G8 SLM1.a Q4 Final

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Quarter 4 – Module
Using Appropriate Grammatical Signals
Suitable to Each Pattern of Idea
Development: General to Particular and
Claim and Counterclai
Directions: Rewrite the following sentences by inserting the appropriate
grammatical signal in each sentence. Choose the correct answer from the
choices in the parentheses. Do this on your activity notebook.

1. General to particular:
There are several steps to follow when baking a cake. Prepare all the
necessary ingredients and materials. (for example / first / moreover)

2. Claim: Virginia Woolf is a more effective writer than James Joyce. She
does not rely on elaborate language devices that ultimately confuse
and alienate the reader. (because / on the other hand / lastly)

3. Counterclaim: Some argue that eating meat is ethical because it is

natural for animals to kill and eat one another. This argument
presumes that all animals need meat to survive or rely exclusively on
hunting for food. (as a result / however / although)


How do you develop an idea? What grammatical signals do you use to

show how ideas develop?

Pattern of idea development refers to the strategy a writer uses to

show how an idea flows from sentence to sentence, paragraph to paragraph.
Coherence in writing is the term used to refer to ideas in sentences and
paragraphs that are connected and flow together smoothly. Coherence is
important in idea development because it inhibits the reader’s ability to
understand the ideas and main points of a certain text. To achieve this,
appropriate grammatical signals are used to show relationship between
ideas in sentences and paragraphs.

Read through to know what grammatical signals to use for general-to-

specific pattern and to indicate claim and counterclaim.


Grammatical signals are writing devices that serve to maintain text

coherence. As mentioned earlier, coherence allows a reader to understand a
text more because the ideas flow together smoothly.

Look at the following sentences:

I love drinking coffee. It keeps me awake at night.

These sentences imply that the writer loves drinking coffee because it
keeps her awake at night. To add more specificity, the signal word “because”
can be used. To change the relationship between the sentences, other
transition words can be used. Transitions (or signal words) are words and
phrases that show the connection between ideas. To show how
transitions guide us, here are the same two ideas, but this time with a
transition word:

I love drinking coffee even though it keeps me awake at night.

Now the writer loves coffee in spite of it keeping her awake at night.
The relationship between the sentences’ ideas has changed. A transition has
smoothed the way from one idea to the other. In Latin, trans means
“across,” so transitions live up to their name – they carry the reader “across”
from one thought to another.

General to Specific

As the name suggests, this pattern is characterized by a movement in

your thinking from a generalization to specific details. Your opening
paragraph would begin with a general statement and then add details that
explain it. The details may become increasingly more specific. The pattern
ends with a broad statement that summarizes your thinking that resulted
from the details.
Example of a General-to-Specific Pattern

Writing is a complex socio-cognitive process involving the

construction of recorded messages on paper or on some other
material, and, more recently, on a computer screen. The skills needed
to write range from making the appropriate graphic marks, through
utilizing the resources of the chosen language, to anticipating the
reactions of the intended readers. The first skill area involves
acquiring a writing system, which may be alphabetic (as in European
languages) or nonalphabetic (as in many Asian languages). The
second skill area requires selecting the appropriate grammar and
vocabulary to form acceptable sentences and then arranging them in
paragraphs. Third, writing involves thinking about the purpose of the
text to be composed and about its possible effects on the intended
readership. One important aspect of this last feature is the choice of a
suitable style. Because of these characteristics, writing is not an
In this example, the first sentence presents the general statement about the
writing process. The succeeding statements consist of details and examples,
introduced by the transitions first, second, and third. Finally, the pattern ends with
a broad or general statement that summarizes what the writer wishes to conclude
about the meaning of the details.
Source: https://www.umgc.edu/current-students/learning-resources/writing-center/online-guide-to-

The following are more grammatical signals and expressions to indicate a

general-to-specific pattern:

 Addition words tell you that the writer’s thought is going to continue in the
same direction. He is going to add on more points or details of the same kind.
Addition words are typically used to signal enumeration. Look over some
addition words.

also first furthermore likewise and

another first of all in addition moreover second
finally for one thing last of all next the third reason

 Illustration words tell you that an example or illustration will be given to

make an idea clear. Such words are typically used in textbooks that present
a number of definitions and examples of those definitions. Look over the
following illustration words.

for example specifically for instance

to illustrate once such as

Source: https://www.cpp.edu/ramp/program-materials/recognizing-transitions.shtml

Claim and Counterclaim

A claim persuades, argues, convinces, proves, or provocatively suggests

something to a reader who may or may not initially agree with you.

