Respiratory and Circulatory System Detailed Lesson Plan

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Department of Education


Division of Oriental Mindoro
M.H.del Pilar St., Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro

Year and Section: BSED Biological Science III


At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:

a. identify and investigate the functions and parts of primary organs of respiratory and
circulatory system;
b. explain the inner working of the respiratory system and circulatory system;
c. relate the role of circulatory system to the respiratory system;
d. describe the blood flow and gas exchange within the heart, circulatory system and
e. explain the negative effect of cigarette smoking on the circulatory and respiratory
f. identify ways of detecting and preventing disease in the respiratory and circulatory
g. infer how one’s lifestyle can be affect the functioning of the respiratory and
circulatory system.


a. Topic: The Respiratory and Circulatory system

b. Reference:
c. Materials: Laptop, LCD projector, activity sheets and other visual aids
d. Key concepts:
 Respiratory system: The human respiratory system is a series of
organs responsible for taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide.
The primary organs of the respiratory system are lungs, which carry out
this exchange of gases as we breathe. 
 Circulatory system: The circulatory system, also called the
cardiovascular system or the vascular system, is an organ system that
permits blood to circulate and transport nutrients(such as amino acids
and electrolytes), oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, and blood cells to
and from the cells in the body to provide nourishment and help
in fighting diseases, stabilize temperature and pH, and
maintain homeostasis.
 Circulatory Systems
We are all aware at the face that smoking is horrible for your entire body.
In this section you will learn more in depth the negative effects on the
respiratory system.

Your Circulatory System

The circulatory system’s 3 main parts are the heart, blood and blood
vessels. The jobs of your circulatory system is to transport thing
throughout the body. This includes water and other nutrient the body
needs to function.

Smoking a Cigarette
There are many different harmful consequences from smoking a
cigarette. They can include.

-Raise blood pressure and heart rate.

- Constriction (tightening) of blood vessel in the skin, resulting in a drop
in skin temperature.
- Less oxygen carried by the blood.
- Stickier blood, which is more prone to clotting.
- Reduce blood flow to extremities like fingers and toes.
- Increased risk of stroke and heart attack due to blockages of the blood

Diseases in the Circulatory system

-Coronary heart disease
-Peripheral vascular disease
-Abdominal aortic aneurysm

Coronary Heart Disease

Coronary Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S, is
mainly caused by smoking. Cigarette form plaques that form arteries,
which can lead to atherosclerosis, which is also known as hardening of
the arteries.
 -chest pain
-shortness of breath
-weakness or dizziness

Stroke is the 3rd most common cause of death in the U.S. Toxin in the
blood from smoking cigarettes contribute to the development
of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a progressive hardening of the
arteries caused by the deposit of fatty plaques and the scarring and
thickening of the artery wall. Inflammation of the artery wall and
the development of blood clots can obstruct blood flow and cause heart
attacks or strokes.

-trouble with walking, speaking, or seeing
- headache
- paralysis or numbness on one side of body

Peripheral Vascular Disease:

This is similar to almost any other disease from the circulatory system.
Fatty acid deposit build up in the inner linings of the artery walls. These
blockage the restrict blood circulation, mainly in arteries leading to the
kidney, stomach, arms, legs and feet.

-patients rarely shows symptoms
-leg pain

Abdominal Aortic Aneurvsm:

This disease happens when large blood vessel that supplies blood to the
abdomen, pelvis and legs becomes abnormally large or balloons outward.
It happens slowly over a period of years.

-abdominal mass
-abdominal rigidity
- anxiety
-clammy skin
-Nausea and vomiting
-Pain in the abdomen or back
-pulsating sensation in the abdomen
-rapid heart rate when rising to a standing position

Respiratory System:
We are aware at the fact that smoking is horrible for your entire body, In
this section you will learn more in depth the negative effects on the
respiratory system.

Smoking A Cigarette
Beginning with the basics, we all know that when you smoke a cigarette
you inhale smoke into your lungs. While doing that your lungs are
exposed to a whopping 4,000 harmful substances and toxins just from the
cigarette smoke.

