MuleSoft Scenario Questions & Answers

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At a glance
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The key takeaways are about how to connect and integrate Mule applications with other systems like ActiveMQ and how to handle large XML files in Mule.

The main components of a Maven configuration file (pom.xml) are dependencies, build directory, source directory, test source directory, plugins and goals.

The different lifecycle phases in Maven are compile, test, package, install and deploy.

Mulesoft Calling Flow of Other Applications

1. Create Domain Project

2. Define a VM connector

3. Connect VM component in flow & sub-flow

4. Setup status check

5. Testing the applications

6. Verification


How to split a big XML file?

Under severe memory-constrained scenarios, you must set the processingStrategy attribute of
the flow to synchronous, in order to ensure that only one thread will read the big file, split the
messages and send them for further processing.

how to distribute same copy of file to multiple outbounds?

You should use scatter- gather as it will move the payload to both the file and ftp in parallel

How - Tranforming of XML to Flat file

You can set payload with mime type as flat file

What is performance monitoring?

Application performance monitoring gives customers granular visibility into all functional
aspects of their application network. With Anypoint Monitoring, all insights related to APIs,
integrations, and dependencies are extracted automatically, with very low-performance
overhead and no required application modifications. More than 40 metrics are also available
through built-in dashboards––covering everything from inbound requests, outbound calls, and
dependencies to performance, failures, JVM, and infrastructure metrics.

Swagger open source and pro tools have helped millions of API developers, teams, and
organizations deliver great APIs.

Swagger (now OAS) and RAML are two of the most popular specifications for developing APIs
on the market right now.

Swagger—recently renamed to Open API** or OAS—is a type of framework that was designed
to describe, produce, visualize, and consume RESTful web services.

How to check for a NullPayload in mule dataweave

payload is :empty or payload is :null

You can replace "payloadData" with payload as per your flow

payload is :null should work as NullPaylod is mapped to null value. Also payload == null

In mule I have a flow that receive an InputStream with a 500mb xml file. I want to split the
xml file following certain rules. The result is 390000 messages that I need to send to an
ActiveMQ queue. ActiveMQ will give an outofmemory exception if I send all messages in
one transaction. If I don't use transaction it will succeed but it will be much slower.
What's the best way to send the messages in batches of 1000? Can I use standard

I think what you are looking for batch commits doc here. This component will execute the
internal flow components once he collected the specified numbers of records. Batch commit
processor is allowed only inside a batch step.

ActiveMQ integration with MuleSoft

1. Activemq Setup on Server

2. create a MuleSoft application in Anypoint Studio

3. drag and drop a HTTP, JMS, and Set payload component

4. HTTP Configuration: Host:, Port : 8091, Path = /sendmessage

5. JMS: Select Queue and provide "muleQueue" as the queue name.

6. Configure the Connector configuration and select Active MQ

7. Select the specification, provide username and password

8. set up this payload

9. go to Postman and send a request to the HTTP endpoint.

10. The message is published successfully on ActiveMQ

Consuming Flow
1. It will have JMS as a consumer and a File component to write the message.

2. JMS: It will be configured the same way as we have configured in the first flow.

3. File: Just provide the path as src/test/resources/messages.

4. If the message format is different we can use Obj to String transformer

XML Parsing
1. if you want to parse XML file and extract values of elements you can use XPATH

2. If you want your output to be an xml and values need to be mapped, you can use XSLT

Mule as an ESB and the Spring Framework are a powerful combination with a rich history of
successful production deployments.

XML Schema Validation

Use Cases: Mule ESB flows is validating if an
XML document is valid against a
corresponding XSD, so we can make sure
we are receiving the correct XML, and will
forward it for the further processing.

1. Set the returnResult to false in your


2. In this example, we are receiving the XML

file through file connector, which will be
validated against an XSD schema file defined in the application. If validation fails, then we
catch the exception and print the "Schema Not Validated" message along with the

Available Mule’s NoSQL connectors:

Cassandra, HDFS, MongoDB, Neo4j, Redis, Riak

Accessing MongoDB in Mule Flow

MongoDB is leading open source NoSQL database.

Use Cases: To execute the basic operations to store and retrieve the documents from
MongoDB through Mule Flow.

1. MongoDB Setup.

2. Configure the MongoDB component in Mule Flow.

3. Execute the flow to save a document. (Operation - Insert Document)

4. Execute the flow to retrieve the document saved. Operation - Find one document)

The MongoDB connector has the capability to store and retrieve documents from the Mule flow
efficiently and with minimal configuration. MongoDB generates a unique ID for each document.

