Gender and Economy
Gender and Economy
Gender and Economy
Gender, refer to the socially- constructed role and relationships between men and
woman, basically gender concerns men and women, including conceptions of both femininity
and masculinity. The different between gender and sex is the latter only to biological difference.
Economy, is the large set of inter- related production and consumption activities that aid
in determining how scare resources are allocated. In an economy the production and
consumption of good and services are used to fulfill the needs of those living and operating
within it,
Gender and economy, this topic we examine on the direct and indirect relationship
between gender and economy, basically the connection between them. In the past decades there
was rapidly advancement on the gender and economy. Innovation research has been made on
topic related to economic sociology, as within there was presentation of gender and economy,
this is due to the fact that when speak of economy one speaks on the society and the society is
formed by male and female which is gender itself.
Since the 20th century up to present date research has been done on economic sociology
but ending up failed to take advantage of this surge in research on gender and economy.
Economic sociology has failed to make much of a contribution of its own and as well as gender
and economy as the most promising area for the few decades in economic sociology. The reasons
for this situation are;
The fact that most economic sociologists are male, and thus created a roo.m for
whatever research is done must base on the male benefits and undermine the female in all aspect
of life. Viviana Zelize argue that, along these lines and adds that most male economic
sociologists have a fairly conventional view of the economy, similar to the one that can be found
in mainstream economics (Zelize 2002). In this fact economics sociology, on the whole, has not
made contribution to the study of gender and economy. Also the existence of rich man in the
society are male that make possible for the research being successful. For example, Mohammed
Dewij(Moe) and Bakhresa, this makes women neglected from economic opportunities.
No any economic sociologist has interested in trying to examine what could be suitable
and relevant to the economic sociology concerning gender and economy as it’s a party of it,
this also is the reason to why economic sociology failed, in spate of gender and economy has
been carried out in a number of different social science discipline and occurring throughout a
large number of journals and articles.
A house hold, refers to a family or group people living together. It’s a social
unity under one roof, all the people the in your house, including servants.
Family interest, families themselves are seen as having interests that are neither
identical to the sum nor simple function of the interests of individual family members. The
family has goals values and aspirations that are essentially corporate rather than individual. The
household concept is indispensable(must) to be economic sociology for a number of reasons;
Household concept under gender and economy is, helpful in changing the tendency to
equate in the concept of economy and point it to the much wide and useful concept of economy.
The concept also suggest, should not only include the market but also the informal
economy, which is much importance to issues of economy and gender. House hold provides the
advantage on discussion of gender and the economy as the species (and the labor force) is being
reproduced in the household. Using this concept allows one to link up economic sociology to
demography in a natural way. Since any change in demographic lead to deeply influence the
The fact that every economy is firmly anchored () in the human body and its chances to
survive in material environment (), preparing food, feeding the children, cleaning the house all of
these are crucial parts of the household activities and the economy. According to weber,
household can be described in terms of authority and loyalty, where by authority gives power
male over female which creates another form level of intensity like patriarchy, where by female
as the responsibility as a parent over the children and to the old over the young and loyalty is
very strong among all the member of a household who also display solidarity and the like
The primary reason for household is to enable human beings to survive and its
described by weber as a unit of economic maintenance. In the early history, household
communism characterized in consumption and production. This made possible for household as
contribute in economy, as production activities involves both male and female as well as children
who were assisted by their mother in production process. Thus one cannot speak of gender and
the economy without this concept of household and this prove that economy starts from the
family level and move ahead.
Household gender and economy will later come to the concept that works for the interest of the
family, that mean the household ,gender and the economy are for the family interest, this means that
all concepts that concern gender, economy are for the family interest.One of this is that it helps to break
with the common tendency to equate the concept of economy with that of the market. Iwould suggest
should not only include the market and the household.
The existance of a general family interests to which both male and female interests are subordinate
and which represented by the male, has been much criticized in the literature on gender.
The interest of all women are safe with the hands of their father, husbands and the brother who have
the same interests with them. And the generally speaking, have not employees and employed a
common interest against all outsiders, just a husband and wife has against all outside the family.
