Chap 06

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The chapter discusses solving different types of equations and how this skill can be applied to solve real-world problems.

The chapter is about solving different equations and how this skill can be used to solve real-life problems.

Examples of real-life problems that can be solved using equations include calculating how much food and water to take on a camping trip for a certain number of people.



Shannon is saving to
buy a new computer, which
costs $3299. So
far he has $449 in the bank
and wants to make regular
deposits each month until he
reaches his target of $3299. If
he wants to buy the
computer in
8 months’ time, how much
does he need to save as a
monthly deposit?
One way of
solving this problem
is to write and
solve an equation for this
situation with a pronumeral
representing the unknown.
This chapter looks at
solving different equations
and how this skill can be
used to solve real-life
areyou 236 Maths Quest 8 for Victoria

Are you ready? READY?

Try the questions below. If you have difficulty with any of them, extra help can be
obtained by completing the matching SkillSHEET. Either click on the SkillSHEET icon
next to the question on the Maths Quest 8 CD-ROM or ask your teacher for a copy.

6.1 Flow charts

1 Complete these flow charts to find the output number.
a ×5 –9 b +3 ÷4

4 5

6.2 Inverse operations

2 Write the inverse operation for each of the following.
a ×2 b +8 c − 17 d ÷ −5
Solving equations by backtracking
6.4 3 Solve each of the following equations by first completing the flow charts below. Remember to
show the operations needed to backtrack to x.
a 7(x − 4) = 35 b ------------ = 3

x x–4 7(x – 4) x x+9 x +9


35 3
Combining like terms
4 Simplify each of the following expressions by combining like terms.
a 7v + 3 + 3v + 4 b 6c + 15 − 5c − 8
6.6 Expanding expressions containing brackets
5 Expand each of the following expressions containing brackets.
a 2(3x + 5) b −7(m − 1)
Checking solutions by substitution
6.7 6 For each equation below there is a solution given. Is the solution correct?
a 5x − 7 = 2x + 2 x=3 b ------------ = 2x − 7 x=5
Writing equations from worded statements
7 Write an equation for each of the following statements, using x to represent the unknown number.
a When 2 is added to a certain number, the result is 9.
b Eight times a certain number is 40.
c When 11 is subtracted from a certain number, the result is 3.
d Dividing a certain number by 6 gives a result of 2.

6.10 Showing inequations on a number line

8 Indicate each of the following on a number line.
a x≥2 b x<5
c x≤0 d x > −1
Chapter 6 Equations 237
Backtracking — inverse operations
Recall from Year 7 that an equation links two expressions with an equals sign (=).
Equations are very useful for reducing complex problems to simple terms and can be
used to solve many different problems. For example, how much food and water should
x people take on a camping trip that will last for n days?

What we have to remember with equations is to ×2 –1 +2 ÷3

always keep one side of the equals sign equal to
the other side. A useful skill you learned in Year 7 7
was to draw flow charts like this one.
The number 7 is called the input number, and by ×2 –1 +2 ÷3
carrying out the operations in order we find that
7 14 13 15 5
the output number is 5.
If we are given the output number, we can find the +5 ×2 –1 ÷7
input number by working backwards or back-
tracking. For example, look at the flow chart at
Starting with the 3, we can use inverse operations to find the input number.
Remember: Inverse operations undo each other or cancel each other out.
Adding and subtracting are inverse operations.
Multiplying and dividing are inverse operations.
Working backwards,
3 × 7 = 21
21 + 1 = 22
22 ÷ 2 = 11
11 − 5 = 6
238 Maths Quest 8 for Victoria

So the input number for the third flow chart +5 ×2 –1 ÷7

on the previous page is 6.
6 11 22 21 3

–5 ÷2 +1 ×7

Flow charts can also be followed when +7 ×2 –3

the input number is a pronumeral. Here is an
example. x

The first step is easy, add 7. +7 ×2 –3

x x+7

We must now remember to use a pair of +7 ×2 –3

brackets to show that all of x + 7 is to be
multiplied by 2. x x+7 2(x + 7)

+7 ×2 –3
The third step is also easy, subtract 3.
x x+7 2(x + 7) 2(x + 7) – 3

As you can see, the output number is written as an expression.

A line for division must be carefully drawn beneath all the terms that are divided.
3x + 2 y – 3
For example, 3x + 2y − 3 divided by 7 is written as ---------------------------- .

WORKED Example 1
Find the input number for this flow chart.
–7 ÷ –2 +3

1 Copy the flow chart. –7 ÷ –2 +3

2 Backtrack to find the input number. –7 ÷ –2 +3

The inverse operation of +3 is −3
(7 − 3 = 4). –1 –8 4 7
The inverse operation of ÷ −2 is × −2 +7 × –2 –3
(4 × −2 = −8).
The inverse operation of −7 is +7
(−8 + 7 = −1).
Fill in the missing numbers.
Chapter 6 Equations 239
WORKED Example 2
Find the output expression for this flow chart.
×3 +2 ÷4

1 Copy the flow chart and look at the ×3 +2 ÷4
operations that have been performed.

2 Multiplying x by 3 gives 3x. ×3 +2 ÷4

x 3x

3 Adding 2 gives 3x + 2. ×3 +2 ÷4

x 3x 3x + 2

4 Now place a line beneath all of 3x + 2 ×3 +2 ÷4

and divide by 4. 3x + 2
x 3x 3x + 2 4

WORKED Example 3
Starting with x, draw the flow chart whose output number is given by the expressions:
a 6 − 2x b −2(x + 6).
a 1 Rearrange the expression. a × –2 +6
Note: 6 – 2x is the same as –2x + 6.
x –2x –2x + 6
2 Multiply x by –2, and then add 6.

b 1 The expression x + 6 is grouped in a b +6 ×–2

pair of brackets, so we must obtain
this part first. Therefore, add 6 to x. x x+6 –2(x + 6)

2 Multiply the whole expression

by –2.

1. To work backwards through a flow chart we use inverse operations.
2. Adding and subtracting are inverse operations.
3. Multiplying and dividing are inverse operations.
240 Maths Quest 8 for Victoria

Backtracking — inverse
6A operations
6.1 1 Find the output number for each of the following flow charts.

–1 × –5 +6 +8 ×3 ÷2
Flow charts a b
3 –6

–7 ÷2 +8 ÷3 +4 – 12
c d
5 12

× –6 +8 × –3 ÷ 10 –5 × –1
e f
0 –10

÷ –1 +8 × –3 –5 × 12 + 10
g h
–7 4

÷8 –3 × –2 ÷ –4 –2 × –8
i j
–48 32

6.2 WORKED 2 Find the input number for each of the following flow charts.
HEET Example

+6 ×2 ÷5 +3
operations a 28 b 7

L Sp he × –3 +2 –5 ÷ –4

Backtracking c 14 d 6

× –2 –6 × –3 +5 ×2 ÷ –8
e 12 f –1

+ 11 ÷ –3 –2 ÷4 +7 × –3
g –5 h 12

–8 ÷6 × –5 –7 ×2 –5
i 0 j –11

+ 0.5 ×4 – 5.1 –2 ÷3 ×5
k 1.2 l 4
Chapter 6 Equations 241
WORKED 3 Find the output expression for each of the following flow charts. 6.3 SkillS
×2 ×2

2 –7 –7
a b Building
x w expressions
× –5 +3 +3 × –5
c d
s n

÷2 +7 +7 ÷2
e f
m y

×6 –3 ÷2 +5 × –3 ÷4
g h
z d

×2 ÷5 +1 × –1 +3 ×4
i j
e x

–5 × –2 ÷7 +6 × –3 – 11
k l
w z

–3 ÷6 –8 ×8 –4 × –7
m n
v m

÷6 × –5 +2 × –5 –7 ÷3
o p
k p

WORKED 4 Starting with x, draw the flow chart whose output number is:
3 a 2(x + 7) b −2(x − 8) c 3m − 6 d −3m − 6
x–5 x
e ----------- f --- – 5 g −5x + 11 h −x + 11
8 8
3x – 7 –3 ( x – 2 )
i −x − 13 j 5 − 2x k --------------- l -----------------------
4 4
x+5 x 2x 1 6x
m ------------ – 3 n – 7  --- – 2 o 3  ------ + 4 p ---  ------ – 3
8 5  7  4  11 

Keeping equations balanced

An equation, as defined earlier, links two expressions with an equals sign. Let’s look at
a very simple equation: x = 3.
This equation can be pictured as a balanced pair of scales
or a seesaw.

x 1 1 1

242 Maths Quest 8 for Victoria

If we double the amount on the left-hand side

(LHS), the scales will balance as long as we
double the amount on the right-hand side (RHS).
1 1 1
xx 1 1 1

2x = 6
Or we can add some mass to both sides:

The scales will remain balanced as long as we do

the same to both sides. By doing the same to both
sides, we can build up very complex equations or xx
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
we can solve them by working backwards.