How to Load Balance Mule ESB without using Mule Management Console
For load balancing incoming HTTP request, over multiple Mule instances, you will need a
external loadbalancer. Mule ESB Enterprise Edition nor MMC will help you with that. You can
use a commercial one, such as a F5 BIP-IP, or setup a HAProxy. To avoid the loadbalancer to
be a single point of failure you can setup a redundant HAProxy.

For JMS make sure to setup a external message broker cluster and connect to it using the
normal jms:inbound-endpoint that way Mule will act as a competing consumer and you will
achieve load balancing of messages.

What is API Gateway?

Consumer applications invoke your services. APIs route to the endpoints that the gateway
exposes to enforce runtime policies and collect and track analytics data. using the API
Gateway we can To manage an existing Mule API To deploy a proxy

API Gateway supports the following MuleSoft connectors only: HTTP/S ,Jetty,File,JDBC,WS-
Consumer connectors

The advantage of using a proxy is having a layer of separation to ensure that any attacks
against our API are stopped well before anyone interacts with our main servers. This creates
extra protection for our existing APIs.

API Gateway acts as a proxy server that is dedicated to hosting the proxy applications and for
Lightning Connect to gather all the existing backend APIs together which are either hosted in
our on-premises standalone server or CloudHub.

The advantage of API Gateway is that it automatically creates an application that can proxy the
backend API from the URL that the backend API exposes, and we do not need to write any
code for it. Not only that, through API Manager, we can implement various runtime policies on
HTTP/HTTPS endpoints to govern our proxy API.

API Gateway solution is also very versatile, as it can be implemented both in CloudHub as well
as in on-premises.

Java Messaging : Difference between ActiveMQ, Mule, ServiceMix and Camel

JMS is a Java messaging protocol specification.

ActiveMQ is an implementation of the above.

Camel is a message routing engine implementing Enterprise Integration Patterns. It provides a

lot of predefined components. One of its key component supports JMS.

ServiceMix is an ESB implementation compatible with JBI (Java Business Integration)

specification. It also provides many infrastructural features not available in Camel (like services
OSGI bundle support). SM makes heavy use of Camel.

Mule is an another implementation of ESB, but not related to the Camel/ServiceMix family.

More Scenario Questions:


Brief overview of the mulesoft work done.

What are all mulesoft version you have worked on?

What are all integration pattern used in Mulesoft? Give some integration pattern names
and relate them with the Mulesoft connector/component/transformer.

Migration is the act of moving a specific set of data at a point in time from one system to the
other(Database Connectors, Sales Force Connector, etc)

Broadcast can also be called “one way sync from one to many”, and it is the act of moving
data from a single source system to many destination systems in an ongoing and real-time (or
near real-time), basis. (JMS Topic - Pub/Sub)

The bi-directional sync data integration pattern is the act of combining two datasets in two
different systems so that they behave as one, while respecting their need to exist as different

Aggregation is the act of taking or receiving data from multiple systems and inserting into one

(e.g. Scatter Gather)

Message Transformation: Transformer

Choice Router - The Choice router in Mule is an implementation of the Content-Based Router
enterprise integration pattern. It examines the message content and routes the message onto a
different channel, based on data contained in the message.

What is api led connectivity?

This approach is based on Pace layers. The main purpose of API-led connectivity is to enable
the integration flows to be reused by many parties and to be reused inside the integration
platform. In this approach, the APIs are based on three distinct layers: System, Process, and

System layer API: This is the foundational layer of the three-layer architecture. These APIs can
be defined for various domains of an organization, for example, ERP, key customer and billing
systems, proprietary databases, etc

One can modify the System API logic without affecting the other APIs (Process and

Process layer APIs are responsible for shaping the data by orchestrating and choreographing
various data by calling multiple System APIs. The orchestration involves the aggregating,
splitting, and routing of data. The main purpose of Process APIs is to strictly encapsulate the
business process independent of the source systems (System APIs) from which the data
originates. Common business logic can be shared across the organization. (e.g. Purchase
Order Process API)

Experience APIs are the means by which data can be reconfigured easily to meet the needs of
multiple audiences. The Experience APIs are the ones which should be exposed publicly for
consumption. Basically, they involve only the transformation of data. So, to meet a wide range
of clients that accept data in diverse formats

What is composite API?

