Morales Heat Transfer Analysis During Water Spray Cooling of Steel Rod

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ISIJ International, Vol. 30 (1990), No, l, pp.


Heat Transfer Analysis during Water Spray Cooling of Steel Rods



Department of Metallurgy, ESIQIE-Instituto Polit6cnico Nacional, C.P. 07360M6xico D.F., M6xico. 1)Puebla Steelworks, HyLSA,Sn.
Miguel Xoxtla, Puebla, M6xico.

(Received on April 17, 1989, accepted in the final form on September8, I989)

A mathematical model has been developed to predict the rod cooling behavior of steel rods under the action of water
sprays the precoo]ing system of a Stelmor machine. The main objective of this work was to study the influence of

operation parameters such as rod size, rod speed, rod temperature at the finishing mill, water flow-rate and spray cooling
sequenceon the final temperature distribution within the rod before it enters into the transformation conveyor.
This heat transfer analysis indicates that the spray cooling sequenceaffects, considerably, the temperature distribution
inside the rod. Besides, water flow-rate failures in the spray cooling system disturb drastically its cooling efficiency. Finally,
reheating phenomena which go from 150 to 200'C at rod surface are predicted. The calculations were validated with in
situexperimental measurementscarried out at HyLSA'S(Puebla Plant) Stelmor machine. Very good agreement was
found between predicted and experimentally measuredrod surface temperatures.

steel; rod; water-spray; cooling-rate reheating; Stelmor Process; flow-rate; heat-transfer; finishing mill;
wire; drawing; speed; pearlitic transformation.

l. Introduction rate at this precooling system, hereinafter called Rapid

Cooling System (RCS), a mathematical model which
The cooling rate of steel rods in a precooling sys- involves all operation parameters above mentioned
tem of a Stelmor machine (employed for steel rod will be developed in the following lines.
patenting) depends on various operation parameters.
Amongthose parameters the most important are rod 2. The Mathematical Model of the RCS
size, rod speed (finishing speed), rod temperature at
the finishing mill, water flow-rate and spray cooling The technical speciflcations of this precooling sys-
sequence. tem for HyLSA'SStelmor machine indicate that it is
For some given operation conditions, the cooling capable of cooling steel rods from flnishing tempera-
rate will set a temperature distribution within a steel tures as high as I 040 to 785"C during the time re-
rod just before it enters into the transformation con- quired to travel 30 at mill delivery speeds from 12
veyor (Laying temperature). Since the transforma-
to 42 m/s for different rod diameters.
tion from austenite to pearlite (or pearlite plus fer" As can be seen in Fig. l, it is possible to divide
rite) should take place in a 33 long forced air the heat transfer mechanismsinto 5zones at the RCS.
cooled zone (Fig. l) this temperature becomesvery
m In this RCSthe steel rod is cooled downto a desired
important for the process performance. If this tem- laying temperature without the presence of a phase
perature distribution is high (low eificiency of the transformation. This precooling system brinb's the
precooling system) there is a danger that the solid rod nearer to the pearlitic transformation starting
state transformation within the rod
mayflnish out-
side the forced air cooling zone. This will enable the
These zones have the following characteristics :
precipitation of a coarse pearlite which will decrease Zone I : This zone (3 long) comprises from the
the mechanical properties of the product.1) m
last finishing roll of the mill to the first water cooling
Moreover, very high cooling rates at the precool- box. The heat transfer mechanismis that of radia-
ing system mayinduce the precipitation of metastable tion from the rod surface to the surroundings.
phases like bainite or martensite. Under these pos- Zone 2: This zone (8 long) belongs to the first
sible circumstances the rod will becomeuseless for m
cooling box (the first spray cooling stage), which has
patenting and final drawing operations. in its inside 4water sprays uniformly distributed along
On the other hand, a right rod cooling rate by its length. The heat transfer mechanismis a com-
water, immediately after completion of rolling, pre- bination of forced convection, owing to the presence
serves to a large extent the reflnement of the austenitic water sprays, and by radiation through the water
grain structure produced by hot deformation, making vapor film formed at the rod surface. Both mech-
the steel more responsive to the subsequent patenting anisms are considered to work simultaneously during
operations. the rod passage through this zone.
Consequently, in order to control the rod cooling Zone 3: This a 8 long zone~whosemain function
48 C 1990 ISIJ
ISIJ International, Vol. 30 (1990), No. l

If3m~14- 8 m -~1(- 8 m -P14- 8 m --~h5m+1 TO AIR FORCED


r 8--


Fig. 1. Rapid Cooling System of HyLSA'S Stelmor machine.

is to equilibrate the rod center and surface tempera- Table l.

Rod speeds at the finishing mill and at the
tures (a temperature gradient is promoted by the conveyor.
preceding spray cooling zone) through a free radia-
tion to the surroundings. Rod radius Finishing Conveyor Temperature at
However, owing to the speed speed the laying head
high rod delivering speeds at the last roll of the finish- (m) (m/s) (m/s) ("C)
ing mill, a visible vapor film ofwater is dragged along
40 l o 80 950
the rod traveling direction. Table I shows the usual
, .

