Calgary Firefighters Association Omni - July 8, 2021

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Calgary Firefighters

Association Calgary Omni


Prepared by Leger
July 8th, 2021
Web survey using computer-assisted Web interviewing (CAWI) technology

From July 1st to 7th, 2021

500 Calgarians 18 years of age or older, randomly recruited from LEO’s online panel

No margin of error can be associated with a non-probability sample (Web panel in this
case). However, for comparative purposes, a probability sample of 500 respondents
would have a margin of error of ±4%, 19 times out of 20.

Among all voters, Jeromy Farkas is leading (19%) Jyoti Gondek (14%), however, 55%
of Calgarians are unsure who they would vote for in the Calgary municipal election

Jeromy Farkas 19%

Jyoti Gondek 14%

Demographic analyses revealed that:

Jeff Davison 7% • 29% of respondents 55+ and 28% or respondents 55-64 would vote for
Jeromy Farkas.
• 64% of respondents 18-34, 62% of women, and 61% of suburban
Brad Field 3% respondents are currently undecided as to who they would vote for if
the election were held today.
Jan Damery 1%

Other 1%

Undecided 55%

0001 If a Calgary municipal election were held today, which candidate would you be most likely to vote for: 5
Base: All (n=500)
Among undecided voters, nearly ¾ are undecided as to who they will vote for in the Calgary
municipal election, with no clear candidate emerging as a favourite among leaning voters.

Jeromy Farkas 7%

Jyoti Gondek 7%

Brad Field 5%

Jan Damery 2%

Jeff Davison 4%

Other 3%

Still undecided 72%

0002 Even if you have not yet made up your mind, for which of the following candidates would you be most likely to vote? 6
Base: Those who are currently undecided as to who they will vote for (n=271)
Among Calgary Mayoral Candidates, Calgarians hold favourable impressions of Jeromy Farkas
(31%) and Jyoti Gondek (25%). However, 55% of Calgarians noted that they do not know
enough about Gondek to form an impression, while 66% do not know enough about Davison to
form an impression.

Jeromy Farkas 31% 25% 44% Jeromy Farkas

• 43% of respondents 55+ hold a favourable view of
Farkas, while 58% of 18-34 year olds do not know
enough about him to make a decision.
Jason Kenney 26% 58% 15%
Jyoti Gondek
• 25% of males hold an unfavourable view of Gondek,
Jyoti Gondek 25% 20% 55% while 31% of respondents with a University
education view her in a positive light

Jeff Davison
Jeff Davison 17% 17% 66% • Among the candidates listed, two-thirds of
respondents do not know enough about Davison to
form an opinion at the moment.
1 = favourable impression 2 = unfavourable impression 3 = don’t know enough to form an impression

0003 Below are names of several individuals who have been mentioned in the news recently. For each one, please indicate whether you have a favourable or unfavourable impression of that
person. If you do not recognize the name or know enough about the person, just indicate that. 7
Base: All (n=500)
Over ¾ of Calgarians are satisfied with fire and emergency response (76%). Following this,
residents are most satisfied with waste and recycling (58%) and police services (57%).
Top 2 Satisfaction
Fire & Emergency Response 4% 2%4% 14% 48% 28% 76%

Waste & recycling 3% 8% 13% 18% 42% 16% 58%

Police Services 3% 7% 9% 24% 41% 16% 57%

Results revealed that 87% of
Public Transit 8% 6% 8% 29% 38% 10% 48% residents 55% are satisfied with
fire and emergency response,
Arts & culture 8% 8% 14% 33% 30% 8% 38% while 55+ residents were also
significantly more satisfied with
Bylaw enforcement 9% 7% 16% 32% 29% 6% 35% police services (77%).

City Planning & Policy 10% 12% 18% 29% 27% 4% 31% No other demographic
differences emerged.
Citizen Engagement & Insights 18% 8% 13% 31% 25% 6% 31%

Business Licensing 33% 4% 6% 32% 19% 6% 25%

Land Development & Sales 22% 8% 15% 31% 19% 5% 24%

Don't know 1 = very dissatisfied 2 = dissatisfied 3 = neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 4 = satisfied 5 = very satisfied

0004 How would you rate your satisfaction with these key City of Calgary departments? 9
Base: All (n=500)
76% of Calgarians believe that it is important to ensure international standards for staffing,
equipment, and adequate resourcing for the Calgary Fire Department.

1 = not at all important 2 = slightly important 3 = somewhat important 4 = important 5 = very important

% 1% 6% 17% 31% 45%

Results revealed that 55+ (84%) year olds, 35-54 (78%) year olds, and women (82%) were more likely to agree that it is important to ensure
international standards for staffing, equipment, and adequate resourcing for the Calgary Fire Department.

0005 When considering the safety of Calgarians, their families and fire fighters, on a scale of one to five, with one being not at all important and five being very important, how important is ensuring
international standards for staffing, equipment, and adequate resourcing for the Calgary Fire Department? 10
Base: All (n=500)
Over two-thirds of respondents (69%) would be less likely to vote for a Mayoral Candidate who
proposed to reduce the number of fire halls, fire fighters or fire trucks, while 18% noted that
this would not have an impact on their voting decision.

Less likely 69%

More likely 13%

This would not impact my decision 18%

0006 If a candidate for mayor were to propose reducing the number of fire halls, fire fighters or fire trucks, would you be more likely or less likely to vote for that candidate? 11
Base: All (n=500)
Respondent Profile
n= 500 n= 500
Gender Occupation
Male 47% Working full time 37%
Female 53% Working part time 11%
Self-employed 6%
Between 18 and 34 26%
Between 35 and 54 31% Student 4%
55+ 43%
Children in Household Homemaker 4%
Yes 30% Unemployed 10%
No 70% Retired 26%
Prefer not to answer - Prefer not to answer 1%

$19,999 or less 4%
Between $20,000 and $39,999 10% High school, general or vocational (8 to 12 years) 18%
Between $40,000 and $59,999 12% College (pre-university, technical training, certificate, accreditation
Between $60,000 and $79,999 15% or advanced diploma (13-15 years))
Between $80,000 and $99,999 14% University certificates and diplomas 9%
$100,000 or more 35%
University Bachelor (including classical studies) 36%
I prefer not to answer 10%
University Master's 11%
University Doctorate (PhD) 3%
Prefer not to answer 1%


Leger is a member of the Canadian Research Insights Council (CRIC), the

industry association for the market/survey/insights research industry.

Leger is a member of ESOMAR (European Society for Opinion and Market

Research), the global association of opinion polls and marketing research
professionals. As such, Leger is committed to applying the international
ICC/ESOMAR code of Market, Opinion and Social Research and Data

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