RM-Word Families For Fluency Practice

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The text provides examples of short vowel words, sentences using short vowel words, and words containing blends and digraphs.

Examples of short vowel words include cab, men, kid, jog, tub, rag, let, zip, pop, sun, van, hem, rib, cod, us, yam, leg, wig, fox, up, mad, tell, sell, loss, jug, nap, peck, zest, dock, cuff, yam, less, him, ox, tuck, mix, set, log, big, sun.

Examples of sentences using short vowel words include: 'He fed the big cat.', 'I am in the bed.', 'She led him here.', 'She wed the man.', 'Did you see my net?', 'I had ten cats.', 'My hat is wet.', 'She had a pet rat.', 'I had a red bag.', 'Let me come with you.', 'Get me the fat net.', 'I met him at the jet.'

Short ‘a’ Words

cab lab tab bad

dad fad lad had
mad pad sad bag
gag lag rag sag
tag wag am dam
ham jam ram yam
an can fan man
pan ran tan van
cap gap lap map
nap rap sap tap
bat at cat hat
fat mat pat rat
sat vat back lack
Short ‘a’ Sentences
The man is sad.
Here is a bag.
I had a nap.
Here is the jam.
The pan is here.
I had a hat.
She had the bat.
He is not bad.
The cat sat on a mat.
Dad is fat.
She is not sad.
I ran to my dad.
I can pat the cat.
Short ‘i’ Words
bib did rib bid
did hid kid lid
rid big dig fig
jig pig rig wig
dim him rim in
bin fin kin pin
tin win dip hip
lip rip sip tip
zip it bit fit
hit kit lit pit
Short ‘i’ Sentences

It is a fig.
He hid the wig.
It is a bib.
She lit it.
It is a big fat yam.
Did he sip it?
A bin is a big tin can.
Did it fit him?
He hit my lip.
The lid is big.
Did he dig the big pit?
The pin is in the bib.
Short ‘o’ Words

cob job mob rob

sob cod nod pod
rod sod bog fog
hog jog log hop
mop pop top cot
dot got hot jot
lot not jot lot
not pot rot ox
box fox dock lock
mock rock sock boss
Short ‘o’ Sentences

Did you jog here?

I had a good job.
Sit on that cot.
A hog is a pig.
It is too hot to jog.
Did Mom see the box?
A cot is a bed.
This is not my box.
This is not my dog.
Is the pen for me?
He had the rod.
She had a big red dot on
her cap.
Short ‘u’ Words

cub hub rub sub

tub bug dug hug
jug rug tug mug
gum hum sum bun
fun gun pun run
sun up cup pup
us bus but cut
hut nut rut puff
buck duck luck tuck
Short ‘u’ Sentences

This is fun.
Did you run here?
It is fun to jog.
She had my cup.
This rug is very wet.
The pup bit my let.
They sat on the rug.
The nuts are in a box.
The cub hid in the den
He hid my gum.
We fed the cub.
Short ‘e’ Words
bed fed led red
wed beg Meg peg
hem den hen men
pen ten bet get
jet let met net
pet set wet yet
deck neck peck less
mess bell cell fell
sell tell well yell
Short ‘e’ Sentences

He fed the big cat.

I am in the bed.
She led him here.
She wed the man.
Did you see my net?
I had ten cats.
My hat is wet.
She had a pet rat.
I had a red bag.
Let me come with you.
Get me the fat net.
I met him at the jet.
Mixed Short Vowel Words
cab men kid jog
tub rag let zip
pop sun van hem
rib cod us yam
leg wig fox up
mad tell sell loss
jug nap peck zest
dock cuff yam less
him ox tuck mix
set log big sun
Word Families for Fluency Practice