42 . O o 70
rod delivering speeds for different rod sizes. Con- O0040.
31 ,O o.63 925
sequently, the heat transfer mechanismis considered O0044.
27 O . o 63 925

to be, also, a combination of radiation and convec- O0048.

24 O .
0.60 900
tion. O0051.
19.0 o 60
The first layer of fluid
in contact with the rod sur- O0055.
14.0 o 60
face is a water vapor fllm, next to this, there are other O0060.
12.0 o 60
layers of liquid water with different saturation de-
During the residence time of the rod in this zone it
is observed in Fig. 2
these thermophysical properties
an eutectoid steel (or
any other carbon steel) can
is assumedthat the heat transfer mechanism is similar
be straight line adjusted by equations of the type.8)
to that whena hot steel rod is submergedinto a pound
of liquid water as in quenching processes. Conse- k= A+BT......... .........(2-a)

quently, the heat is extracted by convection owing to

the movementof the vapor-liquid mixture and by
= A'+B/T .......

radiation through the vapor fllm as it is well explained where, A, B, A', B': constants.
in sometextbooks.2) Eq. (1) is solved together with initial and boundary
Zone 4: This zone (8 long) comprises the second conditions according to the following easily derived
cooling box (the second spray cooling stage). This equations,
box has, also, 4 water sprays uniformly distributed
along its length. The heat extraction mechanismis
at r=r and t=0 T= Ti .................,

similar to that already explained for the flrst cooling u) at r=0 and t=t dT =0
box, (zone 2).
Zone 5: This zone belongs to the length from the -kaT
end of the second cooling box to the wheel guide of
at r R and t t ar
ae(T4 T)
the laying head (see Fig. I where the heat transfer
mechanismis again the sameas that of zone 3. This
iv) at r= r and t=t* T=f(r, t*) ............(6)

zone is the second temperature equilibration zone aT

(TEZ 2). v) at r=R and t=t - k ar =h(T-T~)
Besides, owing to the high speeds of motion of the
rod, conduction along the rod is negligible in
parison with heat flow by bulk motion. The solution of Eq. (1) gives the ternperature pro-
Additionally, as the rod diameter is muchsmaller flle in a transverse slice of steel rod that travels
than its length, it is possible to assume heat flow through the RCSfrom
the last roll of the finishing
mainly through the radial direction of the unsteady mill block) to the wheel guide at the laying
heat conduction equation : head. Space and time are related through s=Vt

~(k aa~)+~(aaT V
where is the rod traveling speed at the RCS.
C' PaT
.(1) The initial condition, Eq. (3), assumes that the
temperature in the cross section of the rod leaving the
C1' and k are dependent on the temperature, but as it last roll of the finishing mill is l.aiform. Eq. (4) -