The literature on a large number of topics that fall under the economic and gender it to repeat,
scattered through the social scenes.
Would it be usefull to introduce the concept of interest in to the analysis of gender and the
economy? it has been argued by several Doltir(1988).There exists so much ideology about what is male,
female, that may be fruitfull to start with the issue of interests(Family interests)
But even if it is obvious that it would be much too restrictive to only the notion of economic interests
in analyses of Gender and economy, does not the opposite danger also exists -that is to introduce.
Emotional economy, refers as an ecosystem of emotionally intelligent devices and software iterations
that will completely change the way we interact with machines. Emotional economy sometimes it is
called stressed economy which means individual planned or to get something but unfortunately he or
she fail to receive what expected hence cause stress to individual. There four kinds of basic emotions,
Happiness, sadness and anger which are differentially associated with three core affects rewards
(Happiness) Punishment (sadness) and stress (fear and anger).
If it has anything to do with feeling like happiness or anger then consider it emotional, if someone says
"stop being so emotional they are telling you to calm down because your feelings are out of control,
when your are emotional, your feelings lots of emotions Happy, sad, afraid, lonely, and mad. Example
sadness, an emotional state characterized by fellings of disappointment, grief or hopelessness.
Happiness, a pleasant emotional state that elicits feelings of joy, contentment and satisfaction.
Emotional economy where all respond to and predicts the individual feelings. Example when individual
use Facebook ao Google when individual search the information, the google search details order
predicts what individual needs so it arranges the information according to what is searchable.
According to Max Weber analysing economic phenomena which he termed economic Sociology "in his
book of the protestant Ethic and the spirit of capitalism ,Weber laid a solid theoretical foundation for
economic Sociology and developed a series of new and highly evocative concerpts. He not only
investgated economic phenomena but also linked them clearly with political, legal and religious
phenomena, he also notes differences between traditional lutherans and calvinist, Methodist, Baptist,
Quakers and Moravians."while most of people are familiar with the protestant, Ethic and spirit of
capitalism, few know that during the last decad of his life Max Weber (1864 1920).He also tried to
develop a new way of analysing economic phenomena which he termed economic Sociology.
17th to 18th counties began to believe interest in the form of trade and commerce, could be used to
calm the passion of the feudal lord's and princes, and there by replace a wortorm society with a
peaceful and prosperous one.
The bond traders ideal, is the trader who is disciplined, cool headed and focused "believes market will
go up forever "the approach of emotions of the economy also shows the fear in the market. Example the
forex trade market it is shows the feeling to the market it seems to be ether draw down or up.
Emotional labor, is the process of managing feelings and expressions to fulfill the emotional
requirements of job, more specifically workers are expected to regulate their emotions during
interactions with customers, co workers and superiors. Emotional labor that is an important part of their
job consists of inducing a special emotion in the customer, a sence of satisfaction in the airplane
passenger and a sense of fear or shame in the debtor. In job working women typically specialize in the
flight attendant type of work(that is in pleasing and assisting other), while men specialize in the bill
collecting type (that is dominating and ordering others around). The low status of women in general also
makes it much easier to take out one's anger on them, they lack of "the status of sheld" of men.
Status shield, means it managed heart to describe how status serves to protect individuals from the
displaced feelings of other, shield mean to protect or to defence
"According to Horchschilds analysis that she does not see emotions as something that disturbs economic
life, but as something that is an integral and organic part of it". According to the discrimination of
women that takes place in labor market largely unconscious, and new way to fight it have to be devised.
General, it appears that the discrimination of women is directly related to devaluation of women in
society which is universal in nature, in managed heart, as opposed to the conventional view that
emotions always lead to a disturbance of the economy people, example people make bad economic
decisions when they get emotional.
The gender and economy it has been showed how women are usually discriminated in different
sphere in the society it includes the gender role, most of the women's are only taken as a
household keeper that cannot do other economic activities or to own the source of economic
productive such as land and capital. Women's are only taken as a household means suppose to
bear child, learning and other house activities. The interest of all women are safe with the
hands of their fathers, husbands and the brother who have the same interest with them.