Risk Management and Insurance

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The document provides an overview of the content covered in different parts and chapters of the book on risk management and insurance.

The main topics covered in the book include fundamentals of risk management and insurance, insurance operations and institutions, insurance contracts, property and liability risks, and life, health, and retirement risks.

The author acknowledges support from Rick Leyh and the team at Leyh Publishing, the copyeditor Christy Goldfinch, her daughter Dalit Baranoff, and various colleagues who reviewed the book.

Risk Management

and Insurance

Etti Baranoff
Virginia Commonwealth University

To Steve, Dalit, Liat, Aviva, Josh, Jeremy, and
Timy, for their patience and support.

Acquisitions Editor Leslie Kraham

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Production Manager Lari Bishop
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INTRODUCTION: Risk and Insurance After September 11, 2001 1


 Risk 10

 Insurance 28

 The Evolution of Risk Management 44


 Insurance Company Operations 70

 Insurance Institutions, Markets, and Regulation 93


 Fundamental Doctrines Affecting Insurance Contracts 122

 Structure and Analysis of Insurance Contracts 142


 Property Risk, E-Commerce Property Risk, and Global Risk 162


 The Liability Risk 180

 Managing Home Risks 204

 Managing Automobile Risks 238

 Business Insurance 269

 Workers’ and Unemployment Compensation 300


 Life Insurance 330

 Social Security 369

 Employee Benefits: Fundamentals, Life, and Disability Risks 390

 Employee Benefits: Medical Care 415

 Employee Benefits: Retirement Plans 441

 Annuities, Individual Health Products, and Need Analysis 469

Case 1 503

Case 2 509

Case 3 525

Case 4 541

Preface xx
About the Author xxv

INTRODUCTION: Risk and Insurance After September 11, 2001 1

Losses Paid to Hypothetical Victims’ Families 2
Losses Paid to a Hypothetical Nearby Business 5
Importance of the Loss Cases and September 11 6
Discussion Questions 7
Exercises 8
Notes 8


 Risk 10
Connection 10
Nature of Risk 11
The Feelings Associated with Risk 11
Definition of Risk 12
Measurement of Risk 13
Specific Measurement Techniques 13
Law of Large Numbers 16
Elements of Pure Risk 16
Exposures and Risks 17
Perils 18
Hazards 18
Emerging and Growing Risks 21
Key Terms 23
Discussion Questions 23
Exercises 25
Notes 25
Appendix 1.1 26
Appendix 1.2 27

 Insurance 28
Connection 28
Nature of Insurance 29
Definition of Insurance 29
How Insurance Works 30
Risk Transfer (Assumption) 30
Loss Sharing (Risk Distribution) 31
Discrimination: The Essence of Pooling 32
Ideal Requisites for Insurability 34
Many Similar Exposure Units 34
Accidental Losses 35
Small Possibility of Catastrophe 36
Definite Losses 37
Determinable Probability Distribution 37
Economic Feasibility 38
Summary of Insurable Risks 39
Types of Insurance 40
Personal, Group, or Commercial 40
Life/Health or Property/Casualty 40
Private or Government 41
Voluntary or Involuntary 41
Selecting an Insurer 41
Financial Strength 41
Key Terms 42
Discussion Questions 42
Exercises 43
Notes 43

 The Evolution of Risk Management 44

Connections 45
The Risk Manager’s Functions 45
The Traditional Risk Management Process 48
Communication Tools 48
Identification Tools and Risk Management Decision Tools:The Risk Management
Matrix 48
On-Going Monitoring 52
First Expansion of the Risk Management Scope: Risk Mapping 53
Risk Profiling 53
Risk Mapping: Creating the Model 53
Risk Management Information System 58

Most Recent Expansion: Enterprise Risk Management 58

Risk Management Using Insurance: The First Step 59
Technology and Communications 59
Quantitative Techniques and Models: The Tools 59
Evolution of the Financial Markets 60
Risk Management using Capital Markets 62
Key Terms 64
Discussion Questions 64
Exercises 65
Notes 66
Appendix 3.1 67