Respiratory Disease:
There are many diseases caused by smoking. On a total, more than
438,000 people each year die from smoking related causes. Respiratory
diseases caused by smoking include emphysema, lung cancer,
and chronic bronchitis. Stated below is more information on
each respiratory disease or illness individually.
 This is a chronic lung disease. The affects are in the air sacs in the lungs
(alveoli).There is no cure for this disease, but treatments include inhalers,
or inhaled steroids. Sometimes, surgery is a necessity. It is proven that
smoking and secondhand smoke is the main cause.

-Shortness of Breath
-Weight Loss
-Heart Problems

Lung Cancer:
 This disease is an abnormal, continual multiplying of cells that has
possible results of lumps, masses, or tumors beginning in the lining of the
bronchi (large airways), and possibly other areas of the respiratory
system. As the tumor grows, it may or may not cause a cough. Smoking,
including secondhand smoke, is the leading cause of lung cancer.

-Constant chest pain
-shortness of breath
-recurring lung infections
-bloody or rust-colored sputum
-swelling of the neck and face-pain and weakness in the shoulder arm, or
hand-unexplained fever.

Chronic Bronchitis:
 This is a long-term inflammation of the bronchi (large airways), while
symptoms include coughing for long periods of time. Just like
emphysema, there is no cure for this disease, but treatments include
inhalers, or inhaled steroids. Sometimes, surgery is a necessity. It is
proven that smoking and second hand smoke is the main cause.

 -coughing for long periods of time (may include mucus)
-low fever

e. Subject integrated:
 Art
 English
 Health

III. Teaching Strategies

 Diverse method teaching strategies that includes oral recitation,
brainstorming, group activities.
IV. Values Integration
 The students gain insights about the respiratory and circulatory system.
 Students become aware of the significance of the relation of respiratory and
circulatory system.
 The lesson teaches curiosity , ability to think logically and objectivity, open-
mindedness, resourcefulness, health constructive thought and attentiveness in
the classroom.


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Daily Routines

1. Prayer
Everybody please stand, let us
start our day with a short prayer. (The student will pray)
Analyn, kindly lead the prayer.

2. Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning Sir.

3. Setting the class in order The student will follow.

Before take your seat. Kindly
arrange your chair and please pick
up the pieces of paper around you.

Please be seated. Thank you, Sir.

4. Checking of attendance
Do we have an absent today? None, Sir.

5. Review of the past lesson

“Here is a sample of a KWL with
these you can
make your own. A KWL table is
where you write your past
knowledge. K for what you KNOW,
W for WHAT you WANT to know,
and L for what you have LERANED.
Do this and after the class we will
process this activity if you have
gained knowledge.
Did you get it?” Yes, Sir

(After 5 minutes)

“Pass your papers in front.” (Student pass their papers)

Let’s start by doing a simple activity

to refresh
you from your past lesson on
the respiratory and
circulatory system Are you ready? Yes, Sir

 (Flash on the LCD projector A model

of the respiratory and circulatory
system and the students will answer it
by group.)

Here is the model of respiratory

and circulatory system define the
function of its part. Let’s do it by
group. Okay count of from 1-5. (The students count off.)

(Teacher assigns where the group (Group 1 first finish and got the 5 points
would be staying.) bonus.)

The first group who can finish

the activity will
earn 5 points bonuses for
the assessment later. Ok,

 (See attachment for the Activity)

(5 mins.)

Congratulations for the group. Write

your names
on a piece of paper and give each
yourselves a 5point.

Lets now process the activity. Why We did the activity to be able to gain our
do you think I let you do the activity? past knowledge to use it for our lesson for
Yes, Rolando? today teacher,
Very good, Roland.

Who can define the function of the Respiratory system is responsible for
respiratory system? Yes, Nariel? getting oxygen from the atmosphere and
  bringing it to our lungs.

Nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi

Very nice information

you got there for us. And what are the
primary part of the respiratory
system? Yes, Mina? Lungs Sir.

