Bio2RDF Release 2: Improved Coverage, Interoperability and Provenance of Life Science Linked Data

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Bio2RDF Release 2: Improved Coverage, Interoperability

and Provenance of Life Science Linked Data

Alison Callahan1,*, José Cruz-Toledo1,*, Peter Ansell2, and Michel Dumontier1

Department of Biology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
[email protected]
eResearch Lab, School of ITEE, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
[email protected]

Abstract. Bio2RDF currently provides the largest network of Linked Data for
the Life Sciences. Here, we describe a significant update to increase the overall
quality of RDFized datasets generated from open scripts powered by an API to
generate registry-validated IRIs, dataset provenance and metrics, SPARQL
endpoints, downloadable RDF and database files. We demonstrate federated
SPARQL queries within and across the Bio2RDF network, including semantic
integration using the Semanticscience Integrated Ontology (SIO). This work
forms a strong foundation for increased coverage and continuous integration of
data in the life sciences.

Keywords: Semantic Web, RDF, Linked Data, Life Sciences, SPARQL.

1 Introduction
With the advent of the World Wide Web, journals have increasingly augmented their
peer-reviewed journal publications with downloadable experimental data. While the
increase in data availability should be cause for celebration, the potential for biomedi-
cal discovery across all of these data is hampered by access restrictions, incompatible
formats, lack of semantic annotation and poor connectivity between datasets [1]. Al-
though organizations such as the National Center for Biotechnology Information
(NCBI) and the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) have made great strides to
extract, capture and integrate data, the lack of formal, machine-understandable seman-
tics results in ambiguity in the data and the relationships between them. With over
1500 biological databases, it becomes necessary to implement a more sophisticated
scheme to unify the representation of diverse biomedical data so that it becomes easi-
er to integrate and explore [2]. Importantly, there is a fundamental need to capture the
provenance of these data in a manner that will support experimental design and repro-
ducibility in scientific research. Providing data also presents real practical challenges,
including ensuring persistence, availability, scalability, and providing the right tools
to facilitate data exploration including query formulation.

These authors contributed equally to this work.

P. Cimiano et al. (Eds.): ESWC 2013, LNCS 7882, pp. 200–212, 2013.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
Bio2RDF Release 2: Improved Coverage, Interoperability and Provenance 201

The Resource Description Framework (RDF) provides an excellent foundation to

build a unified network of linked data on the emerging Semantic Web. While an in-
creasing number of approaches are being proposed to describe and integrate specific
biological data [3-5], it is the lack of coordinated identification, vocabulary overlap
and alternative formalizations that challenges the promise of large-scale integration
[6]. Formalization of data into ontologies using the Web Ontology Language (OWL)
have yielded interesting results for integration, classification, consistency checking
and more effective query answering with automated reasoning [7-11]. However, these
efforts build the ontology in support of the task and there is little guarantee that the
formalization will accommodate future data or support new applications. Alternative-
ly, integration of data may be best facilitated by independent publication of datasets
and their descriptions and subsequent coordination into integrative ontologies or
community standards. This approach provides maximum flexibility for publishing
original datasets with publisher provided descriptors in that they are not constrained
by limited standards, but provides a clear avenue for future integration into a number
of alternative standards.
Bio2RDF is a well-recognized open-source project that provides linked data for the
life sciences using Semantic Web technologies. Bio2RDF scripts convert heteroge-
neously formatted data (e.g. flat-files, tab-delimited files, dataset specific formats,
SQL, XML etc.) into a common format – RDF. Bio2RDF follows a set of basic con-
ventions to generate and provide Linked Data which are guided by Tim Berners-Lee’s
design principles 1 , the Banff Manifesto 2 and the collective experience of the
Bio2RDF community. Entities, their attributes and relationships are named using a
simple convention to produce Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs) while
statements are articulated using the lightweight semantics of RDF Schema (RDFS)
and Dublin Core. Bio2RDF IRIs are resolved through the Bio2RDF Web Application,
a servlet that answers Bio2RDF HTTP requests by formulating SPARQL queries
against the appropriate SPARQL endpoints.
Although several efforts for provisioning linked life data exist such as Neurocom-
mons [12], LinkedLifeData [13], W3C HCLS3, Chem2Bio2RDF [14] and BioLOD,
Bio2RDF stands out for several reasons: i) Bio2RDF is open source and freely availa-
ble to use, modify or redistribute, ii) it acts on a set of basic guidelines to produce syn-
tactically interoperable linked data across all datasets, iii) does not attempt to marshal
data into a single global schema, iv) provides a federated network of SPARQL end-
points and v) provisions the community with an expandable global network of mirrors
that host RDF datasets. Thus, Bio2RDF uniquely offers a community-focused resource
for creating and enhancing the quality of biomedical data on the Semantic Web.
Here, we report on a second coordinated release of Bio2RDF Release 2 (R2),
which yields substantial increases in syntactic and semantic interoperability across
refactored Bio2RDF datasets. We address the problem of IRI inconsistency arising
from independently generated scripts through an API over a dataset registry