ISIJ International, Vol. 30 (1990), No. l

establishes the temperature profile symmetry. zle-steel surface distance on spray heat-transfer coef-
Eqs. (1), (3) to (5) are numerically solved for the ficient can be seen primarily in terms of their effect
zone I . on the spray water flux whereas variables like water
Eq. (6) is somekind of initial condition at a time temperature and steel surface temperature affect the
(t*) corresponding to the starting of every cooling heat-transfer coefficient directly.
zone after the flrst one. At the starting time of a Under these grounds it is better to look for correla-
given zone (t*) (including frorn the second to the tions involving the most immediate variables such as
flfth zone), the temperature vector f(r, t*) resulting water water temperature and pressure. These
from a preceding zone is substituted in Eq. (6). In correlationsshould be applicable for steel surface tem-
way the system of equations is solved employing perature of 800-1 100'C and for water temperatures
Eq. (6) with T=f(r, t*) instead of Eq. (3) and Eq. such as 20-30'C. These conditions point out that
(7) instead of the boundary condition (5). The heat- the cooling phenomenon is under the regime of
transfer in Eq. (7) will change according to
coeflicient stable film boiling.4)
the heat transfer mechanismoperating in a given zone Mitsutsuka5) evaluated the experimental data of
as will be explained latter. various workers under film boiling regime assuming
For calculating the temperature profiles in the that the heat-transfer coefficient is a function of the
zones and 4, Eqs. (1), (4), (6) and (7) are solved most direct variables, water flux, water temperature
making use of a dummyvector (JV:,JV:,JV:,JY) for the and steel surface temperature.
two cooling boxes, where JV has only two values, I or In Table 2 the experimental conditions employed
O. In the first case, it indicates that the correspond- by those researchers6,15} for the estimation of the heat-
ing spray is working and in the latter that the corre- transfer coefficient are summarized. From a statisti-
sponding spray is off. As an example the spray cal analysis of all reported data Mitsutsuka found the
(0,1,1,0) (0,0,0,1) indicates that the second first correlation reported in Table 3. In this same
sequence ;
and the third sprays of the first box and the fourth Table there are someother correlations determined by
spray of the second box are working, whereas the rest various authors such as Sasaki,12) Ishigur0,16) Nozaki
are closed. et al.,17) Bolle and Moreau,18,ao) Shimadaand Mitsu-
The heat-transfer coefficient h in Eq. (7) is in tsuka,19) and Mizikar9) given by Eqs. (B), (C), (D),
formal terms somekind of a pseudo heat-transfer coef- (E), (G), (F), (H) and (1), respectively.
ficient since it involves combined heat transfer mech- In addition of these equations, the lron and Steel
anisms of forced convection and radiation working Institute ofJapan21) gives Eqs. (J) and (K) based on
simultaneously in zones (2) to (5). the results of various experimental works. It is im-
In order to estimate the value of h, it is necessary portant to point out that these eleven equations are
to take into consideration that zones and 4 are 2 the results of at least 20 of the most relevant works
fundamentally cooled by water sprays, while zones 3 reported in the field and consequently they should be
and 5 by radiation and by the dragged water film considered as a good source of heat-transfer-coefficient
along the traveling direction of the rod. Consequent- data for spray-hot steel surface systems under film
ly, the heat-transfer coeflicient by forced convection boiling regime.
hc, involved in h, should be calculated through two Table 3 were tried in the model
All equations in
different methods for zones 2 to 4 and zones 3 to 5, and compared with experimental temperature mea-
respectively. surements, to determine the suitable one for the plant.
2.1. Calculation of the Heat-transfer Coefficientfor Zones
A pseudo heat-transfer coefficient for radiation
heat-transfer was estimated by,zi)
2 and 4
Most of the experimental work on the determina- h'=4'5333[( T+273
4 T~+273 4ll (T'-T~)
tion of heat-transfer coefficient has been done in the roo - 100
laboratory, using hot steel plates, typically square, 3m .

using commercial nozzles. There are not systematic

In this equation the emissivity of the steel has been
reports on heat-transfer coefficients of hot steel rods-
assumedto be equal to 0.8. The combined heat-
water spray systems. Thus, in order to find out a transfer coeflicient is given simply by,
heat-transfer coefficient whose value may give the
best fit with the experimental observations, it is the
h= he+h,. .....

only available way, to limit the search to hot steel

plates-water spray systems usually given by empirical 2.2. Calculation of the Heat-transfer Coefficientfor Zones 3
correlations. and 5
Spray heat-transfer are strongly affected
As the rodsurface temperature at the RCSis still
by variables such as nozzle type, nozzle size, water very high the heat transfer mechanismin these zones
flux, water pressure and nozzle-steel distance, surface belongs also to that of unstable film boiling regime.
tempeature, etc. These variables can be divided into According to this mechanismthe heat-transfer coeffi-
two categories depending on whether or not they cient for convection heat flow is given by22)
influence the spray water flux (1/m2 s) which is the
most important spray variable. Then the effect of 62[ H:~Pg(pl~p)k3 1/4
hc O'
variables such a nozzle type, water pressure and noz- = p(Ts~ ~~isat)D

ISIJ International, Vol. 30 (1990), No, l

Table 2. Test conditions for the estimation of heat-transfer coefficients.5)

Specimen conditions
transfer Researchers Heating Water flux
Size (!/m2 min)
state Material temperature .

(mm) ('C)

Junke) Heat resisting steel 2.5x83x (lOO to 250) 800 to 1300 Unknown
Muller and Jeschar7) Heat resisting steel (6 to lO)x(20 to 60)xL 800 to 1200 18.6 to 546

Mitsusuka8) Carbon steel 28 x 220 x 220 Max. 930 5 to 2OOO

Mizikar9) Stainless 18Cr-8Ni steel 16x 127 x 127 Max. I 094 163 t* 1400
Mitsusuka and Fukudalo) Carbon steel (22 t• 51)x550x I OOO Max, 630 5 to 100
Hoogendoornand den Hondll) Stainless18Cr-8Ni steel 25 x 185ip Max, I OOO 36 to 1500
Sasaki et al,12) Stainless 18Cr-8Ni steel 30 x 300 x 300 Max, 1200 lOO to 2500
Kamio et al.13) Steel 40 x 60 x 130 Max, I 100 51 to I 130
Amanoand Kuniokal4) Steel 20x ?> ? Max. 900 600
Ohtomoet al.16) Steel 3 t• lOx?x? Max. 800 l OOOto 30 OOO

Table 3. Heat-transfer coefficient for spray cooling systems. (kW/m2K)