2x + 2 = 8

WORKED Example 4
Starting with the equation x = 4, write the new equation when we:
a multiply both sides by 4
b take 6 from both sides
c divide both sides by --- .
a 1 Write the equation. a x=4
2 Multiply both sides by 4. x×4=4×4
3 Simplify by removing the 4x = 16
multiplication signs. Write numbers
before pronumerals.
b 1 Write the equation. b x=4
2 Subtract 6 from both sides. x−6=4−6
3 Simplify. x − 6 = −2
c 1 Write the equation. c x=4
2 2
2 Dividing by a fraction is the same as x ÷ --- = 4 ÷ ---
5 5
multiplying by its reciprocal.
5 5
5 x × --- = 4 × ---
Multiply both sides by --- . 2 2
5x 20
3 Simplify. ------ = ------
2 2
------ = 10

1. An equation links two expressions with an equals sign.
2. An equation is like a pair of balanced scales (or a seesaw). The scales (or
seesaw) will remain balanced as long as we do the same to both sides.
Chapter 6 Equations 243

6B Keeping equations balanced

1 a Write the equation that is represented by the
diagram at right.
b Show what happens when you halve the
amount on both sides. Write the new equation.
xx 1 1 1 1

2 a Write the equation that is represented by the

diagram at right.
b Show what happens when you take three from
both sides. Write the new equation.
1 1 1
x 1
1 1 1 1

3 a Write the equation that is represented by the

diagram at right.
b Show what happens when you add three to
both sides. Write the new equation.
1 1 1
xxx 1
1 1 1 1

4 a Write the equation that is represented by the

diagram at right.
b Show what happens when you double the
amount on each side. Write the new equation.
xx 1 1 1
1 1 1

WORKED 5 Starting with the equation x = 6, write the new equation when we:
4 a add 5 to both sides b multiply both sides by 7
c take 4 from both sides d divide both sides by 3
e multiply both sides by −4 f multiply both sides by −1
g divide both sides by −1 h take 9 from both sides
2 2
i multiply both sides by --- j divide both sides by ---
3 3
k take --- from both sides.

6 multiple choice
If we start with x = 5, which of these equations is not true?
A x+2=7 B 3x = 8 C −2x = −10 D --- = 1 E x−2=3
244 Maths Quest 8 for Victoria

7 multiple choice
If we start with x = 3, which of these equations is not true?
2x x 3
A ------ = 2 B −2x = −6 C 2x − 6 = 0 D --- = --- E x−5=2
3 5 5

8 multiple choice
E ti If we start with x = −6, which of these equations is not true?

Equations A −x = 6 B 2x = −12 C x−6=0 D x + 4 = −2 E x − 2 = −8

— 001
9 multiple choice
T 6.1 If we start with 2x = 12, which of these equations is not true?

A ------ = 4 B −2x = −12 C 2x − 6 = 2 D 4x = 24 E 2x + 5 = 17

1 Find the output number for the flow chart at right. ÷ 10 +2 –4

– 20

2 By backtracking, find the input number for the +2 ÷3 x–2

flow chart at right.

3 Find the output expression for the flow chart at right. ÷6 x –1 +2

2z + 5
4 Draw a flow chart whose output expression is given by --------------- .
–9 ÷7 –5
5 Write the output expression for the flow chart
p– 9
at right. p p– 9 7

1 1 1
6 Write the equation that is represented in the xxx 1 1 1
diagram at right.

Use the following diagram for questions 7 and 8.

1 1
7 Write the equation that is represented by the diagram. x 1 1 1 1 1

8 Write the new equation when you add 3 to both sides.

9 Starting with the equation y = 7, write down the new equation when you multiply both
sides by 5.

10 True or false? If you start with y = −6 and then divide both sides by −1, the new
equation is −y = 6.
Chapter 6 Equations 245

History of mathematics

During his life . . . Diophantus is credited with introducing a
GREECE TURKEY Gunpowder is form of algebraic symbolism. He introduced
invented in symbols for subtraction and for powers of the
ean Sea China. unknown.
Alexandria The Roman
Empire executes subtraction symbol

UNITED many Christians unity (x°)

REPUBLIC to stop the spread ς number (x)

∆Y square (x2)
of Christianity.
KY cube (x3)
Like many famous people who lived long ∆Y∆ square-square (x4)
ago, there are few facts known about ∆KY square-cube (x5)
Diophantus or his achievements. Even the KYK cube-cube (x6)
dates of his birth and death are approximate.
It is thought that he married at 33, had a son The letters of the Greek alphabet were also
when he was 42, and died at 84. However, used as digits. A line over the top of the
these ‘facts’ are only known to us through letters distinguished them as numbers. For
this riddle that was written about him. example, to represent ‘take a number,
‘. . . his boyhood lasted 1--- th of his life; he multiply it by itself and then multiply this
married after 1--- th more; his beard grew after result by 3 before adding 15’, Diophantus
would write ∆Y γ M° ι ε . Nowadays, we would
1 – –
------ th more, and his son was born 5 years later;
the son lived to half his father’s age, and the write this as 3x2 + 15. With the introduction
father died 4 years after the son.’ of symbols, mathematics became more of a
Diophantus is considered the creator of language, allowing problems to be written in
algebra. He published works on algebra and a shorter form.
number systems including a collection of Work done by Diophantus in the third
books known as the Arithmetica. Only six of century inspired the seventeenth century
the original thirteen volumes of the French mathematician Pierre de Fermat to
Arithmetica still exist, mostly as Arabic further investigate number theory. The
translations. They are mainly about solving symbol used today as the equal sign (=) can
determinate equations numerically. be traced back to Diophantus.
Diophantus worked mostly on equations Questions
that had positive and rational answers. 1. What multi-volume work did
Equations without this sort of answer were of Diophantus publish?
no interest to him because he considered that 2. How did Diophantus solve equations
their answers were not ‘real’. without knowing about zero?
As Diophantus had no understanding or 3. Which seventeenth century
knowledge of the idea of zero, he was mathematician was inspired by his
restricted in how he could solve equations. work?
He partially got around this by examining Research
them in the formats ax + bx = c, ax = bx + c Find out more about the symbols used by
and ax + c = bx. This approach meant that he Diophantus to write problems in shorter
did not have to use negative values. algebraic form.
246 Maths Quest 8 for Victoria

Using algebra to solve equations

A linear equation is an equation in which the variable has an index (power) of 1.
For example, it never contains terms like x2 or x .
Let us take another look at a simple linear equation and see
what happens when we change both sides.
Remember: To keep an equation true, balance it by doing
the same to both sides.
Multiply both sides by 3. 3x = 21
Subtract 1 from both sides. 3x − 1 = 20
We can show this process on a flow chart.
×3 –1
The flow chart at right shows us that
to backtrack from 3x − 1 we must add x 3x 3x – 1
1 and then divide by 3. Let us solve the 7 21 20
equation 3x − 1 = 20 by backtracking
and doing the same to both sides. ÷3 +1
3x − 1 = 20
Add 1 to both sides. 3x − 1 + 1 = 20 + 1
3x = 21
3x 21
Divide both sides by 3. ------ = ------
3 3
To solve a linear equation, perform the same operations
on both sides of the equation until the pronumeral is left by itself.
A flow chart is useful to show you the order of operations applied to x, so that the
reverse order and inverse operations can be used to solve the equation. Once you
become confident with solving equations algebraically (doing the same to both sides),
you can leave out the flow chart steps.

WORKED Example 5
Solve these one-step equations by doing the same to both sides.
a p − 5 = 11 b ------ = -2

a 1 Write the equation. a p − 5 = 11
2 Draw a flow chart and fill in the arrow
to show what has been done to p.

p p –5 –5
3 Backtrack from 11. p p –5

16 11

Chapter 6 Equations 247
4 Add 5 to both sides. p − 5 + 5 = 11 + 5
5 Give the solution. p = 16

b 1 Write the equation. b ------ = –2
Draw a flow chart and fill in the arrow 16
to show what has been done to x.
÷ 16
x 16

3 Backtrack from −2. ÷ 16

x 16
–32 –2

4 Multiply both sides by 16. ------ × 16 = −2 × 16
5 Give the solution. x = −32

The equations in worked example 5 are called one-step equations because we need to
perform one operation to obtain the value of the pronumeral.

