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Research Project Report: "A Study On Customer Satisfaction of Pepsi in Lucknow"

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Submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the

award of degree of
Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Under the Guidance of Submitted By

Mr. Satish Srivastava Manisha Jaiswar
Assistant Professor MBA 3rd Sem.
Roll No. 1904420700017


(Session- 2019-2021)


This is to declare that Manisha Jaiswar (Roll No. 1904420700017) student of

MBA, at, have personally worked on the project entitled "A STUDY ON
mentioned in this report were obtained during genuine work done and
collected by me. The data obtained from other sources have been duly
acknowledged. The result embodied in this project has not been submitted to
any other University or Institute for the award of any degree.

Place: Lucknow
Manisha Jaiswar
MBA 3rd Sem.
Roll No. 1904420700017


First of all I thank God for giving me this wonderful opportunity to

undertake this research which is a part of my MBA program.

I would like to sincerely thank my guide Mr. Satish Srivastava for giving

me the wonderful opportunity to work under his able guidance and support

throughout my research report

I also thank to H.O.D for giving me their valuable time and vital information

which forms a part of this report.

I would also like to thank my colleagues for rendering their help to me in

this research report.

Last but not the least, I thank my parents for their prayers, help and advice

which helped me a lot to complete this research report.


Marketing plays vital role in today’s business scenario in consumer product

Company, when there is such a high competition in the market.

The emphasis in the project is providing the study an insight into Pepsi . The

project is designed to provide participation of MBA program as on the job

experience. This has given a chance to try and apply the academic

knowledge and gain insight into corporate culture. This helps in developing

decision making abilities and emphasizes on active participation by the


I undertook my project a leading and marketing partner of the Pepsi. During

the training, I had work on the project "A STUDY ON CUSTOMER


experience & knowledge during this survey. This project consists of my

findings after data analysis & conclusions were drawn and recommendations

were put forward.

Soft drink is one of the fast growing industries in India. The Pepsi goods can

be further classified segments. Marketing includes all the fulfill the all

segment of consumers. Marketing is also to convert social needs into

profitable opportunities.

So this topic provides all the essential to theoretical knowledge and to

inculcate the efficiency. It is also requirement for the company to improve

their service and quality for achieving their ultimate goal.


PEPSI IN LUCKNOW" The topic has been already given by the company

to collect information about current status of the online goods that is given

by the company to the retailer for selling of every brand of Pepsi .

Location : Lucknow


S. No. Topics Page No.

Front Page i
Company certificate ii
College certificate iii
Declaration iv
Acknowledgement v
Preface vi
7. FINDINGS 79-80



Customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is a term frequently used in marketing. It is a

measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or

surpass customer expectation. Customer satisfaction is defined as "the

number of customers, or percentage of total customers, whose reported

experience with a firm, its products, or its services (ratings) exceeds

specified satisfaction goals." In a survey of nearly 200 senior marketing

managers, 71 percent responded that they found a customer satisfaction

metric very useful in managing and monitoring their businesses.

It is seen as a key performance indicator within business and is often part of

a Balanced Scoretwo wheelerd. In a competitive marketplace where

businesses compete for customers, customer satisfaction is seen as a key

differentiator and increasingly has become a key element of business


"Within organizations, customer satisfaction ratings can have powerful

effects. They focus employees on the importance of fulfilling customers'

expectations. Furthermore, when these ratings dip, they warn of problems

that can affect sales and profitability.... These metrics quantify an important

dynamic. When a brand has loyal customers, it gains positive word-of-

mouth marketing, which is both free and highly effective."

Therefore, it is essential for businesses to effectively manage customer

satisfaction. To be able do this, firms need reliable and representative

measures of satisfaction.

"In researching satisfaction, firms generally ask customers whether their

product or service has met or exceeded expectations. Thus, expectations are

a key factor behind satisfaction. When customers have high expectations and

the reality falls short, they will be disappointed and will likely rate their

experience as less than satisfying. For this reason, a luxury resort, for

example, might receive a lower satisfaction rating than a budget motel—

even though its facilities and service would be deemed superior in 'absolute'


The importance of customer satisfaction diminishes when a firm has

increased bargaining power. For example, cell phoneplan providers, such

as AT&T and Verizon, participate in an industry that is an oligopoly, where

only a few suppliers of a certain product or service exist. As such, many cell

phone plan contracts have a lot of fine print with provisions that they would

never get away if there were, say, 100 cell phone plan providers, because

customer satisfaction would be far too low, and customers would easily have

the option of leaving for a better contract offer.

There is a substantial body of empirical literature that establishes the

benefits of customer satisfaction for firms.


A business Airtel two wheelerlly is continually seeking feedback to improve

customer satisfaction.

"Customer satisfaction provides a leading indicator of consumer purchase

intentions and loyalty." "Customer satisfaction data are among the most

frequently collected indicators of market perceptions. Their principal use is


1. "Within organizations, the collection, analysis and dissemination of

these data send a message about the importance of tending to

customers and ensuring that they have a positive experience with the

company's goods and services."

2. "Although sales or market share can indicate how well a firm is

performingcurrently, satisfaction is perhaps the best indicator of how

likely it is that the firm’s customers will make further purchases in the

future. Much research has focused on the relationship between

customer satisfaction and retention. Studies indicate that the

ramifications of satisfaction are most strongly realized at the


On a five-point scale, "individuals who rate their satisfaction level as '5' are

likely to become return customers and might even evangelize for the firm.

(A second important metric related to satisfaction is willingness to

recommend. This metric is defined as "The percentage of surveyed

customers who indicate that they would recommend a brand to friends."

When a customer is satisfied with a product, he or she might recommend it

to friends, relatives and colleagues. This can be a powerful marketing

advantage.) "Individuals who rate their satisfaction level as '1,' by contrast,

are unlikely to return. Further, they can hurt the firm by making negative

comments about it to prospective customers. Willingness to recommendis a

key metric relating to customer satisfaction."

Theoretical Ground

"In literature antecedents of satisfaction are studied from different aspects.

The considerations extend from psychological to physical and from

normative to positive aspects. However, in most of the cases the

consideration is focused on two basic constructs as customers expectations

prior to purchase or use of a product and his relative perception of the

performance of that product after using it.

Expectations of a customer on a product tell us his anticipated performance

for that product. As it is suggested in the literature, consumers may have

various "types" of expectations when forming opinions about a product's

anticipated performance. For example, four types of expectations are

identified by Miller (1977): two wheelerl, expected, minimum tolerable, and

desirable. While, Day (1977) indicated among expectations, the ones that are

about the costs, the product nature, the efforts in obtaining benefits and

lastly expectations of social values. Perceived product performance is

considered as an important construct due to its ability to allow making

comparisons with the expectations.

It is considered that customers judge products on a limited set of norms and

attributes. Olshavsky and Miller (1972) and Olson and Dover (1976)

designed their researches as to manipulate actual product performance, and

their aim was to find out how perceived performance ratings were influenced

by expectations. These studies took out the discussions about explaining the

differences between expectations and perceived performance."

