Incubator Analyzer Using Bluetooth Android

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IJEEMI, Vol. 1, No.

2, November 2019, pp:71-77

DOI: 10.35882/ijeeemi.v1i2.5 ISSN:2656-8624

Incubator Analyzer Using Bluetooth Android Display

(Humidity & Air Flow)
Vina Nadhirotul Azkiyak#, Syaifudin, Dyah Titisari
Department of Electromedical Engineering PoltekkesKemenkes, Surabaya
Jl. Pucang Jajar Timur No. 10, Surabaya, 60245, Indonesia
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract² Incubator Analyzer is a calibrator used to calibrate incubator temperature, mattress temperature, noise, humidity and
airflow so that conditions in the baby incubator environment remain stable and within normal limits. The purpose of this study is to
develop a system for sending data to android and data storage. "Incubator Analyzer Using Bluetooth Appear Android" has four
parameters for measuring temperature, noise, humidity, and water flow. Using the Atmega328 microcontroller as a data processor, and
the output results will be displayed on the LCD display and equipped with data transmission via bluetooth HC-05 displayed to Android
with data storage. The moisture parameter detects humidity quite well where the biggest error is obtained at 1.28% DHT-22, the
Ultrasound Sensor HC SR-04 can detect Air Flow with an error of 311.66% as measured by a comparison device. Incubator Design
This analyzer is made portable to calibrate baby incubator tools.

Keywords²Incubator Analyzer; Kelembaban; Air Flow; Android

I. INTRODUCTION 2015) with the addition of air flow sensor, battery and 4x20
An incubator analyzer is a device designed and built to LCD display parameters, but the air flow sensor cannot reach a
verify the operation and environmental conditions of a baby range of 0.7 m / s (which reads range 0 - 1.2 m / s). The per-
incubator that can record parameters such as air flow, noise, parameter measurement process must be alternated because it
temperature, and relative humidity [1]. The baby incubator only uses one display [6]. This condition causes the readable
serves to provide protection to babies born prematurely by value to be less linear. Then it was redeveloped by Vina Alfi
providing a stable temperature so that the baby's body heat is Majidah and Helen Reynilda Ericka (in 2016) with the addition
maintained [2]. To verify all parameters in a baby incubator, a of sending data via bluetooth which was displayed via Personal
tool calibration is necessary. The definition of calibration is an Computer. This is considered to be less efficient because when
activity to determine the conventional truth of the appointment the calibration process is carried out in a different room, the
of measuring instruments and measuring materials by calibration officer must also move the Personal Computer
comparing it to the standard size traced (traceable) to the which is a unit of the Incubator Analyzer. The latest one was
National or International standard [3]. The Incubator Analyzer developed by Imro'ah Dyah Sulistya and Laily Kurniati (in
uses 4 parameters, one of which is measurement of humidity 2018) this tool has been portable using the Android display, but
and air flow. In its measurement these parameters require a there are still shortcomings namely there is no data storage so
stable condition to produce a measure according to its standard the operator cannot see the results of previous measurements.
[4]. While the Incubator Analyzer tool that was previously The error value obtained in measuring the water flow sensor is
made by the final assignment by Imro'ah Dyah Sulistya and still quite large when compared to the Incubator Analyzer II at
Laily Kurniati (in 2018), the air flow sensor is still not in the Surabaya Polytechnic Laboratory.
accordance with the specified target and there is no data Based on the results of the identification of the
storage. This condition causes the operator to not be able to see chronological problem above, the author wants to perfect the
the previous measurement data and the air flow sensor has not sensor module whose results are less linear and develop the
reached the expected [5]. Incubator Analyzer tool equipped with data transmission via
The previous Incubator Analyzer has been made by Herlina bluetooth which is displayed on android with data storage.
Candra Putri and Rohmantus Sholihah (in 2006) with 3 II. MATERIAL AND METHODE
parameters (temperature, noise, humidity) that appear together
in one display. The tool according to the author's observation is A. Experimental Setup
still less effective because it is not portable and there are no air This study uses the Fluke Biomedical Brand II Incubator
flow parameters. Then developed by Aljaziroh Jannatul Analyzer as a comparison tool and performs data collection as
Maghfiroh and Ghafur Slamet (in 2014) with portable systems. much as 6 times the measurement during the interval of one
This tool still has drawbacks, where the noise sensor cannot hour for each parameter.
detect a range of 30 dB - 44 dB (which reads a 45 dB range -
60 dB) and there are no air flow parameters. Furthermore, it 1) Materials and Tool
was developed by Ahmad Syaifudin and Denny Prasetyo (in