 Insurance Company Operations 70

Connection 70
Marketing 72
Life/Health Insurance Marketing 72
Property/Casualty Insurance Marketing 73
Internet Marketing 75
Mass Merchandising 75
Financial Planners 75
Professionalism in Marketing 76
Underwriting 77
Administration 78
Service 78
Actuarial Analysis 79
Prices and Reserves 79
Investments 84
Reinsurance 86
How Reinsurance Works 86
Benefits of Reinsurance 87
Legal and Regulatory 88
Claims Adjusting 88
Claim Practices 89
Management 89
Key Terms 89
Discussion Questions 90
Exercises 91
Notes 91

 Insurance Institutions, Markets, and Regulation 93

Market Conditions 94
Reinsurance Organizations and the Marketplace 98
Insurance Regulation 99
Licensing Requirements 100
Financial Requirements 101
Solvency Regulations 101
Policy and Rate Regulation 102
Control of Agents Activities 103
Control of Claims Adjusting 104
Control of Underwriting Practices 104
Impact of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act on Insurance Regulation 105
Private Insuring Organizations, Their Markets, and Their Regulation 108
Stock Insurers 108
Mutual Insurers 109
Lloyd’s of London: A Global Insurance Exchange 110
Banks and Insurance 111
Captives, Risk Retention Groups, And Alternative Markets 112
Government Insuring Organizations 113
State Insuring Organizations 113
Federal Insuring Organizations 114
Key Terms 115
Discussion Questions 115
Exercises 116
Notes 117
Appendix 5.1 119


 Fundamental Doctrines Affecting Insurance Contracts 122

Connection 122
Agency Law 123
Agents 123
Requirements of a Contract 128
Offer and Acceptance 128
Consideration 128
Competent Parties 128
Legal Purpose 129
Legal Form 129

Distinguishing Characteristics of Insurance Contracts 129

Based on Utmost Good Faith 129
Contracts of Adhesion 131
Indemnity Concept 131
Personal 137
Key Terms 138
Discussion Questions 138
Exercises 139
Notes 140

 Structure and Analysis of Insurance Contracts 142

Entering Into the Contract 143
Applications 143
Binders 144
Conditional and Binding Receipts 144
The Contract 145
Declarations 145
Insuring Clauses 146
Exclusions And Exceptions 151
Conditions 153
Endorsements and Riders 155
Key Terms 156
Discussion Questions 156
Exercises 157
Notes 158


 Property Risk, E-Commerce Property Risk, and Global Risk 162

Property Risks 163
Property Coverages and Determination of Payments 164
E-Commerce Property Risks 169
Causes of Loss in E-Commerce 170
Risk Management of E-Commerce Exposures 172
Global Property Exposures 173
Legal Risk 174
Data Risk 175
Currency Risk 175
Cultural Differences Risk 175
Global Risk Management 176

Key Terms 177

Discussion Questions 177
Exercises 178
Notes 178

 The Liability Risk 180

Nature of the Liability Exposure 181
Basis of Liability 182
Defenses 184
Modifications 185
Major Sources of Liability 186
Property 187
Activities and Conduct 189
Possible Solutions 198
Key Terms 200
Discussion Questions 200
Exercises 201
Notes 202

 Managing Home Risks 204

Connection 204
Packaging Coverages 206
Homeowners Policy Forms 206
The Special Form (HO-3) 208
Insuring Agreement and Definitions 210
Section I—Coverages 210
Section I—Perils Insured Against 213
Section I—Exclusions 216
Section I—Conditions 217
Determining Coverages 220
Section II—Liability Coverages 220
Section II—Exclusions 222
Section II—Additional Coverages 223
Section II—Conditions 224
Sections I and II—Conditions 224
Endorsements 225
Earthquake Endorsement 225
Personal Property Replacement Cost Endorsement 226
Scheduled Personal Property Endorsement 226
Business Pursuits Endorsement 226
Personal Injury Endorsement 226