Very good. And what are its

functions? Yes, Anne? Nose where air enters and filtered.
Pharynx or throat serves as pathway for air
and food. Larynx leads air into the
appropriate channel and functions mainly
in speech. Trachea or windpipes it
normalizes the function of epiglottis and
permitting food passage to the esophagus.
Bronchi two branching tubes that
connect trachea to the lungs. Lastly the
lungs, the only place where gas exchange
And for the circulatory system. Who will
volunteer to read their answers? Yes
Danielle? There are three major parts of
The circulatory system the heart that
pumps the blood throughout the body. The
blood vessel carries blood throughout the
body, Arteries, veins and capillaries. The
blood carries the materials throughout the

Ver y well said Precious. Before we

formally start are class today any question
on the activity? Yes, Ivan? Sir, Is there a possible way that the
system can affect one another or do they
 just work as an individual system?

Wonderful question Ivy. And to answer

that lets do another activity. Ok, Sir.

Did you bring the materials I told you

last meeting? Yes, Sir.

Very well. I call this activity, Just go with

The flow. Pass this activity sheet.

(Teacher read and explain the direction)

Did you understand? Yes teacher. Is it by group or individual


Of course, it is by group retain your original

group awhile back and start immediately. Yes, Sir.

(students do the activity for 10 mins.

While doing the activity the teacher

While doing the activity what have

you notice? Yes, Alfred? Teacher the activity is tiring but we notice
that the lungs and heart work

Very good Jared. Now lets answer the

guide questions. 1. How do the heart and the
lungs work together? Anyone who can
answer? Yes, Rina? The heart pumps and the blood that
transport the inhaled oxygen to every cell
of the body. Carbon dioxide is given off in
the process and is carried by the blood to
the lungs and is release through exhalation.

Very good inference Reina. For the

2.Question What takes place when you inhale
and exhale? Yes, Jape? Gas exchange happens when we inhale and
exhale. We take in oxygen and emit
carbon dioxide.

Well explained. 3 question, what does blood

delivers to every part of the body? Yes, Jim? The blood delivers nutrients, oxygen and
other chemicals that are absorbed by the

Why is oxygen important to your body? Yes Oxygen is important to our body because
Mabel? it processes the nutrients in the cell
to make energy.

Wonderful. For the last question who would

like to answer? Yes, Pollo. This is your
question. Describe the sequence of oxygen,
carbon dioxide and blood flow in your own Oxygen enters the respiratory system
words. through inhalation then it enters the
bloodstream to be circulated throughout
the body, Carbon dioxide from the tissues
enter the blood then to the lungs where it is

Very well said explanation. (Ivy the students who ask a question
 Yes, Ivy? awhile back raised her hand)
My pleasure, I’m glad that we have Thank you, teacher, for that awesome
answered your inquiry. activity now we know that every system in
the body works together.

To synthesis the activity, Yes. Kim? Air first enter your lungs and then into the
left part of your heart. It is then driven by
your heart into the blood stream, all the
way through your body. The heart pumps
blood, which transports essential nutrients,
oxygen and other chemical to every cell in
your body. Once it reaches the cells,
oxygen processes the nutrients to release
energy. Carbon dioxide is given off during
this process. The blood delivers carbon
dioxide into the right portion of your heart
from which it is pumped to the lungs.
Carbon dioxide leaves your body through
the lungs when you exhale.
This is the process that happen to
your system every now and then. Did
you understand? Ok I see a hand
there. Lets here it from Hannah. It is very indeed clear teacher. As you said
they are all connected to affect it other in
what other way they can affect each other
and what can it cause us to our body? It is
good or bad?
Ok for that question. Lets watch a
video and answer this guide question
while you are watching.

1. What are the effects of smoking

in the system of the body?

Watch the video well and answer

these questions.

(after 5 minutes)

(Student) we can get disease like Coronary

Who can discuss in front what heart disease, stroke, peripheral vascular
he/she have watched? disease and abdominal aortic aneurysm for
the circulatory system and emphysema,
lung cancer, chronic bronchitis for the
respiratory system.