Indonesian Journal of Electronics, Electromedical, and Medical Informatics (IJEEEMI)

IJEEMI, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2019, pp:71-77
DOI: 10.35882/ijeeemi.v1i2.5 ISSN:2656-8624

This study uses a DHT-22 sensor to detect humidity and Begin

temperature sensors ultrasound HC SR-04 to detect air flow or
alira air in the baby incubator. Components used include
Atmega 328 as a microcontroller, LCD 2x40 and Android as a Inisialisasi
display, and bluetooth module HC-05 for sending data from
microcontrollers to android.
2) Experiment Air Flow Hunidity
In this study measurements were taken on the DHT-22 Reading Reading
sensor output and ultrasound sensor HC SR-04 to see how
much output the amplitude was using an oscilloscope. Next,
the researchers conducted a comparison of humidity and water Display
flow testing with the Incubator Analyzer II with a temperature
setting of 340C and 360C in the baby incubator. Send Serial
B. The Diagram Block
First pressing the on button, then the battery will supply end
voltage throughout the circuit so that the temperature sensors 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, the sensor temperature of the mattress, air flow,
Fig. 2. The Flowchart of the Arduino Program
humidity, and noise will be active and do the reading. The
humidity sensor will convert the humidity in the room into
digital data that is forwarded and managed by ATMEGA328 Bluetooth
into moisture data. The ultrasound sensor will convert water Android
flow into digital data that is forwarded and managed by
ATMEGA328 into water flow data. Humidity and water flow Mengisi Nama File
data will be displayed on the 4x20 character LCD and sent Penyimpanan Data
using Bluetooth HC-05 to be displayed on Android. When the
start button found on Android is pressed, the results of reading
all sensors will be displayed on the Android display and will Start
automatically perform the storage process on the Android
internal memory. If you will take the next measurement, press Reset
the reset button to start the process of reading data from the
Arduino HC05 Fig. 3. The Flowchart of the Android Program
Airflow Sensor
Atmega 328
C. Flowchart
In the above flow diagram after initialization, the sensor
Humidity will begin reading and then be processed and converted to
Sensor Save ATMEGA328, then the results of processing will be displayed
on the 4x20 lcd then sent via bluetooth in the form of numbers
to android and will be displayed on the android display and
Fig. 1. The diagram block of the Incubator Analyzer automatically store data.

D. Circuit Analog
An important part of this development is the analog circuits
that illustrate in Fig. 4 (block of moisture), Fig. 5 (air flow
block), which is used to process the work of the incubator
analyzer. Therefore it will be ready for digital processing using

Indonesian Journal of Electronics, Electromedical, and Medical Informatics (IJEEEMI)

IJEEMI, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2019, pp:71-77
DOI: 10.35882/ijeeemi.v1i2.5 ISSN:2656-8624

1) Humidity The microcontroller circuit shown in fig.6 is used for

processing data from the output of each sensor. And it is used
for programming and sending data with Bluetooth.
4) Bluetooth Module
The Bluetooth module used in this tool is HC-05. This
Bluetooth module is used to transmit data from the sensor
readings to android. The Bluetooth module is connected to the
Microcontroller by connecting the Microcontroller TX pin to
Fig. 4. DHT-22 the RX Bluetooth pin and vice versa, the Microcontroller RX
pin to the Bluetooth TX pin.
The DHT-22 module specification requires a + 5V DC
voltage to the ground. There is a resistor installed parallel to
the output of the DHT-22 sensor. This resistor functions as a
pull up voltage output data produced by the sensor so that it
can be read maximally by Arduino. The output pin of the
module will be connected to the pin (PD4).
2) Air Flow

Fig. 7. Bluetooth Connection

In this study a trial was carried out on the device directly at
the baby incubator with the Incubator Analyzer II (Fluke
Biomedical) as a comparison tool. The researcher also took
Fig. 5. HC SR-04 measurements using the thermohygrometer as another means
of comparison.
The ultrasound module specification HC SR-04 requires a
+ 5V DC voltage to the ground. The output pin of the module
will be connected to pins (PD5) and PD6 for trigger foot
output, while PD7 and PD8 for foot echo output .

