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MCQ - Minimum Wages Act

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1. The Act prescribing minimum limit of wages in certain employment is known
a. Payment of Wages Act, 1936
b. Factories Act, 1948
c. Minimum Wages Act, 1948
d. Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986
Ans- c
2. The Minimum wages act extends to the ________
A. Whole of india except jammu and kashmir
B. Whole of india except nagaland, sikkhim and manipur
C. Whole of india
D. Whole of india except andaman and nicobar.
Ans- c

3. How many schedule(s) is/are there of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Ans- a

4. “Adolescent” under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 means a person_____________

a. Who has completed his fourteenth year of age but has not completed his eighteenth year
b. Who has completed his fifteen years of age but has not completed his eighteenth year
c. Who has completed his fourteenth year of age but has not completed his twentieth year
d. Who has completed his fourteen year of age
Ans - a

5. “Adult under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 means a person who has completed his
___________year of age.
a. Fourteenth
b. Eighteenth
c. Twentieth
d. Twenty First
Ans - b
6. “Appropriate Government” under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 has the same definition
(a) Payment of Wages Act, 1936
(b) Companies Act, 1956
(c) Partnership Act, 1932
(d) Contract Act, 1872
Ans -a

7. According to Minimum Wages Act, 1948, a “Child” means a person who has not
completed his
a. 10th year of age
b. 12th year of age
c. 14th year of age
d. 16th year of age
Ans -c

8. An index number in relation to employees in any scheduled employment in respect of

which minimum rates of wages have been fixed under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 is
known as
a. Cost of living Index Number
b. Wholesale Price Index
c. Consumer Price Index
d. Cost of Products and Services
Ans- a

9. “Wages” under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 has similar meaning as in
a. Payment of Wages Act, 1936
b. Companies Act, 1956
c. Partnership Act, 1932
d. None of the above
Ans - a
10. “Wages” under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 does not include____________
a. Value of house accommodation supply of light, water, medical attendance
b. Value of travelling allowance or the value of any travelling concession
c. Gratuity payable on discharge
d. All of the above
Ans -d
11. Which of the following is excluded from the definition of “Wages” under the Minimum
Wages Act, 1948?
a. House Rent Allowance
b. Dearness Allowance
c. Basic Salary
d. All of the above
Ans- a

12. Which of the following is excluded from the definition of “Wages” under the Minimum
Wages Act, 1948?
a. Leave Travel Allowance
b. Dearness Allowance
c. Basic Salary
d. All of the above
Ans - a

13. Definition of “Employee” under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948__________an out-
a. Includes
b. Excludes
c. Includes or excludes at the discretion of Appropriate Government
d. The Act is silent on this provision
Ans - c

14. Definition of “Employee” under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948__________an out-
a. Includes
b. Excludes
c. Includes or excludes at the discretion of Appropriate Government
d. The Act is silent on this provision
Ans - a
15. Under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, a/an “__________” employee is one who does
operations that involve the performance of simple duties, which require the experience of
little of no independent judgment or previous experience although familiarity with the
occupational environmental is necessary.
a. Unskilled
b. Semi-skilled
c. Skilled
d. White collar
Ans -a
16. Whose work requires physical exertion and familiarity with variety of articles or goods?
a. Unskilled employee
b. Semi-skilled employee
c. Skilled employee
d. Out-worker
Ans - a

17. Under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 a/an “_______” worker is one who does work
generally of defined routine nature wherein the major requirement is not so much of the
judgement, skill and but for proper discharge of duties assigned to him or relatively narrow
job and where important decisions made by others.
a. Unskilled
b. Semi-skilled
c. Skilled
d. Out-worker
Ans - b

18. Who must possess a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the trade, craft or
industry in which he is employed?
a. Unskilled employee
b. Semi-skilled employee
c. Skilled employee
d. Out-worker
Ans - c

19. A “ ________” worker is one who is capable of working efficiently and supervises
efficiently the work of skilled employees.
a. Unskilled
b. Semi-skilled
c. Skilled
d. Highly skilled
Ans - d

20. The responsibility of fixing minimum wages lies with

a. State Government
b. District Magistrate
c. Appropriate Government
d. Local Authorities
Ans -c
21.A minimum rate of remuneration to apply in the case of employees employed on piece
work for the purpose of securing to such employees a minimum rate of wages on a time work
a. A minimum time rate
b. A minimum piece rate
c. A minimum guaranteed time rate
d. Overtime rate
Ans - c