Eq. Correlation Ref. No. Observations

(A) hc
= 2 6612> I
05 Wo.el6/ T*2,445 5)
W in l/m~•min, Ts' steel temperature in oC
(B) hc
= 708W0.75Trl'2+ o I 16 ,
W in l/m2.s, Ts' steel temperature in oC
(C) hc O581 W0,451(I O0075Tw)
= ,
- .
W in l/m2.s, Tw"C(water temperature)
hc I 57 W0,55(1 -O. 0075Tw)(1
(D) = ,
l 7)
Win l/m2.s, Tw"C(water temperature), (r=4
(E) hc O423Wo.556
= ,
Win in l/m2.s
(F) he= I 57W0.55(1-O. 0075Tw)
Win l/m2.s, Tw' "C (water temperature)
(G) hc O360W0.556
= .
Win l/ma.s
(H) hc O0776
hc=0. I W
. W 9)
W l/m2.s
(1) 9)
W in l/m2.s
(J) hc= I 161 1X l0-3 antilog (0.663 Iog W-0,00147Ts) 21)
W in l/ma.min, Ts' steel temperature in oC


(K) hc= I .61 1X 10-3 antilog (2 .030+0 793 Iog OOOI54Ts) , .

Win l/m2.min, Ts' steel temperature in oC

where. H' : an effective heat of vaporization of

water Thermal Conductiyity ncs operation
x 3000
D: the thermal conductivity and diameter
E Heat Capacity l(J2~2~~H)Ran
of the rod, respectively ~ t,
; ,,
p, pl : its viscosity and density, respectively ~ Conve OF o ion R ),

the vapor density. H \

p: 2 40 aooo ~
H; is related to the heat of vaporization of water F
o H
D v
(H~) through

~'[1+ 0'4Cp(T'-T_t) 2

= .(1 l) JC ~
H~ = 30 'b UJ
,t; =
The expressions and (10) are substituted in Eq.
(8) ::
(9) to obtain the combined heat-transfer coefficient o o
for zones 3 and 5.
500 700 900 IIOO 1300
The thermophysical properties of
water23) together with those of an eutectoid steel pre- URE(' K)
sented in Fig. were adjusted to give simple equa-
2, Fig. 2. The thermophysical properties as functions of tem-
tions valid in the temperature range where the RCS perature for eutectoid steels.
works. These correlations are reported in Table 4.
through the correlations reported in Table 4 at the
calculated temperature of the preceding node. The
3. Numerrcal Solutron
error involved in this approxirnation is diminished by
A finite difference method was employed to solve increasing the numberof nodes in the meshand by
the partial differential with and
equation (1
) its initial making the time steps small enough.
boundary conditions. A slice of the rod was divided The computing program was coded in Basic and
into nodes and the temperature profile at each succes- run on a HP-9816computer of the process metallurgy
sive time step, which also corresponds to a
newposi- group at ESIQ;IE-IPN, Department of Metallurgy,
tion along the RCSIine, was calculated using the The structure of the computing program gives a
implicit difference method. The time-position de- high flexibility to simulate any operational condition
pendent thermophysical properties of steel and water including changes in the precooling operation par-
in a given node for a fixed time step, were calculated ameters, malfunctions and partial~ Qetotal equipment

ISIJ International, Vol. 30 (1990), No. l

Table 4. Thermophysical properties employed in the model.

Propert y Unit Phase Correlation Observation

Viscosity Pa.s Water vapor p=3.5068XIO 8T 6 022XIO T in 'K, valid for 380~T~1 OOO
Water vapor Cp=4067 - 102 .92 x 103/T1/2+966 .
50 x l013 T T in 'K
Heat capacity J Steel Cp=4_93.71+2.3T l 075•K T 1350'K
IKg'K Cp=1400 950 T I 075'K
Cp=281 4+0 5066T. .
550 T 950'K
Water vapor K= CpP Pa's
p. in
conductivity m'K s .
Steel K= 75 42 O047T
. .
830 T I 075'K
K=9.84+0.013T l 075 T 1350'K
Density kg/m3
Water vapor p= 244 75387( T)-1'01645
. T in 'K
p= 7850 Constant

Heat of
J/kg Water vapor H=2 576 57T+32 l I X 105 T in 'K

I c
I /'--- ._ l
l !;~
I s
goo k
r\ I
t tl


t\: •,Lt
kI.\ /
\\l f
h L
Ro= 0.0055 m
Fig. 3. 800 B V*14 mls
C G=1S.88 lls
Test of the RCS model with Eqs. (A) to (C) for the
estimation of the heat-transfer coefficient using a o l 2
spray sequence (O, O, O, 1); (1, O, O, O). TIME (s)

failures. It
can be used for the design of rod steel rod surface temperatures with an acceptable accuracy.
precooling practices and the correction of possible Fig. 3 shows the model predictions employing the
wrong cooling conditions improving the rod laying correlations (A) to (C) under the operating conditions
temperature control at the wheel guide. indicated in the samefigure. Eqs. (A) to (C) predict
considerably higher temperatures at the laying head
4. Comparisonof In-plant Measurementswith than the experimental observations. It is interesting