3) Mikrokontroller

Fig. 8. Design

1) The Modul Design

Photographs of digital parts of this tool are shown in Fig. 9.
The digital part consists of a microcontroller consisting of
Atmega328 as a system regulator, crystal 16,000 MHz which
functions as an external clock to perform microcontroller
functions. In the digital section there are also DHT-22 sensor
modules, ultrasound sensors, and Bluetooth HC-05 which are
used to send data from the microcontroller to Android.
Fig. 6. Mikrokontroller

Indonesian Journal of Electronics, Electromedical, and Medical Informatics (IJEEEMI)

IJEEMI, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2019, pp:71-77
DOI: 10.35882/ijeeemi.v1i2.5 ISSN:2656-8624

hum = dht.readHumidity();
temp = dht.readTemperature();
lcd.print("Humidity : ");
int data2=hum;
int data=hum*100;

Listing Program 2. Program to display the Air Flow

#include <NewPing.h>
#define SONAR_NUM 2
#define MAX_DISTANCE 50
NewPing sonar[SONAR_NUM] = {
NewPing(7, 6, MAX_DISTANCE),
NewPing(8, 5, MAX_DISTANCE)
Fig. 9. The Digital part of the Incubator Analyzer float AirSpeed;

float pingSensor1=sonar[0].ping_median(6);
float pingSensor2=sonar[1].ping_median(6);
float error=100-(pingSensor2/pingSensor1)*100;
float AirSpeed=(0.3/2)*((pingSensor1/1000000-
lcd.backlight ();
lcd.setCursor (0, 2 );
lcd.print("Air Flow =");
lcd.print ("m/s");
int data4=AirSpeed;

Listing Program 3. Program to send data to a android

Blok Kelembaban Blok Air Flow
Fig. 10. Design Serial.println(hum);
2) The Listing Program for Arduino Serial.print("g");
Arduino program listing consists of a humidity sensor Serial.println(abs(AirSpeed));
program shown in program listing 1, a program for water flow
sensors shown in program listing 2, and a program to send data
3) Listing Program untuk Aplikasi Android
to android shown in program listing 3.
In this study to make an android application using Mit App
Listing program 1. Program to display the Humidity Inventor. Programming to make this android application
consists of a bluetooth module connection program with an
#include "DHT.h" android application shown in fig. 11, the program receives
#define DHTPIN 4 moisture data as shown in Fig. 12, the program receives the air
#define DHTTYPE DHT22 flow data shown in fig. 13, the data storage program to
DHT dht(DHTPIN, DHTTYPE); memory internal shown in Fig. 14, the storage time program
float hum; shown in fig.15, the start button program shown in fig.16, the
float temp; reset button program shown in fig.17 close button program
shown in fig.18.

Indonesian Journal of Electronics, Electromedical, and Medical Informatics (IJEEEMI)

IJEEMI, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2019, pp:71-77
DOI: 10.35882/ijeeemi.v1i2.5 ISSN:2656-8624

On the block (fig.12) uses letter codes to separate the data

received from the minimum system serial communication. If
the time is running and if Bluetooth is connected then read the
data in real time with the code "i" for the humidity sensor.

Fig. 13. Program received the data Air Flow

The above command is a program for receiving data that

has been sent via bluetooth HC-05 which is then read in real
time with the code "g" for the air flow sensor which will be
displayed in the column in the application that matches the

Fig. 11. Program Module Blurtooth Connection

The block (Fig.11) is a program to open a list of names and

bluetooth addresses that will be selected as data connections.
The selected Bluetooth must have been paired with a
Fig. 14. Program save memory
cellphone. The block also explains the status of the Bluetooth
connection to Android. After selecting a Bluetooth name and
The above command is a program listing that functions to
address, the Bluetooth module will be connected to Android.
process the storage format of the data that appears in txt and
When the Bluetooth module is connected to the Android
will be stored automatically in the android internal memory.
application, it will read connected and if the Bluetooth
Where the save data timer stores data on all T1 sensors to Air
connection with the Android application is disconnected, the
Flow sensors in one second for one hour..
text will return with the word disconnect.

