsideration shall be allowed
ari.d the same shall be considered and decided by the Disciplinary Authority within fifteen
(1.5) days from receipt thereof.
Section 21. Ultimate nfNiiia7Jry. — ’Fhe disciplinary authority or appellate body shall
issue a certificate of finality of the decision or resolution finally disposing of the case where
no motion for reconsideration or appeal is filed within the prescribed period.
RUJ..E 18
(b) If personal service is not possible or when the respondent refuses to receive the
notices or summons, service may be made by leaving a copy of the same with the
Administrative Officer at his official station or with any responsible member of respondent's
household at his last known address provided that if the latter also refuses to receive the
summons or notices, service may be made to the official of the barangay office in thar area.
In all instances, a fieruzzi of5'err?ee by the server shall be made within twenty-four
(24) hours from service to the respondent, either personally or by registered mail.
Section 1. Ji7Ug ofPIeadiiigs. - The filing of pleadings by the parties shall be made by
presenting the original copies thereof to the concerned Disciplinary Authority, IAS or
Appellate Body or by sending them by registered mail with proof that the other party was
served Cth a copy. The date and time of the receipt shall be indicated on the face of the
original document and the receiving copies. In case the documents were sent by registered
mail, the date and time of actual receipt shall be the time and date of receipt as stamped on
rhe envelope which is required to be attached to the document as pan of the record.
Section 2. Se ice of' Subpoenas ari‹1 IntezIocuio C)z‹:Iezs. - Subpoenas and other
interlocutory orders shall be served personally in the manner provided for under Rule 18
hereof; Provided however, that if the corr.plainant and/or respondent is represented by
counsel, service of orders to the counsel shall be deemed service to his client.
Section 3. .9ervic'e c›Z Fiaal Ogdens Z Decisions Z Resolutions. — Final orders. decisions
or resolutions shall be docketed before its release by the Disciplinary Authority, IAS or
Appellate Body; arid copies thereof shall be served upon the parties personally or by
registered mail.
The PNP official to whom it is addressed must make the appropriate retzim to the
Disciplinary Authority or Appellate Body indicating the action taken on the referral / order
for implementation. Any PNP officer charged with the implementation of a Decision which
has become final and executory who fails to implement the same shall be liable for serious
neglect odduy.
Section 2. Appeal Fee. — The appellant shall pay the prescribed appeal fee, whenever
required, and the proof of payment thereof shaJl be attached to the notice of appeal.
The appellant shall submit a memorandum on Appeal in three (3) legible copies
simultaneous with the Notice of Appeal or not later than fifteen (l5) days from the filing of
the notice of appeal, copy furnished rhe other party.
(b) ln all appealed cases, the title of the case shall remain as it was before the
Disciplinary Authority with the party appealing the case referred to as the “appellant” and
the prevailing party as the “appellee”.
Section 4. Disa/.seal of rJie A ppeal. — When the appellant fails to comply with the
requirements provided in Sections 1, 2 and S(a) of this Rule, the Appellate Body shall direct
compliance= thereof within ten (10) days tion receipt of the order with a warning that non-
compliance with the requirements shall be construed as failure to perfect an appeal and shall
cause the dismissal of the appeal with prejudice to its re-filing.
Section 5. Transzo‘ttal of the Records’. — Within fifteen (IS) days from receipt of the
NoLi“ce off ppeal, the concerned Disciplinary Authority shall forward the cc›mplete original
records of the case to the appellate body, wlfich shall be systematically and chronologically
arranged, paged and securely bound to prevent loss of any piece of’ document and evidence
thereof. The transmittal of the records shall be a ministerial duty and failure to forward the
same shall be a ground for administrative action against the concerned official or personnel
for ser or.s neglect oFduty'.
Section 7. Period re Ref or Apyeol. — The RAB and the NAB shall t4ecide the appeal
within sLxty (60/ days mom receipt of rhe complete records of the case.
Section 8. Wlrlidr»ml olA ppeal. — At any time before the appellate body renders its
decision resolving the appeal, the appellant, as a matter of right, can withdraw the same;
which shall consequently, render the appealed decision final and executory. No motion to
reinstate the appeal shall be allowed.