Model Predictions to point out that in spite that Eq. (A) is a final result
correlated from manyexperimental works it is not
Two color Modline infrared pyrometers with a very helpful to estimate the temperature profile for
wavelength equal to 0.90 u were located at the exit of this spray-hot rod steel surface system. The shape of
the last roll of the finishing mill and at the entrance the calculated temperature profiles is typical ofspray-
of the wheel guide, at the laying head respectively. hot steel surface systems (i,e., secondary cooling in
During the operation, the emissivity of these pyro- continuous casting). After the rod enters in a spray
meters was set at 0.8. The pyrometers were, pre- working zone there is a sudden temperature decrease
viously, calibrated against an internal black body at its surface. Oncethe rod leaves a working spray
calibration system. to enter to a non-working spray zone there is a pro-
During the processing of a steel heat, under some nounced surface reheating process assisted by heat
determined operation conditions, from 5 to 10 read- flow from the rod center to its surface. Onthe other
ings were taken from these pyrometers and the aver- hand, the rod center is slightly affected and its tem-
age of these readings was reported as a final tempera- perature decreases only few degrees under the speci-
ture record. fied operating conditions. Since the residence time of
the rod at the RCSis usually very short (in this case
2.35 s) the control of the spray cooling system is a
5. Simulation Results
very important operation parameter for subsequent
According to the design of the RCSof this Stelmor patenting operations.
line, the flow-rate of water per spray is 13.88 l/s and The test of the model employing Eqs. (D) to (F) is
this value is employed to calculate the water flux, shown in Fig. 4. The first two equations predict
taking into account the numberof working sprays in higher temperatures than the experimental results
a given cooling box. while Eq. (E) predicts lower ones. This latter equa-
Moreover the correlations in Table 3 were em- tion makes the model to predict very pronounced
ployed in the RCSmodel for calculating h* in order cooling-reheating processes at the rod surface. Would
to find which of them is able to predict the in plant this correlation hold for the e~cperimental measure-

ISIJ International, Vol. 30 (1990), No. l

R0=0.0055 m V= 14.0 mls
G= IS.88 Ils
o gOO --- E /~ -~ S ~C

h F '\
f 'S

800 \

TO 625 •C TO 590 'C

Fig. 4. 700
Test of the RCSmodel with Eqs. (D) to (F) for the
estimation of the heat-transfer coefficient using a o I 2
spray sequence (O, O. O, l); (1, O, O, O).


~ C
F goo ~7T.T.T: S
i~ /~ .


800 G R0= 0.0055 m

--- H ~ V = 14.0 m/s Fig. 5.
i G = 13.88 lls Test of the RCSmodel with Eqs. (G) to (1) ibr the
7oo estimation of the heat-transfer coefficient using a
o l 2 O, O, 1);
TiME (s) spray sequence (O, (1, O. O, O).

~C~ C
P J ~S
F goo --- K '
\\u,, ~~~ ~S~
Ro : 0.0055 m
\ l
V= 14.0 mIs
Fig. 6.
Test of the RCSmodel with Eqs. (.J) and (K) for G= IS.88 I/s

the estimation of heat-transfer coefficient using a

o l a
spray sequence (O, O, O, l); (1, O, O, O).

ments, the quenching of the rod will be unavoidable 180"C). The second working spray cools the rod
even for one working spray. surface down to 725'C and the reheating goes up to
Fig. 5 shows the computing results employing Eqs. 900'C (AT=175'C) at the end of the RCS, at the
(G) to (1) from Table 3. The first equation makes laying head. The rod center decreases its tempera-
the model to predict higher temperatures than the ture from I OOO to 950'C at the end of the RCS (AT=
experimental measurements. The employmentof the 50'C), at the laying head, owing to the action of the
second equation predicts closer values but still slightly two working sprays for this specific case. The tem-
higher, while the last equation predicts, with excellent perature gradient is very high in the neighborhoods
accuracy, the observed rod temperature at the laying of the rod surface indicating that essentially the rod
head. surface and its immediate neighborhood are the only
Thus, the temperature profile calculated by using places where extreme cooling-reheating cycles
can be
the correlation (1) in the boundary condition for hc expected.
can be considered as a reliable one to study the ther- The computing results based on Eqs. (J) and (K)
mal flow during the cooling of the rod at the RCS. for calculating hc in the corresponding boundary
According to this proflle, the first spray decreases the dition, Eq. (7), are presented in Fig. 6, both correla-
rod surface temperature from I OOO"Cat the exit of tions makethe model to predict considerably higher
the last roll of the finishing mill to 760"C at the end temperatures than those corresponding to the experi-
of the flrst working spray. As a consequencethe rod mental measurements.
surface suffers a reheating from 760 to 940'C (AT= Fromall those results it be- qencluded that the