202 A. Callahan et al.

to generate validated IRIs. We further generate provenance and statistics for each
dataset, and provide public SPARQL endpoints, downloadable database files and
RDF files. We demonstrate federated SPARQL queries within and across the
Bio2RDF network, including queries that make use of the Semanticscience Integrated
Ontology (SIO) 4, which provides a simple model with a rich set of relations to coor-
dinate ontologies, data and services.

2 Methods

In the following section we will discuss the procedures and improvements used to
generate Bio2RDF R2 compliant Linked Open Data including entity naming, dataset
provenance and statistics, ontology mapping, query and exploration.

2.1 Entity Naming

For data with a source assigned identifier, entities are named as follows:

where ‘namespace’ is the preferred short name of a biological dataset as found in our
dataset registry and the ‘identifier’ is the unique string used by the source provider to
identify any given record. For example, the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee
identifies the human prostaglandin E synthase gene (PIG12) with the accession num-
ber “9599”. This dataset is assigned the namespace “hgnc” in our dataset registry,
thus, the corresponding Bio2RDF IRI is

For data lacking a source assigned identifier, entities are named as follows:
where ‘namespace’ is the preferred short name of a biological dataset as found in our
dataset registry and ‘identifier’ is uniquely created and assigned by the Bio2RDF
script. This pattern is often used to identify objects that arise from the conversion of
n-ary relations into an object with a set of binary relations. For example, the Compar-
ative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD) describes associations between diseases and
drugs, but does not specify identifiers for these associations, and hence we assign a
new stable identifier for each, such as
for the chemical-disease association between 10,10-bis(4-pyridinylmethyl)-9(10H)-
anthracenone (mesh:C112297) and the Romano-Ward Syndrome (mesh:D029597).
Finally, dataset-specific types and relations are named as follows:

Bio2RDF Release 2: Improved Coverage, Interoperability and Provenance 203

where ‘namespace’ is the preferred short name of a biological dataset as found in our
dataset registry and ‘identifier’ is uniquely created and/or assigned by the Bio2RDF
script. For example, the NCBI’s HomoloGene resource provides groups of homolog-
ous eukaryotic genes and includes references to the taxa from which the genes were
isolated. Hence, the Homologene group is identified as a class
while the taxonomic relation is specified with:

2.2 Open Source Scripts

In 2012, we consolidated the set Bio2RDF open source5 scripts into a single GitHub
repository (bio2rdf-scripts 6 ). GitHub facilitates collaborative development through
project forking, pull requests, code commenting, and merging. Thirty PHP scripts,
one Java program and a Ruby gem are now available for any use (including commer-
cial), modification and redistribution by anyone wishing to generate BioRDF data, or
to improve the quality of RDF conversions currently used in Bio2RDF.

2.3 Programmatically Accessible Resource Registry

In order to ensure consistency in IRI assignment by different scripts, we established a
common resource registry that each script must make use of. The resource registry
specifies a unique namespace for each of the datasets (a.k.a. namespace; e.g. ‘pdb’ for
the Protein Data Bank), along with synonyms (e.g. ncbigene, entrez gene, entrez-
gene/locuslink for the NCBI’s Gene database), as well as primary and secondary IRIs
used within the datasets (e.g.,,, etc.) when applicable. The use of the registry
in this way ensures a high level of syntactic interoperability between the generated
linked data sets.

