Emphasize On Niche Market Strategy For Attracting
Emphasize On Niche Market Strategy For Attracting
Emphasize On Niche Market Strategy For Attracting
onomics &
nal Journa
agement Sc
Management Sciences
ISSN: 2162-6359
r ces
Research Article
Research Article Open
Bangladesh has bright prospects of travel and leisure in future. She possesses travel and leisure possibilities
everywhere. But, Bangladesh travel and leisure is experiencing so many problems including technique. By applying
specialized market techniques she can earn more Forex because Bangladesh is endowed with four key travel and
leisure products: Seashores, Woodlands, Mountains and islands, traditional position and Historical sites those are
mostly pleasing to many visitors. This document is focusing the existing pros and cons of travel and leisure market
in Bangladesh and the ways to apply specialized market technique. Results indicate that four famous items can play
essential part in the total income in this industry. Finally, this document indicates how specialized market technique
will help the policy maker to distinguish the visitors market and customize their service to achieve ideal promotion
goals and fix existing downwards income.
Keywords: Marketing; Marketing strategy; Niche market technique; reach their vacationer item to focus on consumers (tourists).
Iconic items
Bangladesh, as a location, has many aspects and strong points. She is
Introduction gifted with almost all the natural possibilities that attract vacationer [1].
These include; Among beaches, Cox’s Bazaar, the lengthiest unbroken
Bangladesh has bright prospects of tourism in future. She possesses clean and exotic seaside in the world; Kuakata sea seaside is known as
tourism potentials all over the country. But, Bangladesh tourism is
sun rising and sunset; Sundarbans, the home of the spectacular Elegant
facing so many problems including marketing strategy. By applying
Bengal lions, Rangamati, known as the heart of the spectacular pond
niche market strategies she can earn more foreign currency because
district; Sylhet, known as the land of twelve religious Awuilia which
Bangladesh is blessed with four key tourism products: Beaches, Forest,
Hills and islands, Historical place and Archaeological Sites that are amazing hills and tea gardens; Chittagong, the largest port town from
mostly pleasing to many tourists. This paper is focusing the present the and known as the town of shrines; Above all, reverie beauty, vibrant
strengths and weaknesses of tourism industry in Bangladesh and the tribe culture and simple town life are the primary aspects for getting
ways to implement niche market strategy. Findings indicate that four traffic [2]. Though Bangladesh has lot of attractive locations but there
iconic products can play significant role in the total earnings in this are some weaknesses: poor facilities, volatile governmental scenario,
sector. Finally, this paper suggests how niche market strategy will help image crisis etc. Besides, finance allowance on travel and leisure is not
the policy maker to differentiate the tourists market and customize sufficient; market technique would be profitable way of Bangladesh.
their service to achieve strategic marketing objectives and solve present These kind of attractions are need to be researched by the internet
downward earnings. promotion techniques and need to come up with and apply travel
Today’s travel and leisure market has become one of the most key and leisure promotion ideal plan either by the Bangladesh Parjaton
elements in GDP participation in globally. It plays a significant part in Organization (public sector) or the public-private areas both.
socio-economic growth of a nation. Most of the visitors prefer to visit
in different locations for different reasons (e.g. For Company, Research,
Attend globally conventions, Holidays and holidays, Treatment, Meet The research goals of this research are:
with members of the loved ones, to see events like globe cup, Olympic
1. To evaluate the promotion techniques implemented by
etc.). It is recognized that most of the creating countries now generate
Bangladesh Parjaton Organization.
financial benefits through its travel and leisure market. In past, the
federal government may have been hesitant to invest for travel and 2. To identify and evaluate the niches for getting competitive
leisure growth, but in this modern age the problem has changed. Now advantage as a globally location.
government focuses on not only travel and leisure but also kindness
3. To suggest recommendations for the growth of key travel and
management like hotels, hotels, restaurants, transport, security and leisure items in Bangladesh.
entertainment etc. Bangladesh as a creating nation is moving towards
experiencing difficulties of globalization. It has beautiful attractions
and historical places which are able to develop attention to globally
visitors. But this market failed to develop effectively because of lack of *Corresponding author: Md. Sajedul Islam, Begum Rokeya University, Dhaka,
Bangladesh, Tel: +8801833181640; E-mail: [email protected]
maintainable and effective travel and leisure promotion techniques and
hesitant attitude of different government authorities to develop this Received March 18, 2016; Accepted April 25, 2016; Published April 28, 2016
market. Many people from other countries have negative perception Citation: Islam MS, Jubery IH (2016) Emphasize on Niche Market Strategy
toward our nation. They feel Bangladesh is a nation of hardship, for Attracting Foreign Tourists in Bangladesh. Int J Econ Manag Sci 5: 337.
beggars, flooding and governmental anxiety. Besides, secretary of state
for municipal aircraft and travel and leisure, Bangladesh Parjaton Copyright: © 2016 Islam MS, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
Organization (Govt. Tourism Organization) and other personal tour use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
providers did not apply promotion idea and techniques effectively to source are credited.
