Measuring Resistivity and Hall Coefficient and Determining Hall Mobility in Single-Crystal Semiconductors

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Designation: F 76 – 86 (Reapproved 1996)e1

Standard Test Methods for

Measuring Resistivity and Hall Coefficient and Determining
Hall Mobility in Single-Crystal Semiconductors 1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 76; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original
adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript
epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

e1 NOTE—Keywords were added editorially in February 1997.

1. Scope and for the semiconductors, germanium, silicon, and gallium

1.1 These test methods cover two procedures for measuring arsenide. However, the method is applicable to other semicon-
the resistivity and Hall coefficient of single-crystal semicon- ductors provided suitable specimen preparation and contacting
ductor specimens. These test methods differ most substantially procedures are known. The resistivity range over which the
in their test specimen requirements. method is applicable is limited by the test specimen geometry
1.1.1 Test Method A, van der Pauw (1) 2—This test method and instrumentation sensitivity.
requires a singly connected test specimen (without any isolated 1.5 The values stated in acceptable metric units are to be
holes), homogeneous in thickness, but of arbitrary shape. The regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are
contacts must be sufficiently small and located at the periphery for information only. (See also 3.1.4.)
of the specimen. The measurement is most easily interpreted 1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the
for an isotropic semiconductor whose conduction is dominated safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
by a single type of carrier. responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
1.1.2 Test Method B, Parallelepiped or Bridge-Type—This priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
test method requires a specimen homogeneous in thickness and bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
of specified shape. Contact requirements are specified for both 2. Referenced Documents
the parallelepiped and bridge geometries. These test specimen
geometries are desirable for anisotropic semiconductors for 2.1 ASTM Standards:
which the measured parameters depend on the direction of D 1125 Test Methods for Electrical Conductivity and Re-
current flow. The test method is also most easily interpreted sistivity of Water 3
when conduction is dominated by a single type of carrier. E 177 Practice for Use of the Terms Precision and Bias in
1.2 These test methods do not provide procedures for ASTM Test Methods 4
shaping, cleaning, or contacting specimens; however, a proce- F 26 Test Methods for Determining the Orientation of a
dure for verifying contact quality is given. Semiconductive Single Crystal 5
F 43 Test Methods for Resistivity of Semiconductor Mate-
NOTE 1—Practice F 418 covers the preparation of gallium arsenide rials 5
phosphide specimens.
F 47 Test Method for Crystallographic Perfection of Silicon
1.3 The method in Practice F 418 does not provide an by Preferential Etch Techniques 5
interpretation of the results in terms of basic semiconductor F 418 Practice for Preparation of Samples of the Constant
properties (for example, majority and minority carrier mobili- Composition Region of Epitaxial Gallium Arsenide Phos-
ties and densities). Some general guidance, applicable to phide for Hall Effect Measurements 5
certain semiconductors and temperature ranges, is provided in 2.2 SEMI Standard:
the Appendix. For the most part, however, the interpretation is C1 Specifications for Reagents 6
left to the user.
1.4 Interlaboratory tests of these test methods (Section 19) 3. Terminology
have been conducted only over a limited range of resistivities 3.1 Definitions:
3.1.1 Hall coeffıcient—the ratio of the Hall electric field
(due to the Hall voltage) to the product of the current density
These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F-1 on
Electronics and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F01.15 on Gallium
Arsenide. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 11.01.
Current edition approved Oct. 31, 1986. Published December 1986. Originally Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.
published as F 76 – 67T. Last previous edition F 76 – 84. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 10.05.
2 6
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of Available from Semiconductor Equipment and Materials Institute, 625 Ellis St.,
these test methods. Suite 212, Mountain View, CA 94043.

Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

F 76
and the magnetic flux density (see X1.4). should be observed. It is recommended that the current used in
3.1.2 Hall mobility—the ratio of the magnitude of the Hall the measurements be as low as possible for the required
coefficient to the resistivity; it is readily interpreted only in a precision.
system with carriers of one charge type. (See X1.5) 5.1.3 Semiconductors have a significant temperature coeffi-
3.1.3 resistivity—of a material, is the ratio of the potential cient of resistivity. Consequently, the temperature of the
gradient parallel to the current in the material to the current specimen should be known at the time of measurement and the
density. For the purposes of this method, the resistivity shall current used should be small to avoid resistive heating.
always be determined for the case of zero magnetic flux. (See Resistive heating can be detected by a change in readings as a
X1.2.) function of time starting immediately after the current is
3.1.4 units—in these test methods SI units are not always applied and any circuit time constants have settled.
used. For these test methods, it is convenient to measure length 5.1.4 Spurious currents can be introduced in the testing
in centimetres and to measure magnetic flux density in gauss. circuit when the equipment is located near high-frequency
This choice of units requires that magnetic flux density be generators. If equipment is located near such sources, adequate
expressed in V·s·cm −2 where: shielding must be provided.
1 V·s·cm22 5 108 gauss 5.1.5 Surface leakage can be a serious problem when
measurements are made on high-resistivity specimens. Surface
The units employed and the factors relating them are
effects can often be observed as a difference in measured value
summarized in Table 1.
of resistivity or Hall coefficient when the surface condition of
4. Significance and Use the specimen is changed (2, 3).
4.1 In order to choose the proper material for producing 5.1.6 In measuring high-resistivity samples, particular atten-
semiconductor devices, knowledge of material properties such tion should be paid to possible leakage paths in other parts of
as resistivity, Hall coefficient, and Hall mobility is useful. the circuit such as switches, connectors, wires, cables, and the
Under certain conditions, as outlined in the Appendix, other like which may shunt some of the current around the sample.
useful quantities for materials specification, including the Since high values of lead capacitance may lengthen the time
charge carrier density and the drift mobility, can be inferred. required for making measurements on high-resistivity samples,
connecting cable should be as short as practicable.
5. Interferences 5.1.7 Inhomogeneities of the carrier density, mobility, or of
5.1 In making resistivity and Hall-effect measurements, the magnetic flux will cause the measurements to be inaccu-
spurious results can arise from a number of sources. rate. At best, the method will enable determination only of an
5.1.1 Photoconductive and photovoltaic effects can seri- undefined average resistivity or Hall coefficient. At worst, the
ously influence the observed resistivity, particularly with high- measurements may be completely erroneous (2, 3, 4).
resistivity material. Therefore, all determinations should be 5.1.8 Thermomagnetic effects with the exception of the
made in a dark chamber unless experience shows that the Ettingshausen effect can be eliminated by averaging of the
results are insensitive to ambient illumination. measured transverse voltages as is specified in the measure-
5.1.2 Minority-carrier injection during the measurement can ment procedure (Sections 11 and 17). In general, the error due
also seriously influence the observed resistivity. This interfer- to the Ettingshausen effect is small and can be neglected,
ence is indicated if the contacts to the test specimen do not particularly if the sample is in good thermal contact with its
have linear current-versus-voltage characteristics in the range surroundings (2, 3, 4).
used in the measurement procedure. These effects can also be 5.1.9 For materials which are anisotropic, especially semi-
detected by repeating the measurements over several decades conductors with noncubic crystal structures, Hall measure-
of current. In the absence of injection, no change in resistivity ments are affected by the orientation of the current and

