ACCA F3 Top Words - Vocabulary-1
ACCA F3 Top Words - Vocabulary-1
ACCA F3 Top Words - Vocabulary-1
A list of something
liabilities owed by a business as at a particular date.
A Share Səhm
Sui-istifadə etmək - Disadvantages of of limited liability are needed to avoid the privilege of limited
liability being abused.
Artım, Böyümə, - A trade (or 'simple') investment. An investment in the shares of another entity, that
is held for the accretion of wealth, and is not an associate or a subsidiary.
Accruals Hesablaşmalar
Allot Bölüşdürmək, - When share capital is issued, shares are allotted to shareholders.
Paylaştırmak, bölüştürmək / When a parent acquires a subsidiary part way through the year, the
profits for the period need to be apportioned between pre- and post-acquisition.
Uyğun/ münasib - Is this film appropriate for young children? Appropriately - İ dressed
Appropriate - Verb Mənimsəmək, Sahiblənmək - Her images have been appropriated by advertisers.
Mənimsəmə, (Hesabatlarda bölüşdürmə- yəni səhm sahibinin gəliri mənimsəməsi) - Profits are
transferred to these reserves by making an appropriation out of profits, usually profits for the year.
Arise Meydana gəlmək, yaranmaq - A liability is a present obligation of the entity arising from past events.
Yaranan, əmələ gələn - Revenue is the gross inflow of economic benefits arising from the ordinary
operating activities of an enterprise
Arrangement Düzənləmə , - N
Assets Aktivlər
1) Fərz etmək,Ehtimal etmək - You're afraid of what people are going to assume about me.
2) Nəzarəti üzərinə götürmək, - He has assumed the role of spokesman for the group.
Assumption Fərziyyə - In preparing financial statements, accountants follow certain fundamental assumptions.
Based on Xitabən, Əsasən, Əsaslanan - Her latest TV serial is based on a true story.
By heart / zərf Əzbərdən- This is an important rule and one which you should learn by heart.
Capable Qadir olmaq, gücə malik olmaq ,Relevant information is capable of making a difference in the decisions.
Balans dəyəri - The carrying amount is recognised as an expense in the period in which the related
Carrying amount
revenue is recognised.
Təsnifat - To maintain consistency, the presentation and classification of items in the financial
statements should stay the same from one period to the next
Colloquially - adv Lori dildə - More colloquially, if one thing increases, some other thing must decrease.
Comprise to form part of something, especially a larger group , - Women comprise 15% of the police force.
Təsdiqləyici - Financial information is capable of making a difference in decisions if it has predictive value,
confirmatory value or both.
Consequence Nəticə, Conclusion - If you make him angry, you'll have to suffer the consequences
Nəzər, düşüncə / One of the main factors to be taken into consideration is the physical wear and
tear the asset is likely to endure.
Conventions Konvensiyalar
Convergence Kəsişmək, bir nöqtədə birləşmək, bir nəqtədə toplaşmaq - The protesters converged on the town square.
Criticism Tənqid
Debenture İstiqraz - Cash payments to acquire shares or debentures of other enterprises is investing activity.
Deduct Çıxmaq, azaltmaq - Tax has been deducted from the payments. Vergi ödənişlərdən azad edilmişdir.
To arrange for something to happen at a later time, delay, suspend, leave over, delay, / Development
Defer expenditure must be recognised as an intangible asset sometimes called 'deferred development expenditure'
, / The payments can be deferred for three months.
Depiction Təsviretmə, təsvir - A neutral depiction is without bias in the presentation of financial information.
Korlanmaq, pisləşmək, xarablaşmaq, xarablaşdırmaq, pisləşdirmək - The IAS 10 states that, where operating
Deteriorate results and the financial position have deteriorated after the reporting date, it may be necessary to reconsider
whether the going concern assumption is appropriate in the preparation of the financial statements.
Deterioration Pisləşmə,
müəyyən etmə / "Determination after the year end of the sale or purchase price of assets sold or purchased
before the year end" is adjusting event.
Determine Müyyyən etmək, qərar vermək - Her exam results will determine which university she goes to.
Disposal Satmaq, ortadan yox etmək - The act of getting rid of something, especially by throwing it away.