Very good, you have watched very Before teacher I’m but now stop because
well. For you as a student are there of this disease that I can get and to
any of you smoking here? lengthen my life.

That was so brave of you to tell the

truth and I’m happy that trough this
discussion we change your view in No, Sir
smoking. So, class are you still
curious about smoking?

Let’s do the role playing. It is titled

“prevention is better than cure”. Go to
your groups and leaders come in front
and get the activity sheets and if there
is any inquiry ask me.
B. Motivation Nervous System.

Before we start discussing it. I need

two volunteers.

Listen carefully to my instructions. If I

say “brain”, you’re going to put your hands
in your head; when I say “heart” place your
hands at chest level, in a heart shape; and
when I say “touch”, stretch your hands
sideward. Is that clear? 

This time, let’s do it faster.

Thank you. You may now take your seat.

Class, what can you say about the action of

the bodies of your two classmates whenever I (The students will read the posted learning
give the instruction? objectives.)
Very good! Based on the responds of
their bodies, we can conclude that the human
body has the ability to control and coordinate
activities. Which organ system do you think
is responsible for this characteristic?

Yes, Sir

C. Presentation of the lesson

The nervous system is a highly

complex part of an animal that coordinates
its actions and sensory information by
transmitting signals to and from different
parts of its body. 

Today, we are going to discuss the

Nervous system.

D. Presentation of Learning objectives Function #2. It gathers information both

from the outside world and from the inside
of the body.
At the end of this lesson, these are the
objectives that we should meet.

All of you kindly read out loud.

Function #1. It transmits information to the

processing areas in the brain and spinal
E. Lesson Proper cord.

1. Pre-Activity: The nervous system

enables the body to respond quickly
to change in the environment by
accomplishing its functions. Now, let
us find out what are the functions of
the nervous system by having this Function #1. Its processes information to
very simple activity which I called determine the best response.
“Which is Which!” I will flash two
functions then I want you to analyze
and determine which among the two

Function #2. It sends information to

functions is the function of the muscles, glands and organs so they can
nervous system. Did you get it? respond correctly.

Very good! Let’s start.

1. It exchanges gases between the

external environment and the
2. It gathers information both from
the outside world and from the
inside of the body.

Very good! How about the next one?

1. It transmits information to the

processing areas in the brain and
spinal cord.
2. It produces hormones that
regulate the activities of cells and

Exactly! Next is it function #1 or function


1. It processes information to
determine the best response.
2. It digest and absorb nutrients
from the food.

1. It maintains posture and position

of the body.
2. It sends information to muscles,
glands and organs so they can
respond correctly.

Excellent, class!

To learn more about the nervous

system, let us have a group activity. I
prepared envelopes for each group containing
the materials and procedures.
Before we proceed to our activity. Let us
discuss first the rubrics for the activity.

Rubrics for Differentiated Activities

5 4 3 2 1

For Knowledge:

5 – contains all necessary information None, Sir

4 – contains most of the necessary
3 - contains some necessary information
2 - insufficient necessary information
1 – does not contain necessary information
(Each group will clap)

For Cooperation:
5 – all members of the group cooperate well
with each other
4 – only 5-6 members cooperate with each
3 – only 3-4 members cooperate with each
2 – only 2 members cooperate with each
1 – only 1 member of the group do the work

For Presentation:

5 – executes the work completely, well

4 – executes the work adequately, prepared
3 – executes the work fairly, somewhat
2 – executes the work incompletely,
1 – executes the work poorly, unprepared
Yes, Sir. We are all ready.
Do you have any clarification on our rubrics? (The students will present their work.)

Make your chair in circle.

If your group is ready, kindly do a ready (The students will clap.)


You are given 10 minutes to work for

your activity. The central Nervous system and Peripheral
Nervous system.

2. Activity Proper:
The central Nervous system is the main
processing center for the entire nervous
Group 1 – importance of the nervous system system while the Peripheral nervous
in the form of a jingle. system connects the central nervous
system to the organs.
Group 2 – give the different divisions and
parts of the nervous system by completing
the graphic organizer.
The brain functions as organizer and
Group 3 – arrange the puzzle, label and tell distributor of the information for the body.
the functions of the three main parts of the
The cerebrum, cerebellum, and brainstem.
Group 4 – role play about problems and
disorder of the nervous system.