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that BPC or other private tour operators have little connection with the and the foreign residents already living in Bangladesh or visiting
foreign tour operators and travel agencies for promoting Bangladesh Bangladesh. The private tour operators also use some sorts of sales
tourism abroad though they act as hidden promoters of tourism promotion like off-season price discounts, free distribution of printed
activities in any tourist destination. According to the authors, lack of materials; organize live music programs for the visitors in destination’s
coordination among the parties related to tourism sector e.g. Ministry spot, extra service offers, group tour discounts for the packages offered
of Civil Aviation and Tourism, BPC, Biman Bangladesh Airlines, tour and river cruise programs. Hardly two or three operators are using the
operators, travel agencies, hotels, other provides, local authorities web page for the promotion of the tourism in Bangladesh. Therefore,
and host population also causes for not developing the industry in the objectives of the tourism marketing strategy in Bangladesh are now
Bangladesh. Mitra described that Bangladesh does not have enough outlined:
effort to promote the country as a tourist destination. He argued
• To consolidate Bangladesh’s position as a tourist destination
that Bangladesh has to make aware to the tourists about what to see,
in the established generating markets at regional and international
where to stay and what to eat. He emphasized for the development of
levels by utilizing different marketing tools such as websites;
tourism industry, Bangladesh need to develop the infrastructure like
hotels, resorts, promoting more places and there should have a link of • To target new and potential markets by identifying and
the government tourism organization with the private sector to boost monitoring changing designs and needs for various market types such
up the promotional activities for the same. Siddiqui, the Marketing as China, Japan, East European and South America, and South Asian
Communication Manager, Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel, Bangladesh countries;
claimed that though Bangladesh has lots of things for tourism, but the
• To enhance Bangladesh’s competitive position in
country lacks in the initiatives to expose it to the potential tourists. He
the intercontinental destination market by mobilizing effective
added that marketing communication can play an important role to
promotional measures supported by attractive proposals and appealing
let the people abroad to know what fantastic products Bangladesh can
tourism products; and
offer to the tourists. He emphasized on the cooperative efforts of the
National Tourism Organization (NTO) with the private tour operators • To pay special attention (in terms of promotion and product
rather than emerging as the competitor for the overall development diversification strategies in particular) to tourist arrivals from Europe,
tourism industry. He also concluded that National airlines, hotels South Asia, USA, Gulf Coop.
and the foreign missions of the country or at least an officer in each
mission abroad with the responsibility of encouraging the potential Marketing Strategy
tourists through providing necessary information and cooperation can Marketing method is the outcome of a firm’s segmentation,
contribute to a great extent for promoting the tourism industry of any focusing on and placement choices (STP process) at the quality of the
country. Strategic Company Unit [3]. This viewpoint is reinforced by promotion
Bangladesh Tourism Marketing Strategy books (for example, Kotler, [4], where this procedure is required as
the core of technique. In other words, the primary idea of technique
Within marketing promotion mix elements, publicity appears to involve the tasks of determining and choosing the focus on sections
be the most useful form of promotional measures of the BPC. BPC in where the actual and prospective clients are living and desired to
also participate in international tourism exhibitions like the ITB at purchase the item. In advanced stage, there are three technique,
Berlin through which attractive package tours are sold to international market segmentation, focusing on and placement in reaching minds
tour operators and a large number of individual visitors in the fair. of the focus on clients and offer them suitable products/services that
During tourism month (16 October – 15 November) different cultural will serve clients special interests. The term "segmentation" appears to
night 36 shows, food festivals, seminars, symposiums, audio-visual have been initially introduced by Cruz. According to Kotler [5], market
presentations etc. are arranged mainly locally. BPC also uses a web segmentation means splitting the whole market into different parts on
page for disseminating the information to the potential tourists. But the basis of various factors. Target Marketing involves breaking market
the fact is that the web page does not contain the complete information into sections and then focusing promotion efforts on one or a few key
of Bangladesh tourism and it related facilities. As a result, it is tough for sections. According to Kotler et al. placement is the way the item is
a potential tourist to have the required information from the said page. described by visitors on essential attributes; it is the position the item
In the local market, BPC advertise in different newspapers, magazines, consumes in tourists’ mind relative to competitive items.