22. Minimum rate (whether a time rate or a piece rate) to apply in substitution for the
minimum rate which would otherwise be applicable in respect of overtime work done by
a. A minimum time rate
b. A minimum piece rate
c. A minimum guaranteed time rate
d. Overtime rate
Ans - d

23. Different minimum rates of wages may be fixed by the Appropriate Government for
a. Different scheduled employments
b. Different classes of work in the same scheduled employment
c. Adults, adolescents, children and apprentices
d. All of the above
Ans - d

24. Different minimum rates of wages may be fixed for different localities by the Appropriate
a. True
b. False because different maximum rates of wages may be fixed for different localities.
c. False because different minimum rates of wages are not allowed to be fixed for different
d. False because of both (b) and (c).
Ans -a

25. The Appropriate Government may fix minimum wages ___________

a. By the hour
b. By the day
c. By the month
d. Any of the above
Ans - d

26. The minimum wages fixed or revised by the Appropriate Government may consist of a
basic rate of wages and a special allowance with the variation in the __________
a. Consumption index
b. Cost of living index
c. Inflation index
d. Stock index
Ans - b
27. The minimum wages fixed or revised by the Appropriate Government, an all-inclusive
rate includes __________
a. Basic rate
b. Cost of living allowance
c. Cash value of the concessions
d. All of the above
Ans -d

28. The cost of living allowance and the cash value of the concessions in respect of supplies
of essential commodities at concession rate shall be computed by the ____________
a. Occupier
b. CEO of the employer establishment
c. Competent authority
d. State Government
Ans - c

29. Who advises the Appropriate Government for co-ordinating work of committees and sub-
a. High Court
b. Local Authority
c. Advisory Board
d. Chief Committee
Ans - c

30. Who advises the Appropriate Government generally in the matter of fixing and revising
minimum rates of wages?
a. High Court
b. Local Authority
c. Advisory Board
d. Chief Committee
Ans - c

31. The __________shall consist of persons of be nominated by the Central Government

representing employers and employees in the scheduled employments, who shall be equal in
a. Advisory Board
b. Central Advisory Board
c. Local Advisory Board
d. State advisory Board
Ans - b
32. How many independent persons are to be appointed in the Central Advisory Board under
the Minimum Wages Act, 1948?
a. Maximum 1/3rd of the total number of members
b. Minimum 1/3rd of the total number of members
c. Maximum ½ of the total number of the members
d. Minimum 70% of the total number of members
Ans- a

33. Under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, each of the committees, sub-committees and the
Advisory Board shall consist of persons to be nominated by the ________Government
representing employers and employees in the scheduled employments.
a. Central
b. State
c. Local
d. Appropriate
Ans- d

34. Minimum wages payable under the Payment of Wages Act, 1948 shall be paid
a. In cash
b. In kind
c. Either cash or in Kind
d. Partly in cash and partly in kind
Ans- a
35. The minimum wages act enacted in the year, _______.
a) 1947
b) 1950
c) 1948
d) 1952 Ans. (C)

36. Minimum Wages Act, 1948 extends to

a) Whole of India
b) Whole of India except Jammu and Kashmir.
c) Whole of India except Union Territories.
d) Whole of India except Andaman and Nicobar. Ans. (A)

37. The Act prescribing minimum limit of wages in certain employment is known
a. Payment of Wages Act, 1936
b. Factories Act, 1948
c. Minimum Wages Act, 1948
d. Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 Ans. ( C)

38. “Adult under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 means a person who has completed his
___________year of age.
a) Fourteenth
b) Eighteenth
c) Twentieth
d) Twenty First Ans. (B)
39. “Adolescent” under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 means a person_____________
a) Who has completed his twelfth year of age but has not completed his twentieth year.
b) Who has completed his tenth year of age but has not completed his eighteenth year.
c) Who has completed his fourteenth year of age but has not completed his twentieth
d) Who has completed his fourteenth year of age but has not completed his eighteenth
year. Ans. (D)

40. “Appropriate Government” under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 has the same
definition as
(a) Partnership Act, 1932
(b) Companies Act, 1956
(c) Payment of Wages Act, 1936
(d) Contract Act, 1872 Ans. ( c)