TABLE 1 Units of Measurement

Units of
Quantity Symbol SI Unit Factor A
Measurement B
Resistivity r V·m 10 2 V · cm
Charge carrier concentration n, p m−3 10 − 6 cm − 3
Charge e, q C 1 C
Drift mobility, Hall mobility µ,µ H m2·V−1·s−1 10 4 cm 2 · V − 1 ·s − 1
Hall coefficient RH m3·C−1 10 6 cm 3 · C − 1
Electric field E V·m−1 10 − 2 V · cm − 1
Magnetic flux density B T 10 4 gauss
Current density J A·m−2 10 − 4 A · cm − 2
Length L, t, w, d m 10 2 cm
a , b, c
Potential difference V V 1 V
The factors relate SI units to the units of measurement as in the following example:
1 V · m 5 10 2V · cm
This system is not a consistent set of units. In order to obtain a consistent set, the magnetic flux density must be expressed in V · s · cm − 2
. The proper conversion
factor is:
1 · V · s · cm − 2 5 10 8 gauss

F 76
magnetic field with respect to the crystal axes (Appendix, Note and 10 000 gauss are frequently used; conditions governing the
X1.1). Errors can result if the magnetic field is not within the choice of flux density are discussed more fully elsewhere (2, 3,
low-field limit (Appendix, Note X1.1). 4).
5.1.10 Spurious voltages, which may occur in the measuring 7.3 Instrumentation:
circuit, for example, thermal voltages, can be detected by 7.3.1 Current Source, capable of maintaining current
measuring the voltage across the specimen with no current through the specimen constant to 60.5 % during the measure-
flowing or with the voltage leads shorted at the sample ment. This may consist either of a power supply or a battery, in
position. If there is a measurable voltage, the measuring circuit series with a resistance greater than 200 3 the total specimen
should be checked carefully and modified so that these effects resistance (including contact resistance). The current source is
are eliminated. accurate to 60.5 % on all ranges used in the measurement. The
5.1.11 An erroneous Hall coefficient will be measured if the magnitude of current required is less than that associated with
current and transverse electric field axes are not precisely an electric field of 1 V·cm−1 in the specimen.
perpendicular to the magnetic flux. The Hall coefficient will be 7.3.2 Electrometer or Voltmeter, with which voltage mea-
at an extremum with respect to rotation if the specimen is surements can be made to an accuracy of 60.5 %. The current
properly positioned (see 7.4.4 or 13.4.4). drawn by the measuring instrument during the resistivity and
5.2 In addition to these interferences the following must be Hall voltage measurements shall be less than 0.1 % of the
noted for van der Pauw specimens. specimen current, that is, the input resistance of the electrom-
5.2.1 Errors may result in voltage measurements due to eter (or voltmeter) must be 1000 3 greater than the resistance
contacts of finite size. Some of these errors are discussed in of the specimen.
references (1, 5, 6).
7.3.3 Switching Facilities, used for reversal of current flow
5.2.2 Errors may be introduced if the contacts are not placed
and for connecting in turn the required pairs of potential leads
on the specimen periphery (7).
to the voltage-measuring device.
5.3 In addition to the interferences described in 5.1, the
following must be noted for parallelepiped and bridge-type Representative Circuit, used for accomplishing the
specimens. required switching is shown in Fig. 1.
5.3.1 It is essential that in the case of parallelepiped or Unity-Gain Amplifiers, used for high-resistivity
bridge-type specimens the Hall-coefficient measurements be semiconductors, with input impedance greater than 1000 3 the
made on side contacts far enough removed from the end specimen resistance are located as close to the specimen as
contacts that shorting effects can be neglected (2, 3). The possible to minimize current leakage and circuit time-constants
specimen geometries described in 15.3.1 and 15.3.2 are de- (8, 9). Triaxial cable is used between the specimen and the
signed so that the reduction in Hall voltage due to this shorting amplifiers with the guard shield driven by the respective
effect is less than 1 %. amplifier output. This minimizes current leakage in the cabling.
The current leakage through the insulation must be less than
TEST METHOD A—FOR VAN DER PAUW 0.1 % of the specimen current. Current leakage in the specimen
SPECIMENS holder must be prevented by utilizing a suitable high-resistivity
insulator such as boron nitride or beryllium oxide.
6. Summary of Test Method Representative Circuit, used for measuring high-
6.1 In this test method, specifications for a van der Pauw (1) resistance specimens is shown in Fig. 2. Sixteen single-pole,
test specimen and procedures for testing it are covered. A single-throw, normally open, guarded reed relays are used to
procedure is described for determining resistivity and Hall connect the current source and differential voltmeter to the
coefficient using direct current techniques. The Hall mobility is appropriate specimen points. The relay closures necessary to
calculated from the measured values. accomplish the same switching achieved in the circuit of Fig.
1 are listed in the table of Fig. 2.
7. Apparatus
7.3.4 Transistor Curve Tracer, can be used for checking the
7.1 For Measurement of Specimen Thickness—Micrometer, linearity of contacts to low-resistivity material.
dial gage, microscope (with small depth of field and calibrated 7.3.5 All instruments must be maintained within their speci-
vertical-axis adjustment), or calibrated electronic thickness fications through periodic calibrations.
gage capable of measuring the specimen thickness to 61 %.
7.4 Specimen Holder:
7.2 Magnet—A calibrated magnet capable of providing a
magnetic flux density uniform to 61.0 % over the area in 7.4.1 Container, if low-temperature measurements are re-
which the test specimen is to be located. It must be possible to quired, of such dimensions that it will enclose the specimen
reverse the direction of the magnetic flux (either electrically or holder (7.4.3) and fit between the magnetic pole pieces. A glass
by rotation of the magnet) or to rotate the test specimen 180° or metal dewar or a foamed polystyrene boat is suitable.
about its axis parallel to the current flow. Apparatus, such as an 7.4.2 Temperature Detector, located in close proximity to
auxiliary Hall probe or nuclear magnetic resonance system, the test specimen and associated instruments for monitoring
should be available for measuring the flux density to an temperature to an accuracy of 61°C during the measurement.
accuracy of 61.0 % at the specimen position. If an electro- This may include, for example, a thermocouple, a platinum
magnet is used, provision must be made for monitoring the flux resistance thermometer, or a suitable thermistor.
density during the measurements. Flux densities between 1000 7.4.3 Opaque Container, used to hold the specimen in