WORKED Example 6
Solve these two-step equations by doing the same to both sides.
a 2(x + 5) = 18 b --- + 1 = 7
a 1 Write the equation. a 2(x + 5) = 18
2 Draw a flow chart and fill in the arrows to
show what has been done to x.
+5 ×2
x x+5 2(x + 5)

3 Backtrack from 18.

+5 ×2
x x+5 2(x + 5)

4 9 18

–5 ÷2 Continued over page

248 Maths Quest 8 for Victoria

2 ( x + 5 ) 18
4 Divide both sides by 2. -------------------- = ------
2 2
5 Subtract 5 from both sides. x+5−5=9−5
6 Give the solution. x=4
b 1 Write the equation. b --- + 1 = 7
Draw a flow chart and fill in the arrows to 3
show what has been done to x.
÷3 +1
x –x –x + 1
3 3
3 Backtrack from 7.
÷3 +1
x –x –x + 1
3 3
18 6 7

×3 –1
4 Subtract 1 from both sides. --- + 1 − 1 = 7 − 1
3 x
--- = 6
5 Multiply both sides by 3. --- × 3 = 6 × 3
6 Give the solution. x = 18

The equations in worked example 6 are called two-step equations because we need to
perform two operations to obtain the value of x.

WORKED Example 7
Solve the following equations by doing the same to both sides.
a3(m − 4) + 8 = 5 b 6  --- + 5 = –18
2 

a 1 Write the equation. a 3(m − 4) + 8 = 5
2 Draw a flow chart and fill in the arrows to
show what has been done to m.

–4 +8

m m–4 3(m –4) 3(m – 4)+8

Chapter 6 Equations 249
3 Backtrack from 5.
–4 +8

m m–4 3(m – 4) 3(m – 4)+8

3 –1 –3 5

+4 ÷3 –8
4 Subtract 8 from both sides. 3(m − 4) + 8 − 8 = 5 − 8
3(m − 4) = −3
3 ( m – 4 ) –3
5 Divide both sides by 3. --------------------- = ------
3 3
m − 4 = −1
6 Add 4 to both sides. m − 4 + 4 = −1 + 4
7 Give the solution. m=3
b 1 Write the equation. b 6  --- + 5 = –18
2 
2 Draw a flow chart and fill in the arrows to
show what has been done to x.
÷2 +5
x x x
x 2 2 +5 6( 2 + 5)

3 Backtrack from −18.

÷2 +5
x x x
x 2 2 +5 6( 2 + 5)

–16 –8 –3 –18
–5 ÷6 6  --- + 5
2  – 18
4 Divide both sides by 6. --------------------- = ---------
6 6
--- + 5 = −3
5 Subtract 5 from both sides. --- + 5 − 5 = −3 − 5
--- = −8
6 Multiply both sides by 2. --- × 2 = −8 × 2
7 Give the solution. x = −16

The equations in worked example 7 are called three-step equations. Why?

1. A linear equation is an equation where the variable has an index (power) of 1.
2. When solving linear equations, perform the same operations on both sides of
the equation until the pronumeral is left by itself.
3. You can draw a flow chart to help you to decide what to do next.
250 Maths Quest 8 for Victoria

Using algebra to solve

6C equations
6.4 WORKED 1 Solve these one-step equations by doing the same to both sides.
HEET Example
a x+8=7 b 12 + r = 7 c 31 = t + 7

5 1 2
Solving d w + 4.2 = 6.9 e --- =m+ --- f --- =j+3
equations by 8 8 7
backtracking g q − 8 = 11 h −16 + r = −7 i 21 = t − 11
d j y − 5.7 = 8.8 k – 11
------ =z − 2
l − -----
- = f − 1
hca 7 3 13

Doing the Example 2 Solve these one-step equations by doing the same to both sides.
same to 5b a 11d = 88 b 7p = −98 c 5u = 4
both sides 1
d 2.5g = 12.5 e 8m = --- f – 3--- = 9j
4 5
hca t k l
g --- = 3 h --- = −12 i −5.3 = ---

Solving 8 5 4
equations v c h
2 5 7
j --- = --- k --- = − -----
- l − -----
- = ---
6 3 9 27 12 5
L Sp he WORKED 3 Solve these two-step equations by doing the same to both sides.

2-step 6a a 3m + 5 = 14 b −2w + 6 = 16 c −5k − 12 = 8
equations d 4t − 3 = −15 e 2(m − 4) = −6 f −3(n + 12) = 18
g 5(k + 6) = −15 h −6(s + 11) = −24 i 2m + 3 = 10
j 40 = −5( p + 6) k 5 − 3g = 14 l 11 − 4f = –9
m 2q − 4.9 = 13.2 n 7.6 + 5r = −8.4 o 13.6 = 4t − 0.8
p −6k + 7.3 = 8.5 q −4g − 1--- = 4
--- r − 3--- = 2f − 18
5 5 8 8

4 Below is Alex’s working to solve

the equation 2x + 3 = 14.
2x + 3 = 14
2x 14
------ + 3 = ------
2 2
a Is the solution correct?
b If not, can you find where the
error is and correct it?
am – WORKED 5 Solve these two-step equations by doing the same to both sides.
rogr TI Example
GC p

6b x x–5 m+3
Solving a --- + 2 = 9 b ----------- = 1 c ------------- = – 7
3 4 2
h –m 2w
d ------ + 1 = 5 e ------- – 3 = 1 f ------- = – 4
–3 5 5
am –
rogr Ca
– 3m c–7 – 5m
GC p

g ---------- = – 1 h ----------- = – 2 i ---------- = 10

Solving 7 3 4
t+2 c – 21 x
j ----------- = – 5 k -------------- = –4.5 l --- – 3.2 = –5.8
7 9 8
Chapter 6 Equations 251
WORKED 6 Solve these equations by doing the same to both sides. They will need more than L Spre
XCE ad

2 steps.
–2 ( x + 5 ) 5m + 6
a 2(m + 3) + 7 = 3 b ----------------------- = 6 c ----------------- = 4 equations
5 3
3x – 2 4 – 2x –x + 3
d --------------- = 1 e --------------- = 6 f --------------- = – 4
7 3 2
3x 4b 7f
g ------ – 2 = 1 h ------ – 3 = 5 i ------ + 2 = –5
7 5 9
4z 6m 5u
j 6 – ----- = –2 k 8 – ------- = 2 l –9 – ------ + –4
3 5 11
3m – 5 x
m ---------------- = 7 n −7(5w + 3) = 35 o 5  --- – 6 = – 10
–2 2 
d–7 3n + 1 3(t – 5)
p ------------ + 10 = 8 q --------------- – 5 = 2 r ------------------- + 9 = 6
2 4 7

7 Simplify the left-hand side of the following equations by collecting like terms, and 6.5 SkillS
then solve.

a 3x + 5 + 2x + 4 = 19 b 13v − 4v + 2v = −22 Combining
c −3m + 6 − 5m + 1 = 15 d −3y + 7 + 4y − 2 = 9 like terms
e −3y − 7y + 4 = 64 f 5t + 4 − 8t = 19
g 5w + 3w − 7 + w = 13 h w + 7 + w − 15 + w + 1 = −5
i 7 − 3u + 4 + 2u = 15 j 7c − 4 − 11 + 3c − 7c + 5 = 8

8 A repair person calculates his service fee using the equation F = 40t + 55, where F is
the service fee in dollars and t is the number of hours spent on the job.
a How long did a particular job take if the service fee was $155?
b Explain what the numbers 40 and 55 could represent as costs in the service fee

9 Lyn and Peta together raised $517 from their cake stalls at the school fete. If Lyn
raised l dollars and Peta raised $286, write an equation that represents the situation
and determine the amount Lyn raised.

10 a Write an equation that represents the perimeter of

the figure at right and then solve for x. 5x + 18
2x + 19

3x + 17
Perimeter = 184 cm

2x + 16
b Write an equation that represents the perimeter of 2x + 30
the figure at right and then solve for x. 3x – 21

4x – 13
Perimeter = 287 cm
252 Maths Quest 8 for Victoria

Equations with the

pronumeral on both sides
Some equations have the pronumeral on both sides of
the equation. Take, for example, the equation:
4x + 1 = 2x + 5. xx x 1 1
xx 1
x 1 1 1
If we draw this equation as a pair of scales, it looks
like this:
4x + 1 = 2x + 5
The scales will remain balanced as long as we do
the same to both sides. Let’s remove 2x from each side
and look again at the diagram.
We can easily see that 2x + 1 = 5. x 1 1
x 1 1 1
Starting from 4x + 1 = 2x + 5
we have taken 2x from both sides.
4x + 1 − 2x = 2x + 5 − 2x 2x + 1 = 5
2x + 1 = 5
If we continue:
2x = 4
Equations like 4x + 1 = 2x + 5 are easy to solve if we first remove the x term from
one side.