television and radio. BPC also sometime advertises in some specialized
and special interest magazines. The private tour operators also lack Niche market strategy
of sufficient fund to operate an extensive promotional activities. As a Niche promotion has been used synonymously with “market
result, they also conduct some promotional activities in a traditional segmentation”, “target marketing”, “micromarketing” “regional
form by distributing the brochures, leaflets, making advertisements in marketing”, “focused marketing” and “concentrated marketing”
the local newspapers, participation of different exhibitions arranged
[6,7]. It is, however, none of these and all of these. From an overall
locally. But a limited number of private tour operators prints and
firm technique viewpoint, a specialized market method described
distributes their brochures in Bengali (local language), English and
as “a focus on a particular need, or geographical, market or item
Japanese languages and some other operators do the same either
in Bengal or in English or in both. There are some operators who segment” [8]. Kotler states that niches are usually constructed by
participate in the international tourism fairs to attract the attention splitting a section into sub-segments and that the key issue in internet
and encourage the potential tourists and try to sell package tours to the promotion is expertise. Shani and Chalasani [9] distinguish between
foreign tour operators as well as to the individual tourist. This sort of market segmentation and internet promotion. They define market
participation helps to get the media coverage in the international level. segmentation as a top-down approach. A literary works search by Kara
But most of the private tour operators try to attract the local nationals and Kaynak [10] came to the conclusion that internet promotion takes
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market segmentation one step further in terms of creating a unique of each item. There are five segmenting variables: Geographical, Market,
group of clients. Geo-demographic, Psychographic and Behavior [11]. Bangladesh
Parjaton Organization (BPC) creates the plan to control the travel and
Here are four simple strategies your tourism business can consider
leisure market. To segmenting the focus on audience it highlight on
to bolster your appeal overseas.
two factors that are (i) Market segmentation and (ii) Psychographic
Think eco-tourism/adventure travel: Canada is emerging as a segmentation. Market segmentation are usually huge because in that
global destination for eco-tourism and adventure travel. The country is section vacationer item can entice a small variety of categories and age
a natural draw for international visitors seeking authentic wilderness, provides the biggest range of options for interpreting a huge amount
adventure and cultural experiences. Canada has a reputation as an of categories. Psychographic segmentation provides us detail details of
uncrowned and unspoiled holiday destination with a wide diversity visitors. By this segmentation could about tourists’ personal passions,
of wildlife. Its natural environment also appeals to visitors seeking inspirations, ambitions and feelings etc.
an adrenaline rush with such activities as windsurfing, white water
(i) Demographic segmentation for worldwide tourists:
kayaking, skiing and rock climbing. Consider how you can take
advantage of the eco-tourism and adventure travel opportunities in • Ethnic identification and nationality: Most of the visitors
your area. Even if your business is urban based, you can appeal to arriving from European nations, Southern Japan, USA, Beach
foreign visitors simply by helping them find local eco-tourism activities. Collaboration Authorities Countries, Eastern Japan and the Hawaiian
Give your website global reach: You can benefit from customizing Rim, USA, Britain, Sydney and New Zealand and others.
your website to your target market with simple visual aids such as • Age: Tourists categories are usually young and middle age
country flags. Showing your prices in local currency can help you people; sometimes families with kids and even pensioners are arriving
connect with international visitors and increase their ability to too frequented at different places.
compare prices. In the end, you want to increase user confidence and
comfort. As well, it's important to provide international travelers with • Family life cycle: Some Bangali UK and USA immigration
basic information on Canada, such as weather, currency, local customs like to check out Bangladesh with their kids to familiar about culture
and cuisine. and its culture.