The Disconfirmation Model

"The Disconfirmation Model is based on the comparison of customers’

[expectations] and their [perceived performance] ratings. Specifically, an

individual’s expectations are confirmed when a product performs as

expected. It is negatively confirmed when a product performs more poorly

than expected. The disconfirmation is positive when a product performs over

the expectations(Churchill & Suprenant 1982). There are four constructs to

describe the traditional disconfirmation paradigm mentioned as expectations,

performance, disconfirmation and satisfaction." "Satisfaction is considered

as an outcome of purchase and use, resulting from the buyers’ comparison of

expected rewards and incurred costs of the purchase in relation to the

anticipated consequences. In operation, satisfaction is somehow similar to

attitude as it can be evaluated as the sum of satisfactions with some features

of product." "In the literature, cognitive and affective models of satisfaction

are also developed and considered as alternatives(Pfaff, 1977). Churchill and

Suprenant in 1982, evaluated various studies in the literature and formed an

overview of Disconfirmation process in the following figure:"

Customer satisfaction measured

Organizations need to retain existing customers while targeting non-

customers. Measuring customer satisfaction provides an indication of how

successful the organization is at providing products and/or services to the


"Customer satisfaction is measured at the individual level, but it is almost

always reported at an aggregate level. It can be, and often is, measured along

various dimensions. A hotel, for example, might ask customers to rate their

experience with its front desk and check-in service, with the room, with the

amenities in the room, with the restaurants, and so on. Additionally, in a

holistic sense, the hotel might ask about overall satisfaction 'with your stay.'"

As research on consumption experiences grows, evidence suggests that

consumers purchase goods and services for a combination of two types of

benefits: hedonic and utilitarian. Hedonic benefits are associated with the

sensory and experiential attributes of the product. Utilitarian benefits of a

product are associated with the more instrumental and functional attributes

of the product (Batra and Athola 1990).

Customer satisfaction is an ambiguous and abstract concept and the actual

manifestation of the state of satisfaction will vary from person to person and

product/service to product/service. The state of satisfaction depends on a

number of both psychological and physical variables which correlate with

satisfaction behaviors such as return and recommend rate. The level of

satisfaction can also vary depending on other options the customer may have

and other products against which the customer can compare the

organization's products.

Work done by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (Leonard L) between 1985

and 1988 provides the basis for the measurement of customer satisfaction

with a service by using the gap between the customer's expectation of

performance and their perceived experience of performance. This provides

the measurer with a satisfaction "gap" which is objective and quantitative in

nature. Work done by Cronin and Taylor propose the

"confirmation/disconfirmation" theory of combining the "gap" described by

Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry as two different measures (perception and

expectation of performance) into a single measurement of performance

according to expectation.

The usual measures of customer satisfaction involve a survey from software

providers such as Confirmit, Medallia andSatmetrix[8] with a set of

statements using a Likert Technique or scale. The customer is asked to

evaluate each statement and in term of their perception and expectation of

performance of the organization being measured. Their satisfaction is

generally measured on a five-point scale.

"Customer satisfaction data can also be collected on a 10-point scale."[1]

"Regardless of the scale used, the objective is to measure customers’

perceived satisfaction with their experience of a firm’s offerings." It is

essential for firms to effectively manage customer satisfaction. To be able do

this, we need accurate measurement of satisfaction.

Good quality measures need to have high satisfaction loadings, good

reliability, and low error variances. In an empirical study comparing

commonly used satisfaction measures it was found that two multi-

item semantic differential scales performed best across both hedonic and

utilitarian service consumption contexts. According to studies by Wirtz &

Lee (2003), they identified a six-item 7-point semantic differential scale (for

example, Oliver and Swan 1983), which is a six-item 7-point bipolar scale,

that consistently performed best across both hedonic and utilitarian services.

It loaded most highly on satisfaction, had the highest item reliability, and

had by far the lowest error variance across both studies. In the study,[11]the

six items asked respondents’ evaluation of their most recent experience with

ATM services and ice cream restaurant, along seven points within these six

items: “pleased me to displeased me”, “contented with to disgusted with”,

“very satisfied with to very dissatisfied with”, “did a good job for me to did

a poor job for me”, “wise choice to poor choice” and “happy with

to unhappy with”.

A semantic differential (4 items) scale (e.g., Eroglu and Machleit

1990),[12] which is a four-item 7-point bipolar scale, was the second best

performing measure, which was again consistent across both contexts. In the

study, respondents were asked to evaluate their experience with both

products, along seven points within these four items:

“satisfied to dissatisfied”, “favorable to unfavorable”, “pleasant to

unpleasant” and “I like it very much to I didn’t like it at all”.

The third best scale was single-item percentage measure, a one-item 7-point

bipolar scale (e.g., Westbrook 1980). Again, the respondents were asked to

evaluate their experience on both ATM services and ice cream restaurants,

along seven points within “delighted to terrible”.

It seems that dependent on a trade-off between length of the questionnaire

and quality of satisfaction measure, these scales seem to be good options for

measuring customer satisfaction in academic and applied studies research

alike. All other measures tested consistently performed worse than the top

three measures, and/or their performance varied significantly across the two

service contexts in their study. These results suggest that more two

wheelereful pretesting would be prudent should these measures be used.

Finally, all measures captured both affective and cognitive aspects of

satisfaction, independent of their scale anchors. Affective measures capture a

consumer’s attitude (liking/disliking) towards a product, which can result

from any product information or experience. On the other hand, cognitive

element is defined as an appraisal or conclusion on how the product’s

performance compared against expectations (or exceeded or fell short of

expectations), was useful (or not useful), fit the situation (or did not fit),

exceeded the requirements of the situation (or did not exceed).


American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) is a scientific standard of

customer satisfaction. Academic research has shown that the national ACSI

score is a strong predictor of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth, and an

even stronger predictor of Personal Consumption Expenditure (PCE)

growth. On the microeconomic level, academic studies have shown that

ACSI data is related to a firm's financial performance in terms of return on

investment (ROI), sales, long-term firm value (Tobin's q), cash flow, cash

flow volatility, human capital performance, portfolio returns, debt financing,

risk, and consumer spending. Increasing ACSI scores has been shown to

predict loyalty, word-of-mouth recommendations, and purchase behavior.

The ACSI measures customer satisfaction annually for more than 200

companies in 43 industries and 10 economic sectors. In addition to quarterly

reports, the ACSI methodology can be applied to private sector companies

and government agencies in order to improve loyalty and purchase

intent.[19] ASCI scores have also been calculated by independent researchers,

for example, for the mobile phones sector, higher education, and electronic


The Kano model is a theory of product development and customer

satisfaction developed in the 1980s by Professor Noriaki Kano that classifies

customer preferences into five categories: Attractive, One-Dimensional,

Must-Be, Indifferent, Reverse. The Kano model offers some insight into the

product attributes which are perceived to be important to customers.

SERVQUAL or RATER is a service-quality framework that has been

incorporated into customer-satisfaction surveys (e.g., the revised Norwegian

Customer Satisfaction Barometer to indicate the gap between customer

expectations and experience.

J.D. Power and Associates provides another measure of customer

satisfaction, known for its top-box approach and automotive industry

rankings. J.D. Power and Associates' marketing research consists primarily

of consumer surveys and is publicly known for the value of its product


Other research and consulting firms have customer satisfaction solutions as

well. These include A.T. Kearney's Customer Satisfaction Audit

process, which incorporates the Stages of Excellence framework and which

helps define a company’s status against eight critically identified


For B2B customer satisfaction surveys, where there is a small customer

base, a high response rate to the survey is desirable. The American Customer

Satisfaction Index (2012) found that response rates for paper-based surveys

were around 10% and the response rates for e-surveys (web, wap and e-mail)

were averaging between 5% and 15% - which can only provide a straw poll

of the customers' opinions.

In the European Union member states, many methods for measuring impact

and satisfaction of e-government services are in use, which

the eGovMoNet project sought to compare and harmonize.

These customer satisfaction methodologies have not been independently

audited by the Marketing Accountability Standards Board

(MASB) according to MMAP (Marketing Metric Audit Protocol).