Section I. O I’eiise•s Punishahle. — The following are the offenses punishable and
defined as follows:
5) Conrfuct Unbrcomlng oFa Police OFllcer — any act or behavior of a police officer,
irrespective of rank, done in hLs Oiiicial or private capacity which, in dishonoring or
disgracing himself as a police officer, seriously compromises his character and standJg in the
PNP in such a manner as to indicate vitiated or corrupt state of moral character which shows
his ui worthiness to remain in the police service;
6) /ncozryereoce — is ignorance or the material lack of adequate ability and fitness for
the satisfactory performance of police duties. This refers to any physical, intellectual,
psychological and moral quality, the lack of which substantially incapacitates a person to
perform rhe duties of a police officer;
1) Simple Neglect of Duty — shall include but not limited to the following:
a) fail to supervise, inspect and control subordinates directly under his command as
to their punctuality, attendance, prescribed attire, proper use and maintenance of
equipment, preparation and submission of reports, efficient performance of their
duties and responsibilities, and the observance of good order, conduct, behavior
and discipline;
e) fail to coordinate or cooperate witn other law enforcement agencies arid their
absent oneself from office without having filed the necessary application for leave
or secured the approval of the superior officer for a period not exceeding three (3)
days in a month;
g) fail or refuse to give his name and badge number when properly requested;
i) fail to report for duty in prescribed uniform with badge, identification card,
service firearm and other required equipment, except those not required to wear
the prcscribed uniform by reason of rhe exigency of the service;
n) fail to thoroughly search for, collect, preserve and identify evidence in any arrest
or investigation conducted by him;
O) fail to take proper custody, record, tag, and identify property entrusted to him as
p) fail to report to his superior officer his inability or incapability to report for duty,
attend a conference, general inspection, or participate in an operation;
r) fail to inform his superior as to the result of action taken on a call or dispatch;
t) fail to prepare and submit properly written reports within the prescribed period;
u) fail to report to a new assignment within ten (10) days from the order of
reassignment without sufficient reason;
v) leave post or beat before the end of tour of duty or leave without the required
turn over to the incoming duty personnel:
w) any other omission or refusal, ithout sufficient excuse, to perform an act or duty
that is analogous to the foregoing.
2) Simple Irregularity in the Performance of Duty — shall include but not limited to the
a) drive a marked police vehicle while not in prescribed uniform, except those who
are not required to do so by reason of the exigency of the service;
b) use siren while not responding to an emergency or not in hot pursuit of a fleeing
criminal or law violator;
c) malinger, loaf or consort with others while on duty or arrange with another
member to take his place during his tour of duty, without prior approval of his
e) interfere or obstruct rhe work of other members or change the assignment or tour
of duty of subordinates not belonging to his unit/office;
T'age 26 cr37
a) fail to salure officials, dignitaries, supet ior oI'ficers a net other officials entitled
thereto or the national colors during the playing of the national anthem;
b) fight, threaten or quarrel with ar}• member of the police force; provicled, t hat
when the member being cliallen ,ed or threatened is one of n iglier rank, the
charge shall be that of Grave Nlisconducr;
e) fail to i'ecognize and satisfy any jus' ‹iebt clue ro a private individual;
i) fail to report for record with the Coirip1aint or Desk Officer a case prior to irs
m) be founci to have the odor or smell of alcohol on lais breath w‘hile on duty, or
possesses alcoholic beverages on his person, police vehicle, post or office;
o) commit any act or omission that constitutes a crime punishable under rhe Revised
Penal Code or special laws where the duration of the imposable penalty is
imprisonment of one (1) day to thirty (30) days.
4) Simple Dishonesty — includes (a) dishonest acrs that did not cause damage or prejudice
to the government as well as those with no direct relation to or do not involve the
duties and responsibilities of the respondent; (b) dishonest acts that did not result in
any gain or benefit to the offender, and where the information falsified is not related
to employment in case of falsification of official document.
1) Less Grave Neglect of Duty — shall incluiie brit not limited to the following:
a) fail to execute lawful orders from higher authority or rolerace any subordinate to
ignore or ridicule any order, rule or regulation;
c) fail to take disciplinary action as may be necessary against a subordinate under his
command who has committed a serious dereliction, violation or irregularity;
d) fail to comply with any lawful order or instruction of a surerior officer or the
Chief of Police;
e) fail to report immediately to his superior officer, or to the Chief of Police the
injury, illness, death or escaPe of a prisoner who is under his custody;
g) fail to issue a Traffic Citation ’l'icket ('TCT) or )’emporary Operator's Permit (TOP)
to an offending driver whose license is already confiscated;
fail to turn in the used TCT or TOP together with confiscated driver's license at
the end of his tour of duty or within rwenty-four (24) hours, or fail to account for
the TCT's or TOP's issued to and used by him;
j) fail to properly patrol his beat, sector or post, fail to take appropriate action
concerning vice conditions in his beat and/or give written report of the same to
his superior;
Page 28 ot 37
k) fail to reporr to his superior officer. within a reasonable period, injury inflicted by
him to a person or animal, damage or loss of government property while on or off
m) willfully violate ofiice regulations anal/or refuse or neglect to comply with said
o) absent oneself from office without having filed the necessary application leave or
secured the approval of the superior officer for a period of more than three (S)
days but not exceeding fifteen (l 5) days.
