12th Poem 1 The Castle

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The Castle
Edwin Muir L8FDS49
Warm Up
a) What thoughts come to your mind when
) Fil in the tollowing empty boxes
you think about a castle? Add your ideas Name Location
to thelist.
Fort St. George Chennal
moat, huge buildings, soldiers, weapons Gingee Fort
Golconda Fort
b) Have you ever visiteda fort or a castle?

All through that summer at ease we lay, Oh then our maze of tunneled stone
And daily from the turret wall Grew thin and treacherous as air.
We watched the mowers in the hay The cause was lost without a groan,
And the enemy half a mile away The famous citadel overthrown,
They seemed no threat to us at al. And all its secret galleries bare.

For what, we thought, had we to fear How can this shameful tale be told?
With our arms and provender, load on load, Iwill maintain until my death
We could do nothing. being sold:
Our towering battlements, tier on tier,
And triendiy allies drawing near Our only enemy was gold,
On every leafy summer road. And we had no arms to fight it with.

Our gates were strong. our walls were

So smooth and high, no man could win
A foothold there, no clever trick
Could take us dead or quick,
Only a bird could have got in.

What could they offer us for bait?

Our captain was brave and we were true...
There was a little private gate,
A little wicked wicket gate.
The wizened warder let them through.


About The Author something8

intended to entice
Edwin Muir (1887-1959) was a renowned someone to do
Scottish poet, something
novelist, translator
evil or morally
and critice wicked
remembered or wrong
his vivid poetry. He a small gate
wicket gate
began writing poetryY an aged or old
a relatively old age, wizened warder
and over the course ot guard
several years worked out an individual,
a winding, intricate
philosophical style tor which he gained maze
confusing path
recognition later in his life. First Poems
treacherous disloyal
andChorus of the Newly Dead contain
Muirs initial attempts. Muirs later groan lament, cry
collections include Variations on a lime a safe and strong
Theme, The Narrow Place, The Voyage citadel
and Other Poems, The Labyrinth, and
One Foot in Eden defeated
maintain believe
Glossary 1. Based on your understanding of the
poem, answer the tollowing questions
a small tower on
turret wall in one or two sentences each.
top of a castle
people who trim a) Who is the narrator in the poem?
mowers grass and level the
b) How long had the soldiers been in the
provender food
tall towers with c)Why were the soldiers in the castle
towering openings to shoot fearless?
battlements the enemies
d) Where were the enemies?
tier one above the other
e) Why does the narrator say that the
helptul or enemy was no threat at all?

friendly allies Supporting nations

Did the soldiers fight with the enemies
or armed forces
face to face
foothold position
g)Who had let the enemies in?
h) How did the enemies enter the caste?

quick alive i) Why were the secret galleries bare?

General Engliah Page 20


) What was the 'shameful act? inside the famous citadel that had been
known for its secret gallery and intricate
k) Why didn't the narrator want to tell the
tale to anybody? path. The strong castle became(12).
and thin because of the
greedy disloyal
warder. The
1) Why did the narrator feel helpless? the enemies for
(13).-.. Was
captured by
(14). he
m) Who was the real enemy? (15). Over the (16)... of the
useless warder and also decided not to
2. Read the poem again and complete the disclose this (17).-story to
Summary using the words given in box. and wondered how
He was (18)..
he would keep this truth to himself. He
Stanzas 1-3
regretted not
finding any (19).. to
The Castle by Edwin Muir is a nght with the (20). Called gold.

moving poem on the (1)... ofa well- lamented shameful

The soldiers of the wicked guard
guarded (2).
castle were totally stress-free and relaxed.
They were (3). of their castle's weapon citadel
physical strength. Through the turrets weak disloyalty
they were able to watch the mowers and
helpless enemy
no enemy was found up to the distance
of (4). and so they seemed no
. Read the poem and answer the tollowing
threat to the castle. They had ( 5 ) . . in a short paragraph of 8-10 sentences
of and
weapons protect
to them a large
quantity of (6). in stock to take care a) How safe was the castle? How was it
of the well-being of the soldiers inside the conquered?
castle. The soldiers stood one above the b) Bring out the contrasting picture of the
other on the towering (7).. to shoot castle as depicted in stanzas 3 and 5.
the enemy at sight. They believed that the
e) Human greed led to the mighty fall of
castle was absolutely safe because their
the citadel. Explain.
captain was (8).and the soldiers
were loyal . Read the given lines and answer the
questions that follow ina line ar two.
half-a-kilometre watching
castle brave a) All through the summer at ease we lay,
And daily from the turret wall
ration capture We watched the mowers in the hay
plenty confident
Who does 'we' refer to?
Stanzas 4-6
How did the soldiers spend the
Even by a trick no one but the birds summer days?
could enter. The enemy could not use
a (9). for their entry inside the castle. ii. What could they watch from the
turret wal?
But there was a wicket gate guarded by a
(10). . He (11)... in the enemies
Page 21 TheCastle


b) Ourgates were strong, our walls were thick, 7. Underline the alliterated words in the
So smooth and high, no man could win. following lines
How safe was the castle? a) With our arms and provender, load on
ii. What was the firm belief of the soldiers? load.

c) A foothold there, no clever trick b) A little wicked wicket gate.

Could take us dead or quick,
c)The wizened warder let them through.
Only a bird could have got in.
8. ldentify the figure of speech used in the
What was challenging?
following lines.
ii. Which aspect of the castle's strength is
a) A little wicked wicket gate.
conveyed by the above line?
b) Oh then our maze of tunncled stone
d) Oh then our maze of tunneled stone
Grew thin and treacherous as air c) Grew thin and treacherous as air
The castle was lost without a groal,
The famous citadel overthrown,
d) How can this shameful tale be told?
e) Our only enemy was gold,
Bring out the contrast in the first two
lines. Allegory: An allegory is a complete
ii. What happened to the castle? narrative that involves characters and
events that stand for an abstract idea or
e) We could do nothing. being sold. event. In other words, a story, poem, or
i Why couldn't they do anything? picture that can be interpreted to reveal
ii. Why did they feel helpless? a hidden meaning. typically a moral or
political one.

5. Explain the following with reference to 9. Can you call "The Castle' an
the context in about 50-60 words each. poem? Discuss.

a) They seemed no threat to us at all.

b) How can this shameful tale be told?
ome phrases have been left out
Iwill maintain until my death in the poem below. Fill in the missing
d) Our only enemy was gold phrases on listening to the reading o r
the audio played by the teacher. You may
6. Read the poem and complete the table listen again, if required.
with suitable rhyming words.

lay The Soldier

IfI should die, .

That theres some corner..

GcneralEnaelish Page 22

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Thatis. There shall b Parallel Reading

In that rich earth a richer
. It Takes Courage

A dust whom England bore, shaped, It takes strength to be firm, it takes

made aware, courage to be gentle.

Gave, . sTOdnm; It takes strength to conquer, it takes

courage to surrender.
A body.. al
It takes strength to be certain, it takes
Washed . *********a******* Suns of home.
courage to have doubt.

And think, ...

** *************** away, It takes strength to fit in, it takes courage
A pulse in the . . . y no less to stand out.

Gives somewhere back .. It takes strength to feela friend's pain, it

given; takes courage to feel your own pain.
ier..s d r e a m s happy as her It takes strength to endure abuse, it takes
day: courage to stop it.

And laughter,. and It takes strength to stand alone, it takes

gentleness, courage to lean on another.

in heartS.
Englishheaven. It takes strength to love, it takes courage
to be loved.

It takes strength to survive, it takes

Rupert Brooke
courage to live.


Page23 The Castie

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