Consumer behavior is the study of when, why, how, where and what

people do or do not buy products. It blends elements from psychology,

sociology, social psychology, anthropology and economics. It attempts to

understand the buyer decision making process, both individually and in

groups. It studies characteristics of individual consumers such as

demographics and behavioural variables in an attempt to understand people's

wants. It also tries to assess influences on the consumer from groups such as

family, friends, reference groups, and society in general. Customer

behaviour study is based on consumer buying behaviour, with the customer

playing the three distinct roles of user, payer and buyer. Relationship

marketing is an influential asset for customer behaviour analysis as it has a

keen interest in the re-discovery of the true meaning of marketing through

the re-affirmation of the importance of the customer or buyer. A greater

importance is also placed on consumer retention, customer relationship

management, personalisation, customisation and one-to-one marketing.

Social functions can be categorized into social choice and welfare functions.

Each method for vote counting is assumed as a social function but if

Arrow’s possibility theorem is used for a social function, social welfare

function is achieved. Some specifications of the social functions are

decisiveness, neutrality, anonymity, monotonocity, unanimity, homogeneity

and weak and strong Paretooptimality. No social choice function meets these

requirements in an ordinal scale simultaneously. The most important

characteristic of a social function is identification of the interactive effect of

alternatives and creating a logical relation with the ranks. Marketing

provides services in order to satisfy customers. With that in mind, the

productive system is considered from its beginning at the production level,

to the end of the cycle, the consumer (Kioumarsi et al., 2009).

Belch and Belch define consumer behavior as 'the process and activities

people engage in when searching for, selecting, purchasing, using,

evaluating, and disposing of products and services so as to satisfy their needs

and desires'.

Black box model


Marketing Environmental Buyer Decision RESPONSE

Stimuli Stimuli Characteristics Process

Problem Product

recognition choice

Information Brand
Product Economic search choice
Price Technical Alternative Dealer
Behaviour s
Place Political evaluation choice
Promotion Cultural Purchase Purchase
decision timing

Post-purchase Purchase

behavior amount

The black box model shows the interaction of stimuli, consumer

characteristics, decision process and consumer responses. It can be

distinguished between interpersonal stimuli (between people) or

intrapersonal stimuli (within people). The black box model is related to the

black box theory of behaviorism, where the focus is not set on the processes

inside a consumer, but the relation between the stimuli and the response of

the consumer. The marketing stimuli are planned and processed by the

companies, whereas the environmental stimulus are given by social factors,

based on the economical, political and cultural circumstances of a society.

The buyers black box contains the buyer characteristics and the decision

process, which determines the buyers response.

The black box model considers the buyers response as a result of a

conscious, rational decision process, in which it is assumed that the buyer

has recognized the problem. However, in reality many decisions are not

made in awareness of a determined problem by the consumer.

Information search

Once the consumer has recognised a problem, they search for information on

products and services that can solve that problem. Belch and Belch (2007)

explain that consumers undertake both an internal (memory) and an external


Sources of information include:

 Personal sources

 Commercial sources

 Public sources

 Personal experience

The relevant internal psychological process that is associated with

information search is behaviour . Behaviour is defined as 'the process by

which an individual receives, selects, organises, and interprets information

to create a meaningful picture of the world'

The selective behaviour process

Stage Description

- Selective exposure consumers select which promotional messages

they will expose themselves to.

- Selective attention consumers select which promotional messages

they will pay attention to

- Selective comprehension consumer interpret messages in line with

their beliefs, attitudes, motives and experiences

- Selective retention consumers remember messages that are more

meaningful or important to them

The implications of this process help develop an effective promotional

strategy, and select which sources of information are more effective for the



At this time the consumer compares the brands and products that are in their

evoked set. How can the marketing organization increase the likelihood that

their brand is part of the consumer's evoked (consideration) set? Consumers

evaluate alternatives in terms of the functional and psychological benefits

that they offer. The marketing organization needs to understand what

benefits consumers are seeking and therefore which attributes are most

important in terms of making a decision.

Purchase decision

Once the alternatives have been evaluated, the consumer is ready to make a

purchase decision. Sometimes purchase intention does not result in an actual

purchase. The marketing organization must facilitate the consumer to act on

their purchase intention. The provision of credit or payment terms may

encourage purchase, or a sales promotion such as the opportunity to receive

a premium or enter a competition may provide an incentive to buy now. The

relevant internal psychological process that is associated with purchase

decision is integration.

Postpurchase evaluation

The EKB model was further developed by Rice (1993) which suggested

there should be a feedback loop, Foxall (2005) further suggests the

importance of the post purchase evaluation and that the post purchase

evaluation is key due to its influences on future purchase patterns.


Buying in has several meanings:

 In the securities market it refers to a process by which the buyer of

securities, whose seller fails to deliver the securities contracted for,

can 'buy in' the securities from a third party with the defaulting seller

to make good.

 In poker it signifies the up-front payment required to participate in a

given game or tournament.

 In management and decision making, buy-in (as a verb or noun)

signifies the commitment of interested or affected parties to a decision

In the sports world, buying in is a significant aspect of

players/participants accepting goals and direction from a coach, leader

or program. "Buying in" becomes synonymous with commitment and

dedication. In the Spring of 2007, two film makers, Tim

Breitbach(Dopamine) and Ralph Barhydt, started producing a film

entitled, "Buying In" that explores the social issues of buying in based

on the success of the boys' and girls' high school basketball teams at

The Branson School, in Ross, California, who each won the State

Championship in their division in 2007.



Customer Satisfaction – Definitions

Satisfaction has been broadly defined by Vavra, T.G. (1997) as a

satisfactory post-purchase experience with a product or service given an

existing purchase expectation. Howard and Sheth (1969)

According to Westbrook and Reilly (1983) define satisfaction as, “The

buyer’s cognitive state of being adequately or inadequately rewarded for

the sacrifices he has undergone” (p.145). 6, customer satisfaction is “an

emotional response to the experiences provided by, associated with

particular Customer Satisfaction Satisfaction has been broadly defined by

Vavra, T.G. (1997) as a satisfactory post-purchase experience with a

product or service given an existing purchase expectation. Howard and

Sheth (1969)

According to Westbrook and Reilly (1983) define satisfaction as, “The

buyer’s cognitive state of being adequately or inadequately rewarded for

the sacrifices he has undergone” (p.145). 6,

customer satisfaction is “an emotional response to the experiences

provided by, associated with particular purchase expectations with

perceptions of performance during and after the consumption

experience.13 Oliver (1981)14 defines customer satisfaction as a

customer’s emotional response to the use of a product or service. Anton

(1996)15 offers more elaboration: “customer satisfaction as a state of

mind in which the customer’s needs, wants and expectations throughout

the product or service life have been met or exceeded, resulting in

subsequent repurchase and loyalty”. Merchant Account Glossary points

out that, “Customer satisfaction is an ambiguous and abstract concept and

the actual manifestation of the state of satisfaction will very from person

to person and produce/service to produce/service.....”16Schiffman and

Kanuk (2004) 17 Woodruff and Gardian (1996)

defines customer satisfaction as “The individual’s perception of the

performance of the product or service in relation to his or her


According to Hung (1977), “…. satisfaction is a kind of stepping away

from an experience and evaluating it … One could have a pleasurable

experience that caused dissatisfaction because even though it was

pleasurable, it wasn’t as pleasurable as it was supposed to be. So

satisfaction / dissatisfaction isn’t an emotion, it’s the evaluation of the

emotion”. define “Satisfaction, then, is the evaluation or feeling that

results from the disconfirmation process. It is not the comparison itself

(i.e., the disconfirmation process), but it is the customer’s response to the

comparison. Satisfaction has an emotional component.”