Mold Endorsement 227

Other Risks 228
Flood Risk 228
Title Risk 230
Personal Umbrella Liability Policies 231
Excess and Broad 231
Minimum Underlying Coverage 231
Exclusions 231
Shopping for Homeowners Insurance 232
Key Terms 234
Discussion Questions 234
Exercises 235
Notes 237

 Managing Automobile Risks 238

Connection 238
The Fault System 240
No-Fault Appraised 240
Financial Responsibility Laws 242
Assuring Auto Insurance Availability 243
Auto Insurance Plans 243
Reinsurance Facilities 244
Joint Underwriting Associations 244
Maryland State Fund 244
Personal Auto Policy 244
Declarations 245
Definitions 245
Liability Coverage—Part A 246
Medical Payments Coverage—Part B 251
Uninsured Motorists Coverage—Part C 253
Coverage for Damage to Your Auto—Part D 255
Duties after an Accident or Loss—Part E 259
General Provisions—Part F 259
Insuring Other Vehicles 261
No-Fault Coverages 261
Auto Insurance Premium Rates 261
Types of Automobile Policies 264
Key Terms 265
Discussion Questions 265
Exercises 266
Notes 268

 Business Insurance 269

Connection 270
Commercial Package Policy 272
Commercial Property Coverages 272
Direct Property Coverage: The Building and Personal Property (BPP) Form 273
Causes of Loss 276
Consequential Property Coverage: Business Income Coverage (BIC) 280
Other Property Coverages 284
Commercial Crime and Fidelity Coverage 284
Inland Marine 285
Boiler and Machinery Coverage 285
Capital Assets Program 285
Business Owners Policy 286
Commercial General Liability Policy 286
CGL Policy Format 286
Coverages 287
Who Is an Insured? 292
Limits of Insurance 292
CGL Conditions 293
Definitions 293
Commercial Umbrella Liability Policy 293
Other Liability Risks 294
Automobile Liability 294
Professional Liability 294
Employment Practices Liability 294
Key Terms 296
Discussion Questions 296
Exercises 297
Notes 299

 Workers’ and Unemployment Compensation 300

Connection 301
Workers’ Compensation Laws and Benefits 302
History and Purpose 303
Coverage 304
Benefits 307
How Benefits Are Provided 311
Workers’ Compensation Insurance 311
Employer’s Risk 315
Self-Insurance 316

State Funds 318

Second-Injury Funds 318
Nature and Purpose 318
Financing 318
Workers’ Compensation Issues 319
Unemployment Compensation 322
State Laws 322
Coverage 322
How Benefits Are Financed 323
Administration 324
Key Terms 324
Discussion Questions 325
Exercises 325
Notes 326


 Life Insurance 330

Connection 331
How Life Insurance Works 331
Other Premium Elements 331
Level-Premium Plan 332
The Life Insurance Market and Products 335
Term Insurance 336
Duration 337
Renewability 337
Convertibility 337
Death Benefit Pattern 337
Premium Patterns 338
Summary: Features of Term Life 338
Whole Life Insurance 338
Straight Life 338
Limited-Payment Life 340
Single-Premium Life 340
Investment Aspects 340
Participation Feature 341
Summary: Features of Whole Life 341
Universal Life Insurance 342
Separation of Elements 342
Death Benefit Options 344

Premium Payments 345

Mortality Charges 345
Expense Charges 346
Investment Returns 347
Summary: Features of Universal Life 347
Variable Life Insurance 348
How It Works 348
Summary: Features of Variable Life 349
Variable Universal Life Insurance 351
Summary: Features of Variable Universal Life 352
Current Assumption Whole Life Insurance 352
Summary: Features of Current Assumption Life 353
Taxation 353
Major Policy Provisions 353
Policy Ownership 354
Death Benefits and Death Benefits Options Provisions 354
Payment of Benefits Provisions 355
Payment Methods 356
Premium Provisions 356
Dividend Options 357
Guaranteed Values Provisions 358
Policy Loan Provisions 359
General Provisions 359
Life Insurance Riders 360
Waiver of Premium 360
Disability Income 361
Accidental Death Benefit 361
Guaranteed Insurability Option 361
Accelerated Death Benefits 362
Catastrophic Illness Coverage 362
Adjusting Life Insurance for Inflation 363
Key Terms 364
Discussion Questions 365
Exercises 366
Notes 368