F 76

FIG. 1 Representative Manual Test Circuit for Measuring van der Pauw Specimens

NOTE 1—A—Unity gain amplifier

NOTE 2—R1–R16—Reed relays

Position 1 2 3 4 5 6
Switches 2, 3 1, 4 1, 8 2, 7 6, 7 5, 8 4, 5 3, 6 3, 8 4, 7 1, 6 2, 5
Closed 14, 15 14, 15 12, 13 12, 13 10, 11 10, 11 9, 16 9, 16 10, 13 10, 13 11, 16 11, 16
Current 1, 2 2, 1 2, 3 3, 2 3, 4 4, 3 4, 1 1, 4 1, 3 3, 1 2, 4 4, 2
Voltage 3, 4 3, 4 4, 1 4, 1 1, 2 1, 2 2, 3 2, 3 4, 2 4, 2 1, 3 1, 3

FIG. 2 Representative Test Circuit for Measuring High-Resistivity van der Pauw Specimens

position, to maintain an isothermal region around the speci- when measurements are made at temperatures different from
men, and to shield the specimen from light and, in the case of room temperature. If liquids, such as boiling nitrogen, are used
low-temperature measurements, from room-temperature radia- to establish low temperatures, the liquid may be allowed to
tion. The mounting must be arranged so that mechanical stress enter the specimen container directly through ports that are
on the specimen does not result from differential expansion suitably shielded against the entry of light.

F 76
7.4.4 If a metal dewar or specimen holder is used, it must be Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society. 7
constructed of nonmagnetic materials such that the value of Other grades may be used provided it is first ascertained that
magnetic flux density at the specimen position will not be the reagent is sufficiently pure to permit its use without
altered more than 61 % by its presence. lessening the accuracy of the determination.
7.4.5 To orient the specimen perpendicular to the magnetic 8.2 Purity of Water—When water is used it is either distilled
field it is desirable to employ both geometrical and electrical water or deionized water having a resistivity greater than 2
tests. Sign conventions are defined in Fig. 3. MV·cm at 25°C as determined by the Non-Referee Tests of
Test Methods D 1125. The specimen holder can usually be visually aligned
parallel with the flat faces of the magnet along the long axis 9. Test Specimen Requirements
(usually the vertical axis) of the specimen holder in a satisfac- 9.1 Regardless of the specimen preparation process used,
tory manner. Care should be taken that the specimen is high-purity reagents and water are required.
mounted within the container so that the flat faces are parallel 9.2 Crystal Perfection—The test specimen is a single crys-
with an external portion of the specimen holder. tal. Because the dimensions are much shorter in the NOTE 2—The procedure for revealing polycrystalline regions in silicon
direction perpendicular to the long axis, electrical orientation is is given in Test Method F 47.
preferred. This is most conveniently performed by rotating the NOTE 3—The crystallographic orientation of the slice may be deter-
specimen with respect to the magnetic flux and measuring the mined if desired, using either the X-ray or optical techniques of Method
F 26.
transverse voltage as a function of angle between the magnetic
flux and a reference mark on the specimen holder over a range 9.3 Specimen Shape—The thickness shall be uniform to
a few degrees on each side of the nominal perpendicular 61 %. The minimum thickness is governed by the availability
position. The correct position is that where the average Hall of apparatus which is capable of measuring the thickness to a
voltage is a maximum or, in some cases where orientation precision of 61 %. The test specimen shape can be formed by
cleaving, machining, or photolithography. Machining tech-
dependent effects are encountered, a minimum.
niques such as ultrasonic cutting, abrasive cutting, or sawing A more accurate method of electrical positioning may be employed as required. Representative photolitho-
involves rotation of the specimen with respect to the magnetic graphically defined test patterns are described in (10, 11, 12).
flux as in, but a few degrees around both positions 9.3.1 Although the specimen may be of arbitrary shape, one
approximately 90° away from the nominal perpendicular of the symmetrical configurations of Fig. 4 is recommended.
position. The correct angular position for the specimen during The specimen must be completely free of (geometrical) holes.
Hall-effect measurements is midway between the two points The recommended ratio of peripheral length of the specimen,
(about 180° apart) where the average transverse voltage is zero. Lp, to thickness of the specimen, t, is as follows:
Lp $ 15t
8. Reagents and Materials (See Section 9)
Recommended thickness is less than or equal to 0.1 cm. This
8.1 Purity of Reagents—All chemicals for which such specimen shape can produce erroneous results when used on
specifications exist shall conform to SEMI Specifications C 1. anisotropic materials (see 5.1.9 and Note X1.1).
Reagents for which SEMI specifications have not been devel- 9.4 Maintain the contact dimensions as small as possible
oped shall conform to the specifications of the Committee on relative to the peripheral length of the specimen. If possible,
place the contacts on the specimen edge. Use line or dot
contacts with a maximum dimension along the peripheral
length, L p, no greater than 0.05 Lp. If the contacts must be
placed on one of the two flat faces of the specimen that are
separated by the dimension, t, make them as small as possible
and locate them as close as possible to the edge (see 5.2.1 and
10. Measurement Procedure
10.1 Thickness Measurement—Measure the specimen thick-
ness (9.3) with a precision of 61 %.
10.2 Contact Evaluation—Verify that all combinations of
contact pairs in both polarities have linear current-voltage
characteristics, without noticeable curvature, at the measure-
ment temperature about the actual value of current to be used.

“Reagent Chemicals, American Chemical Society Specifications,” Am. Chemi-
cal Soc., Washington, DC. For suggestions on the testing of reagents not listed by
NOTE 1—The carrier velocity, V, for electrons and holes is in opposite the American Chemical Society, see “Reagent Chemicals and Standards,” by Joseph
directions as indicated. Rosin, D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., New York, NY, and the “United States
FIG. 3 Hall-Effect Sign Conventions Pharmacopeia.”

F 76

NOTE 1—Contact positions are indicated schematically by the small dots.