Consumer behaviour

Cognitive theories of behaviour assume there is a poverty of stimulus. This

(with reference to behaviour ) is the claim that sensations are, by themselves,

unable to provide a unique description of the world. Sensations require

'enriching', which is the role of the mental model. A different type of theory

is the perceptual ecology approach of James J. Gibson. Gibson rejected the

assumption of a poverty of stimulus by rejecting the notion that behaviour is

based upon sensations – instead, he investigated what information is actually

presented to the perceptual systems. His theory "assumes the existence of

stable, unbounded, and permanent stimulus-information in the ambient optic

array. And it supposes that the visual system can explore and detect this

information. The theory is information-based, not sensation-based." He and

the psychologists who work within this paradigm detailed how the world

could be specified to a mobile, exploring organism via the lawful projection

of information about the world into energy arrays. Specification is a 1:1

mapping of some aspect of the world into a perceptual array; given such a

mapping, no enrichment is required and behaviour is direct behaviour .

Behaviour -in-action

An ecological understanding of behaviour derived from Gibson's early work

is that of "behaviour -in-action", the notion that behaviour is a requisite

property of animate action; that without behaviour , action would be

unguided, and without action, behaviour would serve no purpose. Animate

actions require both behaviour and motion, and behaviour and movement

can be described as "two sides of the same coin, the coin is action". Gibson

works from the assumption that singular entities, which he calls "invariants",

already exist in the real world and that all that the behaviour process does is

to home in upon them. A view known as constructivism (held by such

philosophers as Ernst von Glasersfeld) regards the continual adjustment of

behaviour and action to the external input as precisely what constitutes the

"entity", which is therefore far from being invariant.

Glasersfeld considers an "invariant" as a target to be homed in upon, and a

pragmatic necessity to allow an initial measure of understanding to be

established prior to the updating that a statement aims to achieve. The

invariant does not and need not represent an actuality, and Glasersfeld

describes it as extremely unlikely that what is desired or feared by an

organism will never suffer change as time goes on. This social

constructionist theory thus allows for a needful evolutionary adjustment.

A mathematical theory of behaviour -in-action has been devised and

investigated in many forms of controlled movement, and has been described

in many different species of organism using the General Tau Theory.

According to this theory, tau information, or time-to-goal information is the

fundamental 'percept' in behaviour .

Evolutionary psychology (EP) and behaviour

Many philosophers, such as Jerry Fodor, write that the purpose of behaviour

is knowledge, but evolutionary psychologists hold that its primary purpose is

to guide action. For example, they say, depth behaviour seems to have

evolved not to help us know the distances to other objects but rather to help

us move around in space.[44] Evolutionary psychologists say that animals

from fiddler crabs to humans use eyesight for collision avoidance,

suggesting that vision is basically for directing action, not providing


Building and maintaining sense organs is metabolically expensive, so these

organs evolve only when they improve an organism's fitness. More than half

the brain is devoted to processing sensory information, and the brain itself

consumes roughly one-fourth of one's metabolic resources, so the senses

must provide exceptional benefits to fitness. Behaviour accurately mirrors

the world; animals get useful, accurate information through their senses.

Scientists who study behaviour and sensation have long understood the

human senses as adaptations. Depth behaviour consists of processing over

half a dozen visual cues, each of which is based on a regularity of the

physical world. Vision evolved to respond to the narrow range of

electromagnetic energy that is plentiful and that does not pass through

objects.[44] Sound waves provide useful information about the sources of and

distances to objects, with larger animals making and hearing lower-

frequency sounds and smaller animals making and hearing higher-frequency

sounds.[44]Taste and smell respond to chemicals in the environment that were

significant for fitness in the environment of evolutionary adaptedness. The

sense of touch is actually many senses, including pressure, heat, cold, tickle,

and pain. Pain, while unpleasant, is adaptive. An important adaptation for

senses is range shifting, by which the organism becomes temporarily more

or less sensitive to sensation. For example, one's eyes automatically adjust to

dim or bright ambient light. Sensory abilities of different organisms often

, sugar-sweetened beverages may be responsible for 180,000 deaths every

year worldwide.

Dental decay

Soft drinks displayed on grocery store shelves.

Most soft drinks contain high concentrations of

simple carbohydrates: glucose, fructose, sucrose and other simple sugars. If

oral bacteria ferment carbohydrates and produce acids that may dissolve

tooth enamel and induce dental decay, then sweetened drinks may increase

the risk of dental caries. The risk would be greater if the frequency of

consumption is high.

A large number of soda pops are acidic as are many fruits, sauces and other

foods. Drinking acidic drinks over a long period and continuous sipping

may erode the tooth enamel. A 2007 study determined that some flavored

sparkling waters are as erosive or more so than orange juice.

Using a drinking straw is often advised by dentists as the drink does not

come into as much contact with the teeth. It has also been suggested

that brushing teeth right after drinking soft drinks should be avoided as this

can result in additional erosion to the teeth due to the presence of acid.


There have been a handful of published reports describing individuals with

severe hypokalemia (low potassium levels) related to chronic extreme

consumption (4–10 L/day) of colas.[51]For example, a case study on the topic

indicated that the excessive consumption of colas causes the hypokalemia

due to high fructose which would result in diarrhea. Also, symptoms like

muscle weakness and cramping can be a result of hypokalemia.

Furthermore, Hypokalemia can lower the arrhythmia threshold and may

increase the risk of sudden death.

Soft drinks related to bone density and bone loss

In a meta-analysis of 88 studies, drinking soda correlates with a decrease

in milk consumption along with the vitamin D, vitamin B6, vitamin

B12, calcium, protein and othermicronutrients. Phosphorus, a micronutrient,

can be found in cola-type beverages, but there may be a risk in consuming

too much. Phosphorus and calcium are used in the body to create calcium-

phosphate, which is the main component of bone. However, the combination

of too much phosphorus with too little calcium in the body can lead to a

degeneration of bone mass. Research suggests a statistically significant

inverse relationship between consumption of carbonated beverages and bone

mineral density in young girls, which places them at increased risk of


One hypothesis to explain this relationship is that the phosphoric

acid contained in some soft drinks (colas) displaces calcium from the bones,

lowering bone density of the skeleton and leading to weakened bones,

or osteoporosis. However, 2001 calcium metabolism studies by Dr. Robert

Heaney suggested that the net effect of carbonated soft drinks, (including

colas, which use phosphoric acid as the acidulant) on calcium excretion in

urine was negligible. Heaney concluded that carbonated soft drinks, which

do not contain the nutrients needed for bone health, may displace other foods

which do, and that the real issue is that people who drink a lot of soft drinks

also tend to have an overall diet that is low in calcium.

A 2006 study of several thousand men and women, found that women who

regularly drank cola-based sodas (three or more a day) had significantly

lower bone mineral density (BMD) of ~4 % in the hip than those who didn't,

even though researchers controlled for important factors like calcium and

vitamin D intake. The study also found that women who drank non-cola soft

drinks didn't appear to have lower BMD and that BMD of women drinking

decaffeineted cola wasn't as low as women drinking caffeinated cola sodas.

The study found that the effect of regular consumption of cola sodas was not

significant on men's BMD.

In the 1950s and 1960s there were attempts in France and Japan to ban the

sale of Coca-Cola as dangerous since phosphates can block calcium

absorption. However, these were unsuccessful as the amounts of phosphate

were shown to be too small to have a significant effect.

Sugar content

Diet drink

The USDA's recommended daily intake (RDI) of added sugars is less than

10 teaspoons per day for a 2,000-calorie diet. High caloric intake contributes

to obesity if not balanced with exercise, with a large amount of exercise

being required to offset even small but calorie-rich food and drinks.