Domestic Daxili, əhilləşmiş - Standards are used by regulatory authorities for domestic and foreign companies
Earning Qazanc
Economic phenomena İqtisadi hadisələr - Financial reports represent economic phenomena in words and numbers.
Eforcement Uyqulama , İcra etmə- The court has no enforcement powers. - Məhkəmənin icra etmək gücü yoxdur.
Emerge Ortaya çıxmaq, gün işığına çıxmaq, bəlli olmaq - It emerged that she had lied to her employers.
Employee İşçi
Employer İşəgötürən
Səlahiyyət vermək, - Authorised (or legal) capital is the maximum amount of share capital that a company is
empowered to issue.
Enforce İcra etmək, qüvvəyə qoymaq, qüvvəyə minmək - It isn't always easy for the police to enforce speed limits.
Enforceable Qüvvəyə minilə bilən, qüvvəyə qoyula bilən, İcra ediə bilən
Enterprise Müəssisə -
Entity Müəssisə -
İnto equal amounts, or in a regular way, Equally , bərabər formada -/- we usually assume that the subsidiary's
Evenly profits accrue evenly over the year.Then we can take the profit for the year and calculate the pre- and post-
acquisition profits based on the number of months the parent has owned the subsidiary.
Azad edilmiş, siyahıdan çıxarılmış, Lauren Co's sales for the month of $140,000 included $20,000 of sales
Exempt - adj
exempt from sales tax.
Existence Mövcudluq, when something or someone exists - She never doubted the existence of God.
Expenditure Xərc
Exposure Üz-üzə qalmaq, məruz qalmaq, üzə çıxmaq, ifşa olmaq There is a risk of exposure to radiation.
Favourable Əlverişli
Financial reporting Maliyyə hesabatı
Finding Tapıntı, aşkar edilən şey - The findings of an audit are reported to the shareholders of the company.
Yaxın gələcək - The main significance of the going concern concept is that the assets should not be values at
Foreseeable future
their 'break-up' value for the foreseeable future at least the next 12 months.
Framework Çərçivə
Freehold tam mülkiyyət hüququ sahibi olmaq - freehold property - tam mülkiyyət / opp of leasehold
1) bir şeyi yerinə yetirmək - He has failed to fulfil his duties as a father. 2) yüksək kriteriyalara sahib
olmaq. - You have to fulfil certain requirements to qualify for the competition.
Govern Tənzimləmək, idarə etmək, yönətmək - Partnerships are governed by a partnership agreement.
Yəni, - Those charged with governance of that company, ie the directors, are responsible for the preparation
of the financial statements.
Yalnız və yalnız - Development expenditure must be recognised as an intangible asset if, and only if, the
İf, and only if,
business can demonstrate that all of the criteria in IAS 38 have been met.
İmmaterial Əhəmiyyətsiz , In most cases the residual value of an asset is likely to be immaterial.
N- Təsir V- Təsir etmək, təsiri keçmək - The existence of a NCI has an impact on the calculation of group
retained earnings.
İmpairment Dəyərsizləşmə
In consequence Nəticədə
Əslində, In essence, this principle means that the law should encourage long-termism and regard for all
In essence, stakeholders by directors and that stakeholder interests should be pursued in an enlightened and inclusive
İn respect of əlaqədar olaraq, barəsində - Cash payments were made in respect of the following expenses.
İn turn Növbə-növbə , sıra ilə - We will look at each in turn. Hər birini ayrı-ayrılıqda nəzərdən keçirəcəyik.
İnadvertently Qəsdsiz, təsadüfən - accidentally - Sales of $460 have inadvertently been posted to the purchase returns.
İncorporation Birləştirmə -
Məruz qalmaq, baş vermək - PL statement is a record of income generated and expenditure incurred over a
given period.
İndirect Dolayı - Sales tax is an indirect tax levied on the sale of goods and services.
Təsir etmək, təsir göstərmək -- Information is material if omitting it or misstating it could influence decisions
that users make on the basis of financial information about a specific reporting entity.
Yeritmək, daxil etmək - The proprietor injected new capital of $8,000 during the year and took drawings
of $2,200.
Insolvency İflas, müflislik - Insolvency of a customer with a balance owing at the year end.