FIG. 4 Typical Symmetrical van der Pauw Specimens

10.3 Specimen Placement—Place the clean and contacted the magnetic flux density in order to check the stability of the
specimen in its container (7.4.3). If a permanent magnet is used magnet. If the second value of magnetic flux density differs
to provide the flux, keep the magnet and the specimen separate from the first by more than 1 %, make the necessary changes,
during the measurement of resistivity. If possible, move the and repeat the procedure until the specified stability is
magnet without disturbing the specimen and its holder, so as to achieved. Rotate the specimen 180° or reverse the magnetic
minimize the possibility of a change of temperature which flux, and adjust it to the same magnitude (61 %) of magnetic
must remain within the 61°C tolerance between the resistivity flux density. Measure the voltages V 24,13(−B), V 42,13(−B), V
and Hall-effect measurements. If an electromagnet is used, be 13,42(−B), and V 31,42(−B) (Note 4 and Note 5). Measure the
certain that the residual flux density is small enough not to temperature and magnetic flux density and check the stability
affect the resistivity measurement. as before.
10.4 Resistivity Measurement—Measure the temperature of
NOTE 5—The parenthetical symbols ( + B) and (−B) refer to oppositely
the specimen. Set the current magnitude, I, to the desired value applied magnetic fields where positive field is defined in Fig. 3.
(see 5.1.2). Measure the voltages V21,34, V12,34, V32,41, V 23,41,
V43,12, V34,12, V14,23, and V41,23 (Note 4). Remeasure the 10.6 Cautions—See Section 5 for discussion of spurious
specimen temperature to check the temperature stability. If the results.
second measurement of the temperature differs from the first by 11. Calculations
more than 1°C, allow the temperature to stabilize further, and
then repeat the procedure of 10.4. 11.1 Resistivity—Calculate the sample resistivity from the
data of 10.4. Two values of resistivity, rA and r B, are obtained
NOTE 4—The notation to be used, V AB,CD, refers to the potential as follows (Note 4):
difference VC − VD measured between Contacts C and D when current
enters Contact A and exits Contact B. Both the sign and magnitude of all 1.1331fAt
rA 5 I @V21,34 2 V12,34 1 V32,41 2 V23,41# (1)
voltages must be determined and recorded. For van der Pauw specimens,
the contacts are labeled consecutively in counter-clockwise order around and
the specimen periphery. Similarly the resistance RAB,CD is defined as the
ratio of the voltage V C − VD divided by the current directed into Contact 1.1331fBt
rB I @V43,12 2 V 34,12 1 V14,23 2 V 41,23#V·cm (2)
A and out of Contact B.
10.5 Hall-Coeffıcient Measurement—Position the specimen where the constant 1.1331 ; p/4 ln (2), the units of the
between the magnet-pole pieces so that the magnetic flux is voltages are in volts, the specimen thickness, t, is in centime-
perpendicular to the two flat faces of the specimen which are tres, the current magnitude, I, is in amperes, and the geometri-
separated by the dimension, t, (7.4.5). If an electromagnet is cal factor fA or f B is a function of the resistance ratio, QA or QB,
used to provide the flux, follow the appropriate procedure in respectively:
10.5.1. If a permanent magnet of known flux density is used, R21,34 2 R 12,34 V21,34 2 V 12,34
QA 5 R 5V (3)
omit the adjustment and measurement of flux density. 32,41 2 R23,41 32,41 2 V23,41
10.5.1 In high-mobility materials such as lightly doped and
n-type gallium arsenide, the proportionality factor, r, (see
R43,12 2 R34,12 V43;12 2 V34,12
Appendix X1) varies with the applied magnetic field. For the QA 5 R 5 V (4)
14,23 2 R 41,23 14,23 2 V41,23
purposes of interlaboratory comparison, users should therefore
use a field of 5 gauss (0.5 T) in the absence of other The relationship between the factor f and Q is written
information. This effect is not expected to be significant for explicitly and graphed in Fig. 5. If Q is less than one, take its
dopant density above 1017 cm−3 in n-type gallium arsenide. reciprocal, and find the value of f for this number. If rA is not
10.5.2 Measure the temperature of the specimen. Turn on equal to rB within 610 %, the specimen is inhomogeneous and
the magnetic flux and adjust it to the desired positive value of a more uniform specimen is required. Calculate the average
magnetic flux density. Measure the magnetic flux density. resistivity rav as follows,
Measure the voltages V31,42( + B), V13,42( + B), V42,13( + B), rA 1 r B
and V24,13( + B) (Note 4 and Note 5). Remeasure the value of rav 5 2 V· cm (5)

F 76

FIG. 5 The Factor f Plotted as a Function of Q

11.2 Hall Coeffıcient—Calculate the Hall coefficient from NOTE 6—This test method for measuring resistivity is essentially
the data of 10.5. Two values of Hall coefficient, RHC and RHD, equivalent to the two-probe measurement of Test Methods F 43, with the
are obtained as follows (Note 4 and Note 5): exception that in the present method the potential probes may be soldered,
alloyed, or otherwise attached to the semiconductor specimen.
2.50 3 10 7t
RHC 5 @V31,42~ 1 B! 2 V 13,42~ 1 B! 13. Apparatus
1 V 13,42~2B! 2 V31,42~2B!# (6) 13.1 For Measurement of Specimen Geometry:
and 13.1.1 Micrometer, Dial Gage, Microscope (with small
depth of field and calibrated vertical-axis adjustment), or
2.50 3 10 7t Calibrated Electronic Thickness gage, capable of measuring
RHD 5 @V42,13~ 1 B! 2 V 24,13~ 1 B! (7)
BI the specimen thickness to 61 %.
+ V 24,13(−B) − V42,13(−B)]cm3·C −3 13.1.2 Microscope, with crosshair and calibrated mechani-
If RHC is not within 610 % of R HD, the specimen is cal stage, capable of measuring the specimen length and width
undesirably inhomogeneous and a more uniform specimen is to 61 %.
required. Calculate the average Hall-coefficient RHav as fol- 13.2 Magnet—A calibrated magnet capable of providing a
lows: magnetic flux density uniform to 61.0 % over the area in
which the test specimen is to be located. It must be possible to
RHC 1 R HD 3 21
RHav 5 cm ·C (8) reverse the direction of the magnetic flux (either electrically or
by rotation of the magnet) or to rotate the test specimen 180°
11.3 Hall Mobility—Calculate the Hall mobility, about its axis parallel to the current flow. Apparatus, such as an
| RHav| 21
auxiliary Hall probe or nuclear magnetic resonance system,
µH [ rav cm·V ·s 21 (9) should be available for measuring the flux density to an
11.4 If this procedure is to be used to obtain carrier density, accuracy of 61.0 % at the specimen position. If an electro-
users should use a value of proportionality factor, r, of 1.0 in magnet is used, provision must be made for monitoring the flux
the absence of other information (see Appendix 1.3.2). density during the measurements. Flux densities between 1000
and 10 000 gauss are frequently used; conditions governing the
TEST METHOD B—FOR PARALLELEPIPED OR choice of flux density are discussed more fully in Refs (2, 3, 4).
BRIDGE-TYPE SPECIMENS 13.3 Instrumentation:
13.3.1 Current Source, capable of maintaining current
12. Summary of Test Method through the specimen constant to 60.5 % during the measure-
12.1 In this test method, specifications for rectangular ment. This may consist either of a power supply or a battery, in
parallelepiped and bridge-type specimens and procedures for series with a resistance greater than 200 3 the total specimen
testing these structures are covered. Procedures are described resistance (including contact resistance). The current source is
for determining resistivity and Hall coefficient using direct accurate to 60.5 % on all ranges used in the measurement. The
current techniques. The Hall mobility is calculated from the magnitude of current required is less than that associated with
measured values. an electric field of 1 V·cm−1 in the specimen.

