Adobe Analytics - Condensed SDR - Ecommerce

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Tracking Variable Name in Report Suite Description

s.eVar1 Site Sections CC - v1 Captures the Site Section (page category)

Sub Sections (Level 2) CC - Captures the Site Sub-section (level 2 - page
s.eVar2 v2 sub category)
Sub Sections (Level 3) CC - Captures the Site Sub-section (level 3 - page
s.eVar3 v3 sub sub category)
Sub Sections (Level 4) CC -
s.eVar4 v4 Captures the Site Sub-section (level 4)
Sub Sections (Level 5) CC -
s.eVar5 v5 Captures the Site Sub-section (level 5)
Internal Search Terms CC -
s.eVar6 v6 Captures Internal Search term

s.eVar7 Logged In Status CC - v7 Captures when a user is logged in or logged out

s.eVar13 Internal SRC CC - v13 Captures Internal campaign SRC code
Country | State | City CC -
s.eVar14 v14 Captures Country, State and City
Download File Name CC -
s.eVar15 v15 Captures the Download file URL

s.eVar16 Download File Page CC - v16 Captures the Download file Page name
Hashed Email Id (First Captures the Hashed Email ID - First Touch on
s.eVar20 Touch) - v20 login and registration
Description not provided, as we are reviewing
s.eVar34 Purchase ID - v34 the use case case for this
s.eVar35 Page Title - v35 Captures the Page Title
s.eVar37 Internal CID (Last Touch) Captures Internal CID code (last touch)
s.eVar38 Page URL CC - v38 Captures the page URL

s.eVar39 Previous Pagename - v39 Captures the previous pagename on link click
s.eVar42 Hashed Email ID - v42 Captures the Hashed Email ID
Demandbase variable - Captures the annual
s.eVar51 DB - Annual Sales CC - v51 sales

s.eVar52 DB - City CC - 52 Demandbase variable - Captures the visitor city

DB - Company Name CC Demandbase variable - Captures the
s.eVar53 -v53 company/account name
Demandbase variable - Captures the visitor
s.eVar54 DB - Country CC - v54 country
Demandbase variable - Captures the account
s.eVar55 DB - Account Segment - v55 segment

s.eVar56 DB - Profile - v56 Demandbase variable - Captures the profile

DB - Employee Range CC - Demandbase variable - Captures the employee
s.eVar57 v57 range
s.eVar59 DB - Industry CC - v59 Demandbase variable - Captures the Industry
Captures Home Page Click value (for ex -
s.eVar62 Home Page Click - v62 nav_sidebar_products)

Captures the URL without query string

parameter - Modified URL (Without http/https
s.eVar66 Modified URL - v66 & query string)
Demandbase variable - Captures the State
s.eVar67 DB - State CC - v67 name

s.eVar68 DB - Audience CC - v68 Demandbase variable - Captures the Audience

s.eVar69 DB - Sub Industry CC - v69 Demandbase variable - Captures Sub-industry

s.eVar70 Active querystring URL - v70 Captures the active querystring URL

Trigger an evar for only navigational link clicks

s.eVar81 Navigational Link Click - v81 on header/footer/sidebar (similar to c18)

s.eVar82 Product Filter - v82 Captures the Product filter on search page
s.eVar95 Transaction ID - v95
Capture the click on links that have src
s.eVar105 SRC Click v105 (
Captures User Agent with the help of
s.eVar108 User Agent - v108 Processing rule
Demandbase variable - Captures the Company
s.eVar166 DB - Domain Name - v166 Domain name
Experience Cloud Visitor ID -
s.eVar168 v168 Captures Adobe Experience Cloud Visitor ID
Custom Event 1 Log In - event1 Triggers on Log-in button click action
Volume of Internal Searches Triggers when performs internal search on a
Custom Event 2 - event2 page

Custom Event 3 Search Result Click - event3 Triggers when click on internal search result
Description not provided, as we are reviewing
Custom Event 8 Buy Now Click - event8 the use case case for this
Download Trial Click - Description not provided, as we are reviewing
Custom Event 9 event9 the use case case for this

Custom Event 11 DR Product Page - event11 ?

Order Level Discount -
Custom Event 14 event14 Event name not descriptive to tell the use case
Line Item Discount - Description not provided, as we are reviewing
Custom Event 15 event15 the use case case for this
Custom Event 16 Tax - event16 Event name not descriptive to tell the use case
Description not provided, as we are reviewing
Custom Event 17 Shipping - event17 the use case case for this

Custom Event 26 External SRC Click - event26 Triggers on External campaign SRC click

Custom Event 38 Download Button - event38 Triggers when Download Button Clicked
Link Click in Navigation - Triggers when click link in navigation on DOT
Custom Event 52 event52 com

Custom Event 53 Internal SRC Click - event53 Triggers when click Internal campaign SRC
Custom Event 66 Paid Search - event66 Triggers on Paid search on search engine

Custom Event 67 Natural Search - event67 Triggers on Natural search on search engine

Custom Event 75 Home Page Click - event75 Triggers on homepage link click
VMware Search Click -
Custom Event 78 event78 Trigger on-click on VMware on Search page
Recommended Search Triggers when click on Recommended Search
Custom Event 79 Result click - event79 Result
Search Result page - Trigger when someone searches on the Search
Custom Event 80 event80 Result page itself
Recommended Search Triggers when the Recommended Result is
Custom Event 81 Result Display - event81 shown on the Search Result page
Custom Event 120 Page Load Time e120 Page Load Time
Generic Keyword Searches -
Custom Event 123 event123 Triggers when user makes a keyword search
Generic filter Searches - Triggers when user makes a selection on
Custom Event 124 event124 search filter
Tracking Set Up Description

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