Electrical Power Transmission (EE-352) : Presenter: Dr. Umbrin Sultana Assistant Professor Eed, Neduet

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Electrical Power

Transmission (EE-352)
P R E S E N T E R : D R . U M B R I N S U LTA N A


The overhead line conductors are bare and not
covered with any insulating coating or covering.

insulators provide insulating medium which keep the

line conductor away from the supporting structure
and thus prevent any leakage current from
conductors to earth.
Properties of Insulators:
In general, the insulators should have the following desirable

➢High mechanical strength: in order to with stand conductors

load, wind load, storms etc.

➢High electrical resistance: of insulator material in order to avoid

leakage currents to earth.
Properties of Insulators:

➢High relative permittivity of insulator material in order

dielectric strength is high. The insulator should be able to
withstand the over-voltage due to lightning, switching or
other causes under severe weather conditions.
Properties of Insulators:

➢The insulator material should be non-porous, free from impurities
and cracks, otherwise the permittivity will be lowered.
➢It provide necessary clearance between conductors and metal
➢High ratio of puncture strength to flash over
Properties of Insulators:
The most commonly used material for
insulators of overhead line is porcelain
Porcelain has strong mechanical strength than
glass and less effected by changes of
Porcelain Insulator
Types of Insulators:
➢Pin type Insulators
➢Post Insulators
➢Suspension type Insulators
➢Strain Insulators
➢Shackle Insulators
Pin type Insulators:
It provides the most economic, simple
and efficient method for voltages less
than 33 kV.
Pin type Insulators:
➢Conductor can fitted on cross arm with the help
of pins and conductor is placed in the
groove at the top of insulator and it is tied
with the help of copper or aluminum wires.
➢Pin should be able to withstand.
the mechanical stress, wind and ice
Pin type Insulators:
➢It is cheaper.
➢In many cases one pin insulator can do
the work of two suspension insulators.
➢Since pin insulator rises the conductor
above the cross arm so required height
of tower is also less.
➢For operating voltage greater than 33kV, it in uneconomical and
size is also bulky.
➢Once the pin insulator is failed short circuit can occur.
Post Insulator:
➢These are used for supporting the bus bars and disconnecting
switches in sub station.
➢It is similar to pin type insulators but has metal base and metal cap
➢In this insulators, the porcelain elements
are in the form of cones fitting one inside
the other and are bonded by special cement.
➢Used for voltages up to 69kV.
Post Insulator
Suspension type insulators:
➢It consists number of porcelain discs
flexible connected in series by metal
links in form of a string.
➢It hangs from cross arms and
conductor is attached to tower
end/lowest unit
Suspension type insulators:
➢As there is no pin, we can put any distance between the cross arms and
the conductors by adding a disc
➢Number of insulator in a string depends on operating voltage, weather
condition, type of transmission structure and the size of insulator used.
Arcing horns:
➢Arcing horns are used to protect insulators on
high voltage lines from damage during flashover.
➢Over voltages on transmission lines, due to
switching operation, lightning, or electrical faults
can cause arcs across insulators (flashovers) that
can damage them.
Arcing horns:
➢The horns makes the flashover to occur between
themselves rather than across the insulator
➢Horns are normally paired on either side of the
insulator, one connected to the line and the other
to ground.
Flashover: make an electric circuit by sparking
across a gap.
Suspension type insulators:
Arcing horn:
Suspension type insulators:
➢It is cheaper for operating voltage above 33/66 kV
➢If any of the disc is damaged, the whole string does not become
useless because the damaged disc can be replaced by the sound
➢The suspension arrangement provides greater flexibility to the
line. The connection at the cross-arm is such that insulator string
is free to swing in any direction and can take up the position
where the mechanical stresses are minimum.
Suspension type insulators:
➢In case the line is to operate on a higher voltages
in future, additional units would be introduced to
the same string.
➢Each unit is designed for operating voltage of
about 11kV, so that a string can be assembled by
connecting several units to suit the service voltage.
Suspension type insulators:

➢Spacing between conductor should be large to

allow swing of conductors

➢Height of line supports should be large as

conductor is hanged below the cross arms.
Strain Insulator or Tension Insulators:
➢At the dead end / line terminal, at angle towers/
corner the line, and at road crossings is subjected to
great tension. To withstand this tension strain insulators
are used.

➢They are designed to handle mechanical stresses at

angle position where there is a change in the direction
of line or at the terminations of line.
Strain Insulator or Tension Insulators:
➢The disc of strain insulators are used in
the horizontal plane.

➢When the tension in line is

exceedingly high, as at long river spans,
two or more strings are used in parallel.

➢These are special mechanical strong

suspension insulators.
Strain Insulator or Tension Insulators:
Shackle Insulators:
They are frequently used for
low voltage distribution lines.
Such insulators can be
used either in horizontal
position or in a vertical
Shackle Insulators:
They can be directly fixed to the pole
with a bolt to the cross arms.
For voltage less than 11kV, shackle
insulators are used as strain insulators.
Proper selection of
overhead line insulators is
essential for successful
operation of overhead lines.
Dear Students,
Note down your queries, if any. Next week, we shall
held a live question-answer session for further
related discussion

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