Ecology: The Ecosystem and Food Chains: Look at The Picture and Answer These Questions

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Ecology: The ecosystem and food chains

6 Look at the picture and answer these questions.

1 Do you know what a food chain is?
The food chain or also called the trophic chain, shows how matter and energy pass from one living being to another.
It teaches us the nutritional relationships between living beings, or to put it more simply: which animal eats whom.
Every living being feeds on the one that precedes it in the chain, and this in turn will be eaten by another.
2 Do you think that you are part of it?
Yes, because we obtain energy from food, and these foods are of animal and vegetable origin. So we are known as
omnivore animals.

8 Read the text about food chains and check your answers.
Every living organism has a constant relationship with every other element in the environment. An ecosystem is a
situation where there is interaction between organisms and their environment. An ecosystem can vary in size: it can
be a pond, a field, a piece of dead wood or a rainforest.
In an ecosystem, species are connected by food chains. A food chain begins when energy from the sun is captured
by plants and trees (primary producers) through photosynthesis. Then primary consumers (herbivores) eat plants and
later secondary and tertiary consumers (carnivores) eat primary consumers. The energy they create by eating and
digesting is lost as waste heat. When animals and plants die, very small bacteria break down their tissue
(decomposition) and the chemicals that make up those living organisms are released into the soil and act as
fertilizers to help green plants to grow. In this way the food chain starts all over again.

9 Read the text again. Match the two parts of the sentences.
1 A food chains begins a. 4 release chemicals into the soil during decomposition.
2 Carnivores are b. 5 help green plants to grow.
3 Herbivores are c. 3 primary consumers.
4 When the die, living organisms d. 2 secondary and tertiary consumers.
5 The chemicals released into the soil e. 1 when plants and trees capture energy from the sun.

4 Look at the picture of a food chain again and use your own words to explain the process.
The food chain explains the transfer of energy between the environment and living beings, all of these are related to
survive. the first level of the chain is made up of producers and the second level of consumers. Within the consumers
are the primary, that are herbivore animal, secondary are carnivore animal, and tertiary are now as decomposers.

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