İnsolvent Müflis, iflas etmiş - (especially of a company) not having enough money to pay debts, buy goods, etc.
İnstructions Təlimat
Interpretation Şərhetmə, aydınlaştırma, təfsir etmə - The IFRS Interpretations Committee was set up in March 2002
İnventory İnventar
Movzu, məsələ / Chris has raised a very important issue. baskı, sayı, nüsha Have you seen the latest issue
of Computer World?
Just as Eynilə - Just as a business might buy goods on credit, so too might it sell goods to customers on credit.
Labour Əmək - isim,sifət / Fel - fəhləlik etmək, əmək göstərmək / labour cost - Əmək haqqı xərcləri
Liabilities Öhdəliklər
Loan Kredit
longer-term objectives Uzun müddətli məqsədlər, The strategy for delivering the company's longer-term objectives.
Daha çox,demək olar ki , / əsasən - Financial accounting is mainly a method of reporting the financial
performance. The waitresses are mainly French.
Majority Çoxluq
Manner Tərz, qayda,şəkil - They dealt with the problem in a very efficient manner.
Miniority Azlıq
Müzakirə, danışıq / "Amounts received or paid in respect of legal or insurance claims which were in
negotiation at the year end" is adjusting event.
Çünki ən azından - Preference shares are in practice very similar to loan capital, not least because the
Not least because
preference dividend is normally fixed.
Note that Unutmayın, Note that the auditors are not responsible for preparing the financial statements.
Objective Məqsəd - The main objectives of the IFRS Foundation are these:
Gözləmək, qorumaq, müşahidə etmək - The basic rule, which must always be observed, is that every financial
transaction gives rise to two accounting entries, one a debit and the other a credit.
Omit Yaddan çıxarmaq, üstündən keçmək, nəzərdən qaçırmaq - i omitted writing my name in my application.
Əksinə - if Current market interest rates, say, for medium-term borrowing from banks, is around 10%, then
On the contrary
the company's actual ROCE of 36% in 20X8 would not seem low. On the contrary, it might seem high.
Outlay Məxaric
Bank tərəfindən bankdakı hesaba yatırılmalı olan lakin hələ yatırılmamış ödəniş, Cheques paid in not yet
Outstanding lodgement
credited by the bank amounted to $208.20, called outstanding lodgements.
Overhead Qaimə
Xüsusilə də - The ACCA examining team commented that questions on the Conceptual Framework have been
Particularly well
particularly well answered in recent exams.
Preferential Güzəştli,imtiyazlı - Preference shares are shares which confer certain preferential rights on their holder.
Prompt Cəld, çevik - Like everyone else, investors are not always prompt or reliable payers.
Rather than instead of, nəyinki, - He saw his music as a hobby rather than a career.
Receipts mədaxil
geri almaq, pulu verib qaytarmaq, fidye verib qurtarmaq - He was two hours late, but he redeemed himself by
bringing presents.
Geri alına bilən, geri qaytarıla bilən - Redeemable preference shares mean that the company will redeem
(repay) the nominal value of those shares at a later date.
Əks etdirmək - Group retained earnings should only reflect the group's share of the post-acquisition retained
earnings of the subsidiary.
Regardless of Asılı olmayaraq - Interest is calculated on the par or legal value of loan capital, regardless of its market value.
Relevance Aktuallıq
Relevance uyqunluq
Remittence Noun - an amount of money that you send to someone: / the act of sending payment to someone:
Residual Qalıq, artıq qalan - Equity is the residual interest in the assets of the entity after deducting all its liabilities.
Rest V- İstirahət etmək N- 1) İstirahət 2) Geri qalan, digəri. Loan is liability the rest are all assets.
Restate Yenidən düzəltmək, yenidən ifadə etmək- He restated his belief that the sanctions need time to work.
Restatement Yenidən şəkilləndirmə, yenidən təqdim etmə - We say that it requires investigation and restatement.
Ciddi - serious, strict -
Ləğv etmək - The use of selling prices in inventory valuation is ruled out because this would create a profit for
Rule out
the business before the inventory has been sold.
1) Tədbiq sahəsi - The following items are excluded from the scope of the standard. 2) Şans , imkan -
There is plenty of scope for improvement.