Words per

bat cat Dam fat Pan


it bit At hit Hog


in bin Fit pin Wig


is his Fin log frog


dog bog Sis pig Big


fox box Cog ram Fig


am pig Fan fog Dig


an can Ham man Pog


mat spin Grin tin Sit


rat pit Sat win Pat

Read words through 2 times. One time with echo reading and one time with choral
reading. Then read as fast as you can for 1 minute. Count how many words you can
read and record them in the side box. Practice this every night.
Short Vowel Sentences
1. The sad cat is bad.
2. I ran to Tam and got
the cap.
3. He hit my lip and leg.
4. The big rat had the
5. Did you dig the big
6. Here is a bag of pins.
7. Bob and Tim are not
in the big pit.
Short Vowel Sentences
1. I had six dogs and
ten hogs.
2. Did the red hat fit
3. The big dog ran to
the red fox.
4. The men had a rod
and a net.
5. Set the mug on the
6. Bob and Tim are not
in the big pit.
Short Vowel Words
with Digraphs
ash cash dash
lash mash rash
sash chat bath
path check shed
shell chess chick
thick chill chin
thin chip ship
shock chop shot
shut then fish
Short Vowel “ng” Words
bang fang gang
hang rang sang
clang sprang king
ring sing wing
bring cling fling
spring sting string
swing thing long
song strong wrong
hung lung rung
sung flung sprung
stung strung swung
Short Vowel “nk” Words
bank rank sank
tank yank blank
clank crank drank
plank prank spank
thank ink link
pink rink sink
wink blink drink
shrink slink think
bunk dunk hunk
junk sunk
chunk shrunk skunk
Sentences with
 When did the fish
fall in the tub?
 The chick pecks and
pecks at the bag of
 The big ranch has
six pigs, a hen, a dog
and ten cats.
 I sat on the bench in
the back of the shed.
Sentences with
 Where did you put
my lunch?
 The man can sing
songs in the bank.
 The path let Pam to
the shack.
 The rich king was
on the ship.
*I got cash back when
I sat on the jet.
Sentence with Blends
 A clock went tick-
tock and then stop.
 I think Mom had a
stamp pad.
 The raft sank in the
pond with the ducks.
 You can act with the
cast if you put on a
pink silk mask.
 The elf crept up the
Sentence with Blends
 The black truck had
a flag.
 Plants deck the hill
to the camp.
 The web is a trap
for a pest.
 Where did Jim send
the ink pen and the
 The tramp can gulp
the milk drink.
Short Vowel Words
with Blends and
crab drab grab
scab black crack
smack snack stack
track glad brag
drag flag snag
stag clam cram
gram slam swam
tram camp damp
lamp ramp champ
Short Vowel Words
with Blends and
clamp cramp stamp
bran plan scan
span band hand
land sand bland
brand gland stand
strand clap flap
scrap slap snap
strap trap clash
flash smash trash
Short Vowel Words
with Blends and
gasp clasp grasp
cast fast last
mast past blast
flat scat speck
bled fled shred
sled sped dwell
smell spell swell
belt felt melt
clench drench French
Short Vowel Words
with Blends and
quench trench end
bend lend mend
send tend blend
spend trend bent
cent dent lent
rent sent tent
vent went spent
wept kept crept
slept swept flesh
Short Vowel Words
with Blends and
slept swept flesh
fresh dress
stress best nest
pest rest test
vest west chest
quest brick click
flick slick stick
trick sprig twig
drill grill skill
Short Vowel Words
with Blends and
drill grill skill
spill still thrill
brim grim slim
swim trim skin
grin spin twin
fist list mist
twist skit slit
split mint print
splint sprint clip
squint drip flip
grip skip slip
snip strip trip
bliss Swiss block
clock flock smock
stock clod plod
prod clog frog
smog crop drop
flop prop stop
cross floss blot
Short Vowel Words
with Blends and
cluck pluck stuck
struck truck club
scrub shrub stub
bluff fluff gruff
scuff stuff plug
shrug snug drum
glum plum strum
swum bump dump
hump jump lump
hump jump lump
pump clump grump
plump slump stump
bunch hunch lunch
munch punch brunch
crunch spun stun
bunt hunt punt
runt blunt grunt
stunt plus blush
brush crush bust
dust just trust
must rust crust

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