Consider these arguments/arguable claims:

1. Fudgee bar tastes better than other snack cakes because of their texture,
their creamy filling, and their golden appearance.
2. Dance music has become popular for reasons that have nothing to do with
the quality of the music; rather, the clear, fast beats respond to the need of
people on amphetamines to move and to move quickly.
3. The governor has continually done the community a disservice by
mishandling money, focusing on frivolous causes, and failing to listen to his

A claim can be substantiated with research, evidence, testimony, and

academic reasoning. It is something more than statement and support. An
arguable claim also goes on to address the “so what?” question, the implications,
and why we should care in the first place. Remember that not all claims are
created equal, and though a claim may be arguable, the best claims are focused,
specific, complex, and relevant.

On the other hand, a counterclaim is the argument (or one of the

arguments) opposing your thesis statement. In your thesis paragraph, you make it
clear to the reader exactly what you plan on proving and how you plan to go about
proving it. This paragraph is where you show the reader that you have considered
the opposing side’s viewpoint and find it to be weak or invalid. A counterclaim and
rebuttal paragraph, if done well, gives you a chance to respond to the reader’s
potential arguments before they are done reading.

When writing an argumentative essay, you need to acknowledge the valid

points of the other side of the argument (counterclaim). Otherwise, you will come
off sounding narrow-minded and thereby less effective. Rather than weakening
your paper, a good counterclaim paragraph will actually strengthen your essay by
showing that you have thoughtfully considered both sides of the issue before
arriving at your own claim.
Look closely at this counterclaim paragraph:

On the other hand, some people say that rock music contains lyrics
that are both provocative and rebellious. This point of view makes sense
because in the article it states that “one form of rock music, punk rock,
concentrates purely on antisocial subjects as a basis for its songs.”
However, rock music itself is not enough to make a teenager rebel against
society because the article also says that the average teenager does not
take it seriously and concentrates more on the musical value of the songs
rather than the inner meaning of the lyrics. Therefore, even though lyrics
in rock and roll music show hints of anarchy and social rebellion, it is not a
threat to society.
a. Phrases to introduce the counterclaim:
 On the other hand, some people say
 Admittedly, some people say
 Certainly, some people say

b. Phrases to address the original claim:

 However
 Nevertheless
 On the other hand

c. Phrases to conclude the paragraph:

 Thus
 Therefore
 As a result

Source: https://kmslmc.weebly.com/counterclaim---argumentative-essay.html

Among the most valuable signals for you to know are emphasis words,
through which the writer tells you directly that a particular idea or detail is
especially important. These words can be used to indicate both claim and
counterclaim. Think of such words as red flags that the author is using to make
sure you pay attention to an idea. Look over the following list, which contains some
typical words showing emphasis.
 important to note
 most of all
 a significant factor
 a primary concern
 a key feature
 the main value
 especially valuable
 most noteworthy

Directions: Read the selections that follow and identify the grammatical signals
used. Note the example. Write the correct answer on your activity

Black English used to be considered simply poor English until

linguists realized that the so-called errors were actually consistent
alternative grammatical forms, some of which originated in African
linguistic patterns. For example, the word “be” in standard English is
primarily used as part of the infinitive “to be.” But in Black English, “be” can
also be used to indicate a repeated action or existential state (Labov, 1972).
To illustrate this, in Black English one can say “I am sick” or “I be sick.”
The first means “I am sick at this present moment.” The second includes the
recent past as well as the present; to express the second concept in
standard English, one might say, “I have been sick for a while.”

1. One purpose for incorporating sexual themes or pictorial material in

advertisements is to attract consumers’ attention to the ad. However,
evidence suggests that the use of such material may not always have an
easily predictable or desired effect. For example, one study found nonsexual
and sexual-romantic themes to have a greater influence on consumers’
attention than did nudity. (1 signal word)

2. An interesting point about role playing

7 is the way middle-years and
adolescent youngsters play the role of being their age. One eight-year-old
boy, for instance, avidly collected baseball cards and kept track of games
and team standings in sports pages in accordance with the mores of his
neighborhood, even though he had never seen a baseball game or expressed
the slightest interest in attending one. (1 signal word)

Directions: Read the selections that follow and identify the grammatical signals
used. Note the example. Write the correct answer on your activity


A computer is often called a “thinking machine,” and in many ways it

is just that. Computers perform difficult and timesaving mathematical
computations, as well as problems in logic and reasoning. In addition,
computers run other machines and answer questions. Also, they are used to
guide astronauts on takeoff.

