Old-School Essentials - Druid and Illusionists Spell Tracker

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Druid Spell Reference



Tick spells memorized. Normal / reversed version chosen at time of casting.

1st Level Spells 3rd Level Spells

Per day: 1st level: 1, 2nd–6th level: Per day: 5th level: 1, 6th–7th level: 2,
2, 7th–8th level: 3, 9th–10th level: 4, 8th–9th level: 3, 10th–11th level: 4,
11th–12th level: 5, 13th–14th level: 6 12th–14th level: 5

Animal friendship (D Perm., R 10’, SV Negates, Max 2HD/level) Call lightning (D 1 turn/lvl., R 260’, 1/turn, 10’ rad., 8d6 dmg., SV 1/2)
Detect danger (D 3/6 turns, R 5’/lvl., 10’×10’: 1 turn, cr./obj.:1 rnd) Growth of nature (D 12 turns/Perm., R 120’, Animal: 2×size, dmg.)
Entangle (D 1 turn, R 80’, 20’ rad., targets immobilised, SV 1/2 move) Hold animal (D 1 turn/level, R 180’, Max 1HD/level, SV Negates)
Faerie fire (D 1 turn, R 60’, counters invis., attacks in low light +2) Protection from poison (D 1 turn/level, R Touch, Revive: 10 rds.)
Invis. to animals (D 1 turn, R Touch, undetectable to all senses) Tree shape (D 6 turns +1/level, R Caster, Incl. gear, normal senses)
Locate plant or animal (D 6 turns, R 120’, Sense dir. not distance) Water breathing (D 1 day, R 30’, Single subject breathe water/air)
Predict weather (D Instant, R 1 mile/level, Next 12 hours)
Speak with animals (D 6 turns, R 30’, 1 type, Reaction unaffected)

4th Level Spells

Per day: 5th–6th level: 1, 7th–8th
level: 2, 9th–10th level: 3, 11th–12th
level: 4, 13th–14th level: 5

2nd Level Spells

Per day: 3rd level: 1, 4th–6th level:
2, 7th–8th level: 3, 9th–10th level: 4,
Cure serious wounds (D Instant, R Touch, 2d6+2hp)
11th–13th level: 5, 14th level: 6
Dispel magic (D Instant, R 120’, End non-instant spells in 20’ cube)
Barkskin (D 1 turn/level, R Touch, +1 AC and non-magical saves) Prot. fr. fire and lightning (D 1 turn/lvl., R Touch, 1 type, 6hp/lvl.)
Create water (D Permanent, R Touch, 50 gallons + 50/level above 8) Speak with plants (D 3 turns, R 30’, Choose normal or monstrous)
Cure light wounds (D Instant, R Touch, 1d6+1hp / cure paralysis) Summon animals (D 3 turns, R 360’, HD: level, may limit species)
Heat metal (D 7 rounds, R 30’, 1 target/2 levels, effects by round) Temperature control (D 1 turn/level, R 10’ around caster)
Obscuring mist (D 1 turn/level, R 10’/level, Blocks infra/vision)
Produce flame (D 2 turns/level, R Caster, 30’ light, on/off at will)

5th Level Spells

Slow poison (D 1 hour/level, R Touch, Revive: 1 turn/level) Per day: 6th–7th level: 1, 8th–9th
level: 2, 10th–11th level: 3, 12th–13th
Warp wood (D Permanent, R 240’, 1 arrow-sized object/level) level: 4, 14th level: 5

Commune with nature (D 1 turn, R 1/2 mile/lvl., 1 turn, 1 fact/lvl.)

Control weather (D Concentration, R 240 yards, One weather type)
Pass plant (D Instant, R Caster, 240–600 yards, by tree species)
Prot. from plants and animals (D 1 turn/level, R Caster)
Transmute rock to mud (D 3d6 days, R 120’, Up to 3,000 sq ft)
Wall of thorns (D 1 turn/level, R 80’, Up to 1,200 sq ft)

v1.0 — © 2021 Gavin Norman — necroticgnome.com

Illusionist Spell Reference


Tick spells in spell book / spells memorized. Note if the reversed version of a spell is

1st Level Spells 4th Level Spells

Per day/in spell book: 1st level: 1, Per day/in spell book: 7th level: 1,
2nd–6th level: 2, 7th–10th level: 3, 8th–9th level: 2, 10th–13th level: 3,
11th–14th level: 4 14th level: 4

Auditory illusion (D 3 turns, R 240’, Volume: max 4 humans/level) Confusion (D 12 rounds, R 120’, 3d6 subj. within 60’, SV Negates)
Chromatic orb (D Instant, R 60’, Damage + effect by gemstone) Dispel magic (D Instant, R 120’, End non-instant spells in 20’ cube)
Colour spray (D Instant, R 20’ cone (20’ wide end), 1d6 targets) Emotion (D Concentration, R 10’ per level, All in 40’ sq, SV Neg.)
Dancing lights (D 1 turn, R 40’ +10’/level, Move within range) Illusory stamina (D 3 turns/level, R Touch, 4 persons)
Detect illusion (D 3 turns, R Touch, Illusions up to 10’/level away) Improved invisibility (D 4 rds. +1/level, R Touch, +4 AC / saves)
Glamour (D 2d6 rounds +2/level, R Caster, SV Detect duplicate) Massmorph (D Permanent, R 240’, All within area)
Hypnotism (D 1 round +1/level, R 30’, 1d6 targets, SV Negates) Minor creation (D 6 turns/level, R Touch, Veg. matter, 1 cu ft/level)
Light (D 6 turns +1/level, R 120’, 15’ radius light / blind / dispel dark) Phantasmal killer (D 1 round/level, R 5’/level, SV+2 Neg.)
Phantasmal force (D Concentration, R 240’, 20’ cube, visual) Rainbow pattern (D Conc., R 30’ sq, HD: max 24, SV Neg.)
Read magic (D 1 turn, R Caster, Decipher scrolls, spell books, etc.) Shadow monsters (D 1 round/level, R 30’, HD: level, 1d2hp)
Spook (D Until save, R 10’, Target flees, SV Neg., new save / round) Solid fog (D 1 turn, R 60’, 10’ cube/level, blocks infra/vision, 1/10 move)
Wall of fog (D 1 turn, R 60’, 10’ cube/level, blocks infra/vision) Veil of abandomment (D 1 turn/level, R 10’/level)

