MDF Versus Plywood Comparison Chart

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MDF versus Plywood comparison chart

MDF Plywood
Wood fibers got by breaking down
hardwood and softwood residuals are
Constituents Thin sheets of veneer are glued together
combined using wax and resin and heat
Odd number of layers with grains of adjacent
Structure Uniform, smooth and free of knots. layers at right angles to each other. Face
veneers are higher grade than the core veneers.
Use of urea-formaldehyde and phenol- Use of urea-formaldehyde and phenol-
formaldehyde resin which are formaldehyde resin which are carcinogenic in
carcinogenic in very high concentration very high concentration
Cabinet construction, crafts, Roofs, Walls, Subfloors, Boxes, Packages,
Uses Mouldings/trim, shelving (bookshelf Sports equipment, Musical equipment,
sliding) Playground equipment, High-end loud speakers
• A very strong board, constructed of layers of
• Has a smooth, even surface • Easily
veneer or plies, which are glued with the grains
machined and painted or stained •
at 900 to each other • Interior and exterior
Description Available in water and fire-resistant form
grades available • A very durable water and
• Can be machined • Often veneered or
boil proof (WBP) plywood that can be used in
painted to improve its appearance
extreme con
Compare 43 grade and 53 grade cement
43 Grade 53 Grade
IS Code IS 8112 IS 12269
Comp strength at 27°C    
3 days 23 N/mm2 27 N/mm2
7 days 33 N/mm2 37 N/mm2
28 days 43 N/mm2 53 N/mm2
Continues to gain strength
after 28th day
Initial strength gain Early strength gain
Ultimate strength will be the
same for both
Heat of hydration Medium Faster
Price   ₹365/50kg bag
ACC ₹305/50kg bag ₹395/50kg bag
Ultratech ₹325/50kg bag For concrete M20 & above grades, 8 – 10%
saving is achieved
PCC & RCC works upto All RCC structures like footing, column, beam &
M30 grade, plastering, slab.
tiling, Brick & stone RCC works where grade of concrete is M30 &
masonry, flooring, above, High rise bldg’s, industrial works. Precast
pathways, etc. Finishes of all concrete items such as paving blocks, tiles bldg.
types of bldg’s, bridges, blocks, pipes, railway sleepers, poles, etc.
culverts, roads, water Cold weather concreting, cement groiuts, instant
retaining structures. plugging, etc.

Difference Between OPC and PPC

In the following table the main differences between OPC and PPC cement are given:
PPC is prepared by adding Pozzolanic
A mixture of limestone and
materials to OPC. So, the main
other raw materials like
Definition/ components are OPC clinker, gypsum
1 argillaceous, calcareous,
Components and pozzolanic materials (15~35%)
gypsum is prepared and then
which includes calcined clay, volcanic
grinded to prepare OPC.
ash, fly ash or silica fumes.
Initial strength is higher than PPC has higher strength than OPC
2 Strength
PPC. over a longer period of time.
Generates more heat than PPC
in hydration reaction which It has a slow hydration process and
3 Heat of hydration
makes it less suitable for mass thus generates less heat than OPC.
Less durable in aggressive
4 Durability More durable in aggressive weather.
5 Cost Costlier than PPC. Cheaper than OPC.
Environmental Emits CO2 during the It constitutes industrial and natural
Impact manufacturing process. waste which makes it eco-friendly.
It is suitable where fast It is suitable for all types of
construction is required but construction work. For example RCC
7 Application/ uses not suitable for mass casting of buildings, mass concreting
concreting due to heat issue as for bridges and even plastering and
mentioned above. other non-structural works.
Lower than PPC. Its initial Setting time of PPC us higher than
setting time is 30 minutes and OPC. Its initial setting time is 30
8 Setting Time final setting time is 280 minutes and final setting time is 600
minutes. Its faster setting time minutes. Its slower setting time helps
helps faster construction. to get better finishing.
OPC has finiteness of 225
OPC has finiteness of 300 sq.m/kg. It
sq.m/kg. It has lower fineness
has higher fineness than OPC. So, it
9 Fineness than PPC. So, it has higher
has lower permeability resulting in
permeability resulting lower
higher durability.
33 Grade, 43 Grade, and 53
No specified grade of PPC cement is
10 Grades available Grade OPC cement are
11 Workability Lower than PPC. Higher than OPC.
Resistance It has lower resistance against
It has higher resistance against
12 against chemical alkalis, sulphates, chlorides
alkalis, sulphates, chlorides etc.
attack etc.


For the preparation of bricks, clay is usually used.The clay used for brick making consists mainly of silica and
alumina mixed in such a proportion that the clay becomes plastic when water is added to it. It also consists of small
proportions of lime, iron, magnesium, sulphur etc.. The proportions of various ingredients and functions are as
Silica 50 – 60 %
Alumina 20 – 30 %
Calcium 10 %
Mg <1%
Ferric Oxide < 7 % < 20 %
Alkalis < 10 %
SO3; H2O <2%

TESTS FOR BRICKS: A brick is generally subjected to the following tests to find out its suitability for
the construction work:
Water Absorption Test ( IS 3495):: A brick is taken and it is weighed dry. It is then immersed in water for a period
of 24 to 48 hours. It is weighed again and the difference in weight indicates the amount of water absorbed by the
brick. It should not, in any case, exceed 5%-20% of weight of dry brick.

Compressive Strength Test ( IS: 3495): The crushing strength of a brick is find out by placing in a compression
testing machine. It is pressed till it breaks. The minimum crushing or compressive strength of bricks is 3.50 N /

Efflorescence Test: The brick is immersed in water for 24 hours. It is then taken out and allowed to dry in shade.
The absence of grey or white deposits on its surface indicates the absence of soluble salts. If the white deposits
cover about 10% surface, the efflorescence is said to be slight and it is considered as moderate when the white
deposits cover about 50 % of surface. If grey or white deposits are found on more than 50 % of surface, the
efflorescence becomes heavy and it is treated as serious.

Soundness: In this test, the two bricks are taken and they are struck with each other. The bricks should not
break and a clear ringing sound should be produced.

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