A composite API is a sequence of tasks that runs synchronously and which execution path is
not persisted.

Composite APIs are a design approach to batch API requests sequentially into a single API
call. Rather than multiple round trips to a server, a client can make one API request with a chain
of calls and receive one response.

If you have flow where synchronous processing required but it has two flow running in
sequence. 1 is in synchronous and other one is calling aync flow then how would you get
response in such scenarios in synchronous manner?

Scatter Gather

Did you deploy api on cloudhub if yes then what process was followed?
• In Studio, open your application as a Mule Project.

• In Package Explorer, right-click the project node, then select Anypoint Platform, then
Deploy to CloudHub.

• If this is your first time deploying from Studio, a popup dialog box asks you to provide your
login credentials for Anypoint Platform. Studio stores your credentials and uses them
automatically the next time you deploy to CloudHub.

What do you need to make sure while deploying application in cloudhub?

• Configure the CloudHub deployment strategy in your project’s pom.xml file

• Add the Mule Maven plugin to your project

• If you are using the HTTP Listener as source for your flow, you need to set its host to and its port to ${http.port}

Have you ever configured load balancer in cloudhub for apps?

Load Balancing:
If your app runs on multiple workers, the CloudHub shared load automatically balances
incoming traffic.

Alternatively, you can use the optional dedicated load balancer (DLB) component to route
external traffic to multiple Mule applications deployed to CloudHub workers in Anypoint Virtual
Private Cloud (VPC).

What are all NFR you need to consider while deciding workers/core for cloudhub application?

Can you change the flow processing strategies and what are all parameter you need to
consider while deciding on processing strategies?
• The flow processing strategy is automatically set.

• It can be changed in the flow’s properties view.

• This is usually done when a custom queued-asynchronous profile has been created for
tuning application performance.

What are all types of queues you have worked on?

standard and first-in-first-out (FIFO)

Standard queues attempt to preserve the order of messages, but strict order is not guaranteed.
Because standard queues are designed to be scalable and distributed, they can’t guarantee
that messages are received in the same order that they are sent. You can fetch up to 50
messages from a standard (non-FIFO) queue. Anypoint MQ supports up to 120,000 in-flight
messages per standard queue.

FIFO: For a FIFO queue, you can fetch up to 10 messages. The FIFO restriction exists because
the FIFO queues are limited to 10 in-flight messages per message group. With FIFO queues,
Anypoint MQ ensures that the order in which messages are placed in a queue is the same
order messages are retrieved. However, if you batch 10 messages per each read and write
operation (maximum) using the API, FIFO queues can support up to 3,000 TPS.

What is dead letter queue and how you used it?

Dead-letter queues are useful for debugging your application or messaging system because
they let you isolate problematic messages to determine why their processing doesn't succeed.

How do you get requirement for the APIs and what overall process you follow from
design to deployment.

Functional Requirements

Non Functional Requirements

Synchronous: If an API call is synchronous, it means that code execution will block (or wait)
for the API call to return before continuing. This means that until a response is returned by the
API, your application will not execute any further. Its kind of performance issue in your app.

some times synchronous call do not have performance issue like -if there is code in your app
that will only execute properly once the API response is received.

Asynchronous: Asynchronous calls do not block (or wait) for the API call to return from the
server. Execution continues on in your program, and when the call returns from the server, a
“callback” function is executed.

The important point is that program execution will continue, and asynchronously, the callback
function will be called once program execution completes.

What are all securities you have implemented with API?

• Clinet ID & Client Secret

• Rate Limiting & Throttling


• OAuth

When a client application is registered in Anypoint Platform, a pair of credentials consisting of a

client ID and client secret is generated. When the client application requests access to an API,
a contract is created between the application and that API

How to implement Oauth security?

• To apply the OAuth 2.0 policy, the below configuration needs to be done.

• MuleSoft OAuth provider application needs to be configured and deployed

• OAuth 2.0 policy needs to be applied on the API, the OAuth provider authorized, and the
access-token URL needs to be configured in the API specification along with scope.