2) Less Grave Irregularity in the Performance of Duty shall include but not Iimited to
the following:
a) apply for and serve a search or seizure warrant in arty establishment or rrivate
house without the knowledge or approval of the Chief of Police or his superior
b) use traRic violation rerorts which are not duly validated by the L.and
Transportation Office (LTO) or the Metro Xlanila Development Authority
(KIMD/¥) or the city or municipal government;
c) rise trfific violation reports duly validated by rhe L,TO, MMDA, or city/municipal
government but are not issued ro him for traffic enforcement work;
d) use the official insignia, markings and seal of the police force in any privately
owed vehicle, without the authority of the Chief of Police or superior officer;
e) disregard or violate traffic rules aiid regulations while driving a police vehicle
when not in hot pursuit and not responding to an emergency call.
c) be drunk and disorderly while on or off duty anti in recognizable police uniform;
f) serve as escort or security officer, whether on foot or by motor vehicle, for any
private individual regardless of his status in social or religious circles on any
occasion, unless authorized by the Chief of Police or the appropriate officials
authorized to do so;
g) take a trip abroad without approved leave and arproval of the authorities
h) borrow or solicit money or any valuable from his subordinates unless the latter is
engaged in the lending business.
i) commit any act or omission that comsritutes a crime puriishable under the Revised
Penal Code or special laws where the duration of the imposable penalty is
imprisonment o1 one (1) month and one (1) day to six (6) months.
4) Less brave Dishonesty — involves circumstances wherein the dishonest act caused
damage and prejudice to the government chat is not so serious as to qualify under
Cirave Dishonesty, and wherein the respondent did not take advantage of his or her
position in committing the dishonest act.
1) C rave N*eg1ect of Duty — shall include but not limited to the following:
a) fail or refuse to take command in an emergency in order to carry out police duty,
being the officer present with the highest rank, grade or position;
c) fail to apprehend and/or arrest a person under circumstances where it is his duty
to do so;
e) fail to perform his assigned mission or fail to participate in an operation for the
security of the President, or other high ranking officials of the Philippines or
loreign heads of state;
fail to administer first aid when able and/or convey to the hospitals, victims of
traffic accidents, persons shot or stabbed, persons electrocuted, and others who are
dying and in need of urgent medical or surgical attention;
g) fail to quell a disturbance or to protect a persor from death or injury when able to
t'age 30 of 37
i) fail to appear and testify, without justifiable excuse, in court, prosecutor's office,
the PNP disciplinary authorities, appellate bodies, the IAS or any other quasi-
judicial body when duly notified or subpoenaed as witness. If his non-appearance
resulted in the dismissal of the case or the acquittal of the accused; or when he is
the principal witness or the arresting officer, the penalty of dismissal fTOHi the
service shall be imposed;
j) absent oneself from office without naving filed the necessary application for leave
or secured approval of the authorized official for a period of more than fifteen (15)
days prior to the enjoyment of the leave.
2) Grave Irregularity in the Performance of Duty — shall include but not be limited to the
a) act as bodyguard or security guard for any public official or candidate for any
elective public office or position or any other person within three (3) months
immediately preceding any election and within one (1) month thereafter, without
authority from the Commission on Election;
b) act as bodyguard or security guard for the person or property of any public
official, or private person unless approved by the proper authorities;
failure to turn over to the police station within a reasonable period any
apprehended or arrested person;
g) countermand any lawfiil order of the mayor, chief of police, or his superior
i) escort or allow other members to escort detention prisoners outside the jail in
order to attend a funeral, visit a sick relative, or solicit a bond without an order of
the court of proper jurisdiction.
Page 31 of
b) receive for personal use of a fee, gift or other valuable thing in the course of
official duties or in connection therewith when such fee, giii or other valuable
thing is given by any person in the hope or expectation of receiving a favor or
better treatment than that accorded to other persons, or committing acts
punishable under the anti-graft laws;
c) join a strike or reÎü se to report for duty in order to secure charges in terms and
conditions of his employment, or to oust the chief of police or any other officer
from office;
d) contract loans of money or other property from perdons with whom the PNP
office has business relations;
publicly consort with women of ili repute and/or scandalously cohabit with or
maintain a Gfe other than his legitimate spouse;
i) fail or refuse to surrender or deposit his service firearm, badge, identification card
and police vehicle, if any, to his superior officer upon demand during the period
of suspension;
k) appropriate for his or allow another person the beneficial use of any stolen
property that is recovered, found or abandoned;
l) solicit money, valuable or favor for the amicable settlement of cases under
O) mutilate, deface or destroy any driver's license, traffic citauon ticket or temporary
operator's permit issued in lieu thereof;
p) inflict physical injuries upon a suspect to force die latter to give a confession;
q) act as mediator or fixer for the retwTn of any stolen vehicle or property whether
held for ransom or not;
r) commit any act or omission that constitutes a crime punishable under the Revised
Penal Code or special laws where the duration of the imposable penalty is
imprisoiunent of not lower than six (6) months and one (1) day.