WORKED Example 8
Solve the equation 5t − 8 = 3t + 12 and check your solution.

1 Write the equation. 5t − 8 = 3t + 12
2 Subtract the smaller pronumeral (that 5t − 8 − 3t = 3t + 12 − 3t
is, 3t) from both sides and simplify. 2t − 8 = 12
3 Add 8 to both sides and simplify. 2t − 8 + 8 = 12 + 8
2t = 20
2t 20
4 Divide both sides by 2 and simplify. ----- = ------
2 2
t = 10
5 Check the solution by substituting If t = 10,
t = 10 into the left-hand side and then LHS = 5t – 8
the right-hand side of the equation. = 50 − 8
= 42
If t = 10,
RHS = 3t + 12
= 30 + 12
= 42
6 Comment on the answers obtained. Since the LHS and RHS are equal, the equation
is true when t = 10.
Chapter 6 Equations 253
WORKED Example 9
Solve the equation 3n + 11 = 6 − 2n and check your solution.

1 Write the equation. 3n + 11 = 6 − 2n
2 The inverse of − 2n is + 2n. 3n + 11 + 2n = 6 − 2n + 2n
Therefore, add 2n to both sides and 5n + 11 = 6
3 Subtract 11 from both sides and 5n + 11 − 11 = 6 − 11
simplify. 5n = −5
5n – 5
4 Divide both sides by 5 and simplify. ------ = ------
5 5
n = −1
5 Check the solution by substituting If n = −1,
n = −1 into the left-hand side and then LHS = 3n + 11
the right-hand side of the equation. = −3 + 11
If n = −1,
RHS = 6 – 2n
= 6 − −2
6 Comment on the answers obtained. Since the LHS and RHS are equal, the equation
is true when n = –1.

WORKED Example 10
Expand the brackets and then solve the following equation, checking your solution.
a 3(s + 2) = 2(s + 7) + 4 b 4(d + 3) – 2(d + 7) + 4 = 5(d + 2) + 7

a 1 Write the equation. a 3(s + 2) = 2(s + 7) + 4
2 Expand the brackets on each side of 3s + 6 = 2s + 14 + 4
the equation first and then simplify. 3s + 6 = 2s + 18
3 Subtract the smaller pronumeral 3s + 6 − 2s = 2s + 18 − 2s
(that is, 2s) from both sides and s + 6 = 18
4 Subtract 6 from both sides and s + 6 − 6 = 18 − 6
simplify. s = 12
5 Check the solution by substituting If s = 12,
s = 12 into the left-hand side and LHS = 3(s + 2)
then the right-hand side of the = 3(12 + 2)
equation. = 3(14)
= 42
Continued over page
254 Maths Quest 8 for Victoria


If s = 12,
RHS = 2(s + 7) + 4
= 2(12 + 7) + 4
= 2(19) + 4
= 38 + 4
= 42
6 Comment on the answers obtained. Since the LHS and RHS are equal, the
equation is true when s = 12.

b 1 Write the equation. b 4(d + 3) − 2(d + 7) + 4 = 5(d + 2) + 7

2 Expand the brackets on each side of 4d + 12 − 2d − 14 + 4 = 5d + 10 + 7
the equation first, and then simplify. 2d + 2 = 5d + 17
3 Subtract the smaller pronumeral 2d − 2d + 2 = 5d − 2d + 17
(that is, 2d) from both sides and 2 = 3d + 17
4 Rearrange the equation so that the 3d + 17 = 2
pronumeral is on the left-hand side
of the equation.
5 Subtract 17 from both sides and 3d + 17 − 17 = 2 − 17
simplify. 3d = −15
3d 15
6 Divide both sides by 3 and simplify. ------ = – ------
3 3
d = −5
7 Check the solution by substituting If d = −5,
d = −5 into the left-hand side and LHS = 4(d + 3) − 2(d + 7) + 4
then the right-hand side of the = 4(−5 + 3) − 2(−5 + 7) + 4
equation. = 4(−2) − 2(2) + 4
= −8 − 4 + 4
= −8
If d = −5,
RHS = 5(−5 + 2) + 7
= 5(−3) + 7
= −15 + 7
= −8
8 Comment on the answers obtained. Since the LHS and RHS are equal, the
equation is true when d = −5.

Note: When solving equations with the pronumeral on both sides, it is good practice to
remove the smaller pronumeral from the relevant side.
Chapter 6 Equations 255
1. When a pronumeral appears on both sides of an equation, remove the
pronumeral term from one side. It is good practice to remove the smaller
pronumeral from the relevant side.
2. For a positive term we can remove by subtraction. For example,
7x + 7 = 5x − 3 (subtract 5x from both sides).
3. For a negative term we can remove by addition. For example,
3x + 11 = 7 − 2x (add 2x to both sides).

Equations with the

6D pronumeral on both sides 6.6 SkillS

WORKED 1 Solve the following equations and check your solutions. expressions
8 a 8x + 5 = 6x + 11 b 5y − 5 = 2y + 7 c 11n − 1 = 6n + 19 containing
d 6t + 5 = 3t + 17 e 2w + 6 = w + 11 f 4y − 2 = y + 9 brackets
g 3z − 15 = 2z − 11 h 5a + 2 = 2a − 10 i 2s + 9 = 5s + 3 L Spre
XCE ad

j k + 5 = 7k − 19 k 4w + 9 = 2w + 3 l 7v + 5 = 3v − 11
WORKED 2 Solve the following equations and check your solutions. on both
Example sides
9 a 3w + 1 = 11 − 2w b 2b + 7 = 13 − b c 4n − 3 = 17 − 6n
d 3s + 1 = 16 − 2s e 5a + 12 = −6 − a f 7m + 2 = −3m + 22 Math

g p + 7 = −p + 15 h 3 + 2d = 15 − 2d i 5+m=5−m
j 7s + 3 = 15 − 5s k 3t − 7 = −17 − 2t l 16 − 2x = x + 4 Pronumerals
on both
WORKED 3 Expand the brackets and then solve the following equations, checking your solutions.
a 3(2x + 1) + 3x = 30 b 2(4m − 7) + m = 76 program
c 3(2n − 1) = 4(n + 5) + 1 d t + 4 = 3(2t − 7)

e 3d − 5 = 3(4 − d) f 4(3 − w) = 5w + 1 Solving
g 2(k + 5) − 3(k − 1) = k − 7 h 4(2 − s) = −2(3s − 1)
i −3(z + 3) = 2(4 − z) j 5(v + 2) = 7(v + 1) am
k 2m + 3(2m − 7) = 4 + 5(m + 2) l 3d + 2(d + 1) = 5(3d − 7) progr –C


m 4(d + 3) – 2(d + 7) + 5 = 5(d + 12) n 5(k + 11) + 2(k – 3) – 7 = 2(k – 4) Solving
o 7(v – 3) – 2(5 – v) + 25 = 4(v + 3) – 8 p 3(l – 7) + 4(8 – 2l) – 7 = –4(l + 2) – 6 equations


1 The cost of a cricket ball and a glove is $25 and the cost of two cricket

balls and three gloves is $65.


CH LL a What is the cost of a cricket ball and two gloves? Explain your
b What is the cost of one glove?
c What is the cost of one cricket ball?
2 Of 3 coins, one is known to be a fake, which is slightly lighter than the
other two. But which one? Explain how, with just one weighing on a
pair of scales, you can determine which is the fake coin.
256 Maths Quest 8 for Victoria

Kidneys . . .
Solve the equations to
discover the puzzle answer code.

4 9 –8 –6 –3 3 13 13

–8 1 –6 3 –3 15 13 4 4 –8 –16 9 2

2 5 1 –8 –1 5 –5 2 6 5 –7 –3

–8 9 –6 3 –3 15 13 4 –16 3 1 –5 –3

2A – 5 = A 3D = 10 – 2D 7+5E = 2E – 2 15 – F = F + 7

6I + 11 = 74 – I 3K + 8 = K – 6 L = 4L + 24 M + 6 = 3M – 6

6(N + 3) = 2N – 2 2 O + 4 = 3 O – 9 12 – 4I = 8 I 3(2R – 1) = 5R

3S – 6 – S = S + 9 2(T – 6) = 3(2T +4) U = 48 + 4 U 9 – 2Y = 5Y + 16

Chapter 6 Equations 257

1 Find the output expression for the flow chart:
–4 x5 +3

2 Draw a flow chart whose output expression is given by – 4  --- + 10 .
9 

3 Starting with the equation b = 9 write the new equation when you divide both
sides by 1--- .
4 What operation must have occurred to get d − 2 = 4 from d = 6?
5 Solve 10 − g = 8.
6 Solve --- + 5 = 9.