2.4 Provenance
Bio2RDF scripts now generate provenance using the Vocabulary of Interlinked Data-
sets (VoID), the Provenance vocabulary (PROV) and Dublin Core vocabulary. As
illustrated in Fig. 1, each item in a dataset is linked using void:inDataset to a prove-
nance object (typed as void:Dataset). The provenance object represents a Bio2RDF
dataset, in that it is a version of the source data whose attributes include a label, the
creation date, the creator (script URL), the publisher (, the Bio2RDF
license and rights, the download location for the dataset and the SPARQL endpoint in
which the resource can be found. Importantly, we use the W3C PROV relation ‘was-
DerivedFrom’ to link this Bio2RDF dataset to the source dataset, along with its li-
censing and source location.

204 A. Callahan et al.

Fig. 1. The Bio2RDF R2 provenance model

2.5 Dataset Metrics

A set of nine dataset metriccs are computed for each dataset that summarize their ccon-

• total number of tripless

• number of unique sub bjects
• number of unique predicates
• number of unique objects
• number of unique typees
• number of unique objects linked from each predicate
• number of unique literrals linked from each predicate
• number of unique sub bjects and objects linked by each predicate
• unique subject type-prredicate-object type links and their frequencies

These metrics are serialized

d as RDF using our own vocabulary using the namesppace ataset_vocabulary), and subsequently loaded into o a
named graph at each dataseet SPARQL endpoint with the following pattern:

where namespace is the prreferred short name for the Bio2RDF dataset. While the
values for metrics 1-4 are provided
p via suitably named datatype properties, metrics 5-
9 require a more complex, typed
t object. For instance, a SPARQL query to retrievee all
type-predicate-type links an
nd their frequencies from the CTD endpoint is:

PREFIX statistics: <h>
?endpoint a statisti
Bio2RDF Release 2: Improved Coverage, Interoperability and Provenance 205

?endpoint statistics:has_type_relation_type_count ?c.

?c statistics:has_subject_type ?subjectType.
?c statistics:has_subject_count ?subjectCount.
?c statistics:has_predicate ?predicate.
?c statistics:has_object_type ?objectType.
?c statistics:has_object_count ?objectCount.

Furthermore, to support context-sensitive SPARQL query formulation using Spar-

QLed [15], we generated the data graph summaries using the Dataset Analytics Voca-
bulary7. These are stored in each endpoint in the graph named .

2.6 Bio2RDF to SIO Ontology Mapping

Since each Bio2RDF dataset is expressed in terms of a dataset-specific vocabulary for
its types and relations, it becomes rather challenging to compose federated queries
across both linked datasets as well as datasets that overlap in their content. To facili-
tate dataset-independent querying, Bio2RDF dataset-specific vocabulary were
mapped to the Semanticscience Integrated Ontology (SIO), which is also being used
to map vocabularies used to describe SADI-based semantic web services. Dataset
specific types and relations were extracted using SPARQL queries and manually
mapped to corresponding SIO classes, object properties and datatype properties using
the appropriate subclass relation (i.e. rdfs:subClassOf, owl:SubObjectPropertyOf).
Bio2RDF dataset vocabularies and their SIO-mappings are stored in separate OWL
ontologies on the bio2rdf-mapping GitHub repository8.

2.7 SPARQL Endpoints

Each dataset was loaded into a separate instance of OpenLink Virtuoso Community
Edition version 6.1.6 with the faceted browser, SPARQL 1.1 query federation and
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) enabled.

2.8 Bio2RDF Web Application

Bio2RDF Linked Data IRIs are made resolvable through the Bio2RDF Web Applica-
tion, a servlet based application that uses the QueryAll Linked Data library [16] to
dynamically answer requests for Bio2RDF IRIs by aggregating the results of
SPARQL queries to Bio2RDF SPARQL endpoints that are automatically selected
based on the structure of the query IRI. The Web Application can be configured to
resolve queries using multiple SPARQL endpoints, each of which may handle differ-
ent namespaces and identifier patterns. Such configurations are stored as RDF, and
specified using Web Application profiles. Profiles are designed to allow different