41. According to Minimum Wages Act, 1948, a “Child” means a person who has not
completed his
a. 14th year of age
b. 12th year of age
c. 10th year of age
d. 16th year of age Ans. ( A)
42. “Wages” under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 does not include____________
I. Value of house accommodation supply of light, water, medical attendance
II. Value of travelling allowance or the value of any travelling concession
III. Renumeration, expressed in terms of money.
IV. House Rent Allowance
a) b&d
b) a&c
c) d&b
d) a&b Ans. ( D)

43. Definition of “Employee” under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948__________an out-
a. The Act is silent on this provision
b. Includes
c. Excludes
d. Includes or excludes at the discretion of Appropriate Government Ans. (B)

44. The responsibility of fixing minimum wages lies with

a. Appropriate Government
b. District Magistrate
c. State Government
d. Local Authorities Ans. (A)

45. According to Section 3(2) of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 the ‘Appropriate
Government’ may fix minimum rate of wages for?
(1) Time work (2) Piece work (3) Manual work (4) Guaranteed Time Rate
(a) (1), (2) & (4)
(b) (2) & (3)
(c) (1) & (3)
(d) (1), (3) & (4)
46. According to the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, which of the following basis cannot be
adopted by the Appropriate Government to fix minimum rate of wages?
(a) Time work
(b) Piece work
(c) Manual work
(d) Guaranteed Time Rate

48. Section-18 of the minimum wages act, 1948 talks about ____
a) Claims
b) Penalties for certain offences
c) Maintenance of registers & records
d) Inspection Ans (C )

49. As per the government notified rules every employer shall maintain such registers and
records giving particulars about ______
a) Factory.
b) Employees employed by him.
c) Workshop.
d) Overtime done by the employees. Ans. ( B)

50. The __________ may, by rules made under this Act, provide for the issue of wage books
or wage slips to employees employed in any scheduled employment in respect of which
minimum rates of wages have been fixed.
a) State Government.
b) Central Government.
c) Chief Labour Commissioner.
d) Appropriate Government. Ans. ( D)

51. Who is required to maintain the registers and records regarding particulars of employees,
wages paid to them, work performed by them etc. under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948?
a. Trade Union Leader
b. Employer
c. Employee
d. Appropriate Government
Ans : B

52. Section 18 of the minimum wages act, 1948 says that every employer shall maintain such
registers and records giving such particulars, these particulars include __________
I. Work performed by the employees.
II. Wages paid to them.
III. Employees employed by the employer.
IV. Receipts given by employee.

a) I & IV
b) II & III
c) III & I
d) I, II, III & IV. Ans.(D)

53. Section 17 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 provides that where an employee is
engaged in work; on piece work basis for which minimum time rate & not a minimum piece
rate has been fixed, wages shall be paid at-
a) Normal rate
b) Minimum time rate
c) Over-time rate
d) Minimum piece rate Ans. (B)
54. Where an employee is engaged in work; on piece work basis for which minimum time
rate & not a minimum piece rate has been fixed, wages shall be paid at NOT
________Minimum time rate
a. Not Less than
b. Not Equal to
c. Not more than
d. None of the above
Ans : A
55. Where an employee is employed on piece work for which minimum time rate and not a
minimum piece rate has been lived under this Act the employer shall pay to such employee
wages at not less than the minimum.
a. Piece rate
b. Time rate
c. Overtime rate
d. Guaranteed piece rate
Ans : C
56. As per section 16 of Minimum Wages Act, 1948 if an employee does two or more
classes of work to which different minimum rate of wages is applicable, then wages paid to
the employee will be
a) Average minimum rate wage of both classes of work
b) Minimum rate wage of either one class of work
c) Minimum rate wage of respective time spent at each class of work
d) None of the above Ans. ( C)
57. Where an employee does two or more classes of work to each of which a different
minimum rate of wages of applicable, the employer shall pay to such employee in respect of
the time respectively occupied in each such class of work, wages at _________the minimum
rate in force in respect of each such class.
a. Less than
b. Not less than
c. Not more than
d. None of the above
58. Section 15 of the act talks about ________
a) Wages of worker who works half day
b) Wages of worker who works more than normal working day
c) Wages of worker who works on timely basis
d) Wages of worker who works less than normal working day Ans. ( D)

59. As per section 15 of the Minimum Wages Act, an employee is not entitled to receive
wages for a full normal working day, in case where-
a) Failure to work is caused by employee unwillingness.
b) Failure to work is caused by the employer’s unwillingness.
c) Failure to work is caused by power outage.
d) All of the above Ans. ( A)