 Social Security 369

Connection 370
Definition of Social Security 371
Coverage and Eligibility Requirements 371
Eligibility 372

Types of Benefits 372

Retirement (Old Age) Benefits 373
Survivors’ Benefits 374
Disability Benefits 374
Amount of Benefits 375
Primary Insurance Amount 375
Other Factors Affecting Benefit Amounts 377
Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) 378
The Earnings Test 378
Financing of Benefits 379
Taxation 379
Trust Funds 380
Medicare 381
Medicare Part A: Hospital Benefits 381
Medicare Part B: Medical Benefits 381
Administration 382
Social Security Issues 382
Global Trends in Social Security Systems 386
Key Terms 386
Discussion Questions 387
Exercises 387
Notes 388

 Employee Benefits: Fundamentals, Life, and Disability Risks 390

Connection 391
Overview of Employee Benefits 391
Employer Objectives 394
Nature of Group Insurance 394
Administration 395
Underwriting 396
Pricing 398
Federal Regulation: Compliance with Nondiscrimination Laws 400
Age Discrimination in Employment Act 400
The Civil Rights Act 401
Americans with Disabilities Act 401
Family Medical Leave Act 402
Group Life Insurance 402
Benefits 402
Group Disability Insurance 405
Group Short-Term Disability Plans 405
Group Long-Term Disability Plans 406

The Flexibility Issue 408

Cafeteria Plans 408
Flexible Spending Accounts 410
Multinational Employee Benefit Plans 410
Key Terms 411
Discussion Questions 412
Exercises 412
Notes 414

 Employee Benefits: Medical Care 415

Connection 416
Group Health Insurance: An Overview 416
Indemnity Health Plans: The Traditional Fee-for-Service Plans 421
Basic Health Care Benefits 422
Major Medical and Comprehensive Insurance 423
Coordination of Benefits 424
Cost Containment Initiatives for Traditional Fee-for-Service Policies 425
Plan Design Techniques 425
Administrative and Funding Techniques 425
Utilization Review 426
Managed Care Plans 427
Preferred Provider Organizations 428
Health Maintenance Organizations 428
Continuation Provisions 430
Continuity: COBRA 430
Retiree Eligibility for Group Medical Benefits 431
Portability: HIPAA 431
Group Dental Insurance 432
Group Long-Term Care 432
Other Health Plans 435
Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs) 435
Health Care Reimbursement Arrangements 435
Medical Care Systems Worldwide 436
Key Terms 437
Discussion Questions 438
Exercises 438
Notes 440

 Employee Benefits: Retirement Plans 441

Connection 441

The Nature of Qualified Pension Plans 444

ERISA Requirements for Qualified Pension Plans 444
Eligibility and Coverage Requirements 447
Retirement Age Limits 447
Vesting Provisions 448
Nondiscrimination Tests 448
Distributions 449
Loans 449
Types of Qualified Plans 449
Defined Benefit Plans 452
Qualified Defined Contribution Plans 455
Other Qualified Defined Contribution Plans 456
Profit-Sharing Plans 456
401(k) Plans 457
Employee Stock Ownership Plans 458
Other Qualified Plans: 403(b) and 457 Plans 458
Keogh Plans 459
Simplified Employee Pension Plans 460
SIMPLE Plans 460
Individual Retirement Accounts (Traditional IRA and Roth IRA) 460
Pension Plan Funding Techniques 463
Noninsured Trust Plans 463
Insured Plans 463
Nonqualified, Tax-Favored Retirement Plans 464
Key Terms 465
Discussion Questions 465
Exercises 466
Notes 467