ISIJ International, Vol. 30 (1990), No, l

employmentof the correlation (1) (Table 3) in the surface temperature up to 885"C (AT=200"C). The
model gives the best agreement between computed next 2
sprays make the rod surface temperature to
results and the experimental temperature measure- decrease downto 649'C and then reheating itself
ments. In the reported computing results hereinafter to 810'C (AT=161"C). At the end of this
Eq. (1) will be used to calculate hc which together reheating cycle the rod center temperature reaches
with h. (Eq. (8)) gives the heat transfer coeflicient h, 870'C just at the laying h~ad. As was mentioned
in Eq. (7). above, both temperatures (center and surface) will
To test the validity of Eq. (1), the model was run becomecloser each other at the laying head position.
the simulate different cooling conditions using spray Oncemore, these extreme operating conditions are
sequences such as (0,0,0,1); (1,1,0,0) and (0,0,0,1); excellently simulated as it is evident from the close
(0,0,0,0), for a rod radius of 0.006 and a rod travel-
m agreement between the measurementsand the com-
ing speed equal to 12 m/s. From Fig. 7 it is evident puted temperature at the end of the RCS. In the
that the model predictions coincide excellently with same Fig. 8 the computed temperature profiles at l
the experimental measurementsin both cases. From and 2 from the rod surface are drawn and look-
the comparison of Figs. 5 and 7 for 2 and 3 working
ing at these results it is possible to get a quantitative
spray cooling conditions respectively it is clear that idea about the promoted high temperature gradient.
the rod center temperature is only lO'C higher in In fact, these extreme cooling conditions might lead
the first case although their respective surface tem- to a quenching process obtaining non-equilibriurn
peratures are quite different. Evidently) the lower phases such as bainite or martensite which will make
the surface temperature is, the lower will be the rod the rod useless for wire drawing operations. For ex-
center temperature equalized at the laying head. ample, extreme cooling conditions should be avoided
As an example of an extreme cooling operation at for small diameter rods even if their residence times at
the RCS,Fig. 8, where the spray cooling sequence is the RCSare smaller than that shownin Fig. 8.
(1,1,1,1); (1,1,0,0), is
very illustrative. The first 4 5. 1. Water Spray Cooling Failure Predictions
sprays decrease the rod surface temperature from
l OIO'C downto 665'C. Nevertheless, a very strong Water supply failures are commonin steel-plants.
reheating is generated producing an increase at the If the hydraulic system of a Stelmor machine is con-

- SSpray
pray (
sequonce (0,0,0,1 ); Itl,OtO) Ro=0.0060 m
-- sequence(Ot0,0,1' (0.0,0,0) V=12.0 mls
G= 13.88 lls
- --~}-S
o gOO
800 ~

Fig. 7. 700
Simulation results of the RCSmodel as compared
with experimental measurements under two quite o 0.9 l .8 2.7
different operation conditions. TIME(S)

IIOO Spray sequence ttl, I, ~ I,ItOtO) ( I)

( Ro = 0.0055 m
----- Imm from the rod surface V =16.0 mls
'-'- 2mmfrom the rod 8urface
G* 13.88 lls
lOOO .\
\ \.
-._. C
\ \
H ~~~
\ s

Fig. 8.

o 2 Rod cooling behavior at the RCSunder extreme

TIME (s] operating conditions. ,P '