F 76
13.3.2 An electrometer or voltmeter with which voltage and to shield the specimen from light and, in the case of
measurements can be made to an accuracy of 60.5 %. The low-temperature measurements, from room-temperature radia-
current drawn by the measuring instrument during the resis- tion. The mounting must be arranged so that mechanical stress
tivity and Hall voltage measurements shall be less than 0.1 % on the specimen does not result from differential expansion
of the specimen current, that is, the input resistance of the when measurements are made at temperatures different from
electrometer (or voltmeter) must be 1000 3 greater than the room temperature. If liquids, such as boiling nitrogen, are used
resistance of the specimen. to establish low temperatures, the liquid may be allowed to
13.3.3 Switching facilities for reversal of current flow and enter the specimen container directly through ports that are
for connecting in turn the required pairs of potential leads to suitably shielded against the entry of light.
the voltage-measuring device. 13.4.4 If a metal dewar or specimen holder is used, it must A representative circuit for accomplishing the re- be constructed of nonmagnetic materials such that the value of
quired switching is shown in Fig. 6. magnetic flux density at the specimen position will not be Unity-Gain Amplifiers, for high-resistivity semi- altered more than 61 % by its presence.
conductors, with input impedance greater than 1000 3 the 13.4.5 To orient the specimen perpendicular to the magnetic
specimen resistance are located as close to the specimen as field it is desirable to employ both geometrical and electrical
possible to minimize current leakage and circuit time-constants tests. Sign conventions are defined in Fig. 3.
(8, 9). Triaxial Cable, used between the specimen and the The specimen holder can usually be visually
amplifiers with the guard shield driven by the respective aligned parallel with the flat faces of the magnet along the long
amplifier output. This minimizes current leakage in the cabling. axis (usually the vertical axis) of the specimen holder in a
The current leakage through the insulation must be less than satisfactory manner. Care should be taken that the specimen is
0.1 % of the specimen current. Current leakage in the specimen mounted within the container so that the flat faces are parallel
holder must be prevented by utilizing a suitable high-resistivity with an external portion of the specimen holder.
insulator such as boron nitride or beryllium oxide. Because the dimensions are much shorter in the
13.3.4 Transistor Curve Tracer, can be used for checking direction perpendicular to the long axis, electrical orientation is
the linearity of contacts to low-resistivity material. preferred. This is most conveniently performed by rotating the
13.3.5 All instruments must be maintained within their specimen with respect to the magnetic flux and measuring the
specifications through periodic calibrations. transverse voltage as a function of angle between the magnetic
13.4 Specimen Holder: flux and a reference mark on the specimen holder over a range
13.4.1 A container of such dimensions that it will enclose a few degrees on each side of the nominal perpendicular
the specimen holder (13.4.3) and fit between the magnetic pole position. The correct position is that where the average Hall
pieces. A glass or metal dewar or a foamed polystyrene boat is voltage is a maximum or, in some cases where orientation
suitable. dependent effects are encountered, a minimum.
13.4.2 A temperature detector located in close proximity to A more accurate method of electrical positioning
the test specimen and associated instruments for monitoring involves rotation of the specimen with respect to the magnetic
temperature to an accuracy of 61°C during the measurement. flux as in, but a few degrees around both positions
This may include, for example, a thermocouple, a platinum approximately 90° away from the nominal perpendicular
resistance thermometer, or a suitable thermistor. position. The correct angular position for the specimen during
13.4.3 An opaque container to hold the specimen in posi- Hall-effect measurements is midway between the two points
tion, to maintain an isothermal region around the specimen, (about 180° apart) where the average transverse voltage is zero.

NOTE 1—(a) Eight-contact specimen (b) Six-contact specimen

FIG. 6 Representative Test Circuits for Measuring Bridge-Type and Parallelepiped Specimens