Fig. 15. Program Untuk Mengatur Lamanya Waktu Penyimpanan

Where the clock_perjam timer works for one hour and will
automatically stop after the setting time is fulfilled. It is marked
by the false command for the savedata and clk_perjam timers,
which will break the data storage process. When the storage
process is complete, the data reading in real time will continue
Fig. 12. Program received the data Humidity
and will stop when pressing the "reset" button.

Indonesian Journal of Electronics, Electromedical, and Medical Informatics (IJEEEMI)

IJEEMI, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2019, pp:71-77
DOI: 10.35882/ijeeemi.v1i2.5 ISSN:2656-8624



Temperature Setting Error (%)

340C 1.2865
360C 0.8362
Rata - rata Error 1.0613

Fig. 16. Start Button Program

The above command to activate the start button. Where Based on the results of measurements using the Incubator
clock 1 functions as a timer in reading data. A savedata timer to Analyzer II as a comparison tool the results were different /
give commands to save data to android internal memory. The there was a difference in value. The biggest error value is
clk_perjam timer works for a one-hour storage deadline. If 1.2865% and the average error value from the measurement
"START" is pressed then all timers will be active and start the results is 1.0613%.
reading and storage process. Storage of data results in txt 5) The Error of Air Flow value
format. The results of measurement of water flow with 2 kinds of
temperature settings compared to the Incubator Analyzer II.
The error value is shown in Table II.



Temperature Setting Error (%)

340C 311.666
360C 69.0721
Rata - rata Error 190.369

Fig. 17. Reset Button Program

Based on the results of measurements using the Incubator
The above command to activate the reset button. When the Analyzer II as a comparison tool the results were different /
reset button is pressed then clock 1 performs its function to there was a difference in value. The biggest error value is
disconnect Bluetooth connections which results in all data 311,666% and the resulting average value of error from the
displayed in the measurement column will be erased and on measurement results is 190,369%.
Android will appear the number 0. If "START" is pressed then
re-read the data from the beginning
Moisture and water flow measurements were carried out
directly at the baby incubator and compared with the Incubator
Analyzer II. The average error value obtained from humidity
measurements between modules and Incubator Analyzer II is
Fig. 18. Close Button Program 1.06% and the average error obtained from the measurement of
water flow between modules and digital thermometer is
The above command for the close button. When the close 190.36%.
button is pressed, the application will be closed, the HC-05
bluetooth connection will be disconnected automatically and V. CONCLUSION
the data reading will stop. Based on the results of the discussion and the purpose of
making the module it can be concluded that this module can
4) The Error of Humidity value display the values of the two parameters that have been
Results of measurement of humidity with 2 kinds of processed with the Arduino program whose results are
temperature settings compared with the Incubator Analyzer II. displayed on the LCD 4x20 and on the Android application.
The error value is shown in Table I. Android applications that have been made can also work well
to display data that has been received from a microcontroller
via Bluetooth.

Indonesian Journal of Electronics, Electromedical, and Medical Informatics (IJEEEMI)

IJEEMI, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2019, pp:71-77
DOI: 10.35882/ijeeemi.v1i2.5 ISSN:2656-8624


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[2] A. S. Utomo et al. ³Monitoring Baby Incubator Sentral Dengan
Komunikasi ´ YRO QR SS ±230, 2018.
Influence Of Wind Speed And Direction Over The Ultrasonic The
Influence Of Wind Speed And Direction Over ´ QR $SULO
[6] S. Komparatif and A. Avr, ³3HUEDQGLQJDQ $NXUDVL 3HQJXNXUDQ

Indonesian Journal of Electronics, Electromedical, and Medical Informatics (IJEEEMI)


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