If you need to save state of the transaction and then resume it if it fails. How would you
do it?
Rollback Strategy Exception Strategy

You can define a rollback exception strategy to ensure that a message that throws an
exception in a flow is rolled back for reprocessing. Use a rollback exception strategy when you
cannot correct an error that occurs in a flow. Usually, you use a rollback exception strategy to
handle errors that occur in a flow that involve a transaction. If the transaction fails, that is, if a
message throws an exception while being processed, then the rollback exception strategy rolls
back the transaction in the flow. If the inbound connector is transactional, Mule delivers the
message to the inbound connector of the parent flow again to reattempt processing (that is,
message redelivery).


1. Can you brief your integration experience?

2. How do you handled the messages like if backend system is not available to pick the
messages once it posted on MQ?

3. How the pub/sub will work in real time?

4. RAML usage and it's key specifications?

5. Can you explain about oAuth2.0 process?

6. Do you have idea about CI/CD procedure. If yes, please explain?

7. How do you deploy the code manually (manual deployment process)?

8. Onpremise and cloud based applications difference.

9. Have you applied any policies to your api?

10. Do you have any experience in production support?

11. Network connectivity issues with Eai,

12. logging frame work,

13. Fan in Fan out concept,

There are different connectors that need to be used when you want to perform any action,
Service invoke can be done via SOAP or REST connector. Dataweave can be used for
transformation. Each component will perform action on payload and send to the subsequent
component (Fan in/out)

Fan Out primitive is used to fire the input message through output terminal once or multiple
times. Fan Out can be used alone or as a combination of Fan Out and Fan In.

Fan In always acts as a decision point whether to continue or stop flow execution and it is
always combined with Fan Out. Until a decision point is reached, Fan In receives a number of
messages and the last message received are sent to the output terminal.

14. web sockets,

A WebSocket is a persistent connection between a client and server. WebSockets provide a
bidirectional, full-duplex communications channel that operates over HTTP through a single
TCP/IP socket connection. At its core, the WebSocket protocol facilitates message passing
between a client and server.

15. different security policies,

16. performance tuning,

17. on premise server configuration steps

How do you set up dependencies in your project ?

2. What CI/CD pipelines have you used in the projects?

3. If you don’t know anything about a topic or technology. What approach do you use to
learn things ?

4. Agile/Scrum methodology ( story estimation , refinement , demo , velocity etc)

5. How do you get requirements for the user story ? Do you use any tools like JIRA ?

6. How do you analyze a size of a project ?

7. How do you measure the performance of the APIs ?

8. Where do u see yourself in 5 years ?

9. What are the steps you follow to understand and complete a project?

How do you start with API Design?

Start with Design center, and write the raml , use mock servise to test, publish to exchange,
write the API documentation in the Exchange

then we use this raml to write our implementation flows and deploy to Mule Runtime

What are traits in ramls, give some examples ? How can you reuse?
by making them reusabe and fragments and including it in the raml we can reuse

What is REST, SOAP?

SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol. SOAP is a protocol. SOAP was designed with
a specification. It includes a WSDL file which has the required information on what the web
service does in addition to the location of the web service.

REST stands for Representational State Transfer. REST is an Architectural style in which a web
service can only be treated as a RESTful service if it follows the constraints of being

Client Server



Layered System

Uniform Interface

What are the best practises in API Desing,

you need to be aware of naming convention, how do define resources,

what are the http methods ( GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) what each of these methods means ?

GET is used to request data from a specified resource.

POST is used to send data to a server to create/update a resource.

PUT is used to send data to a server to create/update a resource.

The DELETE method deletes the specified resource.

The PATCH method is a request method supported by the HTTP protocol for making partial
changes to an existing resource.

What are the ways you can initiate a Flow?

-Http Listener,

-VM Listener,

JMS Listener

-File Based Listener?

on New or Updated File

we have reg ex to fileter file in the file config,..

what connectors we have for - FIle, FTP,FTPS,SFTP - what is the difference?

-Database , On Table Row, What is watermarking in DB

What is Scheduler?
The Scheduler component enables you to trigger a flow when a time-based condition is met.
You can configure it to be triggered at a regular interval or give it a more flexible cron
expression. For example, a Scheduler might trigger an event to start a flow every 5 seconds.

What is Watermarking?
Watermarking is typically used to perform data synchronization. Watermarking is a technique
for storing and retrieving the point at which a periodic synchronization should resume the next
time it’s executed. Watermarking is a typically used alongside ObjectStore

What is the major difference in Mule 4 and Mule 3?

- Structure of Mule message differe?

- Error Handling

- on Error Continue

On-Error Continue catches the error and does not report it as an error, thus the processing of
the flow continues even after the error has occurred. This error handler can be used in flows
where you don’t want to stop the flow processing even if an error has occurred.