F 76
14. Reagents and Materials (See Section 15) 15.3.2 Bridge-Type Specimen—Contact positions on this
14.1 Purity of Reagents—All chemicals for which such type of specimen are determined by the configuration of the die
specifications exist shall conform to SEMI Specifications C 1. used in cutting it. The dies must enable sample dimensions to
Reagents for which SEMI specifications have not been devel- be held to a tolerance of 1 %. Any of the contact configurations
oped shall conform to the specifications of the Committee on shown in Fig. 8 are recommended. In some configurations the
Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society. 7 protruding side arms of the specimen are enlarged in cross
Other grades may be used provided it is first ascertained that section to facilitate the application of contacts. The ends of the
the reagent is sufficiently pure to permit its use without specimen may also be enlarged in order to allow the use of
lessening the accuracy of the determination. contacts applied to the top surface, as in the case of evaporated
14.1.1 Purity of Water—When water is used it is either contacts. See Fig. 8(c) and Fig. 8( d). The enlarged portions of
distilled water or deionized water having a resistivity greater the ends shall not be included in the total specimen length
than 2 MV·cm at 25°C as determined by the Non-Referee Tests specified above.
of Test Method D 1125. 15.3.3 Eight-Contact Specimen—The geometry of the
specimen is defined below, see Fig. 8( a) and 8(c):
15. Test Specimen Requirements L $ 4w
15.1 Regardless of the specimen preparation process used, w $ 3a
high-purity reagents and water are required. b1, b2$ w
15.2 Crystal Perfection—The test specimen is a single t # 0.1 cm
crystal. c $ 0.1 cm
1.0 cm # L # 1.5 cm
NOTE 7—The procedure for revealing polycrystalline regions in silicon
b1 5 b 186 0.005 cm
is given in Test Method F 47.
NOTE 8—The crystallographic orientation of the slice may be deter- b2 5 b 28 6 0.005 cm
mined if desired, using either the X-ray or optical techniques of Test d1 5 d 18 6 0.005 cm
Method F 26. d2 5 d 28 6 0.005 cm
15.3 Specimen Shape—The thickness shall be uniform to6 b1 + d 1 5 (1/2)L + 0.005 cm
1 % and shall not exceed 0.10 cm. The minimum thickness is b18 5 d18 5 (1/2)L6 0.005 cm
governed by the availability of apparatus which is capable of b1' b2, d 1' d2
measuring the thickness to a precision of 61 %. Machine or 15.3.4 Six-Contact Specimen—The geometry of the speci-
cleave the test specimen into one of the forms shown in Fig. 7 men is defined as follows, see Fig. 8(b) and 8(d):
and Fig. 8, respectively. Machining techniques such as ultra- L $ 5w
sonic cutting, abrasive cutting, or sawing are employed as w $ 3a
required. b1, b2$ 2w
15.3.1 Parallelepiped Specimen—The total length of the t # 0.1 cm
specimen shall be between 1.0 and 1.5 cm. The sides must be c $ 0.1 cm
perpendicular to the specimen surface to within 60.5°. If 1.0 cm # L # 1.5 cm
possible, the length to width ratio should be greater than 5, but b1 5 b 18 6 0.005 cm
in no case shall it be less than 4. The sample configuration is b2 5 b 28 6 0.005 cm
shown in Fig. 7(a). d2 5 d 18 6 0.005 cm
b1' b2
15.4 Contact Requirements:
15.4.1 Parallelepiped Specimens—The two ends of the
specimen must be completely covered with current contacts.
Make the contact interface with the specimen for the other
(voltage measurement) contacts less than 0.02 cm in width. If
six potential contacts are employed, position them as shown in
Fig. 7(b). If four voltage contacts are employed, position them
as shown in Fig. 7(c).
15.4.2 Bridge-Type Specimens Without Expanded End
Contacts—Completely cover the ends of the specimen with
current contacts.
15.4.3 Bridge-Type Specimens with Expanded Side and End
Contacts—Place the contacts on appropriate locations on one
of the two flat faces of the specimen which are separated by the
dimension, t (see the shaded areas in Fig. 8( c) and (d)).
16. Measurement Procedure
NOTE 1—Current contacts cover the entire end of the specimen. 16.1 Dimension Measurement—The specimen length,
Potential contacts may be either lines as in (b) or dots as in (c). width, and thickness must be measured with a precision of
FIG. 7 Typical Parallelepiped Specimens 61 % (13.1).

F 76

FIG. 8 Typical Bridge-Type Specimens

16.2 Contact Evaluation—Verify that all combinations of verse the current and measure V21,65( + B) (Note 5 and Note 9).
contact pairs in both polarities have linear current-voltage Remeasure the magnetic flux density to check the stability of
characteristics, without noticeable curvature, at the measure- the magnet. If the second value of magnetic flux density differs
ment temperature about the actual value of current to be used. from the first by more than 1 %, make the necessary changes
16.3 Specimen Placement—Place the clean and contacted and repeat the procedure until the specified stability is
specimen in its container (13.4.3). If a permanent magnet is achieved. Rotate the specimen 180° or reverse the magnetic
used to provide the flux, keep the magnet and the specimen flux and adjust it to the same magnitude (61 %) of magnetic
separate during the measurement of resistivity. If possible, flux density. Measure the magnetic flux density. Repeat the
move the magnet without disturbing the specimen and its voltage measurements to obtain V21,65(−B). Reverse the current
holder, so as to minimize the possibility of a change of and repeat the measurements to obtain V 12,65(−B). Verify the
temperature which must remain within the 61°C tolerance stability of the magnetic flux density and temperature as
between the resistivity and Hall-effect measurements. If an before.
electromagnet is used, be certain that the residual flux density NOTE 10—The parenthetical symbols (+B) and (−B) refer to oppositely
is small enough not to affect the resistivity measurement. applied magnetic fields where positive field is defined in Fig. 2.
16.4 Resistivity Measurement:
16.4.1 Eight-Contact Specimen—Measure the specimen 16.5.2 Six-Contact Specimen—Measure the specimen tem-
temperature. With no magnetic flux, measure the voltages perature. Turn on the magnetic flux, and adjust it to the desired
V12,46 and V12,57 (Note 9). Reverse the current and measure positive value of magnetic flux density. Measure the magnetic
V21,46 and V21,57. Remeasure the specimen temperature to flux density. Measure the voltages V12,65( + B) and
check the temperature stability. If the second temperature V12,43( + B) (Note 5 and Note 9). Reverse the current and
measurement differs from the first by more than 1°C, allow the measure V 21,65( + B) and V21,43( + B). Remeasure the magnetic
temperature to stabilize further, and then repeat the procedure flux density to check the stability of the magnetic field. If the
of 16.4.1. second value of magnetic flux density differs from the first by
more than 1 %, make the necessary changes and repeat the
NOTE 9—The notation to be used, V AB,CD, refers to the potential procedure until the specified stability is achieved. Rotate the
difference VC − VD measured between Contact C and D when current specimen 180° or reverse the magnetic field and adjust it to the
enters Contact A and exits Contact B. Both the sign and magnitude of all
voltages must be determined and recorded. For parallelepiped and
same magnitude (61 %) of magnetic flux density. Measure the
bridge-type specimens the contacts are labeled in Fig. 6. Similarly the magnetic flux density. Repeat the voltage measurements to
resistance R AB,CD is defined as the ratio of the voltage VC − VD divided by obtain V21,65(−B) and V21,43(−B). Reverse the current and
the current directed into Contact A and out of Contact B. repeat the measurements to obtain V12,65(− B) and V12,43(− B).
16.4.2 Six-Contact Specimen—Measure the specimen tem- Verify the stability of the magnetic field and temperature as
perature. With no magnetic flux, measure the voltages V12,46 before.
and V12,35 (Note 9). Reverse the current and measure V 21,46 16.6 Cautions—See Section 5 for a discussion of spurious
and V21,35. Remeasure the specimen temperature to check the results.
temperature stability. If the second temperature measurement
17. Calculations
differs from the first by more than 1°C, allow the temperature
to stabilize further, and then repeat the procedure of 16.4.2. 17.1 Resistivity:
16.5 Hall-Coeffıcient Measurement: 17.1.1 Eight-Contact Specimens—Calculate the sample re-
16.5.1 Eight-Contact Specimen—Measure the specimen sistivity at the two positions on the specimens from the data of
temperature. Turn on the magnetic flux, and adjust it to the 16.4.1. The resistivity at one position ( rA) is given by (Note 9):
desired positive value of magnetic flux density. Measure the V12,46 2 V21,46 Wt
magnetic flux density. Measure the voltage V12,65( + B). Re- rA 5 2I d18 V·cm (10)