 Annuities, Individual Health Products, and Need Analysis 469

Connection 470
Annuities 470
Parties to an Annuity 470
Mechanics of Annuities 471
Settlement Options 472
Types of Contracts 474
Taxation of Annuities 476
Individual Health Insurance Contracts 477
Cancer and Critical Illness Policies 479
Dental Insurance 480
Individual Disability Income Insurance Contracts 481

Definition and Cause of Disability 482

Benefits 483
Long-Term Care Insurance 485
Medicare Supplementary Insurance 486
How Much Life Insurance To Buy? 489
Data Collection 489
Objectives 493
Alternative Solutions/Exposure Evaluation 493
Estate Planning 497
Objectives 497
Wills 497
Trusts 498
Life Insurance 499
Key Terms 499
Discussion Questions 500
Exercises 501
Notes 502

Case 1 503

Case 2 509

Case 3 525

Case 4 541

Appendix A 549

Appendix B 575

Appendix C 589

Appendix D 597

Appendix E 599

Appendix F 613

Index 627


This textbook, designed to reflect the dynamic nature of the field of risk management and
insurance, serves as an introduction to the field. This is a comprehensive revision of the
seventh edition of Risk Management and Insurance, by S. Travis Prichett, Joan T. Schmit,
Helen I. Doerpinghaus, and the late James L. Athearn. It includes new pedagogical
enhancements, as well as discussion of new products, laws, conditions, and technologies in
the field.
In the first years of this century, the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and
the Pentagon and the accounting scandals of Enron and WorldCom all highlighted the
importance of risk management and insurance. Giving particular attention to the market’s
increased sense of vulnerability and the newest technologies, Risk Management and
Insurance provides a clear introduction to the complexities of this field. With chapters
including topics such as e-risks and enterprise risk, EGTRRA 2001, loss development tri-
angles, the health insurance evolution, the newest property/casualty endorsements, and a
focus on connecting each chapter to the bigger picture, the objective is to show students
how the latest developments and the field’s traditional approaches fit together into holis-
tic risk management.
In both the areas of property/casualty and life/health, the newest products, laws, and
applications are explained in simple terms to allow hands-on learning. To this end, sample
policies, examples, and cases are provided.
The objective of this revision is to retain the strengths of the previous edition while
enhancing the pedagogical methods with new and updated areas relevant to the field of
risk and insurance today. The clarity and simplicity of the previous text with its opera-
tional emphasis is maintained.

■ An emphasis on the big picture—the Connection section. The insurance
industry, operations, and markets have been brought to the front of the book to
clarify the “big picture” for students. Risk and insurance can appear to be a
complex puzzle composed of many pieces. In addition to the early overview of
industry, operations and markets, a “Connection” section begins each chapter to
highlight the relationships between various concepts and components of risk
and insurance, so that students know how the pieces fit together.
■ Chapter 3 presents current risk management practices, including enter-
prise risk management. The chapter moves from traditional risk manage-
ment through risk mapping to enterprise risk management, including the use
of the capital markets and cat bonds. Chapter 3 can be used to introduce risk


