Lab Manual Programming Fundamentals Course Supervisor: SIR BASIT HASSAN

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Lab Manual Programming Fundamentals Course Supervisor: SIR BASIT HASSAN

Lab 1
Objective of Experiment: Introduction of Turbo C IDE and Programming Environment

Goals: Students will be able to understand the Turbo C IDE and Programming Environment.
Required Tools / Equipments:
 PC
 Turbo C (IDE)

Integrated Development Environment (IDE):
The Turbo C compiler has its own built-in text editor. The files you create with text editor are
called Source files, and for C they typically are named with the extension .CPP, .CP, or .C.
The C Developing Environment, also called as Programmer’s Platform, is a screen display with
windows and pull-down menus. The program listing, error messages and other information are
displayed in separate windows. The menus may be used to invoke all the operations necessary to
develop the program, including editing, compiling, linking, and debugging and program

Default Directory
The default directory of Turbo C compiler is c:\tc\bin

Using Menus
If the menu bar is inactive, it may be invoked by pressing the [F10] function key. To select
different menu, move the highlight left or right with cursor (arrow) keys. You can also revoke
the selection by pressing the key combination for the specific menu.

Opening New Window

To type a program, you need to open an Edit Window. For this, open File menu and click
Lab Manual Programming Fundamentals Course Supervisor: SIR BASIT HASSAN

“New”. A window will appear on the screen where the program may be typed.
Writing a Program
When the Edit window is active, the program may be typed. Use the certain key combinations
to perform specific edit functions.

Saving a Program
To save the program, select Save command from the File menu. This function can also be
performed by pressing the [F2] button. A dialog box will appear asking for the path and name
of the file. Provide an appropriate and unique file name. You can save the program after
compiling too but saving it before compilation is more appropriate.

Making an Executable File

The Source file is required to be turned into an Executable file. This is called “Making” of the
.exe file. The steps required to create an executable file are:
1. Create a source file, with a .c extension.
2. Compile the source code into a file with the .obj extension.
3. Link your .obj file with any needed libraries to produce an executable program.

All the above steps can be done by using Run option from the menu bar or using key
combination Ctrl+F9 (By this, linking and compiling is done in one step).

Compiling the Source Code

Although the source code in your file is somewhat cryptic and anyone who doesn’t know C will
struggle to understand what it is for, it is still in what we call human-readable form. But for the
computer to understand this source code, it must be converted to machine-readable form. This is
done by using a compiler. Hence, compiling is the process in which source code is translated into
machine understandable language.
This can be done by selecting Compile option from menu bar or using key combination Alt+F9.

Creating an Executable file with Linker

After your source code is compiled, your object file is produced. This file is often name with
extension .OBJ. This is still not an executable program however. To turn this into an executable
program, you must learn your Linker. C programs are typically created by linking together one
or more OBJ files with one or more libraries. A library is a collection of linkable files that were
supplied with your compiler.

Compiling and Linking in IDE

Compiling and linking can be done in one step. There are two ways to do this: you can select
MAKE EXE from Compile menu, or you can press the [F9] key.

Executing a program
If the program is linked and compiled without errors, the program is executed by selecting Run
from the Run menu or by pressing Ctrl+F9 key combination.

Exiting IDE
An Edit window may be closed in a number of different ways. You can click on the small
square in the upper left corner, you can select Close from the Window menu, or you can press
the [Alt][F3] combination. To exit from the IDE, select Exit from File menu or press [Alt][X]
Lab Manual Programming Fundamentals Course Supervisor: SIR BASIT HASSAN

Technical Exits
To minimize the screen of Turbo C editor, press Alt+Enter. If some where the program hangs
up compiler at output or gets busy without passing control to programmer press

Student’s tasks:
Answer the following questions:
1. Write the following program in C Editor and execute it. Mention the Errors if any.
void main(void)
printf(“Hello World”);
Ans 1:
#include <conio.h>
int main ()
printf ("Hello World");
getch ();
Ans 1:

2. Make the following changes to the program. What Errors are observed?
1. Write Print f instead of print f.
2. Write void main (void);
3. Erase any one of brace ‘{’ or ‘}’.
4. Erase semicolon ‘;’ after bracket)’ of Hello World.
5. Erase Header Files #include<…> and #include<…>

Ans 2:
1. [Error] 'Printf' was not declared in this scope.
2. [Error] ': main' must return 'int'.
3. [Error] expected '}' at end of input.
4. [Error] expected ';' before 'getch'
5. [Error] 'system' was not declared in this scope
Lab Manual Programming Fundamentals Course Supervisor: SIR BASIT HASSAN

[Error] 'printf' was not declared in this scope

[Error] 'getch' was not declared in this scope
3. Write a program in c language to print your bio-data (Name, Roll No, Semester, Batch,
Department, University) on the screen by using print f () function.

Ans 3:
int main ()
printf ("Name: UBAID SHAHID\n");
printf ("Roll no: BSE-21S-087\n");
printf ("Semester: Spring 2021\n");
printf ("Batch: 1B \n");
printf ("Department: BSSE\n");
printf ("University: SMIU");
getch ();


4. What is wrong in the following program:

Void main[void];
printf(Welcome to Computer Lab)
getch ();

Ans 4:
1. Void
2. [void];
3. print f (Welcome to Computer Lab)

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