Application Form Primary School-2

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PRIMARY SCHOOL (GRADES 1 - 6) for 2011

I/We hereby make application for my/our child to be admitted to Abeille Ruche School. I/We agree to all terms
and conditions laid down by the school.

Learner’s full name: _________________________________________________________________

Date of birth: ________________________________________________________________________

Grade to which he/she will be admitted: ____________________________________________________

Previous school attended: ________________________________________________________________

Parents’ names:
Father Mother

________________________________ _________________________________
I D Number:

________________________________ _________________________________
Parents’ occupation:

________________________________ _________________________________

Siblings’ names and ages: ________________________________________________________________




Telephone: Home: ______________________________________________________________________

Work: Father: __________________________ Mother: __________________________

Cell: _________________________________ email: _________________________________________

Other contact number: __________________________________________________________________

Relationship, e g Granny: ________________________________________________________________

Any information, medical or other that the school needs to know: ______________________


Please attach latest school report and copies of any therapists’ assessments to your application form.
Initial enrolment: R5 000
Book fee: R1 500 (pro-rata @ R375 per term)

I undertake to pay annual fees of R24 600 as follows (tick applicable space):
Advance payment of R22 140  (includes 10% discount - needs to be paid before Jan 31)

Twelve monthly payments of R2 050  (first installment due on 1 Jan and the last, on 1 Dec)

Other (specify) __________________________________________________________________

Sign: _______________________________ Date: ______________________

BANKING DETAILS: Abeille Ruche School, ABSA savings a/c no: 628 955 107

General terms and conditions

1. I /We, the undersigned, hereby consent to the person in charge acting “in loco parentis” whilst __________________________ (name)
attends Abeille Ruche School.
2. I / We, the undersigned, understand that, whilst every reasonable precaution will be taken to prevent such, neither management nor
staff may be held responsible for sickness or injury while our child attends the school.
3. I / We, the undersigned, fully understand and accept that all tours and excursions shall be undertaken at the learner’s own risk and we
hereby absolve Abeille Ruche School and its staff from any claims whatsoever that may arise in connection with any loss or damage to
property or injury to the person of the learner aforesaid in the course of such tour, or arising therefrom.
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4. School fees are due on 1 of each month, January to December. Should the 1 fall within the holidays, fees will be due on the last day
of term. A post-dated cheque will be an acceptable form of payment in this case.
5. I/we acknowledge that my/our child will not be able to continue to attend the school should school fees be two months in arrears.
6. I/we accept that, if non-payment of school fees results in the use of debt-collectors, I am/ we are responsible to pay such debt-
collectors’ commission.
7. Any damage to school or personal property, willful or other, will be to the parents’ account.
8. A notice period of 30 days applies, should you wish to withdraw your child from the school. Should the required notice period not be
observed, one month’s school fees will be payable in lieu of notice.
9. I / We, the undersigned, acknowledge that we have read and understand the rules of the school and that, by signature hereto,
consider myself / ourselves bound by such rules and conditions.

Signed at ______________________________ on this ___________ day of __________________ 20

Parents’ signatures:
Mother: ___________________________ Father: ____________________________

Right of admission is strictly reserved. We reserve the right to have the learner removed from Abeille Ruche School
if we consider it to be in the interests of the child. No correspondence will be entered into.

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