Post – Activity:

Are you ready for the presentation?

Very good. Class! Give yourself a:

1. Amazing clap The Somatic System and the Automatic

2. Kiss your brain clap System.
3. Pakbet clap
4. Excellent clap
The Somatic system is associated with the
3. Discussion: voluntary control of the body movements
Based on the activity, what are while the Automatic system is associated
the two main division of the with the involuntary control of body
nervous system? movements.

How will you differentiate the two?

The Sympathetic division and the

Parasympathetic division.

Very good! Our bodies coordinated

because we have a Central Nervous System.
It is consists of the brain and spinal cord.
What do you think is the function of the

Good! The brain is divided into three

major parts. What are those?

Exactly! The cerebrum is the largest

part of the brain; it is where learning,
intelligence, and judgement occur. The
cerebellum coordinates voluntary muscle
movements and maintains balance and
muscle tone. The brainstem controls the
heartbeat, breathing, and blood pressure and
coordinates involuntary muscle movements. None, Sir.

The Peripheral Nervous System has

two main division. What are those two?

How will you differentiate the two?

Yes, Sir.
Excellent! The other division which is
the Automatic system has subdivision. What
are those? Yes, Sir.

Very good! The Sympathetic division

is activated in times of physical or emotional
stress or whenever the body requires action. - Fact
It controls the “fight or flight” response that
you experience during a stressful situation
like the nervousness you experience when
taking in front of an audience or taking a
surprise quiz. - Bluff

The Parasympathetic division

maintains body functions and restores the
body to normal or relaxed mode.

Any questions? - Fact

F. Application - Bluff

This time, let us play a game entitled

“Fact or Bluff”. I will give you sets of
statements and you’re going to - Fact
analyze it whether it is true or not. If
it is true, raise the paper with the
word “fact” and “bluff” if otherwise. None, Sir.
Is that clear?

Are you ready?

(Some expected answer are the following)

- Alzheimer’s disease
- Central Nervous System is - Amnesia
composed of the brain and the - Comatose
spinal cord. - Insomnia
- Migraine
- You are frightened. This will
cause to activate your
Parasympathetic Nervous
system. (Some expected answers are the following)
- Sleep early
- Exercise regularly
- Eat a balance diet
- Cerebrum, Cerebellum and - Get plenty of rest
Brainstem are the 3 main parts - Do not use alcohol
of the brain. - Drink plenty of water

- Spinal nerve is a tube-like organ

of neurons and blood vessels.

- Automatic Nervous system is a

division of Peripheral Nervous
System that controls contraction
of the heart muscle.

Any question so far?

G. Generalization

Class, kindly give some problems and

disorder of the nervous system?

H. Valuing

How can you keep your nervous

system healthy?

Very good, taking care properly of

our body will make us healthy and stronger,
the system in our body will function
I. Evaluation

Direction: Analyze the statements below and give the correct answer.

______ 1. It is the main control center of the nervous system.

______ 2. It is the largest part of the brain.
______ 3. It receives and send out information about activities within the body and
monitors and responds to changes in the environment.
______ 4. It is consisting of cranial and spinal nerves.
______ 5. It maintains body function and restores the body to normal or relaxed mode.
______ 6. It controls the heartbeat, breathing and blood pressure and coordinates
involuntary muscle movements.
______ 7. It is associated with the involuntary control of the body movements.
______ 8. It connects the Central nervous System to the organs.

______ 9. It is the organizer and distributor of the information of the body.

______ 10. It carries information into and out of the body.

Key to Correction:

Test 1

1. Brain
2. Cerebrum
3. Sympathetic Division
4. Somatic Division
5. Parasympathetic Division
6. Brainstem
7. Automatic system
8. Peripheral nervous System
9. Brain
10. Cranial nerves

Prepared by:


Student Teacher

Checked by:

Cooperating Teacher

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