206 A. Callahan et al.

hosts to reuse the same configuration documents in slightly different ways. For exam-
ple, the Bio2RDF Web Application R2 profile has been configured to resolve queries
that include the new ‘_resource’ and ‘_vocabulary’ namespaces (section 2.1), as well
existing query types used by the base Bio2RDF profile, and to resolve these queries
using the R2 SPARQL endpoints.
The Bio2RDF Web Application accepts RDF requests in the Accept Request and
does not use URL suffixes for Content Negotiation, as most Linked Data providers
do, as that would make it difficult to reliably distinguish identifiers across all of the
namespaces that are resolved by Bio2RDF. Specifically, there is no guarantee that a
namespace will not contain identifiers ending in the same suffix as a file format. For
example, if a namespace had the identifier “plants.html”, the Bio2RDF Web Applica-
tion would not be able to resolve the URI consistently to non-HTML formats using
Content Negotiation. For this reason, the Bio2RDF Web Application directive to re-
solve HTML is a prefixed path, which is easy for any scriptable User Agent to gener-
ate. In the example above the identifier could be resolved to an RDF/XML document
using “/rdfxml/namespace:plants.html’’, without any ambiguity as to the meaning of
the request, as the file format is stripped from the prefix by the web application, based
on the web application configuration.

2.9 Resolving Bio2RDF IRIs Using Multiple SPARQL Endpoints

The Bio2RDF Web Application is designed to be used as an interface to a range of
different Linked Data providers. It includes declarative rules that are used to map
queries between the Bio2RDF IRI format and the identifiers used by each Linked
Data provider. For example, the Bio2RDF R2 Web Application has been configured
to resolve queries of the form

using UniProt’s new SPARQL endpoint, currently available at http://beta.sparql. In this way, as it becomes increasingly commonplace for data
providers to publish their data at their own SPARQL endpoints, Bio2RDF will be able
to leverage these resources and incorporate them into the Bio2RDF network, while
still supporting queries that follow Bio2RDF IRI conventions.

3 Results

3.1 Bio2RDF Release 2

Nineteen datasets, including 5 new datasets, were generated as part of R2 (Table 1).
R2 also includes 3 datasets that are themselves aggregates of datasets which are now
available as one resource. For instance, iRefIndex consists of 13 datasets (BIND,
BioGRID, CORUM, DIP, HPRD, InnateDB, IntAct, MatrixDB, MINT, MPact,
MPIDB, MPPI and OPHID) while NCBO’s Bioportal collection currently consists of
100 OBO ontologies including ChEBI, Protein Ontology and the Gene Ontology.
Bio2RDF Release 2: Improved Coverage, Interoperability and Provenance 207

We also have 10 additional updated scripts that are currently generating updated data-
sets and SPARQL endpoints to be available with the next release: ChemBL, DBPedia,
GenBank, PathwayCommons, the RCSB Protein Databank, PubChem, PubMed, Ref-
Seq, UniProt (including UniRef and UniParc) and UniSTS.
Dataset SPARQL endpoints are available at http://[namespace] For
example, the Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD) SPARQL endpoint is availa-
ble at All updated Bio2RDF Linked Data and their correspond-
ing Virtuoso DB files are available for download at

Table 1. Bio2RDF Release 2 datasets with select dataset metrics. The asterisks indicate
datasets that are new to Bio2RDF.

Dataset Namespace # of triples # of unique # of unique # of unique

subjects predicates objects
Affymetrix affymetrix 44469611 1370219 79 13097194
Biomodels* biomodels 589753 87671 38 209005
Bioportal* bioportal 15384622 4425342 191 7668644
Comparative Toxico- ctd 141845167 12840989 27 13347992
genomics Database
DrugBank drugbank 1121468 172084 75 526976
NCBI Gene ncbigene 394026267 12543449 60 121538103
Gene Ontology Anno- goa 80028873 4710165 28 19924391
HUGO Gene Nomen- hgnc 836060 37320 63 519628
clature Committee
Homologene homologene 1281881 43605 17 1011783
InterPro* interpro 999031 23794 34 211346
iProClass iproclass 211365460 11680053 29 97484111
iRefIndex irefindex 31042135 1933717 32 4276466
Medical Subject mesh 4172230 232573 60 1405919
National Drug Code ndc 17814216 301654 30 650650
Online Mendelian omim 1848729 205821 61 1305149
Inheritance in Man
Pharmacogenomics pharmgkb 37949275 5157921 43 10852303
Knowledge Base
SABIO-RK* sabiork 2618288 393157 41 797554
Saccharomyces Ge- sgd 5551009 725694 62 1175694
nome Database
NCBI Taxonomy taxon 17814216 965020 33 2467675
Total 19 1,010,758,291 57850248 1003 298470583
208 A. Callahan et al.