60. If an employee whose minimum rate of wages has been fixed under this Act, works on
any day on which he was employed for less period of time than the normal working day, his
wages for the day will be _______
a) Not entitled for wage.
b) Entitled for the wage of full normal working day.
c) Entitled for wage as per time basis.
d) None of the above. Ans.(B)

61. If there is a clash between the overtime rate fixed under this act or fixed by the
appropriate government under any law for the time being, which rate will prevail-
a) Rate fixed under the act.
b) Whichever rate is lower
c) Rate fixed by the appropriate government
d) Whichever rate is higher Ans. ( D)
62. If an employee has worked on any day in excess of the normal working hours, he is
eligible for __________ under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948.
a. Overtime rate
b. Minimum wages rate
c. (a) or (b) whichever is higher
d. (a) or (b) whichever is lower
Ans : C
63. Under which section of the minimum wages act, 1948 provision for the minimum wages
for the over-time done by the employee is mentioned
a) Section 10
b) Section 14
c) Section 25
d) Section 17 Ans. ( B)

64. Under section 14 of the Minimum Wages Act, employee minimum rate of wages is fixed
either by-
I. Daily Basis
II. Hourly Basis
III. Any longer period as prescribed by the act
IV. Monthly basis

a) II, III & IV
b) I, III & IV
c) III, I & II
d) IV, III, I & II Ans. ( C)
65. The appropriate government under section 13 of the act, fixes minimum rate of wages for
a) Scheduled Employment.
b) Central Employment
c) Private Employment.
d) State Employment. Ans. ( A)

66. Under section 13 the appropriate government may provide for the rest period after every
____ days.
a) 9
b) 7
c) 21
d) 14 Ans. ( B)

67. Section 13 of the minimum wages act, 1948 provides for the payment of wage on rest
day at a rate not less than the over-time rate.
(a) True
(b) False
Ans. True.
68. The provision of sub-section (1) of section 13 are applicable on certain class of
employees subject to certain conditions. These conditions are-
a) employees whose employment is essentially intermittent,
b) employees engaged on urgent work, or in any emergency which could not have been
foreseen or prevented,
c) employees engaged-in any work which for technical reasons has to be completed
before the duty is over,
d) All of the above Ans. ( D)
69. Employment of an employee is essentially ____when it is declared to be so by the
appropriate government on the ground that the daily hours of duty include periods of inaction
during which the employee may be on duty but is not called upon to display either physical
activity or sustained attention.

a. Intermittent

b. Urgent

c. Technical

d. Preparatory
Ans. Intermittent

70. The provision for the payment of minimum wages to the employees is enshrined under
which section of the Minimum Wages Act?
a) Section 5
b) Section 8
c) Section 12
d) Section 15 Ans. ( C)

71. Payment of minimum wages to the employee under section 12 is subject to deductions?
True or False Ans. True

72. Section 12 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 talks about

a) Wages in kind
b) Composition of Committees
c) Claims
d) Payment of minimum rates of wages Ans. (D)

73. The employer shall pay to every employee engaged in a scheduled employment under
him wages at a rate _______ than the minimum rate of wages fixed by such notification for
that class of employees in that employment.
a) Not Less
b) More
c) Less
d) None of the above Ans. (A)

74. Section 11 of the minimum wages act talks about

a) Advisory Board
b) Overtime
c) Wages in kind
d) Composition of committees Ans. ( C)

75. Wages in Kind is enshrined in which section

a) Section 15
b) Section 9
c) Section 13
d) Section 11 Ans. ( D)

75. Wages paid under section 11 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 shall be in
a) Cash
b) Kind
c) Bonds
d) Share Ans. (A)

76. The appropriate government may if of the opinion by notification in the official gazette
authorize for the payment of wages in
a) Partly in kind
b) Wholly in kind
c) Cash
d) A&B Ans. ( D)

77. The appropriate government if of the opinion can supply essential commodities at a
concession rate.
(b) False
(C) Neither true nor false Ans. True

78. Where it has been the custom to pay wages wholly or partly in kind, the Appropriate
Government by notification in the Official Gazette authorize the payment of minimum wages
either wholly or partly in kind.
a. True
b. False because payment of minimum wages in kind is not allowed
c. False because Central Government will notify in Official Gazette
d. False because payment of minimum wages is not allowed in cash
Ans : true

79. Section 10 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 talks about _______
(a) correction of error
(b) overtime
(c) advisory board
(d) claims
Ans. Correction of errors

80. Correction of errors is enshrined under which section of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948.
(a) 20
(b) 3
(c) 10
(d) 7
Ans. Section 10

81. who is authorised to correct clerical or arithmetical mistakes in any order fixing or
revising minimum rates of wages under the act.
(a) advisory board
(b) appropriate government
(c) high court
(d) labour court
Ans. Appropriate Government
82. Every such notification shall, as soon as may be after it is issued, be placed before the
_________ for information.
(a) state government
(b)central government
(c) advisory board
(d) appropriate government
Ans. Advisory Board.