- on Error Propogate

On-Error Propagate works exactly as the Mule 3 Catch exception strategy. In case of any
errors, On-Error Propagate processes the error message and re-throws the error to its parent
flow. No further processing is done on that particular flow.

- Raise Error

This core component generates a Mule error, as if a failure had occurred, which allows you to
customize its description and type.

What each of these mean?

what are the processing startegies ? in mule 3 and 4

in Mule 4 .Mule Runtime is designed on the concept/processing strategy called

Non-Blocking processing Strategy.

Synchronous Flow Strategy : Mule processes messages in a single thread.

Queued-Asynchronous Flow Processing Strategy : Mule uses a queue to decouple the receiver
thread from the rest of the flow.

Non-Blocking Processing Strategy: This uses an evented non-blocking processing model to

process requests. A single thread still handles each incoming request, but non-blocking
components return this thread to the listener thread pool. Only upon obtaining and using a new
thread, can processing continue

What are the integration patterns you are aware of?

- Bi directonal Synchronization (For Example first time you will load all the data after
that we can use watermarking)

- Publish- Subscribe, also called Fanout, Topic

- point - point (Queues)

- Data aggregation pattern....

- File transfer

- Request - Reply (http request)

>> What is correlation id in Mule?

A correlation ID, which is only available if it has been set by the transport on inbound messages
or explicitly by means of configuration.

A Correlation ID, also known as a Transit ID, is a unique identifier value that is attached to
requests and messages that allow reference to a particular transaction or event chain

what is router in Mule

Routers (Flow Controls in Anypoint Studio) route messages to various destinations in a Mule

- Choice router

- Message Filter ( Validation Module), Idempotent Message Validator

- Scatter-Gather

- first succesful

>> What is transformer?

tranaslate message from one formatt to other. In mule we use DW


when you use map, mapObject, filter etc, group by, order by...

• map - Iterates over items in an array and outputs the results into a new array.

• mapObject - Iterates over an array and applies an expression that returns matching values.

• groupby - Returns an object that groups items from an array based on specified criteria, such
as an expression or matching selector.

• Reorders the elements of an input using criteria that acts on selected elements of that input.

• Splits a string into a string array based on a value that matches part of that string. It filters
out the matching part from the returned array.

• Returns the number of elements in an array. It returns 0 if the array is empty.

What is Caching -- Object store?

Caching is an act of keeping data in temporary storage to allow retrieval without having to
request the data repeatedly from the original data

Caching is the term for storing reusable responses in order to make subsequent requests

Mule provides the Mule 4 Object Store connector that retrieves and stores values for up to 30

Batch Processing in Mule 4? vs for each what are benefits of each?

For each splits splits payload collection and process each of them, the output payload will be
same after for each, stop process if any one element throw error

Batch - Parallel processing for huge records, Interally queue exists and pushed in to each
step,... There are 16 threads in a batch,

Batch Aggregator?
In a Mule 3 Batch Job, you would be using Batch Commit to group records to send over the
outbound connector such as a database, Salesforce, etc. Instead of calling database insert for
each record, you can specify the group size to perform a batch commit.

In Mule 4 Batch job, this has been replaced with the Batch Aggregator component. The
underlying behavior and functionality of Batch Aggregator is the same as Batch Commit.

Each batch job contains three different phases:

• Load and Dispatch.

• Process.

• On Complete

What is streaming in mule 4?

- In Mule 4 we have Repeatable steam that means we can read the stream more than
once and accessc concurrently

- File stored repeateable strea,

- In memory repeateable stream

- non repeateable stream

Example connectors that support streaming -( File, FTP, Database, http, salesforce)

What is websocket? when we can use it?

A WebSocket is a persistent connection between a client and server. WebSockets provide a

bidirectional, full-duplex communications channel that operates over HTTP through a single
TCP/IP socket connection.

WebSocket created when the Mule app listens for incoming connections.

How do we externalize the properties for the mule app? what are the environment varibles,
how you secure the propoerties

Have you written yaml file, what is it how will you wirte?
YAML is a human-readable data-serialization language. It is commonly used for configuration
files and in applications where data is being stored or transmitted.

what is idempotency ? and how used in Mule

The Idempotent Filter is an important message filter in the Mule platform, ensuring that only
unique messages are received by a service by checking the unique ID of the incoming

On Premise and Cloud Hub deployment models?

