9° Annual Latin American Leadership Forum: MONDAY - APRIL 18, 2011

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9° Annual Latin American Leadership Forum

"Generating Extraordinary Wealth - Strategic Projects and Public Wealth"
Rio de Janeiro, April, 2011

MONDAY | APRIL 18, 2011

11:30a - 6:00p Registration & Opening Program

1:00p - 2:30p Opening Luncheon & Keynote Address

The Honorable Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, President of Brazil (invited)

2:30p - 3:30p Infrastructure Action Groups: Initial Roundtable Discussion

During the Forum, Infrastructure Action Groups [each limited to only 12 participants] will
meet to develop and discuss critical action items focused on helping countries and companies
in the creation and execution of better infrastructure projects. Groups are in the areas of:
Public Capacity; Infrastructure Finance, and Water & Sanitation.

3:30p - 6:30p Kick-Off Workshops

Participants are invited to register early in order to attend a series of dynamic Deep Dive
workshops. NOTE: Worksop topics are selected by CG/LA in collaboration with Strategic and
Platinum Sponsors, and are structured as discussion sessions. Workshops are each 1 hour in
length, and will take place between 3pm and 6pm. They will be offered on a two-track

Getting Involved in the Infrastructure Boom

Sponsored by: Leading Multilateral Banking Firm

Effective Private-Public Partnership in Delivering Challenging Infrastructure Programs

Sponsored by: Platinum Sponsor, Project Management Firm

Brazil & The Rio Olympics: Opportunities for Growth

Sponsored by: Platinum Sponsor - Leading Brazilian EPC Firm

Innoations in Infrastructure Project Finance - Making the Right Investments

Sponsored by: Platinum Sponsor - Private Sector Bank

6:30p - 8:30p Welcome Reception

A welcoming reception honoring the project presenters, Forum sponsors, and participants of
the 9th Annual Latin American Leadership Forum, featuring traditional drinks and food.
Welcome to Rio!

9° Annual Latin American Leadership Forum 1


TUESDAY | APRIL 19, 2011

7:30a - 8:15a Registration & Continental Breakfast

8:15a - 1:15p Morning Plenary Session: Keynote Addresses & Infrastructure Project Presentations

8:15a - 8:30 a Welcome to the 9° Latin American Leadership Forum

"Generating Extraordinary Wealth - Strategic Projects and Public Wealth"
Norman F. Anderson, President & CEO, CG/LA Infrastructure LLC

8:30a - 8:50a Opening Remarks

Senior Executive, Odebrecht (invited)

8:50a - 9:50a Panel Discussion: Infrastructure Leaders Discuss the Future

Key trends that are driving and shaping the infrastructure business globally – Discussion with
key infrastructure leaders including Ministries and Secretaries of Infrastructure, Transportation,
Public Works, among others.

9:50a - 10:10a Trend Keynote: Project Financing in Brazil

Senior Executive of BNDES (pending confirmation)

10:15a - 11:15a Top New Infrastructure Projects 10:15a - 11:15a Top Urban Mass Transit Projects
Visionary projects in clean energy Urban mass transit is becoming a
(generation, transmission, and growth industry throughout the world,
distribution); projects that are mega-cities explode with transport
innovative in their design and needs, while the international
technology, and are paramount in community demands carbon neutral
assuring that countries maintain a transit. Metro, Bus Rapid Transit, Light
balance of energy supply and demand. Rail, High Speed Train have become
crucial for moving people to meet their
11:15a - 12:15p Top Water/Wastewater Projects social and economic needs.
Projects that are absolutely critical to
the health and well being of people 11:15a - 12:15p Top 5 New Infrastructure Projects
throughout Latin America. The Visionary projects in clean energy
objective is to host projects that might (generation, transmission, and
serve as models for increased quality distribution); projects that are
and velocity of development of this key innovative in their design and
sector technology, and are paramount in
assuring that countries maintain a
12:15p - 1:15p Top Energy Projects balance of energy supply and demand.
Featuring cogeneration plants,
hydroelectric, and world-class 12:15p - 1:15p Top Oil & Gas Projects
technology to diversify energy Gas, exploration and production
generation sources and promote long- initiatives range from several
term sustainable growth opportunities in Mexico, Colombia,
Brazil, Guatemala, Peru and Argentina.

9° Annual Latin American Leadership Forum 2


1:15p - 2:30p Luncheon & Keynote Address: “The Rio Olympics”

The Honorable Joaquim Vieira Ferreira Levy, Governor of the State of Rio de Janeiro

2:30p - 3:30p Special Workshops

2:30p - 3:30p Accessing Feasibility Study Funding 2:30p - 3:30p Export Credit Agencies & Their Role
in Project Finance

3:30p - 6:00p Pre-Scheduled Private Meetings:

Registrants have an opportunity to pre-schedule meetings (up to 15, each of 15 minutes in

length) with project developers, sponsors, and other registrants. Each sponsor and project
presenter has their own, permanent, meeting space in the exhibitor hall.


7:30a-9:00a Registration & Opening Breakfast

7:45a-8:45a Special Breakfast Sessions

7:45a-8:45a Renewable Energy in Brazil 7:45a-8:45a Mobilizing Infrastructure Financing
Sponsored by: Platinum Sponsor Sponsored by: Platinum Sponsor

7:45a-8:45a Connecting Economies through 7:45a-8:45a The New Face of Infrastructure

Smart, Fast Infrastructure Financing
Sponsored by: Platinum Sponsor Sponsored by: Platinum Sponsor

8:00a - 9:00a Welcoming Remarks

Welcoming Remarks & Summary of the Forum
Norman F. Anderson, President & CEO, CG/LA Infrastructure

9:00a - 10:00a Special Session: Project of The Year Awards

Sponsored by: Special Platinum Sponsor

10:00a - 10:30a Coffee / Networking Break

9° Annual Latin American Leadership Forum 3


10:30a - 11:30p Top Surface Transportation Projects (Highways, Tunnels, Bridges)

The motor of connectivity! Providing access to markets, setting the base for long-term
economic and social impact. The region is in great need to expand its highway network and
connect remote rural areas to national and international markets while maintaining
environmental sustainability.

11:30p - 12:30p Top Ports & Logistic Projects

Featuring top ports, airports & multimodal logistics projects. These represent some of the
world’s most attractive assets. The region needs to strengthen its connectivity with the world to
improve regional and global economic integration.

12:30p - 2:00p Luncheon & Keynote Address

President, Multilateral Development Bank

2:00p - 3:00p Pre-Scheduled Private Meetings:

Registrants have an opportunity to pre-schedule meetings (up to 15, each of 15 minutes in

length) with project developers, sponsors, and other registrants. Each sponsor and project
presenter has their own, permanent, meeting space in the exhibitor hall


9° Annual Latin American Leadership Forum 4

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