management or for advanced study. Out of the cases at the end of the text,
two are particularly relevant to this chapter: Case 3 provides advanced risk
management tools for a large corporation, and Case 4 experiments with the
financial risk management tools described in Chapter 3.
■ Chapter 4 contains a review of insurance company operations and loss devel-
opment techniques. The chapter includes an actuarial loss development trian-
gle technique for loss reserves and rate calculations. Understanding this process
of estimating future losses based on past losses is at the heart of insurance oper-
ations. Students who understand how insurance companies deal with losses will
understand the underlying dynamic of the industry. Thus, the up-front study of
the loss development technique in this chapter is part of a conceptual frame-
work that will help students learn the details of insurance that are covered later
in the text.
■ Chapter 5 contains a review of insurance markets, underwriting cycles, regu-
lated and unregulated markets, and regulation. The chapter is designed to
furnish an understanding of the global operations of insurance markets, so
student can appreciate the importance of market conditions (and the under-
writing cycles) on risk management decisions. The types of insurance institu-
tions and the U.S. insurance regulation today are discussed, including the most
recent updates. The chapter incorporates the insurance implications of the
Gramm-Leach-Bliley (GLBA) Financial Services Modernization Act of
November 12, 1999.
■ E-Commerce Risk: This emerging and evolving risk is covered in detail in
Chapters 8, which is devoted to property risk in general, and in Chapter 9,
which is centered around liability risks.
■ Employee benefits and individual life/health products: all new laws are incor-
porated, including EGTRRA 2001, along with case examples of a dental office
for pensions, comparative matrices for group health insurance and group
underwriting, and rate quotes and policy features for individual health policies
(in Chapter 19.) This area is supplemented with Case 2, an employee benefits
portfolio for a hypothetical company.
■ Social Security: The chapter is updated with the most recent year’s data (2003).
All data will be kept current on the text’s Web site.
■ Case studies: The book begins with an introductory case on the losses of
September 11, 2001, and concludes with a section featuring comprehensive
cases in risk management and insurance for personal needs and business needs.
These cases help students recognize the relevancy and applications of the book’s
concepts in the real world.
■ Introduction with cases: The introduction provides an overview of all the
elements of the textbook, using the huge losses of September 11 as a first
glimpse into the field. Two victim families are featured, and the insurance
coverages discussed include the United States’ social insurance programs,
employer provided employee benefits, and private insurance. Also, one
business that sustained losses during September 11 is featured, and this
raises discussion of business interruption coverage.
■ Conclusion with case studies: To complete the “big picture” of holistic
risk for a family with hand-on application, Case 1 features the hypotheti-
cal Smith family and their risk management portfolio. To complete the

understanding of the employee benefits packages offered by employers,

Case 2 is featured. Cases 3 and 4 are for more advanced risk management
techniques to augment Chapter 3.

■ Important Issues: Each chapter is filled with current real-life examples to liven
up the study for the student and to clearly show the application of concepts of
risks in our everyday lives. Important Issues boxes include discussions on topics
such as punitive damages, mortality improvements, recent laws affecting health
care, auto rates, business interruption issues, mold, and more.
■ Explore the Internet: At the conclusion of each “Important Issues” box, the
reader is directed to use Web sites applicable to the chapter and the stories.
Within each chapter there are many references to Internet sites the student can
use for additional information and updates.
■ Ethical Dilemma: Each chapter features an “Ethical Dilemma” that deals with
current issues such as the Federal terrorism insurance bill, redlining, obesity
and lawsuits, the conversion of traditional defined benefit plans to cash balance
pension plans, and the tradeoff between health care cost and benefits. At the
conclusion of each story, questions are provided to prompt related discussion.
■ The newest sample personal and commercial property/casualty ISO policies
are discussed in detail along with the most up-to-date ISO sample endorse-
ments for terrorism, e-commerce and mold coverages. Hands-on-examples
using the policies encourage students to truly understand the workings of
these policies.
■ New sample life insurance policies from State Farm are furnished, along with
a thorough explanation, to give a clear understanding of the coverages and life
products available in the market place today.
■ Student-friendly: A clear, readable writing style helps to keep a complicated sub-
ject from becoming overwhelming. In-chapters examples and the “Ethical
Dilemmas” and “Important Issues” let students apply the concepts they’re learning.
■ New Discussion Questions and Exercises at the end of each chapter: Many
new questions and case exercises were added to provide more challenging appli-
cations to the students and encourage the use of the policies provided at the
back of the text.


Instructors’ Resources
All teaching supplements will be available for instructors to download from the password-
protected Instructors' Companion Web Site, at www.wiley.com/college/baranoff.

Instructor’s Manual
This guide for instructors begins with suggestions on how to use the textbook to teach
different levels of students, from beginning to intermediate. Specific tips are given in
each chapter for the various levels. Each chapter has an orientation, complete outline,

and answers to all discussion questions and exercises. In providing answers, we have
included matrices for the comparison questions and spreadsheets for the more quanti-
tative exercises.