Until 1985, most of the calories in soft drinks came from sugar or corn

syrup. As of 2010, in the United States high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is

used nearly exclusively as a sweetener because of its lower cost, while in

Europe, sucrose dominates, because EU agricultural policies favor

production of sugar beets in Europe proper and sugarcane in the former

colonies over the production of corn. HFCS has been criticizedas having a

number of detrimental effects on human health, such as promoting diabetes,

hyperactivity, hypertension, and a host of other

problems. Although anecdotal evidence has been presented to support such

claims, it is well known that the human body breaks sucrose down

into glucose and fructose before it is absorbed by the intestines. Simple

sugars such as fructose are converted into the same intermediates as

in glucose metabolism. However, metabolism of fructose is extremely rapid

and is initiated by fructokinase. Fructokinase activity is not regulated by

metabolism or hormones and proceeds rapidly after intake of fructose. While

the intermediates of fructose metabolism are similar to those of glucose, the

rates of formation are excessive. This fact promotes fatty

acidand triglyceride synthesis in the liver, leading to accumulation of fat

throughout the body and possibly non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Increased blood lipid levels also seem to follow fructose ingestion over time.

A sugar drink or high-sugar drink may refer to any beverage consisting

primarily of water and sugar (often cane sugar or high-fructose corn syrup),

including some soft drinks, some fruit juices, and energy drinks.

Kidney stones

A study published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of

Nephrology in 2013 concluded that consumption of soft drinks was

associated with a 23% higher risk of developing kidney stones.

Government regulation


In recent years, debate on whether high-calorie soft drink vending

machines should be allowed in schools has been on the rise. Opponents of

the (soft drink) vending machines believe that soft drinks are a significant

contributor to childhood obesity and tooth decay, and that allowing soft

drink sales in schools encourages children to believe they are safe to

consume in moderate to large quantities. Opponents argue that schools have

a responsibility to look after the health of the children in their care, and that

allowing children easy access to soft drinks violates that

responsibility.[78] Vending machine proponents believe that obesity is a

complex issue and soft drinks are not the only cause. They also note the

immense amount of funding that soft drink sales bring to schools. Some

people take a more moderate stance, saying that soft drink machines should



Based on the problem the objective of the research is divided

into two which are as follows:

Primary Objective:
 To analyse brand loyalty of customers towards the company’s products

range of Pepsi.

Secondary Objective:

 Analyse consumer satisfaction of Pepsi .

 Analyse the Consumer buying behaviour on product of Pepsi


A research has its own importance in any business organization. It is a systematic and
scientific investigation of any idea either precise or abstract from continuous basis of
learning. As we know in present times, the modern world is progressing at a very high
pace. Due to high competition and increased expectations, every organization needs
effective recruitment and selection process. By this study new segments of recruitment
and selection has been discovered. This will help to enhance the capability of Reliance
Life Insurance in using the recruitment and selection process more effectively.
This project would be significant for researcher because this is the opportunity for putting
theortical knowledge into practical application.
This project would be significant for the readers as it is providing them knowledge about
recruitment and selection process.





Type Cola

Manufacturer PepsiCo

Country of United States


Introduced 1893; 124 years

ago (as Brad's Drink)

1898; 119 years

ago (as Pepsi-Cola)

1961; 56 years

ago (as Pepsi)

Color Caramel E-150d

Variants Diet Pepsi

Pepsi Wild Cherry

Crystal Pepsi

Caffeine-Free Pepsi

Pepsi-Cola Made with

Real Sugar

Pepsi Vanilla

Pepsi Zero Sugar

Pepsi Next

Related Coca-Cola

products RC Cola

Website pepsi.com

Pepsi (currently stylized as pepsi and formerly stylized as PEPSI) is

a carbonated soft drink produced and manufactured byPepsiCo. Originally

created and developed in 1893 and introduced as Brad's Drink, it was

renamed as Pepsi-Cola on August 28, 1898, and then as Pepsi in 1961. It is

currently known in North America alternatively as Pepsi-Cola as of 2014.

Pepsi products are enjoyed by consumers one billion times a day in more

than 200 countries and territories around the world. Pepsi generated more

than US $63 billion dollars in net revenue in 2015, driven by a

complementary food and beverage portfolio that includes Frito-Lay,

Gatorade, Pepsi-Cola, Quaker and Tropicana. PepsiCo's product portfolio

includes a wide range of enjoyable foods and beverages, including 22 brands

that generate more than US $1 billion dollars each in estimated annual retail


At the heart of PepsiCo is Performance with Purpose – our goal to deliver

top-tier financial performance while creating sustainable growth and

shareholder value. In practice, Performance with Purpose means providing a

wide range of foods and beverages from treats to healthy eats; finding

innovative ways to minimize our impact on the environment and reduce our

operating costs; providing a safe and inclusive workplace for our employees

globally; and respecting, supporting and investing in the local communities

where we operate. For more information,

PepsiCo India Region: Leadership through Performance with Purpose

PepsiCo entered India in 1989 and in a short period, has grown into one of

the largest MNC food and beverage businesses in the country. PepsiCo’s

growth in India has been guided by “Performance with Purpose”, its goal to

of Leadership’, ensures early identification of talent, and employees’

focused development through critical experiences. PepsiCo firmly believes

that encouraging diversity means encouraging policies and systems that

respect people’s special needs. Not only does PepsiCo have a vibrant and

diverse workforce, it takes the utmost care to make dynamic business leaders

of its employees and foster their career and personal growth through

differentiated experiences and a robust leadership development model.


The pharmacy of Caleb Bradham, with a Pepsi dispenser

The drink Pepsi was first introduced as "Brad's Drink"in New Bern, North

Carolina, United States, in 1893 by Caleb Bradham, who made it at his

drugstore where the drink was sold. It was renamed Pepsi Cola in 1898 after

the root of the word "dyspepsia" and the kola nutsused in the recipe. The

original recipe also included sugar and vanilla. Bradham sought to create a

fountain drink that was appealing and would aid in digestion and boost


1919 newspaper ad for Pepsi-Cola

A plaque at 256 Middle Street, New Bern, NC

In 1903, Bradham moved the bottling of Pepsi-Cola from his drugstore to a

rented warehouse. That year, Bradham sold 7,968 gallons of syrup. The next

year, Pepsi was sold in six-ounce bottles, and sales increased to 19,848

gallons. In 1909, automobile race pioneer Barney Oldfield was the first

celebrity to endorse Pepsi-Cola, describing it as "A bully drink...refreshing,

invigorating, a fine bracer before a race." The advertising theme "Delicious

and Healthful" was then used over the next two decades. In 1926, Pepsi

received its first logo redesign since the original design of 1905. In 1929, the

logo was changed again.

In 1931, at the depth of the Great Depression, the Pepsi-Cola Company

entered bankruptcy—in large part due to financial losses incurred by

speculating on the wildly fluctuating sugar prices as a result of World War I.

Assets were sold and Roy C. Megargel bought the Pepsi

trademark.[3]Megargel was unsuccessful, and soon Pepsi's assets were

purchased by Charles Guth, the President of Loft, Inc. Loft was a candy

manufacturer with retail stores that contained soda fountains. He sought to

replace Coca-Cola at his stores' fountains after Coke refused to give him a

discount on syrup. Guth then had Loft's chemists reformulate the Pepsi-Cola

syrup formula.

On three separate occasions between 1922 and 1933, The Coca-Cola

Company was offered the opportunity to purchase the Pepsi-Cola company,

and it declined on each occasion.

Pepsi-Cola trademark

The original stylized Pepsi-Cola logo used from 1898 until 1905.

The fourth stylized Pepsi-Cola logo used from 1940 to 1950. It was used

again in 2014.

The original trademark application for Pepsi-Cola was filed on September

23, 1902 with registration approved on June 16, 1903. In the application's

statement, Caleb Bradham describes the trademark and indicated that the

mark was in continuous use for his business since August 1, 1901. The

Pepsi-Cola's description is a flavoring syrup for soda water. The trademark

expired on April 15, 1904.

A second Pepsi-Cola trademark is on record with the USPTO. The

application date submitted by Caleb Bradham for the second trademark is

Saturday, April 15, 1905, with the successful registration date of April 15,

1906, over three years after the original date. Curiously, in this application,

Caleb Bradham states that the trademark had been continuously used in his

business "and those from whom title is derived since in the 1905 application

the description submitted to the USPTO was for a tonic beverage". The

federal status for the 1905 trademark is registered and renewed and is owned

by PepsiCo of Purchase, New York.