F 76
and the resistivity at the other position (rB) is given by: 18.1.3 Specimen shape used, orientation, and corresponding
V12,57 2 V21,57 wt dimensions,
rB 5 2I d2 V·cm (11) 18.1.4 Magnitude and polarity of all voltages and magnetic-
flux density, and
where the units of the voltages are in volts, current is in
18.1.5 Calculated average resistivity, average Hall-
amperes and w, t, d18, and d2 are in centimetres.
coefficient (including sign), and Hall mobility.
17.1.2 Six-Contact Specimens—Computed from the data of
16.4.2 with rA given by the equation of 17.1.1 and r B given by
19. Precision and Bias
(Note 9),
19.1 When the Hall mobility of the same specimen is
V12,35 2 V 21,35 wt
rB 5 2I d2 V·cm (12) measured in several laboratories under the same conditions of
temperature (61°C) and magnetic-flux density (610 %) the
17.1.3 If r A and rB are not equal within 610 %, the precision, as defined in Practice E 177, expected when the
specimen is undesirably inhomogeneous and a more uniform method is used for measurements on germanium, silicon, and
specimen is required. Calculate the average resistivity r av, gallium arsenide with resistivity in the range from 0.01 to 10
rA 1 r B V·cm is 67 % (R2S). This estimate is based on results of a
rav 5 2 V· cm (13)
preliminary interlaboratory test in which five laboratories
17.2 Hall Coeffıcient: measured each of two specimens at two temperatures. For
17.2.1 Eight-Contact Specimen—Calculate the Hall coeffi- other materials, and outside this resistivity range, comparable
cient from the data of 16.5.1 (Note 5 and Note 9), precision is expected, but this has not yet been verified by
round-robin tests.
7 t
RHA 5 2.50 3 10 B (14) 19.2 A second interlaboratory test conducted on four gal-
lium arsenide parallelepipeds (six-contacts) and four gallium
V12,65~ 1 B! 2 V 21,65~ 1 B! 1 V21,65~2B! 2 V 21,65~2B! arsenide clover-leaf specimens yielded the following pooled
· I cm3·C 21
estimates ( R2S) for interlaboratory precision: 616 %, 626 %,
where the units of the voltage are in volts, current is in and 614 % for the resistivity, Hall coefficient, and Hall
amperes, t is in centimetres, and B is in gauss. RHA will be mobility of the parallelepipeds and 63.2 %, 615 %, and
negative for n-type material and positive for p-type material. 612 % for the resistivity, Hall coefficient, and Hall mobility of
17.2.2 Six-Contact Specimen—Using the data of 16.5.2 the clover-leaves. Contacts were applied only once to the
calculate RHA as in 17.2.1 and a second Hall coefficient RHB as clover-leaf specimens; each of the eight participants used the
follows (Note 5 and Note 9), same thickness in the calculations. Each of the five participants
7 t who measured the parallelepipeds also measured the appropri-
RHB 5 2.50 3 10 B (15) ate dimensions of the parallelepiped specimens. The following
V12,43~ 1 B! 2 V 21,43~ 1 B! 1 V21,43~2B! 2 V 12,43~2B! were the pooled estimates (R2S) for precision: 64.6 %,
· I cm3·C21 62.6 %, and 63.2 % for the thickness (;0.6 mm), width (;3
mm), and distance between contacts (;5 mm). One of the
If RHA and RHB are not equal within 610 %, the specimen is parallelepipeds fractured after the third measurement. In each
undesirably inhomogeneous and a more uniform specimen is group there were three n-type specimens (with resistivity in the
required. When two values of Hall coefficient are available range 0.001 to 0.3 V·cm and carrier density ;5 3 10 16 to
calculate the average Hall coefficient RHav as follows, ;4 3 10 18 cm −3) and one p-type specimen (with resistivity
RHA 1 RHB ;0.007 V·cm and carrier density ;1 3 10 19 cm −3). Measure-
RHav 5 2 cm 3·C 21 (16)
ments were made at nominal laboratory temperatures and in a
17.3 Hall Mobility—Calculate the Hall mobility with RH av magnetic-flux density in the range 3 to 10 kgauss (0.3 to 1.0 T).
given by RHA for the case of an eight-contact specimen. 19.3 The precision values quoted were obtained using
| RHav | version F76 – 67T of the method. Another interlaboratory test
µH [ r cm 2·v ·s 21 (17) of the method for gallium arsenide is underway.

18. Report 20. Keywords

18.1 For referee tests report the following information: 20.1 gallium arsenide; Hall coefficient; Hall data; Hall
18.1.1 Identification of test specimen, mobility; Hall resistivity; semiconductor; silicon; single crys-
18.1.2 Test temperature, tal; van der Pauw