2(h + 5)
7 True or false? The solution to the equation -------------------- – 8 = 4 is h = 12.
8 Solve 6v + 6 = 2v − 6.
9 Solve 3m + 10 = −6 − m.
10 Expand the brackets first and then solve the equation 5(3 − t) = −2(2t − 1).

Checking solutions
m+5 4m – 7
Lucy is not able to solve the equation ------------- = ---------------- ,
8 5
but Jo thinks that the solution is m = 3. Is she correct?
Lucy decides to check Jo’s solution by substituting
m = 3 into both sides of the equation.
m+5 3+5
Left-hand side: ------------- = ------------
8 8
4m – 7 4 × 3 – 7
Right-hand side: ---------------- = ---------------------
5 5
12 – 7
= ---------------
m+5 4m – 7
Both sides equal 1, so ------------- = ---------------- is a true statement
8 5
when m = 3. This means that m = 3 is the solution to the equation, so Jo is correct!
258 Maths Quest 8 for Victoria

WORKED Example 11
a For each of the following, determine whether x = 7 is the solution to the equation.
i ------------ = 2x – 12 ii 3x − 7 = 2x + 3
b For each of the following, determine whether x = 2 is a possible solution to the equation.
i x 5 × x2 = x 7 ii (x3)3 = x6

a ii 1 Write the equation. a ii ----------- = 2x − 12
2 Write the left-hand side of the If x = 7,
equation and substitute x = 7. x–1
LHS = -----------
3 Perform the calculation. = ------------
4 Write the right-hand side of the If x = 7,
equation and substitute x = 7. RHS = 2x − 12
5 Perform the calculation. = 14 − 12
6 Comment on the result. x = 7 is the solution because the LHS of
the equation equals the RHS.

ii 1 Write the equation. ii 3x − 7 = 2x + 3

2 Write the left-hand side of the If x = 7,
equation and substitute x = 7. LHS = 3x − 7
3 Perform the calculation. = 21 − 7
= 14
4 Write the right-hand side of the If x = 7,
equation and substitute x = 7. RHS = 2x + 3
5 Perform the calculation. = 14 + 3
= 17
6 Comment on the result. x = 7 is not the solution because the LHS
of the equation does not equal the RHS.

b ii 1 Write the equation. b ii x5 × x2 = x7

2 Write the left-hand side of the If x = 2,
equation and substitute x = 2. LHS = x5 × x2
3 Perform the calculation. = 25 × 22
= 32 × 4
= 128
4 Write the right-hand side of the If x = 2,
equation and substitute x = 2. RHS = x7
5 Perform the calculation. = 27
= 128
Chapter 6 Equations 259
6 Comment on the result. x = 2 is a possible solution because the
LHS of the equation equals the RHS.
However, it is not the only possible

ii 1 Write the equation. ii (x3)3 = x6

2 Write the left-hand side of the If x = 2,
equation and substitute x = 2. LHS = (23)3
3 Perform the calculation. = (8)3
= 512
4 Write the right-hand side of the If x = 2,
equation and substitute x = 2. RHS = x6
5 Perform the calculation. = 26
= 64
6 Comment on the result. x = 2 is not a possible solution because
the LHS of the equation does not equal
the RHS.

We can check our solution to an equation by substituting a guess into the left- and
right-hand sides of that equation.

6E Checking solutions
WORKED 1 For each of the following, determine whether: 6.7 SkillS
11 x+3

a x = 5 is the solution to the equation ------------ = 3x – 10
2 Checking
solutions by
2x + 4
b x = 10 is the solution to the equation --------------- = x – 6 substitution
c x = 3 is a solution to the equation x2 + 2 = 2x + 5
d x = 4 is a solution to the equation x2 − 3 = 3x + 3 Math
e x = −2 is the solution to the equation 4 − x = 5x + 16

5x + 3 4x – 2 Checking
f x = −1 is the solution to the equation --------------- = --------------- solutions
2 6
g x = 7 is a solution to the equation x2 = 7x
h x = 29 is a solution to the equation x2 + 9 = 30x + 20
5x + 15 x + 13
i x = 87 is the solution to the equation ------------------ = ---------------
9 2
j x = 2.7 is a solution to the equation x + x = 8.29
k x = 3.6 is the solution to the equation 2.1x + 0.44 = ------- – 0.36
260 Maths Quest 8 for Victoria

2 3 1 7
l x = --- is the solution to the equation --- x + ------ = ------ x
7 5 35 10
m x = 2 is a possible solution to x3 × x2 = x5
n x = 5 is a possible solution to x4 × x2 = x7
o x = 4 is a possible solution to (x2)2 = x4
p x = 3 is a possible solution to (x4)4 = x8
q x = 6, y = 3 is a possible solution to (x × y)2 = x2y2
r x = 3, y = 4 is a possible solution to (x × y)3 = xy3
s x = 12, y = 6 is a possible solution to (x ÷ y)2 = ----2-
t x = 15, y = 15 is a possible solution to x4 ÷ y4 = 1.
d 2 a Copy and complete the table at right to
x+5 3x + 7

x+5 3x + 7 ------------ ---------------

find the values of ------------ and --------------- . x
2 4 2 4
check b Find the solution to the equation
1 3
x+5 3x + 7
------------ = --------------- .
2 4 2 3.25

reads 3 a Copy and complete the table at right to

L Sp he
find the values of m2 and 2m + 8.


m 2m + 8
Guess b What is a solution to m2 = 2m + 8?
and 0 0 8
4 a Determine whether x = 2 is the solution to the
equation 6x2 − 15 = 9.
b Determine whether x = −2 is the solution to the 2
equation 6x2 − 15 = 9.
c Solve the equation 6x2 − 15 = 9 using the given 3
flow chart and backtracking, and prove that 4
parts 4a and 4b are both correct.
Note: Recall that the square root of a number 5 18
produces both a positive and a negative result.

( )2 ×6 – 15

x x2

÷6 + 15

5 Solve the following equations using the flow chart and backtracking method outlined in
question 4c.
a 2x2 + 6 = 24
b 5x2 − 7 = −2
c 3x2 − 60 = 48
Chapter 6 Equations 261
Solving word problems
Equations can be used to solve many everyday puzzles and problems. We must write
the problem as an equation and then solve it by backtracking or doing the same to both
sides. Here is an example.
Sarah is 3 years older than her brother, Jason. If the sum of their ages is 35 years,
then how old is Sarah?

Step 1 Read the question carefully.

The important facts are these:
Sarah is 3 years older than Jason.
Sarah’s age plus Jason’s age equals 35.
Step 2 Turn the information into an equation.
We are asked to find Sarah’s age, so we
call it x. We usually say, ‘Let Sarah’s age
equal x.’
Jason is younger by 3 years, so his age
must be x − 3, and since their ages add up
to 35 we know that x + x − 3 = 35. This is
our equation.
Step 3 Simplify and then solve the equation.
x + x − 3 = 35
2x − 3 = 35
2x = 38
x = 19
Step 4 Check your solution.
If Sarah is 19, then Jason is 16, and their
total age is 19 + 16 = 35. This fits the
information we were given.
Step 5 Write your answer in words.
Sarah is 19 years old.

WORKED Example 12
If t is a whole number, then write the value of:
a the number that is 15 less than t
b the number that is 15 times as large as t
c the number of weeks in t days.


a To make it less than t, subtract 15 from t. a t − 15

b To find 15 times t, multiply t by 15. b 15t

c To change days to weeks, divide by 7. c ---
262 Maths Quest 8 for Victoria

WORKED Example 13
a The total distance around the rectangular field at right (3x + 20) m
is 580 m. Find the value of x and use this to find the
length and width of the field.
(2x + 10) m

b The area of the triangle at right is 148 cm2. Find the (x – 10) cm
value of x and use this to find the height of the triangle.