3.2 Metric Informed Querying

Dataset metrics (section 2.5) provide an overview of the contents of a dataset and can
be used to guide the development of SPARQL queries. Table 2 shows values for the
type-relation-type metric in the DrugBank dataset. In the first row we note that 11,512
unique pharmaceuticals are paired with 56 different units using the ‘form’ predicate,
indicating the enormous number of possible formulations. Further in the list, we see
that 1,074 unique drugs are involved in 10,891 drug-drug interactions, most of these
arising from FDA drug product labels.

Table 2. Selected DrugBank dataset metrics describing the frequencies of type-relation-type

occurrences. The namespace for subject types, predicates, and object types is

Subject Type Subject Predicate Object Type Object

Count Count
Pharmaceutical 11512 form Unit 56
Drug-Transporter-Interaction 1440 drug Drug 534
Drug-Transporter-Interaction 1440 transporter Target 88
Drug 1266 dosage Dosage 230
Patent 1255 country Country 2
Drug 1127 product Pharmaceutical 11512
Drug 1074 ddi-interactor-in Drug-Drug- 10891
Drug 532 patent Patent 1255
Drug 277 mixture Mixture 3317
Dosage 230 route Route 42
Drug-Target-Interaction 84 target Target 43

The type-relation-type metric gives the necessary information to understand how

object types are related to one another in the RDF graph. It can also inform the con-
struction of an immediately useful SPARQL query, without losing time generating
‘exploratory’ queries to become familiar with the dataset model. For instance, the
above table suggests that in order to retrieve the targets that are involved in drug-
target interactions, one should specify the ‘target’ predicate, to link to a target from its
drug-target interaction(s):
PREFIX drugbank_vocabulary:
PREFIX rdfs: <>
SELECT ?dti ?target ?targetName
?dti a drugbank_vocabulary:Drug-Target-Interaction .
?dti drugbank_vocabulary:target ?target .
?target rdfs:label ?targetName.

Some of the results of this query are listed in Table 3.

Bio2RDF Release 2: Improved Coverage, Interoperability and Provenance 209

Table 3. Partial results from a query to obtain drug-target interactions from the Bio2RDF
DrugBank SPARQL endpoint

Drug Target Interaction IRI Target IRI Target label

drugbank_resource:DB00002_1102 drugbank_target:1102 "Low affinity immunoglobulin
gamma Fc region receptor III-B
drugbank_resource:DB00002_3814 drugbank_target:3814 "Complement C1r subcomponent
drugbank_resource:DB00002_3815 drugbank_target:3815 "Complement C1q subcomponent
subunit A [drug-
drugbank_resource:DB00002_3820 drugbank_target:3820 "Low affinity immunoglobulin
gamma Fc region receptor II-b
drugbank_resource:DB00002_3821 drugbank_target:3821 "Low affinity immunoglobulin
gamma Fc region receptor II-c

Dataset metrics can also facilitate federated queries over multiple Bio2RDF end-
points in a similar manner. For example, the following query retrieves all biochemical
reactions from the Bio2RDF Biomodels endpoint that are kinds of “protein catabolic
process”, as defined by the Gene Ontology in the NCBO Bioportal endpoint:

PREFIX biopax_vocab: <>

SELECT ?go ?label count(distinct ?x)
?go rdfs:label ?label .
?go rdfs:subClassOf ?goparent OPTION (TRANSITIVE) .
?goparent rdfs:label ?parentlabel .
FILTER strstarts(str(?parentlabel), "protein catabolic process")
?x biopax_vocabulary:identical-to ?go .
?x a <
level3.owl#BiochemicalReaction> .

3.3 Bio2RDF Dataset Vocabulary-SIO Mapping

The mappings between Bio2RDF dataset vocabularies and SIO make it possible to
formulate queries that can be applied across all Bio2RDF SPARQL endpoints, and
can be used to integrate data from multiple sources, as opposed to a priori formula-
tion of dataset specific queries against targeted endpoints. For instance, we can ask for
chemicals that effect the ‘Diabetes II mellitus’ pathway and that are available in tablet
form using the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD) and the National Drug
Codes (NDC) Bio2RDF datasets, and the mappings of their vocabularies to SIO:
210 A. Callahan et al.

define input:inference ""

PREFIX sio: <>
PREFIX ctd_vocab: <>
PREFIX ndc_vocab: <>
SELECT ?chemical ?chemicalLabel
#SIO_01126: ‘chemical substance'
?chemical a sio:SIO_011126.
?chemical rdfs:label ?chemicalLabel .
#affects Diabetes mellitus pathway
?chemical ctd_vocab:pathway <> .
#dosage form: tablet, extended release
?chemical ndc_vocab:dosage-form
cc83ce> .