Despite favorable surface conditions,9 there were throughout the 1920’s

defects in the American economy. First, some major industries did not
experience the general prosperity which characterized most of the economy.
Meager farm income meant that farmers lacked purchasing power to buy
their share of the increasing output of goods and services. Coal, textiles, and
shoes were among other industries which suffered from low profit margins.
Moreover, while employment rose during the 1920s, the biggest gains were in
the low-paid service trades rather than in those industries where earnings
were high. Furthermore, the condition of American foreign trade was not as
healthy as it appeared. (3 signal words)

1. Here are ways to take some of the danger out of smoking. First of all,
choose a cigarette with less tar and nicotine. The difference between brands
(including those with filters) can be as much as two to one, even more. See
how much you can reduce your tar and nicotine intake by switching. Also,
don’t smoke your cigarette all the way down. You get the most tar and
nicotine from the last few puffs because the tobacco itself acts as a filter.
Smoke halfway and you get only about 40 percent of the total tar and
nicotine. The last half of the cigarette will give you 60 percent. Another help
is to take fewer draws on each cigarette. Just reduce the number of times
you puff on each cigarette and you’ll cut down on your smoking without
really missing it. In addition, you should reduce your inhaling. Remember,
you’re not standing on a mountain gulping in fresh air; so, don’t welcome it
with open lungs. Don’t inhale as deeply; take short shallow drags. Practice
on a big cigar. Finally, you should smoke fewer cigarettes each day. For
some people this is easy, but for others it may be the most difficult step of
all. Don’t think of it as cutting down; think of it as postponing. It’s always
easier to postpone a cigarette if you know you’ll be having one later. Carry
your cigarettes in a different pocket; at work, keep them in a desk drawer or
a locker – any place where you can’t reach for one automatically. The trick is
to change your habit patterns. (5 signal words)

Directions: Identify the pattern of idea development in the following

paragraphs (general to particular, claim, or counterclaim).
The highlighted grammatical signals or expressions will serve
as your guide in identifying the pattern. Write the correct
answer on your activity notebook.

1. Some people may argue that a college education is a waste of time and
money. According to Vedder, “a 1 goodly proportion of those attending
four-year colleges full-time fail to graduate, even within six years,”
(Vedder, 78). By focusing on the percentage of people that fail to
graduate, he overlooks the fact that 60% of college students are
actually succeeding and graduating from college, which is more than
those who are not. People are not better off skipping college. It is
important to remember that a college degree opens many doors and
provides graduates with many advantages in life.

2. Breaking up with a boyfriend or girlfriend can be easier said than

done, but here are five steps that may help the breaking up process.
First, try to distance yourself by suddenly becoming busier than
usual. Whenever she/he calls, tell him/her that you are busy, and
you cannot talk. The next step is to calmly tell the other person how
you are feeling. Then gently let him or her know that you do not want
to be together anymore. Make sure to be sensitive of his or her feelings
and answer any questions that he/she may have. For example, if the
person starts to cry, use kind words to help comfort him or her. After
everything is said and done, take some alone time for yourself because
everyone has feelings to sort out after a breakup. Finally, go out with
friends and meet new people. With these five steps, it will make the
breaking up process smooth for both parties.

3. Alcohol use and problem drinking in late adolescence vary by

sociodemographic characteristics. For example, the prevalence of
alcohol use is higher for boys than for girls, higher for White and
Hispanic adolescents, and higher for those living in the north and
north central United States than for those living in the South and
West. Some of these relationships change with early adulthood,
however. For example, although alcohol use in high school tends to be
higher in areas with lower population density (i.e., rural areas) than in
more densely populated areas, this relationship reverses during early
adulthood. Lower economic status is associated with more alcohol use
during the early high school years: by the end of high school, and
during the transition to adulthood, this relationship changes, and
youth from higher socioeconomic backgrounds consume greater
amounts of alcohol.
4. Forcing middle schoolers to try out for competitive sports is hotly
contested because people hold varying opinions on the issue. Some
people argue that tryouts are a time-honored way to select the best
athletes for a middle school team. Others argue, however, that tryouts
for competitive sports exclude kids from participating on a team,
cause students undue stress, and can lead to unhealthy practices. I
strongly believe that tryouts for middle schoolers should be
discontinued. Not only do tryouts create unhealthy and negative
competition between peers, but it also lowers students’ self-esteem
and confidence.

Some might argue that a dress code would eliminate freedom of expression
for students, but that isn’t true. Dress code policies already restrict
expression such as the length of clothing or hair color. If freedom of
expression is the argument, then shouldn’t these policies not be allowed
either? In addition, students only spend a small portion of their time in a
school building. There is plenty of other time in a student’s life where
they can express themselves through their clothing. Finally, many work
environments have a certain expectation for appropriate dress. Having
students wear uniforms doesn’t eliminate expression. It prepares students
for career expectations. This argument against uniforms is flawed and
not a true reason for negating the possible benefits school uniforms would

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