160 cm
a 1 Write the rule for the area of a a P = 2(l + w)
2 Substitute the known values into the 580 = 2(3x + 20 + 2x + 10)
3 Simplify the terms inside the pair of 580 = 2(5x + 30)
580 2 ( 5x + 30 )
4 Divide both sides of the equation by --------- = --------------------------
2. 2 2
290 = 5x + 30
5 Rearrange the equation so that the 5x + 30 = 290
pronumeral is on the left-hand side
of the equation.
6 Subtract 30 from both sides of the 5x + 30 − 30 = 290 − 30
equation and simplify. 5x = 260
5x 260
7 Divide both sides by 5 and simplify. ------ = ---------
5 5
x = 52
8 Evaluate the length and width of the l = 3x + 20 w = 2x + 10
rectangle. = 3 × 52 + 20 = 2 × 52 + 10
= 156 + 20 = 104 + 10
= 176 m = 114 m
The length and the width of the rectangle are
176 m and 114 m respectively.
9 Check solutions by placing values Check: P = 2(l + w)
into the perimeter formula. = 2(176 + 114)
= 2(290)
= 580 m
This corresponds to the initial information

b 1 Write the rule for the area of a b A = ------
triangle. 2
160 ( x – 10 )
2 Substitute the known values into the 148 = -----------------------------
rule. 2
Chapter 6 Equations 263
3 Simplify the right-hand side of the 148 = 80(x − 10)
148 80 ( x – 10 )
4 Divide both sides of the equation by --------- = --------------------------
80. 80 80
1.85 = x − 10
5 Rearrange the equation so that the x − 10 = 1.85
pronumeral is on the left-hand side
of the equation.
6 Add 10 to both sides of the equation x − 10 + 10 = 1.85 + 10
and simplify. x = 11.85
7 Evaluate the height of the triangle. h = x − 10
= 11.85 − 10
= 1.85 cm
The height of the triangle is 1.85 cm.
8 Check solutions by placing values Check: A = ------
into the area formula. 2
160 × 1.85
= -------------------------
= ---------
= 148 cm2
This corresponds to the initial information

WORKED Example 14
Annette and Patrick each have part-time jobs and worked a total of 28 hours over a week.
Annette earned $14 per hour, while Patrick earned $16 per hour. Together they earned
$416. How many hours did Patrick work?
1 Write the important information. Annette’s hours + Patrick’s hours = 28
Annette’s earnings at $14 per hour + Patrick’s
earnings at $16 per hour = $416
2 State the unknown as a pronumeral. Let x be the number of hours Patrick worked.
So Patrick earned $16 × x or 16x.
3 Write the number of hours Annette has worked (28 − x) hours. So she has
Annette worked in terms of this earned $14 × (28 − x) or 14(28 − x).
4 Write an equation for the total earnings. 14(28 − x) + 16x = 416
5 Simplify the equation by expanding the 392 − 14x + 16x = 416
brackets. 392 + 2x = 416
Continued over page
264 Maths Quest 8 for Victoria

6 Subtract 392 from both sides. 392 + 2x − 392 = 416 − 392
2x = 24
2x 24
7 Divide both sides by 2. ------ = ------
2 2
x = 12
8 Check the solution. If Patrick worked 12 hours, then Annette
worked 16 hours.
Total earnings = 14 × 16 + 16 × 12
= $416
The solution is correct.
9 Write the answer in words. Patrick worked 12 hours.

Solving word problems involves 5 steps.
Step 1 Read the question carefully.
Step 2 Turn the information into an equation.
Step 3 Simplify and then solve the equation.
Step 4 Check the solution.
Step 5 Write the answer in words.

6F Solving word problems

WORKED 1 If m is a whole number, then write the value of:
a the number that is 5 less than m
b the number that is 10 times as large as m
c the number that is half of m
d the number that is 4 more than m
e the next largest number after m
f the number of weeks in m days
g the number of months in m years
h the (mean) average of 6, 15, and m
i the cost of m theatre tickets at $65 per ticket
j the number of minutes in m seconds.

2 multiple choice
For each of the following, choose the correct response.
a Heidi is y years old. In 4 years’ time her age will be:
A 4y B 4 Cy−4 Dy+4 E 8
b Jake is twice as old as Kyna. If Jake is w years old, then Kyna’s age is:
Aw+2 B 2w C ---- D2 E w−2
Chapter 6 Equations 265
c If t is an even number, the next (greater) even number is:
A 2t B 2 C4 Dt+2 E t+1
d If t is an odd number, the next (greater) odd number is:
At+1 B 3t Ct+3 D3 E t+2
e Sonja is 7 cm taller than Jodie. If Sonja is h cm tall, then Jodie’s height is:
Ah+7 B 7h Ch−7 D 107 E --------- – 7
f Mikhail is twice as old as Natasha. If Natasha is w years old, then Mikhail’s age is:
Aw+2 B 2w C ---- D2 E w−2
g Nhan has h dollars, but Dyson has 7 dollars more. In total they have:
Ah+7 B h + 14 C 2h + 7 D 2h + 14 E 2h − 7
h Natalie is t years old. Compared with Natalie, Lauren is 4 years older, but Fiona is
3 years younger. The total of their ages is:
A 3t + 7 B 3t + 1 C 3t − 1 D 2t + 1 E t+1
i Prashant and Anapam together earned $98 last week. If Prashant earned k dollars,
then Anapam earned:
A 98 + k B k + 98 C k − 98 D 98 − k E k
Use the following information for parts j and k.
Tom walks k metres to school. Jared walks 80 m further than Tom, and Katrina walks
twice as far as Jared.
j Katrina walks: 6.8 SkillS

A 160 B 2k C 2k + 80 D 2(k + 80) E 2k − 160
k The total distance that the three students walk to school is: Writing
A 4k + 240 B k + 240 C 3k + 80 D 2k + 240 E 3k + 240 from worded
l A tennis court can be hired for $15 statements
per hour. How much does it cost to
hire the court for m hours?
A m + 15 B 15 C ------
D ------ E 15m
3 Terry is 7 cm shorter than Jacinta. If
their total height is 291 cm, then how
tall is Jacinta?
4 Yolanda and Janelle play netball
together and between them they have
scored 103 goals, but Janelle has scored
15 more goals than Yolanda. How many
goals has Yolanda scored?
5 In a Mathematics test, Duy scored twice
as many marks as Paul but three marks
fewer than Kate. The three students
scored a total of 178 marks. How much
did each one score?
6 At a certain store, a football costs $15 more than a basketball. If 3 basketballs and
2 footballs cost a total of $115, find the cost of each ball.
266 Maths Quest 8 for Victoria

7 Three consecutive odd numbers add up to 159. What are the three numbers?
8 Four consecutive even numbers add up to 100. What is the largest of the four numbers?
d (3x + 10) m

WORKED 9 The total distance around this rectangular field is

Solving Example 480 metres. Find the value of x and use this

(x + 50) m
equations 13a
result to find the length and width of the field.
L Sp he

Solving WORKED 10 The area of the triangle at right is 131.75 cm2.

equations Example
Find the value of x and use this to find the height
of the triangle. (x – 8) cm
am –
rogr TI
170 cm
GC p

Solving 11 These two rectangles have the same area. Write an x + 22 x–2
equation and solve it to find x. What is the area of
each rectangle? (All lengths are given in metres.)
am – 30
rogr Ca 40
GC p

12 Amanda, at tenpin bowling, has bowled games of
118 and 131. How much must she score in her next
game to attain an average of 125?
13 The volume of blood, in litres, in your body is
approximately equal to your mass in kilograms
multiplied by 0.08.
a Write an equation to represent this situation
and state what each pronumeral represents.
b According to this rule, how many litres of
blood does a 60-kg person have?
c Estimate the mass of a person with 3.8 litres of
14 Write a word problem that can be answered by
solving the equation 3x − 10 = 26. Then solve the
15 The formula to convert degrees Fahrenheit (F) to
degrees Celsius (C) is C = 5--- (F – 32). Find the
temperature in degrees Fahrenheit when the
thermometer reads 40 degrees Celsius.
WORKED 16 Sandra and Merv worked a total of 20 hours.
Sandra earned $12 per hour while Merv earned $10
per hour. Together they earned $218 over the week.
How many hours did Sandra work?
17 Oscar earns the same amount for babysitting every week. Each week he saves all but
$10 of his earnings. If he has $160 after 8 weeks, how much does he earn each week?
T 6.2 (Write an equation to solve for this situation first.)

18 Alex, Stuart and Ali receive an average of $12 per week in pocket money. Alex receives
$2 more than Stuart but $5 less than Ali. How much does each one receive?
Chapter 6 Equations 267
COMMUNICATION Save, save, save!
You should now be in a position to assist Shannon in working out how much he
needs to save each month to reach his target of $3299 in 8 months. He has $449 in
the bank already.
1 Write an equation for this situation, stating what the pronumeral represents.
2 Solve the equation and write a sentence advising Shannon on how much he
should save each month so he can buy the computer.