F 76

(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 The interpretation of the results of these measure- J 5 current density, and
ments in terms of semiconductor material parameters is often B 5 magnetic flux density.
not straightforward. When more information is needed than is
provided here, the reader is referred to the literature (2, 3, 4). NOTE X1.1—The Hall coefficient is independent of crystal orientation
provided the crystal structure is cubic and the measurements are per-
X1.2 The resistivity of a material is the ratio of the potential formed at low-magnetic fields. For noncubic crystals, the orientation of
gradient parallel to the current in the material to the current the current and magnetic field directions must be chosen appropriately.
The low-magnetic-field condition is given as follows:
density. For the purposes of this method, the resistivity shall
always be determined for the case of zero magnetic flux. ~µB! 2 « 1
X1.2.1 In extrinsic semiconductors with a single type of where the mobility, µ, is given in m 2/V·s and the magnetic flux density,
charge carrier the resistivity is related to the fundamental B, is given in tesla. As an example, high-mobility n -type gallium arsenic
with a mobility of 4000 cm 2/V·s measured in a field of 0.5 T (5 kgauss)
material properties as follows:
gives a value (µ B) 2 5 0.04 which should be low enough so as not to
1 introduce significant field-dependent anisotropies into RH.
r 5 eµn (X1.1)
X1.4.1 For n-type extrinsic semiconductors, in which the
where: conduction is primarily by electrons, the Hall coefficient is
r 5 resistivity, negative; for p-type extrinsic semiconductors, in which the
e 5 magnitude of the electronic charge, conduction is primarily by holes, it is positive. Conventions
µ 5 magnitude of the mobility of the charge carrier (X1.5), relating the signs of the various quantities are shown in Fig. 3.
and X1.4.2 For extrinsic semiconductors at temperatures below
n 5 charge carrier density.
the intrinsic region with conduction dominated by a single
When both electrons and holes are present, the following
charge-carrier type, the Hall coefficient is related to the
equation applies:
material properties as follows:
r5 (X1.2) r
e~µnn 1 µpp! RH 5 nq (X1.4)
where n and p represent the electron and hole densities,
respectively, and µn and µp represent the corresponding average where:
electron and hole mobilities. Eq 2 is appropriate for intrinsic r 5 proportionality factor and
semiconductors (where the electron and hole concentrations q 5 charge of the carrier (−e for electrons and + e for
are approximately equal). holes).
The proportionality factor, which is of the order of unity,
X1.3 When mutually perpendicular electric and magnetic depends on the details of the band structure, scattering mecha-
fields are impressed on an isotropic solid, the charge carriers nism or mechanisms, specimen temperature, magnetic-flux
are deflected in the third mutually perpendicular direction. If density, and (in some cases) specimen orientation (13). De-
the current in this direction is constrained by the boundary of tailed knowledge of r is required in order to determine
the solid (to be zero), a transverse voltage is developed to accurately the charge-carrier density from the Hall coefficient
oppose the deflection of the charge carriers. The magnetic-field measured in a specific instance. In many cases, such informa-
dependence of the transverse voltage has both an odd and an tion is not known and r must be estimated. A summary of the
even component. The even component of transverse voltage is available information is given separately (2, 3, 4, 14). When
attributed to magnetoresistance and contact misalignment volt- both electrons and holes are present in comparable quantities,
ages. The odd component is by definition the Hall voltage, that the density of each type cannot be found from a single,
is, the component of the transverse voltage which reverses sign low-field Hall-coefficient measurement, because the Hall-
with reversal of magnetic-field direction. coefficient depends on the density and mobility of each carrier
X1.4 The Hall coeffıcient is the ratio of the Hall electric (2, 3, 4).
field (due to the Hall voltage) to the product of the current X1.4.3 In principle, the proportionality factor r can experi-
density and the magnetic flux density (see Fig. 3) as follows: mentally be made equal to unity by performing measurements
EH in the “high-field region” where the product of the magnetic
RH 5 JB (X1.3) field and the mobility is much greater than one:
µB » 1
where: Unfortunately, this condition is only practical in special
RH 5 Hall coefficient, cases (15) due to the high-magnetic field required for most
EH 5 Hall electric field, semiconductors at room temperature.

F 76
X1.5 The average Hall mobility is the ratio of the magni- µH 5 rµ (X1.5)
tude of the Hall coefficient to the resistivity; it is readily If r is known for the material being studied and the
interpreted only in a system with carriers of one charge type.
conditions of the measurement (2, 3, 4), it is possible to obtain
X1.6 The drift mobility of a charge carrier is the ratio of the an accurate value of drift mobility from measurements of the
mean velocity of the carriers to the applied electric field. In a Hall coefficient and resistivity.
single carrier system, either n- or p-type, the drift mobility, µ is
related to the average Hall mobility, µH by the proportionality
factor r,


(1) van der Pauw, L. J.,“ A Method of Measuring Specific Resistivity and (9) Look, D. C., and Farmer, J. W., “Automated, High Resistivity Hall
Hall Effect of Discs of Arbitrary Shape,” Philips Research Reports, Effect and Photoelectronic Apparatus,” Journal Physics E: Science
Vol 13, 1958, pp. 1–9. Instruments, Vol 14, 1981, pp. 472–477.
(2) Putley, E. H., Hall Effect and Related Phenomena, Butterworth & Co., (10) Johansson, N. G. E., Mayer, J. W., and Marsh, O. J.,“ Technique Used
Ltd., London, 1960. in Hall Effect Analysis of Ion Implanted Si and Ge,” Solid-State
(3) Beer, A. C., Galvanomagnetic Effects in Semiconductors, Academic Electronics, Vol 13, 1970, pp. 317–335.
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(4) Stillman, G. E., Wolfe, C. M., and Dimmock, J. O.,“ Hall Coefficient of Electrical Tests for Silicon-on-Sapphire Integrated Circuit Pro-
Factor for Polar Mode Scattering in n-type GaAs,” Journal of Physics cesses,” Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol 2, 1973, pp. 465–483.
and Chemistry of Solids, Vol 31, 1970, pp. 1119–1204. (12) Buehler, M. G., “Semiconductor Measurement Technology: Micro-
(5) Chwang, R., Smith, B. J., and Crowell, C. R.,“ Contact Size Effects on electronic Test Pattertn NBS-3 for Evaluating the Resistivity-Dopant
the van der Pauw Method for Resistivity and Hall Coefficient Density Relationship of Silicon,” NBS Special Publication 400-22
Measurement,” Solid-State Electronics,Vol 17, 1974, pp. 1217–1227. (May 1976).
(6) Versnel, W., “Analysis of the Greek Cross, a van der Pauw Structure (13) Allgaier, R. S., “Some General Input-Output Rules Governing Hall
with Finite Contacts,” Solid-State Electronics, Vol 22, 1979, pp. Coefficient Behavior,” The Hall Effect and Its Applications, ed. by C.
911–914. L. Chien and C. R. Westgate, Plenum Press, New York, NY, 1980.
(7) Buehler, M. G., and Thurber, W. R., “Measurements of the Resistivity (14) Szmulowicz, F., “Calculation of Optical- and Acoustic-Phonon-
of a Thin Sample with a Square Four-Probe Array,” Solid-State Limited Conductivity and Hall Mobilities for p-Type Silicon and
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(8) Hemenger, P. M., “Measurements of High Resistivity Semiconductors (15) Mitchel, W. C., and Hemenger, P. M., “Temperature Dependence of
Using the van der Pauw Method,” Review Science Instruments, Vol 44, the Hall Factor and the Conductivity Mobility in p-Type Silicon,”
1973, pp. 698–700. Journal of Applied Physics, Vol 53, 1982, pp. 6880–6884.

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