4) Grave Dishonesty involves the presence of any one of the following attendant
circumstances (a) the dishonest ac t caused serious damage and grave prejudice to the
government; (b) the respondent gravely abused his authority in order to commit the
dishonest act; (c) where die respondent is an accountable officer, the dishonest act
directly involves property, accountable forms or money for which he is directly
accountable and the respondent show's an intent to commit material gain, graft and
corruption; (d) the dishonest act exhibits moral depravity on the part of the
TeSpondent; (e) the respondent employed fraud or falsification of official documents
in the commission of die dishonest act related to lits or her employment; (f) the
dishonest act was committed several times or in various occasions; or (g) the dishonest
act involves a NAPOLCOM examination irregularity or fake NAPOLCOM eligibility
such as impersonation, cheating and the like.
Section 1. ImposabIe Penalties. - The following are the penalties that may be
imposed in poiice administrative cases:
a) Reprimand;
b) Withholding of privileges;
c) Restriction to specified limits;
d) Restrictive custody;
e) Forfeiture of salary;
f) Suspension;
g) any combination elf r•na1tiesunder Section 1, subparagi aphs (a) to (f), except (e)
and (f) vVhich are incompatible penalties;
h) One (1) rank demotion;
i) Dismissal front the service
Section 2. Nai ge of Prnalf/es. The pena Ities for light:, less grave angrd ave
offenses shall be made in accordance with the following ranges:
a) Like penalties shall be ii•r sed for like oil'enscs and only one pena1ry• shall be
imposed for each case. ”6iicñ ‹.use” means one administrative case which may
involve one or more charges or counts.
b) "l“he minimum period of the penaity shall be imposed where only mitigating and
no aggravating circumstances are present.
c) 'I he medium period of“ the penalty shall be imposed vhere no mitigating and
aggravating circumstances are present.
"Phe maximum period of the penalty shall be imposed where only aggravating and
no mitigating circumstances are present.
e) kVhere aggravating and mitigating circurrlstances are present, rule (b) shall be
applied where there are more miLipoating circumstances present; rule (c) shall be
applied where the circumstances ec|ually of-set each other; rule (d) shall be
applied when there are more aggravating circurristances.
If' the respondent is found guilty of two (2) or more charges or counts, the penalty
to be imposed should be that corresponding to the most serious charge or cottnt
and the rest shall be considered as a gravating
g) In the appreciation of any mitigating circumstance iii favor of the respondent the
Page 35 of
a) The penalty of dismissal, which results in the separation of the respondent from the
service, shall carry with it that of cancellation of eligibility, forfeiture of retirement benefits,
and the disqualification for re-employment in the government service;
b) The penalty of demotion shall entail appointment to the next lower rank,
regartiless of mode of entry into the PNP, with the corresponding diminution of salary and
disqualification for promotion and withholding of privileges for the calendar year;
d) The penalty of forfeiture of salary, which consists of an amount not exceeding one
(1) month salary, shall carry with it that of disqualification for promotion corresponding to
the period of the penalty imposed.
Section 3. Mom:fly Rc•port. — Within the first week of each month all Disciplinary
Authorities, IAS and Appellate Rodies are required to submit a report for the preceding
month to the regional office of the NAPOLCOM\4 or the Commission en Banc, furnishing a
copy thereof their respective head of office, indicating the following data / information: (a)
List of newly filed / received or raffied cases, revived, reinstated case, or cases transferred /
referred or re-rattled from other office / officers; (b) Lisr of investigated, heard, resolved /
decided, or pending cases; (c) List of cases transferred / referred or re-rallied to other offices /
officers stating clearly the reason for such transfer / referral or re-raffle; and (d) List of cases
with suspended proceedings stating clearly the reason for its suspension.
Section 4. Elect ohm Peadiag Case. — Pendency of an administrative case before any
of the administrative Disciplinary Authorities, IAS or Appellate Bodies shall not be a bar to
;O emotion nor a disqualification to undergo mandatory training.
Election 3. Penal Clause. - Any public official or employee who violates any of the
provisions in this Grcular shall be dealt with accordingly.
Vice Oiairman and Executive Officer
Ad ynA