In 2014, the 1940 wordmark was used again and replacing the current

wordmark on many cans.


During the Great Depression, Pepsi gained popularity following the

introduction in 1936 of a 12-ounce bottle. With a radio advertising campaign

featuring thejingle "Pepsi-Cola hits the spot / Twelve full ounces, that's a lot

/ Twice as much for a nickel, too / Pepsi-Cola is the drink for you", arranged

in such a way that the jingle never ends. Pepsi encouraged price-watching

consumers to switch, obliquely referring to the Coca-Cola standard of 6.5

ounces per bottle for the price of five cents (a nickel), instead of the 12

ounces Pepsi sold at the same price. Coming at a time of economic crisis, the

campaign succeeded in boosting Pepsi's status. From 1936 to 1938, Pepsi-

Cola's profits doubled.


Pepsi's success under Guth came while the Loft Candy business was

faltering. Since he had initially used Loft's finances and facilities to establish

the new Pepsi success, the near-bankrupt Loft Company sued Guth for

possession of the Pepsi-Cola company. A long legal battle, Guth v. Loft,

then ensued, with the case reaching the Delaware Supreme Court and

ultimately ending in a loss for Guth.

Niche marketing

1940s advertisement specifically targeting African Americans, A youngRon

Brown is the boy reaching for a bottle

Walter Mack was named the new President of Pepsi-Cola and guided the

company through the 1940s. Mack, who supported progressivecauses,

portrayed black customers as self-confident middle-class citizens who

showed very good taste in their soft drinks. They were economical too,

as Pepsi bottles were twice the size.

This focus on the market for black people caused some consternation

within the company and among its affiliates. It did not want to seem

focused on black customers for fear white customers would be pushed

away. In a national meeting Mack tried to assuage the 500 bottlersin

attendance by pandering to them, saying: "We don't want it to become

known as a nigger drink." After Mack left the company in 1950, support

for the black sales team faded and it was cut.


Pepsi Perfect is a vitamin-enriched soft drink used in Back to the Future

Part II when Marty orders it in the Cafe '80s.

To commemorate the trilogy's 30th anniversary, Pepsico decided to

release a limited-edition run of 6,500, with each costing $20.15 which

spells 2015, and are releasing it on October 21, 2015

online.[16] At Comic-Con, around 1,500 bottles were given to the 1,500

people who were dressed as Marty McFly at the annual convention, in

commemoration of the trilogy.

The bottle itself is a 16.9 oz. container full of original Pepsi, under the

name Pepsi Made with Real Sugar.


The Pepsi logo used from 1969 to 1991. In 1987, the font was modified

slightly to a more rounded version which was used until 1991. This logo

is now used for Pepsi Throwback

The Pepsi logo used from 2003 to late 2008. Pepsi Wild

Cherry continued to use this design through March 2010.Pepsi

ONE continued to use this design until mid-2012. This logo is still in use

in some international markets. The original version had the Pepsi

wording on the top left of the Pepsi Globe. In 2007, the Pepsi wording

was moved to the bottom of the globe.

The Pepsi logo used from 2008 to 2014. In October 2008, Pepsi launched

an entirely new logo, but it did not come into effect until early 2009,

when usage of the last logo ended. The Pepsi ball is now two-

dimensional again, and the red white and blue design has been changed

to look like a smile, which changes size according to the specific type of

Pepsi it is used on (i.e. Diet Pepsi or Pepsi Max). The font used in this

Pepsi bottles in USSR period style in supermarket in Kyiv

In Russia, Pepsi initially had a larger market share than Coke, but it was

undercut once the Cold War ended. In 1972, PepsiCo struck a barter

agreement with the then government of the Soviet Union, in which

PepsiCo was granted exportation and Western marketing rights

toStolichnaya vodka in exchange for importation and Soviet marketing

of Pepsi-Cola. This exchange led to Pepsi-Cola being the first foreign

product sanctioned for sale in the U.S.S.R.

Reminiscent of the way that Coca-Cola became a cultural icon and its

global spread spawned words like "coca colonization", Pepsi-Cola and its

relation to the Soviet system turned it into an icon. In the early 1990s, the

term "Pepsi-stroika" began appearing as a pun on "perestroika", the

reform policy of the Soviet Union under Mikhail Gorbachev. Critics

viewed the policy as an attempt to usher in Western products in deals

1999, KID developed a video game for the PlayStation

entitled Pepsiman. As the titular character, the player runs "on rails"

(forced motion on a scrolling linear path), skateboards, rolls, and

stumbles through various areas, avoiding dangers and collecting cans of

Pepsi, all while trying to reach a thirsty person as in the commercials.

Car contest in Novosibirsk

In 2002, at Novosibirsk, Pepsi created a contest to win a car, where

customers who bought a bottle of Pepsi could win a car by choosing the

right key for the car. However, when a man was able to open a car, he

was sued by Pepsi, as Pepsi considered that he had forced the car open by

applying pressure on the lock instead of selecting the right key, although

the man stated that he had complied with every step of the contest rules.


Nutrition facts

Serving size 12 fl oz (355 ml)

Servings per container 1

Amount per serving

Calories 150 Calories from fat 0

% Daily value*

Total fat 0 g 0%

Saturated fat 0 g 0%

Trans fat 0 g

Cholesterol 0 mg 0%

Sodium 15 mg 1%

Potassium 0 mg 0%

Total carbohydrate 41 g 14%

Dietary fiber 0 g 0%

Sugars 41 g

Protein 0 g

Vitamin A 0% Vitamin C 0%

Calcium 0% Iron 0%

*Percent daily values are based on a

2,000-calorie diet. Your daily values

may be higher or lower depending on

your calorie needs.

In the United States, Pepsi is made with carbonated water, high fructose

corn syrup, caramel color, sugar, phosphoric acid, caffeine,citric

acid and natural flavors. A can of Pepsi (12 fl ounces) has 41 grams

of carbohydrates (all from sugar), 30 mg of sodium, 0 grams of fat,

0 grams of protein, 38 mg of caffeine and 150 calories. The caffeine-free

Pepsi-Cola contains the same ingredients but without the caffeine.

In August 2010, PepsiCo entered into a 4-year agreement

with Senomyx for the development of artificial high-potency sweeteners

for PepsiCo beverages. Under the contract, PepsiCo is paying $30

million to Senomyx for the research and future royalties on PepsiCo

products sold using Senomyx technology. According to PepsiCo, this

collaboration will focus on the discovery, development and

commercialization of sweet enhancers, with the purpose of providing

lower-calorie PepsiCo beverages. PepsiCo will have exclusive rights to

the Senomyx sweet flavor ingredients developed through the


In September 2012 Pepsi launched a new product called Pepsi

Next which contains 30% less sugar and added Stevia as a zero calorie

sweetener. The product was rolled out in Australia and was launched in

the US on February 27, 2013.



Brand History

7UP, the refreshing clear drink with a natural lemon and lime flavor was

created in 1929. It was launched in India in 1990 and its international mascot

Fido Dido was used for advertising in 1992, to position the brand as a cool

drink for youngsters. Fido became an instant hit with his trendy look, laid-

back attitude and unconventional take on life. 7UP is one of the first to be

nationally distributed besides being marketed as a healthier alternative to

other soft drinks.

Brand Advantage

7UP's lemon refreshment picks you up and leaves you feeling upbeat. Its

sparkling, crisp lemon and lime flavor keeps you positive against all odds.

Just the perfect drink for a country that's simply unputdownable by its share

of downswings and challenges. We're always upbeat about the present, and

optimistic about our future. 7UP’s brand philosophy - I Feel Up - celebrates

this irrepressible optimism.