ISIJ International, Vol. 30 (1990), No, l

nected to the steelmaking furnaces, continuous cast- formation should be fed to a model like this to be able
ing machine and mill roll cooling systems, then, it is to get the desired temperature at the laying head
possible to expect sudden changes in water supply under any emergencysituations.
pressures in the sprays of the RCS. According to the
design of the RCSfor this Stelmor machine, the flow- 5.2. Effiects of the Spray Cooling Sequence
rate of water per-spray is 13.88 l/s as was previously The spray cooling sequence influences directly the
mentioned. The calculation for a spray cooling se- rod temperature proflle at the laying head. To give
quence (1,1,0,0); (1,1,0,0) using that standard water a quantitative idea, calculations for three working
flow-rate is presented in Fig. 9 for a 0.006 rod sprays with different sequences were carried out. The
radius. The rod center and rod surface temperatures
m operation conditions are clearly shown in Fig. lO.
at the end of the RCS(at the laying head) are 900 The (1, 1, 1,0); (0,0,0,0) cooling sequence gives a small
and 835'C, respectively. In Fig. 9 failures involving difference between rod surface and center tempera-
75 and 50 o/o of that of the standard water flow-rate tures. The cooling pattern given by a sequence such
are presented. as (0,0,1,1); (1,0,0,0) induces a higher difference be-
In these calculations the rod center temperatures tween those two temperatures. Howeveran extreme
for the first and the second cases
are 920 and 945'C, cooling sequence like (0,0,0,0)
; (0,1,1, 1) can promote
respectively, whereas the rod surface temperatures are differences as big as 150-170'C between rod surface
860 and 890"C, respectively. The reheating intensity and center temperatures without any noticeable de-
seems to be decreased as the water flow-rate di- crease of the rod center temperature.
minishes since the heat-transfer coefficient is directly Apparently, the magnitude of the temperature
related with the water flux as it can be seen from Eq. gradient across the rod radius seems not to be very
(1) in Table 3. important. Nevertheless, as it has been already
Fromthis short analysis it can be concluded that a shown,24) a high temperature gradient
mayinduce a
periodical inspection of water supply pressure and partial pearlitic transformation outside the air forced
general conditions of the water de]ivering system in cooling zone owing to a time consuming temperature
the RCSis badly needed if controlled and constant equilibration phenomenon whenthe rod is already at
conditions want to be held. the conveyor. This situation is particularly existent
Someother problems, different to those above men- when rods with big radius (0.006 m) are being pro-
mayarise during the operation of a Stelmor cessed at the Stelmor machine.
line. Sometimesthe high carbon segregation at the Considering the deleterious effects that a partial
rod center promotes the precipitation of cementite transformation outside the air forced cooling zone
during patenting operations, and in order to avoid
bring about on the mechanical properties of the flnal
this, higher temperatures at the laying head product, is highly recommendableto emphasize the
are re-
quired. It is also a that, owing to a convenience for choosing an adequate cooling se-
common case
10wcooling efficiency in the air forced cooling system, quence for the processing of big rod radius.
at the transformation conveyor, it is necessary to have
the rod temperature as near as possible to the pearlite 5.3. Effects of the Initial Rod Temperature at the Last Roll
starting temperature. In the first case, moderate of the Finishing Mill
cooling conditions should be employed and in the Fig. II shows the calculation results for a 0.006
latter, rather high cooling rates are to be applied. In rod radius employing a (0,0,0, 1) ; (1,1,0,0) spray cool-
either case a knowledge of the water supply system ing sequence. The compared initial temperatures
conditions is necessary, even if these conditions do not are I 030 and I 060'C. The temperature gradient
correspond to those considered as standard. This in- across the rod radius at the laying head position is the

IIOO G= 13.88 I/s Ro = 0.0060 m

---- G= IO.41 lls V= 12.0 mls
G= 6.94 I/s

... ..

o --~ ~~*~
F 900 S..
/ ----S
1 ll S
800 \

Fi_~. 9.

Water flow-rate effects

on the rod cooling rates at o 0.9 l.8 2.7
the RCS. TIME (s) ,,

ISI J International, Vol. 30 (1990), No. l

lIOO ((Ot0,Itl)i
Itl,1,0], (0,0,0tO) R0=0.0060 m
'-' (ItOtOtO) V=12.0 mls
-- C0,0,0,0)i(0,1,1,1
) G=15.88 lls

i C.
o i
~ 900 I .--'- ~'~1 l
H i
' / I I
iil~I l' _.-
\ / /
800 .\. I /
l i\l\•\ f
•j l
\.j \~ \
\ l
700 \\
J Fig. 10.
o o.6 l.2 l.8 2.4 3,0 Temperature gradient across the rod radius as a
TIME(s l function of the water spray cooling sequence.


l /
~) l
h /
\ /
\ !
\ \
R0=O0060m \
V=12.0 mls
Fig, 11, 700 G=13.88 Ils
Effect of the rod temperature at the last roll of the
finishing mill on the rod cooling behavior at the o 0.6 l.2 1.8 l.4 3.o
RCS. (

samefor both cases. Also, the rod surface tempera- laying head position, as comparedwith the standard
ture at the water spray working zones are almost the rod speed, Iowering the RCScooling efficiency. Ad-
However, rod size, higher speeds will produce
same for these two operating conditions. ditionally, for
the reheating process promotes a more noticeable higher temperature gradients between rod surface and
temperature difference at the rod surface if the rod is rod center.
cooled from 030 or 060'C at the exit of the flnish- Lowrod speeds will, naturally, work in the opposite
ing block. direction.
Obviously, the higher the initial temperature is the
higher should be the number of working sprays to 6. Conclusions
bring the rod temperature near to that of the pearlitic
precipitation reaction. A mathematical model which allows a thermal
analysis ofsteel rods in a pre-cooling system (RCS) of
5.4. Effiects of the RodSpeedat the RCS a Stelmor machine has been developed. This model
Modern steel rod finishing mills reach speeds as includes the influence of the principal operation pa-
high as 100 m/s for a 0.0032 rod radius. The m rameters of the precooling system such as rod size, rod
higher speeds meansmaller residence times of a given speed, initial rod temperature, water flow-rate and
volume element of the rod at the RCSIine. Con- the spray cooling sequence. The prediction capacity
sequently, calculations for a 0.0032 rod radius with of the model was validated with measured rod tem-
different speeds at the RCSIine were carried out.
m peratures at HyLSA'S Stelmor line. The key con-
The corresponding results are presented in Fig. 12 for clusions are summarizedas follows :
speeds lower (28 m/s) and higher (70 m/s) than that
usually employed for this rod size (40-42 m/s, Table
The model predictions and the measureddata
are in very good agreement.
Additional operation conditions are shown in Reheating phenomena
l). (2)
maygo up to 200'C at
Fig. 12. rod surface, according with the model predictions,
The high rod speed under any given operation when steel rods are cooled down at the RCS. The
conditions will yield higher rod temperatures at the magnitude of these reheatings '~:re' dependent on the