2nd Level Spells 5th Level Spells

Per day/in spell book: 3rd level: 1,
Per day/in spell book: 9th level: 1,
4th–7th level: 2, 8th–11th level: 3,
10th–11th level: 2, 12th–14th level: 3
12th–14th level: 4

Blindness/deafness (D Perm., R 30’, SV Neg., curing: not a disease) Chaos (D 12 rounds, R 120’, 60’ diameter area, SV Negates)
Blur (D 1 turn, R Caster, Direct magic: +1 saves, foes: –4/–2 to attack) Demi-shadow monsters (D 1 round/level, R 30’, HD: level, 1d4hp)
Detect magic (D 2 turns, R 60’, Magic glows) Illusion (D 1 round/level, R 240’, 20’ cube, all senses)
False aura (D 1 turn, R 30’, Detect: deflected, divination: opposite) Looking glass (D 1 round/level, R Touch, View any place or object)
Fascinate (D Until broken, R 30’, Besotted with caster, SV Neg.) Major creation (D 12/6 turns/level, R Touch, Non-liv., 1 cu ft/level)
Hypnotic pattern (D Conc., R 30’ sq, HD: max 24, SV Neg.) Maze of mirrors (D By INT, R 5’/level, Single subject lost in maze)
Impr. phant. force (D Concentration, R 240’, 20’ cube, vis.+sound) Projected image (D 6 turns, R 240’, Touch reveals)
Invisibility (D Perm. until broken, R 240’, Attack/cast spell ends) Seeming (D 12 hours, R 10’, Disguise 1 subject/2 levels, height: ±1’)
Magic mouth (D Perm. until triggered, R Touch, Up to 25 words) Shadowcast (D Up to 6 turns +1/level, R 30’, Shadows show past)
Mirror image (D 6 turns, R Caster, 1d4 dups., Attacks cancel one) Shadowy trans. (D 1d4 rounds +1/level, R Touch, Obj: 1 cu ft/level)
Quasimorph (D 3d4 rounds +2/level, R Caster, Size ±50%) Time flow (D 6 turns/level, R 10’, In area: 1 hour passes per turn)
Whispering wind (D 1 turn/mile, R 1 mile/level, Up to 100 words) Visitation (D 5 minutes, R Unlimited, Send message, SV Negates)

3rd Level Spells 6th Level Spells

Per day/in spell book: 5th level: 1,
Per day/in spell book: 11th level: 1,
6th–8th level: 2, 9th–12th level: 3,
12th level: 2, 13th–14th level: 3
13th–14th level: 4

Blacklight (D 1 turn/level, R 60’, 30’ diameter illumination) Acid fog (D 1d4 rounds +1/level, R 30’, 10’ cube/level, 1/2/4/8 dmg.)
Dispel illusion (D Inst., R 120’, End non-inst. illusions in 20’ cube) Dream quest (D Until completed, R 60’, SV Neg., refuse: 1 dmg./day)
Fear (D Instant, R 60’ cone (30’ wide end), Flee 1 rd/level, SV Neg.) Impersonation (D 1 turn/level, R Touch, Exactly duplicate person)
Hallucinatory terrain (D Until touched, R 240’, Fit in range) Manifest dream (D Varies, R Caster, 8 hours sleep)
Invisibility 10’ radius (D Perm. until broken, R 120’, Att./spell ends) Mass suggestion (D 4 turns +4/level, R 90’, 1 subject/level, SV Neg.)
Nondetection (D 1 turn/lvl., R Caster, Invisible to scrying/location) Mislead (D 1 round/level, R Caster, Double + caster invisible)
Paralysation (D 6 turns, R 10’/level, 20’ cube, HD: level×2, SV Neg.) Permanent illusion (D Permanent, R 240’, 20’ cube, all senses)
Phantom steed (D 6 turns/level, R 10’, Mv: 30’ (10’) / level) Shades (D 1 round/level, R 30’, HD: level, 1d6hp)
Rope trick (D 2 turns/level, R Touch, Up to 6 humans) Through the looking glass (D 1 round/level, R 10’, View/portal)
Spectral force (D Concentration, R 240’, 20’ cube, all senses) Triggered ill. (D Perm. until triggered, R 240’, 20’ cube, all senses)
Suggestion (D 4 turns +4/level, R 30’, Follow suggestion, SV Neg.) True seeing (D 1 rd./level, R Touch, See secret doors/ill./invis./ench.)
Wraithform (D 1 turn, R Caster, Pass small holes, invulnerable) Vision (D 1 turn, R Caster, Sacrifice for vision from supern. power)

v1.0 — © 2021 Gavin Norman — necroticgnome.com

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