83. Gazette, correct _________ mistakes in any order fixing or revising minimum rates of
wages under the Act.
(a) registration records
(b) clerical or arithmetical
(c) fixation of wages
(d) none of the above
Ans. Clerical or arithmetical.
84. which sections talks about functions and appointment of "INSPECTORS”
a) 9
b) 19
c) 29
d) 39

Ans. B
85. Who can appoint an inspector for the proposes of The Minimum Wages Act, 1948
a) Centre
b) State
c) Appropriate government.
d) Advisory board

Ans. C
86. An inspector appointed under minimum wages can enter any place of work for the
purpose of?
a) Examination of records/documents.
b) Examination of person
c) To take out information from any person at work place.
d) Seize or take copy of documents.
e) All of the above
f) None of the above

Ans e
87. An inspector appointed under minimum wages can not enter any place of work for the
purpose of?
a) Arrest
b) Seize or take copy of any documents.
c) To enquire about name and address of any person giving out work or out working.
d) None of the above.

Ans A
88. An inspector appointed under The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 shall be deemed to be a
public servant within the meaning of?
a) CrPC 1973
b) IPC 1860
c) CPC 1908
d) Evidence Act 1872

Ans b
89. Which section 20 talks about?
a) Inspectors
b) Claims
c) Appropriate government.
d) Penalties of certain offences.

Ans B
90. Under sec 20 of The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 the appropriate government may
a) Any Commissioner for Workmen's Compensation.
b) Any officer of the Central Government exercising functions as a Labour
c) Any officer of the State Government not below the rank of Labour Commissioner.
d) Any other officer with experience as a Judge of a Civil Court or as a stipendiary
e) Any of the above.

Ans e
91. Under section 20 of The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 the authority may hear and
decide claims arising out of?
a) Any claim arising out of payment of less than the minimum rates of wages.
b) any claim in respect of the payment of remuneration for days of rest
c) any claim in respect of the payment of remuneration for work done on such days
u/s 13(1) (b) &(c)
d) any claim of wages at the overtime rate u/s 14
e) Any of the above.

Ans e
92. Who can apply for claim under section 20(2) of The Minimum Wages Act, 1948?
a) Employee himself.
b) Legal practitioner on his behalf.
c) An official of a registered trade union authorized in writing on his behalf.
d) Any inspector
e) Any of the above.

Ans e
93. Claim for application under section 20 shall be presented within _________ from the
date on which the minimum wages become payable.
a) 30 days.
b) 3 months.
c) 6 months
d) 1 year

Ans. c
94. Any officer of the Central Government exercising functions as a Labour
Commissioner for any region can be appointed as competent authority under section
20 by appropriate government.
a) Yes.
b) No
c) Maybe
d) Sometimes

Ans. a
95. The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 under section 20 cuts across the doctrine of
a) Equality
b) Privity of contract
c) Caveat Empotor
d) Frustration

Ans B
96. In the case of a claim arising out of payment of less than the minimum rates of wages,
the payment to the employee of the amount by which the minimum wages payable to
him exceed the amount actually paid, together with the payment of such
compensation as the authority may think fit, ___________ the amount of such excess.
a) Not exceeding 5 times
b) Exceeding 5 times.
c) Not exceeding 10 times.
d) Exceeding 10 times.

Ans c
97. Every Authority appointed under sub-section (1) of section 20 shall have all the
powers of a ______, for the purpose of taking evidence and of enforcing the
attendance of witnesses and compelling the production of documents.
a. Criminal court under CrPC 1973.
b. Civil court under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908.
c. Any tribunal
d. None of the above.

Ans. b
98. Which section under The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 talks about single application in
respect of a number of employees.
a) Sec 19
b) Sec 21
c) Sec 22
d) Sec 11

Ans. b
99. Section 22 of The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 talks about?
a. Claims
b. Penalties for certain offences.
c. Inspector
d. None of the above.