Set Cəm, məcmu - The Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting is a set of Principles.
Settle Həll etmək / If you settle an argument, you solve the problem and stop arguing.
Settle to pay,If you settle a bill or a debt, you pay the money that you owe. / borcu/faturayı ödemek
Shareholder səhmdar
Specification Xarekteristika
Qanunla müəyyən olunmuş, yasal - Statutory reserves are capital reserves (share premium, revaluation) and
non-statutory reserves are revenue reserves.
Straightaway Anında, dərhal - A customer who buys goods without paying cash for them straightaway is a receivable.
Straightforward easy to do or understand / Honest - The task looked fairly straightforward./ She's very straightforward.
Subjectivity Subyektivlik
Substantial əhəmiyyətli - Property, plant and equipment can amount to substantial amounts in financial statements.
Sufficient Yetərli, əhatəli - To be sufficient, the records would normally have the following qualities.
Sundry İnventory ilə təmin etməyən təchizatçı, məsələn avadanlıqla təmin edən - Sundry accounts payable
Supplier Təchizatçı
Surplus Artıq olan, əlavə olan - revaluation surplus - Yenidən qiymətləndirmə gəliri/əlavəsi
Əhatə etmək, çevrələmək. There are several laws surrounding the duties of directors in managing the affairs of
a company.
Take account Nəzərə almaq - Take account of the financial reporting needs of emerging economies and SMEs.
Through Vasitəsilə
Beləliklə - Power Co is able to appoint 4 out of the 5 directors of Socket Co, thus exercising control over their
activities. - (Beləliklə onların fəaliyyətinə nəzarəti həyata keçirir.)
Till kassa / Payments were also made in cash out of the till.
Timeliness Yeniliklik
to add more of something, especially money, to an existing amount tocreate the total you need: / Can I top up
Top something up my mobile phone here? / Most businesses keep petty cash on the premises, which is topped up from the main
bank account.
Trade-off Situasiya-bir i qalxırsa o biri enməlidir.A trade-off between qualitative characteristics is often necessary.
Transaction Əməliyyat
Treatment 1) davranış 2) müalicə - This treatment may surprise you at first.
small and not important, dəyərsiz, lazımsız / An error which is too trivial to affect anyone's
understanding of the accounts is referred to as immaterial.
Ultimate Ən son - Their ultimate aim was to force his resignation.
Axır-əvvəl, gec-tez - The directors of a company are ultimately responsible for the preparation of
Ultimately -zərf financial statements, even if the majority of the work on them is performed by the finance
Under no circumstances Nə olursa olsun, heç bir halda - Under no circumstances should you approach the man.
Aşağı hesablamaq, aşağı qiymətləndirmək , / If closing inventory is overstated, cost of sales will be
understated, and gross profit will be overstated.
Az hesablamaq. ‘Casting' is an accountant's term for adding up. The cash book had been undercast
by $90.00 on the debit side.
Underlying Təməl
Underlying assumption Təməl nəzəriyyələr/ideyalar
Understandability Anlaşılan
Understandability. Başa düşüləbilənlik
Understandable Başa düşülən, anlaşılan
Undertaking Öhdəlik - Investments are always risky undertakings.
Unfavourable Əlverişsiz
Əgər deyilsə, olmadığı müddət / Unless a partnership is a limited liability partnership, the partners’
individual exposure to debt is not limited.
Müştəriyə ödənilmiş lakin hələ müştəri tərəfindən bankdakı hesabdan çıxarılmamış ödəniş, Cheques
Unpresented cheques
drawn not yet presented to the bank amounted to $425.35 called unpresented cheques.
Whether or not Olub-olmaması , istəyib-istəməsi - Whether or not you like it, I’m going out tonight.
Whether or not və ya -
WIP Work in progress - Başa çatdırılmamış işlər
With a view to / of Məqsədilə - These measures have been taken with a view to increasing the company's profits.
Would rather Üstün tutmaq - I'd much rather go out for a meal than stay in and watch TV.
Silmək, azaltmaq - The amount of any write down of inventories to NRV and all losses of inventories
Write down
are recognised as an expense in the period the write down or loss occurs.