This query is possible because the classes ‘ctd_vocab:Chemical’ and

‘ndc_vocab:human-prescription-drug’ have been mapped as subclasses of the SIO
class ‘chemical substance’9.

4 Discussion

Bio2RDF Release 2 marks several important milestones for the open source Bio2RDF
project. First, the consolidation of scripts into a single GitHub repository will make it
easier for the community to report problems, contribute code fixes, or contribute new
scripts to add more data into the Bio2RDF network of linked data for the life sciences.
Already, we are working with members of the W3C Linking Open Drug Data
(LODD) to add their code to this GitHub repository, identify and select an open
source license, and improve the linking of Bio2RDF data. With new RDF generation
guidelines and example queries that demonstrate use of dataset metrics and prove-
nance, we believe that Bio2RDF has the potential to become a central meeting point
for developing the biomedical semantic web. Indeed, we welcome those that think
Bio2RDF could be useful to their projects to contact us on the mailing list and partici-
pate in improving this community resource.
A major aspect of what makes Bio2RDF successful from a Linked Data perspec-
tive is the use of a central registry of datasets in order to normalize generated IRIs.
Although we previously created a large aggregated namespace directory, the lack of
extensive curation meant that the directory contained significant overlap and omis-
sions. Importantly, no script specifically made use of this registry, and thus adhe-
rence to the namespaces was strictly in the hands of developers at the time of writing
the code. In consolidating the scripts, we found significant divergence in the use of a
preferred namespace for generating Bio2RDF IRIs, either because of the overlap in

Bio2RDF Release 2: Improved Coverage, Interoperability and Provenance 211

directory content, or in the community adopting another preferred prefix. With the
addition of an API to automatically generate the preferred Bio2RDF IRI from any
number of dataset prefixes (community-preferred synonyms can be recorded), all
Bio2RDF IRIs can be validated such that unknown dataset prefixes must be defined in
the registry. Importantly, our registry has been shared with maintainers of identifi- in order for their contents to be incorporated into the MIRIAM registry [17]
which powers that URL resolving service. Once we have merged our resource list-
ings, we expect to make direct use of the MIRIAM registry to list new entries, and to
have list Bio2RDF as a resolver for most of its entries. Moreover, since
the MIRIAM registry describes regular expressions that specify the identifier pattern,
Bio2RDF scripts will be able to check whether an identifier is valid for a given na-
mespace, thereby improving the quality of data produced by Bio2RDF scripts.
The dataset metrics that we now compute for each Bio2RDF dataset have signifi-
cant value for users and providers. First, users can get fast and easy access to basic
dataset metrics (number of triples, etc.) as well as more sophisticated summaries such
as which types are in the dataset and how are they connected to one another. This data
graph summary is the basis for SparQLed, an open source tool to assist in query com-
position through context-sensitive autocomplete functionality. Use of these summa-
ries also reduces the server load for data provider servers, which in turns frees up
resources to more quickly respond to interesting domain-specific queries. Second, we
anticipate that these metrics may be useful in monitoring dataset flux. Bio2RDF now
plans to provide bi-annual release of data, and as such, we will develop infrastructure
to monitor change in order to understand which datasets are evolving, and how are
they changing. Thus, users will be better able to focus in on content changes and pro-
viders will be able to make informed decisions about the hardware and software re-
sources required to provision the data to Bio2RDF users.
Our demonstration of using SIO to map Bio2RDF dataset vocabularies helps facili-
tate the composition of queries for the basic kinds of data or their relationships. Since
SIO contains unified and rich axiomatic descriptions of its classes and properties, in
the future we intend to explore how these can be automatically reasoned about to
improve query answering with newly entailed facts as well as to check the consisten-
cy of Bio2RDF linked data itself.

Acknowledgements. This research was supported by an NSERC CGSD to AC, and

NSERC funding to JCT and MD. We also acknowledge technical support from Marc-
Alexandre Nolin, constructive but anonymous peer-reviewers, and useful discussions
from the Bio2RDF community.

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