Ans A
100. Punishment provided under sec 22 of The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 may
extend to?
a) 3months or with fine which may extend to 300 rupees
b) 6 months or with fine which may extend to 500 rupees
c) 6 months and with fine which may extend to 500 rupees
d) None of the above.

Ans B
101. Any employer who contravenes any provision of The Minimum Wages Act,
1948 or of any rule or order made thereunder shall, if no other penalty is provided for
such contravention by this Act, be punishable with fine which may extend to
a) Rs.4000
b) Rs.1000
c) Rs.500
d) Rs.5000

Ans. c
102. Which section under The Minimum Wages Act, 1948, 1948 provides for
exemption in certain cases
a) 26
b) 16
c) 13
d) 23

Ans. a
103. Sec 24 of minimum wages talks about?
a) Contracting out
b) Claims
c) Exemptions
d) Bar of suits

Ans D
104. Which section of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 deals with the Power of the
State Government to add to Schedule_ ?
a) Section 27 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948
b) Section 24 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948
c) Section 23 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948
d) Section 28 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948

Ans. A
105. Section 29 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 provides _____?
a) Power of the Central Government to make rules.
b) Exemption of the employer from liability in certain cases.
c) Penalties for certain offenses.
d) Wages for two or more classes of work

Ans. A
106. Under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 the appropriate government shall fix
the minimum rates of wages payable to the employees employed in an employment
specified in
a) Schedule I part I
b) Schedule I part II
c) Schedule I, Part I, II and the employments and added under section 27
d) Schedule I and II

Ans. C
107. The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 has?
a) One schedule covering different types of industries.
b) One schedule covering different types of industries, shops and establishments.
c) One schedule covering shops and establishments.
d) Two schedules covering industrial establishments and agriculture.

Ans d
108. Under The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 no Court shall entertain any suit for
recovery of wages in so far as sum so claimed _______________.
(a) Forms the subject of an application under section 20 which has been presented by
or on
behalf of plaintiff
(b) Could have been recovered by an application under section 20
(c) Had formed the subject of direction under section 20 in favour of plaintiff.
(d) Any of the above
Ans. D

109. Contracting out is given under which section of The Minimum Wages Act,
a) 12
b) 22
c) 15
d) 25

Ans. D
110. If a employee relinquishes or reduces any pricalege or concession accruing
under The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 then such contract or agreement would be
a) Valid
b) Null and void
c) Voidable
d) Any of the above.

Ans. B
111. Cognizance of offences under section 22B of The Minimum Wages Act, 1948
can be taken only:
a) Complaint is made within one month of the grant of sanction under section 22B.
b) Complaint is made within one year of the grant of sanction under section 22B.
c) Complaint is made within six months of the grant of sanction under section 22B.
d) Complaint is made within 90 days of the grant of sanction under section 22B.

Ans. c
112. According to sec 22B No Court shall take cognizance of an offence under
section 22A, unless complaint thereof is made
a) With 10 days of the date on which the offences is alleged to have been committed.
b) With 30 days of the date on which the offences is alleged to have been committed.
c) With 3 months of the date on which the offences is alleged to have been
d) With 6 months of the date on which the offences is alleged to have been

Ans. d
113. Offences by companies is given under which section?
a) 22
b) 22A
c) 22C
d) 22CC

Ans c
114. Who shall be guilty as per section 22C of The Minimum Wages Act, 1948.
a) Only the company itself.
b) Any person in charge at that point when offence committed.
c) Any person responsible at the point when offence was committed.
d) All of the above

Ans d
115. As per sec 22C of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 if any person proves that
the offence was committed without his knowledge or that he exercised all due
diligence to prevent the commission of such offence he shall not be punishable. This
is given under?
a) 22C(1)
b) Explanation
c) Provision
d) 22C(2)

Ans c
116. What does section 22-CC of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 talks about?
a) Compounding of Offences
b) Cognizance of offences
c) Offence by companies
d) Bar of suits

Ans. a
117. Who can compound any offence punishable under The Minimum Wages Act,
1948 ?
a) An Officer specially empowered by the State Government
b) An Officer specially empowered by the central Government
c) An Officer specially empowered by the appropriate Government
d) Any of the above
Ans. a
118. Section 22-CC id applicable
a) Whole of India
b) Madhya Pradesh & Nagaland
c) Uttar Pradesh & Manipur
d) Andhra Pradesh & Sikkim