Shannon’s friend Kate is

saving for a new sound
system that costs $629.
She has $29 in the bank.
3 How much does Kate
need to save each
month to be able to
buy the new sound
system at the same
time as Shannon buys
a computer?
4 If Kate was able to save the same amount as Shannon each month, how much
sooner would Kate be able to buy her sound system?

Inequalities and inequations

An inequation is an expression that contains an inequality sign. We learned about
these signs back in chapter 2, but let us go over them again here.

There are four different inequality signs:

< means ‘is less than’

≤ means ‘is less than or equal to’
> means ‘is greater than’
≥ means ‘is greater than or equal to’.

Just like equations, inequations can be true or false. For example:

8>6 This is true because 8 is greater than 6.
5<3 This is false because 5 is not less than 3.
What about the inequation x > 2? This sentence could be either true or false, depending
on the value of x. There are many values of x that would make the sentence true, for
example, x = 3 or x = 200. Can you think of some others? Of course we can include
fractions and decimals like 2 1--- , 2 7--- , 2.95 or 2.000 01. We cannot possibly list all of the
2 8
solutions to the inequation x > 2, but we can show them using a number line.
268 Maths Quest 8 for Victoria

–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x

Note the careful spacing. The arrows tell us that the line continues in both directions.

On a number line, the numbers get larger as you move to the right.

We show the inequation on a number line by placing a dot over the numbers that are
greater than 2.

–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x

There are so many dots that they will form a continuous line, but there is no dot above
2 (because 2 is not greater than 2). We can show the inequation simply by placing an
open circle above 2, and ruling a line above the numbers that we want. The arrow tells
us that the line keeps going forever in one direction. Adding a label completes the

–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x

The inequation x ≥ 2 (x is greater than or equal to 2) is slightly different because we

need to include the value x = 2. We do this by shading the circle.

–3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x

The inequation x > 2 has an infinite number of solutions. In other words, the list of
solutions is never ending.

WORKED Example 15
Referring, if necessary, to the number line at
right, place either < or > between the
–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5
following pairs of numbers to make a true
a 1 4 b 1 −4


a On a number line, the numbers get larger as 1<4

you move to the right, so 1 is less than 4.

b On a number line, the numbers get larger as 1 > −4

you move to the right, so 1 is greater than −4.
Chapter 6 Equations 269
WORKED Example 16
State whether each of the ordered pairs satisfies the given inequality.
a x2 > 2y (3.5, 6) b x3 < 10y (5.2, 8)
a 1 Write the inequation. a x2 > 2y
2 Write the left-hand side of the If x = 3.5,
inequation and substitute x = 3.5. LHS = x2
3 Perform the calculation. LHS = 3.52
LHS = 12.25
4 Write the right-hand side of the If y = 6,
inequation and substitute y = 6. RHS = 2y
5 Perform the calculation. RHS = 2 × 6
RHS = 12
6 Comment on the result. x2 > 2y
12.25 >12
The inequation is correct in this case; there-
fore, the point (3.5, 6) satisfies x2 > 2y.
b 1 Write the inequation. b x3 < 10y
2 Write the left-hand side of the If x = 5.2,
inequation and substitute x = 5.2. LHS = x3
3 Perform the calculation. LHS = 5.23
LHS = 140.608
4 Write the right-hand side of the If y = 8,
inequation and substitute y = 8. RHS = 10y
5 Perform the calculation. RHS = 10 × 8
RHS = 80
6 Comment on the result. x3 < 10y
140.608 < 80
The inequation is incorrect in this case;
therefore, the point (5.2, 8) does not satisfy
x3 < 10y.

WORKED Example 17
Draw a neatly ruled and clearly labelled number line to show the inequation x < −1.
1 Rule a number line and mark several –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 x
numbers either side of and including −1.
2 Less than means ‘do not include the value’,
so draw an open circle above x = −1. –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 x

3 Draw a line to the left, because numbers get

smaller as we move to the left. –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 x
270 Maths Quest 8 for Victoria

COMMUNICATION Operations on inequalities

Consider the statement 2 < 6. Is this statement true?
1 After applying each of the operations described below, state whether the
statement is still true. If it is not, explain what needs to be done to make it a true
a Add 4 to both sides of 2 < 6.
b Subtract 7 from both sides of 2 < 6.
c Multiply both sides of 2 < 6 by 3.
d Multiply both sides of 2 < 6 by −3.
e Divide both sides of 2 < 6 by 2.
f Divide both sides of 2 < 6 by −2.
2 Write a summary of what you have found.
3 Investigate whether this occurs with other inequalities.

Like an equation, an inequation can be solved by doing the same to both sides.
However, as we saw in the investigation above, if multiplying or dividing by a
negative number is required, we reverse the inequality sign to keep the inequation

WORKED Example 18
Solve the following inequations by doing the same to both sides.
1 – 2x
a 2x < 4 b −3x < 12 c 4x − 3 ≥ 17 d --------------- > −1

a 1 Write the inequation. a 2x < 4
2x 4
2 To make x the subject, divide both sides ------ < ---
by 2. 2 2
3 Simplify. x<2

b 1 Write the inequation. b −3x < 12

– 3x 12
2 Divide both sides by −3. Remember to --------- > ------
reverse the inequality sign, since we are –3 –3
x > −4
dividing by a negative number.
3 Simplify.

c 1 Write the inequation. c 4x − 3 ≥ 17

2 Add 3 to both sides. 4x − 3 + 3 ≥ 17 + 3
3 Divide both sides by 4. 4x ≥ 20
4x 20
------ ≥ ------
4 4
4 Simplify. x≥5
Chapter 6 Equations 271

1 – 2x
d 1 Write the inequation. d --------------- > −1
( 1 – 2x )
2 Multiply both sides by 7. -------------------- × 7 > −1 × 7
1 − 2x > −7
3 Subtract 1 from both sides. 1 − 2x − 1 > −7 − 1
−2x > −8
– 2x – 8
4 Divide both sides by −2. Remember to --------- < ------
reverse the inequality sign, since we are –2 –2
dividing by a negative number.
5 Simplify.

1. An inequation contains an inequality sign.
2. There are 4 different inequality signs: < means ‘is less than’, ≤ means ‘is less
than or equal to’, > means ‘is greater than’, ≥ means ‘is greater than or equal
3. On a number line, the numbers get larger as you move to the right.
4. An inequation can be solved by doing the same to both sides.
5. Multiplying or dividing both sides by a negative number reverses the inequality
6. An inequation has an infinite number of solutions.

6G Inequalities and inequations

1 Copy and complete the following statements about number lines.
a As you move to the right the numbers become .
b As you move to the left the numbers become .
WORKED 2 Referring, if necessary, to the number line below, place either < or > between the
following pairs of numbers to make a true statement.

–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5
a 1 13 b 1 −3 c 3 −3 d 3 1
e −1 −3 f −1 0 g −3 3 h −3 −1
i −4 −3 j −3 −4
3 This number line has both numbers and pronumerals. Write each statement below,
placing either > or < between the two terms in order to make a true statement.

–5 h –2 x 0 y m 4 5
a h x b x h c −5 h d m x
e y −2 f −2 y g h y h y h
i 0 m j m 0
272 Maths Quest 8 for Victoria

4 State whether each inequation below is true (T) or false (F).

a 5>3 b 6>6 c 6≤6 d 2.1 < 2
e −1 > 0 f −8 < 5 g 0 > −5 h −3 < −3
i 1.99 < 2 j 5.0001 > 5 k −5 > −6 l −3 > 2
m −4 ≥ −4 n 0 > −10
6.9 WORKED 5 State whether each of the ordered pairs satisfies the given inequation.
HEET Example
a x2 > 2y (4.8, 7) b x3 < 10y (3.5, 12)

3 2
Checking c 3x < y (2.8, 6.8) d 4x4 ≥ y2 (1, 2)
solutions to e 3x3 − y2 < 16 (5.1, 12) f 34 ≤ 4x3 − y3 (3.9, 6)
6 multiple choice
For each of these number lines, select the correct label.
a Ax<1 B x>1 Cx<5
Dx≤1 E x>5 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7x
b Ax<1 B x>1 Cx<5
Dx≥1 E x≥5 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7x
c Ax>6 B x > 10 Cx<6
D x < 10 E x>8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x
d Ax>6 B x > 10 Cx<6
D x < 10 E x>8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x
e A x > 300 B x ≥ 100 C x < 300
D x > 500 E x < 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 x
f A x ≤ 300 B x > 100 C x < 300
D x ≤ 500 E x < 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 x
g Ax<0 B x < −4 C x > −4
D x < −8 E x ≥ −4 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2x
h Ax<0 B x < −4 C x > −4
D x < −8 E x ≥ −4 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 x