CloudHub: Deploy your apps from the Anypoint Platform Runtime Manager cloud console and
host them in CloudHub.

Hybrid: Deploy your apps from the Anypoint Platform Runtime Manager cloud console and
host them on your Mule servers.

Private Cloud: Deploy your apps from your on-premises Runtime Manager instance provided
with Anypoint Platform PCE and host them on your Mule servers.

On-Premises: Deploy your apps from the Anypoint Platform Runtime Manager cloud console
and host them in Anypoint Runtime Fabric.

what is a worker?
Applications on CloudHub are run by one or more instances of Mule, called workers.

The worker sizes are:

0.1 vCores + 500 MB memory.

0.2 vCores + 1 GB memory.

1 vCores + 1.5 GB memory.

2 vCores + 3.5 GB memory.

4 vCores + 7.5 GB memory.

What is container ?
A container is a standard unit of software that packages up code and all its dependencies so
the application runs quickly and reliably from one computing environment to another.

Docker & Kubernetes

Docker is a platform and tool for building, distributing, and running Docker containers. ...
Kubernetes is a container orchestration system for Docker containers that is more extensive
than Docker Swarm and is meant to coordinate clusters of nodes at scale in production in an
efficient manner

what is the API Manager how the policies are applied? name some of the policies...
API Manager is a component of Anypoint Platform for designing, building, managing, and
publishing APIs.

• Go to API Manager > API Administration and select the API instance from the details

• From the left navigation, select Policies > Apply New Policy.

• Expand the policy that you want to apply.

• Select the policy version and click Configure Policy.

• Client ID enforcement Policy

• Cross-Origin resource sharing Policy

• Detokenization Policy

• OAuth 2.0 access token enforcement using Mule OAuth provider Policy

• Header Injection/Removal Policy

• Basic authentication - Simple Policy

• HTTP Caching Policy

• IP blacklist Policy

• IP whitelist Policy

• JSON threat protection Policy

• JWT Validation Policy

• Basic Authentication - LDAP Policy

• Message Logging Policy

• Rate limiting Policy

• Rate limiting - SLA based Policy

• Spike Control Policy

• Tokenization Policy

• XML threat protection Policy

CI is the process of integrating code into a mainline code base.

CD is about the processes that have to happen after code is integrated for app changes to be
delivered to users. Those processes involving testing, staging and deploying code


What is maven? why we need it in Mule?

Maven is a powerful project management tool that is based on POM (project object model). It
is used for projects build, dependency and documentation.

what are main coponents in the maven config file(pom)?

The pom. xml file contains information of project and configuration information for the maven
to build the project such as dependencies, build directory, source directory, test source
directory, plugin, goals etc. Maven reads the pom.

>> What are different life cyclce phases in maven

compile - compilation Source code compilation is done in this phase.

Test - Testing Tests the compiled source code suitable for testing framework.

package - packaging This phase creates the JAR/WAR package as mentioned in

the packaging in POM.xml.

install - installation This phase installs the package in local/remote maven repository.

Deploy - Deployment refers to automated deployments of the source code.

>> what are tools you used? Github, Munit Jenkins...

>> what plugin in ther in mule for building?


MuleSoft Experience?
How do you solve if there is an issue with API?

What is API Fragments?

API fragments are reusable components that you can create and publish in order to be
consumed across different APIs in your business organization. You could also have fragments
within your API specification to improve modularity of your API specification. Fragments can be
data types, traits, security schemes, resource types,

What are traits in ramls, give some examples ?

Traits is like function and is used to define common attributes for HTTP method (GET, PUT,
POST, PATCH, DELETE, etc) such as whether or not they are filterable, searchable, or

Traits can be called by resources using the "is" keyword.

What is Websocket? When we use it

A WebSocket is a persistent connection between a client and server. WebSockets provide a

bidirectional, full-duplex communications channel that operates over HTTP through a single
TCP/IP socket connection.

WebSocket created when the Mule app listens for incoming connections.

What is streaming in mule 4?

In Mule 4 we have Repeatable steam that means we can read the stream more than once and
accessc concurrently

- File stored repeateable strea,

- In memory repeateable stream

- non repeateable stream

Example connectors that support streaming -( File, FTP, Database, http, salesforce)

How to connect from Processing API to System API?

A process api should talk REST on "both ends". using HTTP Listener connector

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