Did You Know?

Over the years 7UP has engaged the youth with its lemon based refreshing

taste coupled with its refreshing attitude towards life.

This refreshing take of 7UP has been evident in all its communication

through the years. Over the years 7UP has been serenaded by crooning’s of

the svelte Yana Gupta got cajoled by curvy Mallika Sehrawat was uniquely

endorsed by Bappi Lahiri, its take on life popularized by Sharman Joshi,

Allu Arjun, STR and Puneeth Rajkumar. Most recently Irrfan Khan got

refreshed by 7UP. The Pepsi IPL teams of Chennai Super Kings and

Hyderabad Sunrisers also get their dose of refreshment from 7UP.

7UP has always had a huge presence in South India. The brand has been

running its hugely popular yearly program of ‘7UP Dance Pattalam’. Apart

from the large prize money, the program provides a most coveted platform

to the Dancing talent from South India. Each year the love of the consumers

makes this program even bigger. The program has got associations from

some of the great dancing Superstars of the South – Allu Arjun, STR

(Simbu) and Puneeth Rajkumar.


Duke’s Legacy

Founded in 1889 by Dinshwaji Pandole, Duke’s is a brand that is seeped in

Mumbai’s rich history. It was in many ways the country’s first aerated soft

Founded in 1889 by Dinshwaji Pandole a Parsi gentleman

 Bought by PepsiCo in 1994

 Relaunched in 2011


/> >

Brand History

Mirinda is an international soft drink brand from Spain that was launched in

India in 1991. The irresistible taste of Mirinda was communicated through

our 1996 ‘Mirinda Men’ campaign, the 2000 ‘Taste Pe Atka, Mirindaaaa’

campaign and the ‘Taste Aisa Chaye Character Fisla Jaye’ campaign of


In 2008, the brand decided to up the ante and deliver a brand philosophy that

would resonate strongly with consumers. Consequently, Mirinda adopted a

bold and vibrant colour, great orangey taste and sparkling bubbles that

encouraged one to be more carefree, spontaneous and playful and

occasionally give in to an impulse of uninhibited fun. This was conveyed

through the ‘Pagalpanti Bhi Zaroori Hai’ campaign with Asin in 2008. In

2009, Mirinda established orange as the core of the brand with ‘Orange

Dikha Toh Mooh Bola Mirindaaaa’.

Quick Brand Facts

 1991: Mirinda Orange launched in India.

 1998: Mirinda Lemon launched in India.

Mountain Dew

Brand History The main formula of Mountain Dew was invented in

Virginia. The drink was named and first marketed in Johnson City,

Tennessee and Knoxville, Tennessee in 1948.

In India, Mountain Dew set the soft drink category ablaze in 2003 with its

iconic launch campaign ‘Cheetah Bhi Peeta Hai’.

Brand Advantage

It is a soft drink that exhilarates like no other because of its active, high-

energy, extreme citrus taste. The idea of daring, challenges, a ‘can do’

attitude, adventure and exhilaration are deeply entrenched in its brand DNA.

The brand has always celebrated the bold, adventurous and rebellious spirit

Brand History

Pepsi is a hundred-year-old brand loved by over 200 million people

worldwide. Pepsi is ubiquitous on just about every social occasion.

 Youngistaan loves it. 200 million people worldwide love it. But what

has made Pepsi the single largest selling soft drink brand in India is actually

a formula concocted a century ago in a faraway continent.

 1886, the US. Caleb Bradman, a man with a plan formulated a

blockbuster of a digestive drink and decided to call it Brad’s drink. The

potion was to become Pepsi Cola in 1898, and eventually, Pepsi in 1903.

 Since its inception, Pepsi has always been at the forefront of the

beverage industry and has come up with revolutionary concepts such as Diet

Pepsi, 2l bottles, recyclable plastic cola bottles and the enviable My Can.

Brand Advantage

 Pepsi has become a friend to youth and youth culture. Over

generations, youngsters have grown up with Pepsi and have shared an

emotional connect with it unlike with any other cola brand. Be it parties,

hangouts with friends, or just another day at home, a day is never complete

without the fizz of Pepsi!

 Pepsi has always fuelled youth passions like cricket, Bollywood,

music and now football. Youth icons like MS Dhoni, Ranbir Kapoor, Didier

Drogba, Virendar Sehwag, Sachin Tendulkar, Priyanka Chopra and Deepika

Padukone have endorsed Pepsi since its launch in India.

 Pepsi Changed the Game during the 2011 cricket world cup by

challenging convention, celebrating the unorthodox and by becoming the

official sponsor of everything that was unofficial about the sport! Change

the Game even as a thought has gained enormous popularity and generated

tremendous buzz.

 Taking the same theme forward in 2012, Pepsi changed the game yet

again by taking the lead in celebrating the exciting new platform of football.

Having brought the biggest international football stars and pitching them

against the mighty Indian cricketers in a classic faceoff for Pepsi – is

something which only a brand like Pepsi can deliver.

Quick Brand Facts

 Flagship brand of PepsiCo.

 100 year old brand loved by over 200 million people worldwide.
 An iconic youth brand in India.

Brand History

Slice was launched in India in 1993 as a refreshing mango drink and quickly

went on to become a leading player in the category.

In 2008, Slice was relaunched with a winning product formulation that made

consumers fall in love with its taste. With new pack graphics and clutter-

breaking advertising, Slice has built a powerful appeal.

Brand Advantage

With the launch of the ‘Aamsutra’ campaign in 2008, its winning taste and

appealing pack graphics, Slice created a great deal of excitement in its

category and celebrated the indulgence in mangoes like no other brand had

done before.


Brand History

Tropicana was founded in Bradenton, Florida, USA, in 1947. It is now

enjoyed almost everywhere in the world. Carefully nurtured for over 50

years, Tropicana has matured into one of the most respected beverage

brands. Tropicana is the #1 brand in packaged 100% Juice* in the world in

2011 in off-trade volume. It is today available in 63 countries. Since 1998,

Tropicana has been owned by PepsiCo, Inc. Tropicana Premium Gold was

re-launched as Tropicana 100% in 2008.

Brand Advantage

Tropicana continues to select the best fruit to manufacture high-quality

juices and original products, pioneer innovative processes and explore new

markets for its products. It is committed to fostering healthy lifestyles by

ensuring that its products are naturally nutritious and provide the daily

benefits that one needs.

In India, Tropicana comes in two categories: 100% Juices (sold as Tropicana

100%) and Juice Beverages (sold as Tropicana).

Quick Brand Facts

 Launched in India in 2004.

 Available in two categories - 100 percent juice and juice-based drinks.




This chapter aims to understand the research methodology establishing a

framework of evaluation and revaluation of primary and secondary research.

The techniques and concepts used during primary research in order to arrive

at findings; which are also dealt with and lead to a logical deduction towards

the analysis and results


The research design applied here was exploratory research.

Exploratory Research is one in we don’t know about the problem, we have

to find about the problem and then work on solving the problem. Whereas in

case of descriptive research, we know the problem, we just have to find the

solution to the problem. Generally descriptive research design is applied

after exploratory research design.

Here after doing the secondary research, we found the general satisfaction

about the Pepsi but then in second phase we tried to figure out where the

difference lies and on what basis the banks differ from each other


Research tool

The purpose is to first conduct a intensive secondary research to

understand the full impact and implication of the industry, to review and

critique the industry norms and reports, on which certain issues shall be

selected, which remain unanswered , this shall be further taken up in the next

stage of secondary research. This stage shall help to restrict and select

only the important question and issue, which inhabit growth and

segmentation in the industry.


Both primary and secondary data have been collected very vigorously

Secondary data: it is collected by the study of various reports. The reports

studied under secondary data.