Make your business multi-seasonal: Any tourism operator today • Sex: Men and women both equally like to check out
knows that building an all-season capacity into your business drives Bangladesh.
growth and revenues. And this is particularly important for attracting
international visitors. If you're looking for ways to make your business • Religion: Muslims, Buddhists’ and Christian pilgrims are
an all-season affair, the first step is to assess the potential year-round interested in their concerned spiritual websites in Bangladesh.
activities in your area. Are there cultural activities, such as music (ii) Psychographic segmentation for worldwide tourists:
festivals, that would attract visitors? Are there seasonal outdoor
activities year round? You might consider adding a new dimension Actually demographic segmentation deal is vast and clear and
to your tourism business, such as offering spa services in the winter understandable but the factors of psychographic segmentation is so
season. detail that is needed to understand more about. The living design, day
to day activities and the enjoyment item absorbed by the visitors is most
Consider exhibiting at tradeshows: It's a marketing rule of thumb:
essential. For psychographic segmentation customer’s special passions,
Person-to-person contact can generate sales. And that's precisely what
activity, views, and behavior towards different types of holidays is
attracts thousands of tourism businesses and travelers to international
tradeshows. If you're shopping around for a tradeshow to exhibit your significant. Therefore, BPC is trying to segmenting the marketplace on
business, ensure that you choose one that gives you the best exposure the reasons for tourists’ psychographic features but not success. If they
and avoid untested venues. As well, prior to the show, be sure that your could distinguish among these sections, they would be able to select
trade show team is properly trained to sell your business. appropriate sections and create as well as apply technique for each
selected focus on team.
Target marketing
To achieve the goals of the study mainly the additional details has
been used for performing this analysis. Secondary details has been Target promotion involves evaluate each market section attraction
gathered from yearly reports, website of secretary of state for municipal and selecting one or more sections to enter. In that stage BPC focus
aircraft and travel and leisure and Bangladesh Parjaton Organization, its promotion effort on Seashores, Mountains & isles, Woodlands &
publications of globe trade companies, different publications and Forest, Traditional places, Historical Sites and other.
analysis documents. After collecting details scientists evaluate the Market positioning
prospective buyers of nice market technique for the development of
travel and leisure market in Bangladesh. According to kotler et al. placement is the way the item is
determined by visitors on essential attributes; it is where the item
Findings and Analysis consumes in tourists’ thoughts relative to competitive items. It is
difficult to enhance specific visitor’s item when that item have several
Market segmentation
attraction. That’s why BPC enhance package of tourist’s item for the
Market segmentation technique performs a natural part in the visitors. According to data of MoCAT, BPC consider four major
achievements of travel and leisure promotion goals. A vacationer tourist’s items that have attraction and demand and added competitive
market may be recognized corresponding to each vacationer item. In advantage to Bangladesh. Those items, won good placement in the
that sense, we can determine companies are a set of actual and audience visitors thoughts in the European nations, Southern Japan, Eastern
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Japan and the Hawaiian Rim, USA, Britain, Sydney and New Zealand items to niches in different way in compare to competitive nations. By
and the goods are as following: taking proper internet technique Bangladesh can improve the invoices
and variety of visitors. Specialized market technique can be useful
1. Beaches
because most of the worldwide visitors have attention to check out the
2. Forest, Mountains and isles above mentioned websites and willing to keep few days and spend cash
for their enjoyment. By applying this tactic BPC can distinguish its
3. Historical position tourist’s item for different focus on categories (need basis) and secure
4. Archaeological Sites it’s downwards income.
Niche sell for beaches: The Seashores item variety contains Finally, the results of this analysis will help the plan maker to apply
Patenga, Parki, Cox’s Bazar, Teknaf, St. Martin Island and Kuakata. market way to serve the focus on sub multiple worldwide visitors. By
Among these Cox’s bazaar, Teknaf and St. Martin have more regional using skilled private trip providers it can have more worldwide visitors
and worldwide visitors. The visitors who want to keep relax, save from to check out its four key items Seashores, Eco-tourism, Traditional
mental problem, health and fitness for body disorders and check out position and Historical websites in addition to marketing program, set
for open air are especially focus on team [12]. up vacationer workplace in overseas and modified websites.
Niche sell for woodlands, mountains and islands (Eco-tourism): References
Mountains and Islands contain Sundarban (the home of the spectacular 1. Shahid M (2004) The tourism fair contributors to Bangladesh Economy’,
Elegant Bengal tigers), Rangamati (the pond district), Kaptai (the Holiday Aviation, August 31st, Dhaka Bangladesh.
pond town), Bandarban (the roof of Bangladesh) and Khagrachhari 2. Hasan SR (2005) Marketing publicity and sales promotion for tourism
(the hilltop town). Tourists who are looking for naturel and different development in Bangladesh Social Science Review 19, No. 2, Dhaka University,
societies of different tribes’ everyone is especially focus on team. These Bangladesh.
websites covered visitors eco-tourism needs. So Bangladesh eco- 3. Webster FE (2005) Back to the future: integrating marketing as tactics, strategy,
tourism met the eye of focus on team. and Organizational culture. Journal of Marketing 69: 4-6.