ISIJ International, Vol. 30 (1990), No, l

V=70.0 mh V: 28.0 R0=0.003a
v:40.0 mh m
mh G* 13.88 Ils

IOOO •t~,E~• J~- I•.\.'-


~ 900 II //' /
\. ,~

F ll
~,' l' l'
800 l'

v \.\\

700 0,0,0, i )i (
l,f,0,0) \\ \j l

V•28,0 mls 0.3 0.6 0.9 I.2

V=40.0 mls 0.5
Fig. 12.
V•70.0 Tnls o.20 o:40
The rod cooling behavior at the RCSas a function
of the rod speed. TIME(S)

cooling conditions and the rod radius. Temperatures, BISRAScient. Publ., London, (1978).
(3) The cooling efliciency of the RCSis strongly 4) J.R. Welty, R. E. Wilson and C. E. Wicks: Fundamentals
dependent on the water flow-rate supplied to the cool- of Momentum,Heat and Mass Transfer, John Wiley &
Sons, NewYork, (1976), 733.
ing sprays. The heat transfer-coeflicient at the spray
cooling zone follows a simple linear relationship with
5) M. Mitsutsuka: Tetsu-to-Hagand, 69 (1983), 268.
6) H.Junk: JVleueHtitte, 17 (1972), 13.
water flux.
7) H. Mtiller and R. Jeschar: Arch. Eisenhtitlenwes., 44 (1973),
(4) The spray
cooling sequenceaffects directly the 589.
temperature gradient across the rod diameter at the 8) M. Mitsutsuka: Tetsu-to-Hagand, 54 (1968), 1457.
laying head position. Under cooling conditions where 9) E. A. Mizikar: IronSteelEng.,47 (1970), 53.
only the last 3 or 4 sprays are working while the rest lO) M. Mitsutsuka and N. Fukuda: Tetsu-to-Haganl, 69 (1983),
of them are closed, the magnitude of this gradient 262.
increases without a noticeable rod center temperature 11) C.J. Hoogendoornand R. den Hond: Proc. 5th Interna-
decrease but with a strong rod surface temperature tionalHeat Transfer Conference, paper B3, 12, Tokyo, Ja-
decrease. pan, (1974), 35.
12) K. Sasaki, Y. Sugitani and M. Kawasaki: Tetsu-to-Hagand,
(5) If a
new and faster finishing block should be 65 (1975), 90.
installed, the current RCScooling efliciency should
13) H. Kamio, K. Kunioka and S. Sugiyama: Tetsu-lo-Hagand,
be critically reviewed. 63 (1977), S184,
14) T. Amanoand A. Kamata: Tetsu-to-Hagani, 64 (1978),
The authors
give the thanks to the Engineers E. 15) A. Ohtomo, M. Nakaoand S. Yasunaga: Tetsu-to-Hagard,
S~nchez, L. Mosqueda, L. Contreras, J. Madrid, J. 67 (1981), SI041.
Sandoval and all operation personnel who facilitated 16) M. Ishiguro : Tetsu-to-Hagand, 60 (1974), S464.
the access to the plant and the experimental measure- 17) T. Nozaki, J. Matsuno, K. Murata, H. Ooi and M. Ko-

ments. One of us (RDM) acknowledges also the dama: Trans. Iron Steel Inst. Jpn., 18 (1978), 330.
financial support given by the Organization ofAmeri-
18) E. Bolleand J. C. Moreau: Proc. Int. Conf. on Heat and
Mass Transfer in Metallurgical Processes. Dubrovnik Yu-
can States and CoNaCyT to the Process Metallurgy
Group at ESIQ;IE-IPN during the last five years and
(1979), 304.
19) M. Shimada and M. Mitsutsuka: Tetsu-to-Hagard, 52
to Sistema Nacional de Investigadores for a granted (1966), 1643.
scholarship. 20) E. Bolle and J. C. Moreau: Proc. of TwoPhase Flows and
Heat Transfcr, 111, NATO Advanced Studies Inst., Lon-
don, (1976), 1327.
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l) W. C. Leslie: The Physical Metallurgy ofSteels. McGraw- (1977), 15.
HillBook Co., NewYork, (1981), 169. 22) W.M. Rosenhow: Trans. ASME,74 (i952), 969.
2) G. H. Geiger and D. R. Poirier: Transport Phenomena
in 23) B. V. Karlekar and R. M. Desmond: Transferencia de
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3) Physical Constants of SomeCommercialSteels at Elevated partment of Metallurgy, ESIQIE-IPN, (1988).



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