Test Bank
The test bank consists of 30 multiple choice questions and 5 or more short answer ques-
tions for each chapter. Key concepts are emphasized throughout, with questions offered at
a range of difficulty levels.

PowerPoint Presentations
PowerPoint slides provided for each chapter present key exhibits and and outlines of the
critical topics in each chapter.

Student Resources
The students’ Web site, www.wiley.com/college/baranoff, will furnish current reading and
exercises, including updates to the Important Issues and Ethical Dilemma boxes.

This book lists one author, but it is based on the 1996 edition of the text book Risk
Management and Insurance (seventh edition) by S. Travis Prichett, Joan T. Schmit, Helen I.
Doerpinghaus and the late James L. Athearn. Their textbook is the foundation of this text.
Without this foundation and their recommendation that I undertake the overhauling of
their book, I would not have accepted this large project.
My publisher, Leyh Publishing, provided extensive and excellent support in complet-
ing this work. Rick Leyh’s excellent suggestions and support have been critical to my work.
Rick has provided superb leadership in this undertaking. In addition, Lari Bishop, Kris
Pauls and Camille McMorrow kept the production and development work on target. The
Wiley team, including Susan Elbe, Publisher, Leslie Kraham, Acquisitions Editor, and
Charity Robey, Senior Marketing Manager, was very supportive. Most important to me
was the exceptional work of my copyeditor and author of the Important Issues and some
of the Ethical Dilemma boxes, Christy Goldfinch. Christy has been more than a copyedi-
tor. She studied each topic and provided excellent questions and suggestions while ensur-
ing the simplicity and clarity of the text. Many thanks also to my daughter, Dalit Baranoff,
for her fine work on the test bank and the Ethical Dilemma boxes for Chapters 10 through
19, as well as for her support and additional suggestions as I wrote each chapter.
I would like to give special tribute and acknowledgment to all my students in my Risk
and Insurance and Employee Benefits classes at Virginia Commonwealth University for
their excellent work on projects similar to those featured in Cases 1 and 2. Special recog-
nition is given to Jessica Duke, a Spring 2002 student, who provided much of the research
and support for the e-commerce risk sections and the updates to the Social Security chap-
ter. Most important is the work of my graduate student Denise Togger, who wrote Case 4
as a special studies project and contributed large sections of Chapter 3.
In addition, important suggestions were made by a number of colleagues who took
their time to offer detailed comments on the book before its final revision. These review-
ers include:
Joan Lamm-Tennant, GeneralCologne Re Capital Consultants

Dan Anderson, University of Wisconsin at Madison

Dalit Baranoff, Johns Hopkins University
Cassandra Cole, Florida State University
Lee Colquitt, Auburn University
Anne Costello, University of Hartford
Mark Cross, Miami University of Ohio
Alan D. Eastman, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Karen Epermanis, University of Mississippi
George Flanigan, Illinois State University
Lisa A. Gardner, Bradley University
Michael J. McNamara, Washington State University
Phyllis Myers, Virginia Commonwealth University
Laureen Regan, Temple University
Jerry Todd, St. Mary’s University

Dr. Etti G. Baranoff is an associate professor of insurance and finance at Virginia

Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA. She teaches insurance, pensions, employee
benefits, and finance topics to graduate and undergraduate classes. Prior to her academic
career, Dr. Baranoff was a Texas insurance regulator for 12 years with specialty in rate reg-
ulation, solvency studies, and modeling and legislative issues. Her career also includes
experience with a life insurer, a Texas public risk pool, and consulting. Dr. Baranoff has
spoken in many insurance forms and has published in the Journal of Risk and Insurance,
the Journal of Banking and Finance, the Journal of Insurance Regulation, and Best’s Review,
among others. Her research subjects include solvency detection models, capital and risk
relationship, capital, risk, organization and distribution structures relationships, risk
financing, impact of insurance regulation, and risk management information systems. She
received her Ph.D. in finance with minors in insurance and statistics from the University
of Texas at Austin in 1993. She lives in Austin and commutes to teach at VCU. Dr. Baranoff
can be contacted at: [email protected].


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