WORKED 7 Draw a neatly ruled and clearly labelled number line to show the following
a x≥5 b x<6 c x≥0 d x ≤ −2
e x > −5 f x<0 g x > 2.3 h x ≤ 3 1---
i x > −50 j x ≤ 120
6.10 WORKED 8 Solve the following inequations by doing the same to both sides.
HEET Example
a x+1<7 b x−4>3 c x−5≤1 d x + 20 < −10

18a, b
Showing e 2x > 8 f 3x ≤ 9 g −5x ≥ 20 h −2x < 50
inequations i −4x < −16 j 8x > − 4
on a
number WORKED 9 Solve the following inequations by doing the same to both sides.
line Example
18c, d a 5x − 1 > 4 b 2x + 7 ≤ 3 c 3x + 4 < −2 d 4x − 3 > 13
L Sp he e −2x + 1 ≥ −5 f −6x − 3 < 3 g −4x − 7 < 5 h −3x + 9 ≥ −9

x+2 x–4 1–x 5–x

Inequations i ------------ > 1 j ----------- < 3 k ----------- ≤ −3 l ----------- ≥ −8
7 5 2 3
4 – 3x 7 – 2x 5x 3x
m --------------- > 5 n --------------- < 3 o ------ + 2 ≤ 7 p 1 − ------ ≥ −5
2 5 6 4
2x 5x
q 10 − ------ > 4 r −4 + ------ > 11
5 3
Chapter 6 Equations 273
For questions 10, 11 and 12, write and solve an inequation for each situation.
10 To obtain a driver’s licence, a person needs to be 18 or older. Selena has stated that
she will try for her licence in 5 years’ time. What is Selena’s age? GAME

11 A pair of rollerblades can be hired for an initial fee of $12 plus $4 per hour. For how Equations
many hours can you hire the rollerblades and still spend less than $50? — 002
12 A land owner has 100 hectares of land and wants to keep at least 10 hectares. The rest
SHEE 6.3
is to be divided and sold in 6-hectare lots. How many of these lots can the land owner

offer for sale?

COMMUNICATION Theatre design

Rows in a theatre are often elevated so each person can look over the head of the
person in front. Theatre floors must either be sloped or have steps. Whether the
floor can be sloped depends on the depth of the row, d, and the amount of rise, r.
A floor can be sloped only if r ≤ --- .
1 How deep can the rows be if the floor is sloped and has a rise of 12.5 cm?
2 Many theatres have 80-cm-deep rows. What is the maximum rise for a sloped
3 An Imax cinema claims to give everyone an unobstructed view of the screen.
Suppose the rise is 27 cm. What is the minimum row depth for a sloped floor?
Why do you think these theatres have stepped floors?
4 Investigate different situations with varying amounts of rise and row depth for
theatre seating. What are the optimum conditions? Justify your answer, showing
all working. Include a list of advantages and disadvantages with stepped and
sloped floors.

Kim had taken his son, Ethan, to the circus. Ethan was fascinated by the tight-rope
walker who used a long pole to help him maintain his balance. Kim explained the
principle of balancing weights attached to rods. As a practical example, he decided
to construct a mobile using rods and string with balls of plasticine attached. A
diagram of the mobile is shown below.

Kim carefully weighed a 1-g ball of plasticine

and attached it via string to the rod in the
position shown.
Write instructions for Kim to assist him to
determine the masses of all balls so that the
mobile will balance evenly. Provide reasoning
for all your answers.

274 Maths Quest 8 for Victoria

Copy the sentences below. Fill in the gaps by choosing the correct word or
expression from the word list that follows.

1 operations are operations that undo one another.

2 Addition and are inverse operations.

3 and division are inverse operations.

4 When solving we must do the same to both sides.

5 A is useful to determine what to do next.

6 Replacing a pronumeral with a number is called .

7 The to an equation is the value that makes the equation


8 After guessing a solution and checking, you should before

you .

9 An inequation is a statement containing an sign.

10 There are different inequality signs.

11 An inequation has an number of solutions, which are easily

shown on a .

12 An circle indicates the value is not .

13 A circle indicates the value is included.

14 An inequation can be solved by doing the same to sides.

15 Multiplying or dividing both sides of an inequation by a negative number

the inequality sign.

equations infinite solution think
flow chart inverse substitution true
four open both reverses
number line comment closed included
inequality multiplication subtraction
Chapter 6 Equations 275

1 Find the output number for each of these flow charts.
a –1 ×5 b ÷8 ×3
x x

c +8 ÷5 +3 d ×3 −7 ÷2

x x

2 Draw the flow chart whose output number is given by the following expressions.
n m–7
a −3(m + 4) b --- + 5 c ------------- – 4 d 7 − 15w
3 5
3 a Write an equation that is represented by
the diagram at right. 6B
b Show what happens when you take
2 from both sides, and write the new

4 multiple choice Key

represents an unknown amount
If we start with x = 4, which of these equations
represents 1
is not true?
A x+2=7 B 3x = 12 C −2x = −10 D --- = 1 E x−2=3
5 multiple choice
If we start with x = 7, which of these equations is not true?
2x x 3
A −−− = 2 B −2x = −6 C 2x − 6 = 0 D --- = − E x−5=2
3 5 5
6 Solve these equations by doing the same to both sides.
a z + 7 = 18 b –25 + b = –18 c – 8--- = z – 4
9 3

1 l 6 h
d 9t = --- e –8.7 = --- f – -----
- = ---
3 5 13 8
7 Solve these equations by doing the same to both sides.
a 5v + 3 = 18 b 5(s + 11) = 35 c ------------ = 10
2y – 3 x
d −2(r + 5) − 3 = 5 e --------------- = 9 f --- − 3 = 2
7 5
8 Solve the following equations and check each solution.
a 5k + 7 = k + 19 b 4s − 8 = 2s − 12 6D
c 3t − 11 = 5 − t d 5x + 2 = −2x + 16
276 Maths Quest 8 for Victoria

9 Expand the brackets first and then solve the following equations.
6D a 5(2v + 3) − 7v = 21 b 3(m − 4) + 2m = m + 8
10 Determine whether m = 4 is the solution to the equation ------------- = 2m − 5.
6E 3
11 For each of the following, determine whether:
6E a x = 2 is a possible solution to (x3)2 = x5
b x = 3 is a possible solution to (x5)3 = x15
c x = 5, y = 2 is a possible solution to (x × y)2 = x2y2
d x = 6, y = 2 is a possible solution to (x × y)3 = xy3.
12 Nhan is 7 cm taller than Dyson and the sum of their heights is 333 cm. How tall is Nhan?
13 A bicycle rental store charges a flat fee of $15 plus $5 per day to rent a mountain bike.
6F a If x is the number of days a mountain bike is rented, write an equation to show the cost of
renting a mountain bike.
b If a person was charged $85 for renting a mountain bike, for how many days did the
person rent the bike?
14 The total distance around the rectangular field at right is 840 m. (2x – 25) m
6F Find the value of x and use this to find the length and width of
the field.
(3x + 10) m

15 The area of the triangle at right is 438 cm2. Find the value of x and use
6F this to find the base of the triangle.
16 Write true or false for each of these statements. 24 cm
6G a 3<3 b −3 < 3
(x – 12) cm
1 1
c −5 > −2 d --- ≥ ---
4 3

17 State whether each of the ordered pairs satisfies the given inequality.
6G a 2x2 > 5y (3.7, 6.5) b 3x3 < 13y (2.5, 7.1)
c 6x3 < y2 (0.8, 2.8) d 4x4 ≥ y2 (1.3, 3.5)
18 Draw neat number lines to show the following sets of numbers.
6G a x≤3 b x > −7
c x < −100 d x≥0
19 Solve the following inequations by doing the same to both sides.
6G a x + 8 > −5 b 3x − 7 ≤ 11
3x + 2
c 4 − 5x > 9 d --------------- > 5
8 – 2x 4x
e --------------- ≤ −6 f 2 − ------ > 10
6G 3 7
20 A camera shop charges $15 to develop a roll of film plus $0.80 for each extra print. How
yourself many extra prints can Neale get if he cannot spend more than $22 on photographs? (First

write and solve an inequation for this situation.)


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