June 2017 QP - Component 1 OCR Geography AS-Level

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Oxford Cambridge and RSA

AS Level Geography
H081/01 Landscape and place

Tuesday 16 May 2017 – Afternoon

Time allowed: 1 hour 45 minutes
* 6 9 6 2 2 2 0 8 8 1 *

You must have:

• the OS map (inserted)
• the Resource Booklet (inserted)
• the OCR 12-page Answer Booklet
(OCR12 sent with general stationery)
You may use:
• a ruler (cm/mm)
• a scientific or graphical calculator

• The OS map extract and Resource Booklet will be found inside this document.
• Use black ink. You may use an HB pencil for graphs and diagrams.
• Section A: Choose one option and answer all parts of the question in the option.
• Section B: Answer all questions.
• Section C: Answer all questions.
• Write your answer to each question in the Answer Booklet.
• Do not write in the barcodes.

• The total mark for this paper is 82.
• The marks for each question are shown in brackets [ ].
• Quality of extended responses will be assessed in questions marked with an
asterisk (*).
• This document consists of 4 pages.

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Section A – Landscape Systems

Choose one option and answer all parts of the question in the option.

Option A – Coastal Landscapes

1 (a) Fig. 1 shows mean wind speed and wind direction recorded in Newquay, Cornwall, UK.

(i) Using evidence from Fig. 1, describe the annual pattern of wind speed and wind direction.
(ii) Suggest how one geomorphic process is influenced by wind speed and wind direction.

(b) Explain the formation of geos. [8]

(c)* “Climate change is the most important factor in the modification of landforms within coastal
landscape systems”. To what extent do you agree with this statement? [14]


Option B – Glaciated Landscapes

2 (a) Fig. 2 shows mean minimum temperature and snowfall recorded on the West Glacier,
Montana, USA.

(i) Using evidence from Fig. 2, describe the annual pattern of temperature and snowfall. [3]
(ii) Suggest how one geomorphic process is influenced by temperature and snowfall. [4]

(b) Explain the formation of roches moutonnées. [8]

(c)* “Climate change is the most important factor in the modification of landforms within glaciated
landscape systems”. To what extent do you agree with this statement? [14]


Option C – Dryland Landscapes

3 (a) Fig. 3 shows mean maximum temperature and precipitation recorded in the Mojave Desert,
California, USA.

(i) Using evidence from Fig. 3, describe the annual pattern of temperature and precipitation.
(ii) Suggest how one geomorphic process is influenced by temperature and precipitation.

(b) Explain the formation of wadis. [8]

(c)* “Climate change is the most important factor in the modification of landforms within dryland
landscape systems”. To what extent do you agree with this statement? [14]

© OCR 2017 H081/01 Jun17


Section B – Changing Spaces; Making Places

Answer all questions.

4 (a) Explain how two demographic characteristics might contribute to the identity of a place at
local scale. [4]

(b) Study Fig. 4a, the OS map extract of central and southeast Ashford. Ashford is an historic
market town in Kent which has experienced rapid urban growth and economic change in the
last 20 years.

(i) Using evidence from Fig. 4a, identify and locate one land use that shows evidence of
recent urban growth. [1]
(ii) With reference to Fig. 4a suggest how two players have influenced recent economic
change in Ashford. [4]

(c) Using evidence from Fig. 4b and Fig. 4c, explain two differences in the informal
representations of Dunwich. [6]

(d)* To what extent are patterns of social inequality the result of economic factors? [14]

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Section C – Fieldwork

Answer all questions.

5 (a) Study Fig. 5, an area in which it is proposed to carry out an AS level geographical investigation.

(i) State a geographical hypothesis that could be tested in the area shown. Justify using
evidence from Fig. 5. [4]
(ii) Outline two resources which could be used to collect data in the investigation in (a)(i).
(iii) Explain one way in which geographical data collected during the investigation could be
presented and analysed with the use of a Geographic Information System (GIS). [6]

(b) With reference to a fieldwork investigation you have carried out, evaluate how effective your
chosen methodologies were in collecting appropriate data. [12]


Oxford Cambridge and RSA

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© OCR 2017 H081/01 Jun17

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