Ans. C
119. “Payment of undisbursed amounts due to employees” given under which
section of The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 ?
a) Section 2(22)
b) Section 2(d)
c) Section 22D
d) Section 22DD

Ans. c
120. If an employer deposits any amount with the appropriate government to secure
due performance of contract is given protection against attachment of asset of
employer with government under which section?
a) 12
b) 21(e)
c) 22
d) 22E

Ans. d
121. Section 28 of the minimum wages deals with?
a) Power of Central Government to give directions
b) Power of state Government to give directions
c) Power of Appropriate Government to give directions
d) None of the above

Ans. A
122. What kind of direction is given to state government under section 28 of the
a) to carrying into execution of The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 in the State.
b) Overriding effect to payment of wages act.
c) Both (a) & (b)
d) None of the above

Ans. A
123. Which section of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 empowers the central
government to make rules?
a) Section 92
b) Section 29
c) Section 19
d) Section 2(19)

Ans. B
124. Under section 29 of The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 on which of the
following central govt. can make rules regarding?
a) prescribing the term of office of the members
b) the procedure to be followed in the conduct of business
c) both (a) & (b)
d) Only (a)
e) Only (B)

Ans. c
125. Under section 29 of The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 on which of the
following central govt. can make rules regarding?
a) the method of voting
b) the manner of filling up casual vacancies in membership
c) the quorum necessary for the transaction of business of the Central Advisory
d) Only (b) & (c)
e) (a), (b),(c)

Ans. e
126. Which section of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 empowers the appropriate
government to make rules to carry out purposes of this act?
a) Section 40
b) Section 33
c) Section 2(3)
d) Section 30

Ans d
127. Under section 30 (2)(b) of The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 on which of the
following appropriate govt. can make/ prescribe rules regarding?
a) prescribe the method of summoning witnesses.
b) production of documents relevant to the subject-matter of the enquiry before the
committees, sub-committees and advisory board.
c) Only (b)
d) Both (a)& (b)

Ans. d
128. Under which section of The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 does appropriate
govt. “prescribe the method of summoning witnesses, production of documents
relevant to the subject-matter of the enquiry before the committees, sub-committees,
and the Advisory Board”.
a) Section 56
b) Section 30(2)( c)
c) Section 30(3)
d) Section 30(2) (b)

Ans d
129. Under which section of The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 does appropriate govt
“prescribe the mode of computation of the cash value of wages in kind and of
concessions in respect of supplies of essential commodities at concession rates”
a) Section 2(13)
b) Section 13(2)
c) Section 23(2) (e)
d) Section 30(2) ( c)

Ans. d
130. Which section of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 empowers the appropriate
govt. to regulate the scale of costs and prescribe the amount of court-fees payable in
respect of proceedings under section 20.
a) Section 30(2)(f)
b) Section 30(2)(l) &(m)
c) Section 30(2)(f) & (g)
d) Section 30(2) (l)

Ans b
131. Section 30 (2) (h) talks about?
a) Power of appropriate government to prescribe the cases and circumstances in
which an employee employed for a period of less than the requisite number of
hours constituting a normal working day shall not be entitled to receive wages for
a full normal working day.
b) prescribe the form of registers and records to be maintained and the particulars to
be entered in such registers and records
c) prescribe the number of hours of work which shall constitute a normal working
d) all of the above

Ans. A
132. what does section 30A talks about?
a) Rules made by Central Government to be laid before Parliament
b) Validation of fixation of certain minimum rates of wages
c) prescribing the term of office of the members
d) none of the above
Ans. A
133. schedule of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 must be read with ?
a) section 2(g)
b) section 2(f)
c) section 27
d) both (a) & ( c)

Ans. d

134. how many schedules does the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 has?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) None

Ans B
135. how many entries does part 1 of the schedule of the Minimum Wages Act,
1948 contain?
a) 09
b) 02
c) 12
d) 08

Ans C
136. “Employment in agriculture” is mentioned in which part of the schedule of the
Minimum Wages Act, 1948?
a) Part I
b) Part II
c) Part III
d) None of the above

Ans a
137. Does part I of the schedule contains “Employment in any oil mill” as an entry?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe
d) Sometimes

Ans A
138. The Minimum Wages Act,1948 is Act No. _____ of 1948
a) 14
b) 11
c) 13
d) 12

Ans B

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