Materials: Arkema Introduces High-Efficiency MBS Impact Modifier, Moves To New HQ
Materials: Arkema Introduces High-Efficiency MBS Impact Modifier, Moves To New HQ
Materials: Arkema Introduces High-Efficiency MBS Impact Modifier, Moves To New HQ
Additives for Polymers September 2007
new family of all-natural colorants and additives called ‘compostable’. These standards generally do not
for use in these environmentally friendly poly- include a requirement for leaving zero non-degradable
mers. Based on natural materials like flowers, residue, which has been taken to mean that conven-
the new RENOL®-natur colour masterbatches and tional colorants (even inorganic materials) can be used
CESA®-natur additive masterbatches are biode- in otherwise biodegradable polymers. However, many
gradable and renewable, making them ideal for customers now want either to avoid the use of any
marketers who emphasize conservation and sus- materials that do not break down completely in the
tainability, the company says. environment or to find sustainable solutions made
Until now, users of green polymers such as PLA from renewable resources, Clariant says. All of the new
(polylactic acid), PHA (polyhydroxyalkanoate), PHB RENOL-natur colours meet or exceed the EN 13432
(polyhydroxybutyrate) and starch-based resins have standard for biodegradable plastics packaging, and
generally had to use conventional, synthetic colorants, European food-packaging approvals are expected in the
additives and carrier resins that are mostly derived near future, according to the company.
from fossil fuels and are not so environmentally friend-
ly, says Clariant. ‘When the materials are composted, Contact:
the polymers themselves may break down to their nat- Clariant Masterbatches Division, Rothausstrasse 61, CH-4132
ural components, but the colorants and additives do Muttenz 1, Switzerland. Tel: +41 61 469 6170, Fax: +41 61 469
not. While this is a relatively minor issue now, it may 6597, Web:
become more acute as consumption increases’, explains
Chris Pandis, global head of packaging for Clariant
Masterbatches. However, RENOL-natur and CESA-
natur are derived mainly from plants, and are believed
Milliken unveils ‘first cost-
to represent the first commercial introduction of col- effective’ PE nucleating agent
our and additive masterbatches that are all-natural and
made entirely from sustainable resources.
Available RENOL-natur colours include red, orange,
yellow and green, while blue is in the final stages of
M illiken Chemical will launch a new grade
of its Hyperform HPN-20E nucleating
agent for polyethylene this autumn at the
development. Orange curcuma comes from the root of Düsseldorf K 2007 show. The company claims
the spice plant turmeric, and yellow urucum is found the new product will make cost-effective prop-
in flowers that grow in tropical regions like Brazil. The erty modification of PE ‘a first-time reality for
greens come from chlorophyll and other plant sources, converters, resin and masterbatch producers’.
while the natural carmine red colorants are derived According to Milliken, the new agent can opti-
from the cochineal insect. These colours can be com- mize similar properties to the existing Hyperform
bined to create additional shades and tones. Physical product range, including productivity, quality,
properties, such as lightfastness, are not as high as thermal expansion coefficient and mechanical
would be expected from non-renewable pigments, so properties.
they are not suitable for all projects, the company says. The K 2007 show will also see Milliken introduce
‘RENOL-natur colours are very earthy and organic- a new Millad clarifying agent grade NX8000 for use
looking, some with excellent clarity’, says Pandis, ‘so in polypropylene. With the new grade, the company
they are perfect for marketers who want to distinguish claims to have achieved a new breakthrough level
sustainable packaging from similar products made with of haze reduction compared with existing clarifiers,
conventional polymers’. Carrier resins can include any together with other benefits such as good thermal
of the popular biopolymers. Processing characteristics properties, impact resistance and cost effectiveness.
are said to be similar to those associated with conven- Milliken believes that the enhanced performance of
tional masterbatches. NX8000 will expand the potential for further sub-
Most existing international standards require bio- stitution of inherently clear plastics and glass with
degradation of 60% within 180 days along with polypropylene, opening up ‘previously unexplored
certain other criteria for the resin or product to be product areas’.
September 2007 Additives for Polymers