The report is the result of a survey which was undertaken in Lucknow. The

objectives of the project has been fulfilled by getting response from the

customer associated to these segments through a personal interview in the

form of a questionnaire. The responses available through the questionnaire

are used to evaluate the brand loyalty for the products of Pepsi and the

willingness of the customer to purchase its products on future.

The project also covers an analysis of the switch over of customers to

competitor's products in the market.


The problem formulation is the first step to a successful

Research process. Project undertaken the problem of analyzing the customer

satisfaction level of the Pepsi and to find the Consumer satisfaction of Pepsi


The research design used in the project is exploratory design.

The investigation is carried upon the customers in Lucknow. The reason for

choosing this design is to get responses from the customers so that their

satisfaction about the products of the company and their loyalty could be



The data has been taken from two sources

 Primary data source

The primary data source has been collected through questionnaire by

personally interviewing each respondent on a number of queries structured

in a questionnaire.

 Secondary data source

Secondary data was collected from following sources

Prior research reports




Personal consultation


The field work is conducted in the Lucknow in various Places

like Showroom and retailers situated in different location all over the city.


The sample size consists of 100 units out of which the most

logical and non biased response are selected thus the sample size is taken out

to be 100 units.



Though, best efforts have been made to make the study fair,

transparent and error free. But there might be some inevitable and inherent

limitations. Though outright measure are undertaken to make the report most


The limitation of the survey are narrated below:

 The project is valid for Lucknow only.

 It was not possible to cover each and every Retail shop due to time


 There may be some biased response form the respondents

 Some respondents did not provide the full data.

 Unwillingness on the part of the customers to disclose the information

as per the questionnaire.

 The decisiveness on the part of the customers regarding some question

hence difficulty faced in recording and analyzing the data.


1. Do you like the idea of Pepsi products
Yes 87
No 13



Yes No


87% respondent said that they have idea to purchase Pepsi product but 13%

respondent have no idea to purchase Pepsi product.

2.Have you ever purchase product of Pepsi?

Yes 77
No 23



Yes No


77% respondent said that they purchase Pepsi product but 23% said no.

3.What helps you to decide product of Pepsi you purchase?

TV Advertisement 23
Personal recommendation 36
Special offer 11
Radio advertising 17
News paper 7
Word of mouth 6

7% 6% 23%


TV Advertisement Personal recommendation

Special offer Radio advertising
News paper Word of mouth


23% respondent said that TV advertisement help to decide to purchase Pepsi

product , 36% personal recommendation, 11% special offer, 17% radio

advertising, 7% news paper and 6% said that word of mouth is help to

purchase Pepsi product.

4.How frequently you see advertisement of Pepsi product ?

Weekly 27
Monthly 37
daily 27
None 19

17% 25%


Weekly Monthly daily None


25% respondent said that they saw Pepsi advertisement weekly, 33%

monthly, 25% daily, 17% said none.

5.For which one of the following purpose you visit in your product?

Purchasing branded goods 57

Purchasing local goods 23
Only gathering information 11
Others 9



Purchasing brand goods Purchasing local goods

Only gathering information Others


57% respondent said that they purchase branded good 23% purchasing local

goods, 11% only gathering information and 9% others reason.

6.What according to you are attractive features that buy Pepsi product ?

Quality 32
Economy 49
Taste 19



Quality Economy Taste


32% respondent said that quality attract to purchase product, 49% economy

and 19% respondent said taste is attract to purchase product of Pepsi

7. Are you satisfy with product range of Pepsi?

Yes 91
No 9



Yes No


Maximum respondent satisfied with product range of Pepsi but 9%

respondent no satisfied.

8. according to you product range of Pepsi have changed the way the

Consumer satisfaction towards soft drink ?

Yes 71
No 29



Yes No

71% respondent said that product range is changed the customer satisfaction

towards soft drink and 29 said no.

9. Do you suggest the product of Pepsi to others

Yes 89
No 11



Yes No

89% respondent said that they suggest to other to purchase of Pepsi product

but 11% said no.

10. How will you rate your present Pepsi product performance?
Poor 7
Satisfactory 23
Fair 27
Good 21
Very good 13
Excellent 9

9% 7%


Poor Satisfactory Fair Good Very good Excellent


7% respondent rate poor for performance of Pepsi product, 23% satisfactory,

27% fair, 21% good, 13% very good and 9% respondent rate excellent.


 87% respondent said that they have idea to purchase Pepsi product but

13% respondent have no idea to purchase Pepsi product.

 77% respondent said that they purchase Pepsi product but 23% said


 23% respondent said that TV advertisement help to decide to purchase

Pepsi product , 36% personal recommendation, 11% special offer,

17% radio advertising, 7% news paper and 6% said that word of

mouth is help to purchase Pepsi product.

 25% respondent said that they saw Pepsi advertisement weekly, 33%

monthly, 25% daily, 17% said none.

 57% respondent said that they purchase branded good 23%

purchasing local goods, 11% only gathering information and 9%

others reason.

 32% respondent said that quality attract to purchase product, 49%

economy and 19% respondent said taste is attract to purchase product

of Pepsi

 Maximum respondent satisfied with product range of Pepsi but 9%

respondent no satisfied.

 71% respondent said that product range is changed the customer

satisfaction and 29 said no.

 89% respondent said that they suggest to other to purchase of Pepsi

product but 11% said no.

 7% respondent rate poor for performance of Pepsi product, 23%

satisfactory, 27% fair, 21% good, 13% very good and 9% respondent

rate excellent.



 The brand loyalty for more Pepsi can be increased if the Quality and
appearance of the products are given due attention because Coca cola has
captured a major share of cement market.

 The switch over of the customers can be prevented if more of new

products are launched more frequently like coca cola which launches new
products with slight variations from the previous.

 Quality wise very good but it still needs improvements.

 The most selling pepsi product should be given schemes like some
discounts offer like diwali bumper sale offer.



The report comes to the following conclusion

 The customers of Pepsi are brand loyal with only a small percent want to
shift over to other brands. Trying of other brands by customers is mainly
because the customer wants to try something new.

 The performance of Pepsi is fair in comparison to other.

 Taste is the basic feature influencing to built brand Image.

 The consumer of Pepsi is highly satisfied.

 The competition of by Pepsi is majorly with coca cola

 Due to high brand loyalty the customers of Pepsi recommend its product
to others.

 The customers are satisfied with the product range of Pepsi.



 Marketing Management : Philip Kotler

 Marketing Research : D. D. Sharma

 Research Methodology : C. R. Kothari

 Websites

 www.pepsi.com
 www.google.com


Q1) Do you like the idea of purchasing products Pepsi?

( a) Yes ( b) No

Q2) Have you ever purchase product of Pepsi?

( a) Yes ( b) No

Q3) What helps you to decide which product of online goods you purchase?

( a) TV Advertisement ( b) Personal recommendation ( c) Special offer

( d) Radio advertising ( e) News paper ( f) Word of mouth

Q4) How frequently you made a purchase Pepsi product?

( a) Weekly ( b) Monthly ( c) Quarterly ( d) None

Q5) For which one of the following purpose you visit in your product ?

( a) Purchasing brand goods

(b) Purchasing local goods

(c) Only gathering information

(d) Others

Q7) What according to you are attractive features that buy Pepsi product?

(a) Quality (b) Economy (c) Taste

Q8) Are you satisfy with Pepsi Product?

(a) Yes (b) No

Q9) Do according to you Pepsi product have changed the way the Consumer

satisfaction towards soft drink product ?

(a) Yes (b) No

Q10.Do you suggest Pepsi products to others

 Yes

 No

Q11. How will you rate your present Pepsi performance?

 Poor
 Satisfactory
 Fair
 Good
 Very good
 Excellent


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